Lone Came The Devil

By Samieaf

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AU starting at Caroline's Birthday. Klaus saves Caroline to get his plans in motion. She was supposed to be n... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Seven

695 28 3
By Samieaf

Caroline felt Klaus' lips ghost over hers and felt like drowning in his scent that now surrounded her.

For some reason she felt safe and warm, ignoring her heart that was currently beating like crazy.

The seconds felt like hours to her, waiting for his lips to finally crash against hers.

Caroline was about to complain and ask him what he was waiting for when his lips finally touched her own.

It was nothing like Caroline had anticipated. It wasn't rough or hard. Only a feather-light touch before Klaus moved his head back and she opened her eyes again.

His blue eyes were looking at her with something akin to wonder. Caroline
gulped nervously and licked her lips.

All she could think about was touching his lips again. So she leaned forward again. Much to Klaus' surprise.

"Klaus!" the moment was broken by a hybrid that came running into the room, panic written all over his features.

Klaus growled dangerously and turned around to glare at the intruder, wanting nothing more than to rip his head of his shoulders.

His anger rose even more when he felt Caroline rushing out of the room, away from him.

"Brady, this better be of utmost importance, or I swear I will end you in the most horrifying way you can imagine." Klaus said in a threatening voice.

Brady struggled to speak, his body shaking violently.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's the new pack. They have killed two of our own." Klaus took a deep breath before flashing out of the room.

He had known that the new pack was hardly any hybrid material. They were lacking intelligence, obedience and loyalty. And now they had sealed their own fate. Attacking his hybrids was equal to an attack on his person. And Klaus would not have that.

Caroline was in her room within seconds, breathing heavily and shaking.

What was she thinking? She had let Klaus kiss her!

Granted, it was as innocent as kisses could possibly be. But still, she had let it happen. Had wanted more of those velvety lips of the devil. And if the hybrid hadn't come in and effectively broken her out of her Klaus induced haze, she knew things would have been worse than they are now.

"What's gotten into you?" Caroline looked up and saw Henrik sitting cross legged on her bed. She marched over and pointed her finger at him.

"You!" she almost yelled and earned a shocked expression from the little boy.

"You scared the hell out of me before! Don't you ever do that again!" Caroline was angry now.

Angry at Henrik.

Angry at Klaus.

But most of all, she was angry at herself.

Henrik just happened to be the only one she could take her anger out on right now. The lights in her room started to flicker and she grew even angrier.

"Stop doing that!" she demanded.

"I didn't do anything!" Henrik defended himself, the confused look on his face enough to convince her of his innocence. Caroline sighed and lay down next to him.

"So, will you tell me what's wrong now?" Henrik asked as he laid down as well. It was strange how comfortable they were with each other. But Caroline didn't mind. She liked having someone to talk to besides Klaus.

"It's all just so messed up!" Caroline groaned.

She was staring at the ceiling, thinking about the way Klaus had looked at her after their tender kiss.

"What's messed up? Did Nik do something?" Henrik was overly curious.

Caroline had looked flushed when she entered and Henrik had every intention of finding out what had happened between her and his favourite brother.

"Yes! I mean it's not that easy. We were talking and the conversation got kinda deep and then he was so close. God, I don't know what I was thinking! No, I knew what I was thinking. But my thoughts were as treacherous as my body! And that's just wrong on so many levels!" Caroline rambled, not even taking time to breathe.

"So, what happened then? He was close?" Henrik smirked.

And Caroline cursed inwardly. No one could deny that Henrik was Klaus' brother. Not when they were wearing identical smirks.

"He kissed me." Her confession was barely audible. Henrik sat up, he was almost sure he had heard her wrong.

"We kissed. And it was totally harmless and sweet. But also so wrong! I'm not supposed to kiss the enemy! Mostly, I'm not supposed to want him to kiss me. God, I'm seriously screwed!" Caroline exclaimed dramatically.

"I take it you liked it then?" Henrik grinned at her. Caroline said upright and glared at him.

"Shut up!" She then unconsciously reached out to punch his shoulder.

Both their eyes grew wide as they realised that they were able to touch.

"That's impossible!" Caroline told him.

"It should be." Henrik agreed.

"But so is seeing me. Or talking to me. Basically everything about our conversation. But here we are."

Caroline was thinking hard now. "I wish I could talk to Bonnie." She stated sadly.

Even thinking about her friend made her want to cry. She wasn't lying when she told Klaus that no one would come for her. And it hurt.

Henrik wanted to ask her about Bonnie but decided not to. Caroline seemed sad and tired.

"You know what? You should rest now. I'll go and try to get the spirits to talk to me. Maybe they have an idea what's going on."

On the other side of Mystic Falls, the Sheriff had reached her destination.

"Damon? Stefan?" Liz called out as she set foot into the Salvatore boarding house. She had been trying to reach Caroline and Damon for a day now. Without any success.

"Sheriff." Stefan was sitting in the living room, accompanied by Elena, Bonnie and Matt. Unfortunately, Caroline was nowhere in sight.

"Have you seen Caroline? I can't reach her." Liz asked, her voice full of worry.

The gang looked down and Liz swallowed hard. Judging by their faces, she wouldn't like what they had to say.

"It was my fault. I'm so sorry." Bonnie confessed. Liz was confused.

"We were trying to kill Klaus. Bind him to a killable force. Something went wrong and now Caroline is bonded to him. He took her as soon as he found out." Stefan explained.

"Why aren't you doing something? We have to help her!" Liz exclaimed furiously. "And where the hell is Damon?"

She was greeted with another round of silence and long faces.

"We want to help her. We really do. But the spell was more complex than we thought." Elena told Liz. "And as long as she is with Klaus, she will be save. After all, if she is hurt physically, so is he." Liz nodded, trying to process what they were telling her.

"What about her mind then? Has any of you thought about that? He could break her mentally!"

"He won't" Stefan told her confidently.

"Are we talking about the same man Stefan? Everything I have heard about him is crazy!"

"He kind of likes Caroline." Elena said slowly, trying to find the right words for Klaus's advances on her friend.

"He likes her?" Liz asked confused.

Stefan nodded. "He wanted to take her out for dinner before. So I guess he does like her in a weird kind of way."

Liz's eyes widened in realisation.

"So you're telling me that we are all here, doing absolutely nothing while my daughter is alone with a thousand year old psychopath that wants to seduce her?"

"We're not exactly doing nothing. We're trying to find a way to break the bond." Stefan defended them.

"And I keep having these dreams." Bonnie said.

"Bonnie, I don't think this is the time, nor the place to talk about your dreams!" The Sheriff scolded her.

"Actually, it is. The spirits are talking to me. And I've been trying to get them to help me. But they won't. Every time I ask for their help they keep telling me the same thing. I only ever remember bits and parts of it when I wake up, but it's something in the lines of 'It has begun'. I just don't know what to make of it yet." Bonnie explained.

"Listen Sheriff, stay away from Klaus. We'll find a way to get Caroline out of it. And in the meantime all we can do is relay on the fact that Caroline is strong enough to get through whatever Klaus does." Matt spoke up. The Sheriff nodded. "I'll expect to hear from you every day. Keep me up to whatever is happening. Understood?" The group nodded in agreement.

Liz knew that Caroline was headstrong. And she hoped that she was not letting her down again by trusting her friends' judgement.

The other Salvatore, hours away from his hometown, was currently doubting his decision to tag along to the brwon haired vampire.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Damon asked as he and Katherine kept walking through the woods. He was annoyed that the doppelgänger hasn't given him any more info so far.

Katherine ignored his question. "Stop whining and keep moving. We're almost there." Damon glared at her but kept moving.

A few minutes later they arrived at a little cabin. Katherine knocked and a young woman opened the door.

"Katherine. I was thinking you'd never show up." The woman said.

"And you didn't come alone. Who's that?" She nodded at Damon.

"Hello to you too, Sophie. That's Damon. He is just as willing to wake him up as I am." Katherine told Sophie.

"What do you mean 'wake him up'?" Damon asked confused. Katherine smirked and Sophie rolled her eyes.

"The hunter, of course." Katherine casually told him.

"Come in, both of you. We have a lot to discuss." Sophie moved away from the door as Katherine and Damon walked in.

The next day, the original hybrid found himself in quite the predicament.

Klaus had not slept in days. Frankly, he didn't need it. But he could feel his body was growing tired, still wanting something it no longer needed. Much like the desire to breath. He stepped up to the bar, planning to counter his fatigue with something strong. With a glass of whiskey in hand he sat down.

Last night was quite eventful. He felt that he had had a breakthrough with his little blonde distraction.

He had finally been able to feel her lips against his, even if it wasn't nearly enough.

Actually, it had had turned his little spark of desire into a raging inferno.

Now that he had a taste of those sinful lips he wanted more. So much more.

The need he felt for Caroline irritated him to no ends.

Last night he had seen it in her eyes. For the first time he had the feeling that the connection he felt towards her was not a one way thing at all. No, he was certain that she desired him as well.

If only Brady hadn't broken the moment.

Klaus had made sure that those responsible for the rude disruption had been punished accordingly. Yes, he had made sure the wolfs that dared to question his authority, his place as alpha, were shaking with fear. And how he had relished in that sweet smell before he tore them apart. One by one, making sure that their death would be most agonising and slow.

But their blood wasn't enough to satisfy his needs. He needed a different relief. Klaus wanted to make someone else shiver for far more pleasant reasons.

He looked up as he heard someone walking in the kitchen and closing the door behind them.

Klaus got up and went to the kitchen himself. He was certain that he would find a beautiful blonde and was not disappointed.

Casually, he leaned against the door frame and watched in amusement as Caroline rummaged through the cabinets, totally oblivious to the fact that she was being watched.

"Looking for something, love?" Caroline's body tensed as soon as she heard his voice from behind her.

"I was promised vervain." She told him without turning around.

Her plan had been to sneak in the kitchen, get vervain and blood, then get back to her room without being seen. But, of course, she had been caught by the last person she wanted to see. Or hear, for that matter.

The previous night had made her over sensitive and she couldn't help but notice how positively hot his accented voice sounded.

Suddenly, Klaus was standing mere inches away from her, intruding her personal space yet again.

Caroline held her breath and waited for his next move. Klaus surprised her as he opened the cabinet in front of her and pulled out a small vial.

She snatched it out of his hand and gulped down the content instantly.

"Now that you have taken your insurance, would you kindly turn around?" Klaus whispered in her ear.

Instantly there were goosebumps all over her body.

Caroline took a deep breath and turned around. Though, she kept her eyes glued to the floor.

"I wanted to apologise for the rude interruption last night. Brady wouldn't have disturbed us if it wasn't important." He explained, but Caroline showed no reaction whatsoever.

Klaus realised her discomfort but didn't back down. Instead he made another step forward and imprisoned her between the counter and his body.

Then, he took her chin in his hand to force her eyes to his.

"What's the matter, sweetheart. You're unusually quiet." Klaus tilted his head and Caroline felt as though his eyes were looking into her very soul.

Trying to distract herself from his stare she tried to focus on something else.

Unfortunately, her eyes found his lips again. Damn that stupid hybrid and his stupid lips, she thought to herself.

Klaus was not oblivious to her wandering eyes, of course. But just when he was about to comment, Caroline caught her composure again and moved her eyes to his again.

"What happened last night was an alcohol induced mistake." She removed his hand from her chin.

"And it won't happen again. So don't get your hopes up." Caroline snarled at him and tried to move away from him. Klaus wouldn't have that and grabbed her wrist.

"I'm wondering, Caroline. Who are you really trying to deceive with those lies? Me or yourself?" Klaus' face was stern and emotionless. But Caroline ignored the the voices in her head that were warning her.

"Seriously? I'm not lying to anyone! I love Tyler. Get over it!" Klaus growled, his eyes flashing yellow.

"Mind your tongue, Caroline." Klaus warned.

"And as for that Lockwood boy, I don't see him trying to save his girl. Why wait for someone who obviously doesn't want you any more?" Klaus grinned viciously, knowing that he had hit a spot with his remark.

"That's none of your business." Caroline told him.

"I'm not gonna lie, Caroline. I was hoping we could finish what we started yesterday. So your renewed loyalty to your mutt of a boyfriend is kind of disturbing me." Klaus bluntly told her.

Caroline had known that she had messed up big time last night. She knew that she should have never let it happen in the first place. But she had hoped that he would be a little less blunt about what he wanted from her.

"Well, I don't want to. There's nothing you can do about it. Unless you'd tie me to your bed or chain me up." She stated with an obvious hint of sarcasm, but regretted saying it the second it was out of her mouth.

Why couldn't she ever stop talking.

"Don't tempt me, love" Klaus said, his eyes darkening. At that Caroline gulped hard.

"Please let me go to my room." She all but whispered. For some reason she wasn't sure that if Klaus was above forcing her. And she wasn't keen to find that out, either.

The tears were already fighting their way to her eyes and she refused to cry in front of him.

"Why do I have the feeling that something similar has happened to you before? Is that the reason you fear compulsion, Caroline?" Klaus hid his concern behind a cold mask.

"Again, I don't see how this is any of your business." Caroline told him defiantly.

She had no intention whatsoever to tell him about her past with Damon.

"So you're insisting on being difficult, hm?" Klaus said.

"Well, so be it. As much as I'd love to keep talking to you, I have business to attend to. Also, we will have to postpone our nightly dates. I have a lot of work to do." Klaus told her.

Caroline nodded, fighting to keep a straight face. Inside she was more than happy about a few evenings to herself.

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