Lone Came The Devil

By SamiMikaelson

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AU starting at Caroline's Birthday. Klaus saves Caroline to get his plans in motion. She was supposed to be n... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Five

660 23 11
By SamiMikaelson

"... and then I jumped out from behind the bushes, scaring the living hell out of him! I swear, I will never forget his face. He was so mad at me!" Henrik finished his story in between fits of laughter.

Caroline wiped a tear from her eye. It had been a long time since someone had made her laugh that hard.

Actually, she could not remember the last time she had had so much fun with anyone. Henrik just had a way of telling stories that made Caroline forget all her worries.

Hell, she hadn't even realised that they had been talking for hours now!

"It's a shame that videos weren't invented back then!" Caroline told Henrik.

Yes, a scared Klaus would definitely be something Caroline would love to see. The mighty original hybrid falling flat on his arse because a little boy jumped at him. What a sight that would be!

"I have to admit that I have a hard time imagining Klaus the way you talk about him." Henrik glanced at Caroline, waiting for her to carry on.

"Well, no offense, but your brother has some serious issues! I mean, he is obviously mad that we tried to kill him. But what were we supposed to do? He comes to Mystic Falls, wrecks havoc and expects us to just sit by while he destroys the life of innocent people? Absolutely not!" Caroline finished her rant slightly out of breath.

"That's why I told you all these stories. Nik wasn't always like that. He was kind, funny, generous and protected me and my siblings. I always looked up to him, wanting to be just like him." Henrik admitted softly. His gaze was now fixed on the ground.

"Father hated him, beat him up for no reason. And if me or the others messed up he always took the blame. He let himself be punished for our mistakes. Nik taught me more than father ever did." Henrik's voice was barely a whisper by now.

"I know he has changed. I wasn't lying when I told you that I have never left his side. I have seen every cruel thing my brother has done over the centuries. But I have also seen his humanity. It's not gone. At least not entirely." Caroline looked at Henrik with tears in her eyes.

Only this time the tears were not due to her laughing at his stories. This time Caroline had to hold back compassionate tears. She hated Klaus with a passion, that much was sure. But the way Henrik talked about Klaus, the Klaus prior all this hybrid issues, made Caroline feel sorry for him.

"But why does he act like that now? If there is a part of him that is human, that does feel, a part that is good. Why does he have to be evil all the time? There would be way less people trying to kill him if he wouldn't be so cruel all the time."

Henrik gave her a sad smile. "I might have died centuries ago, but I have seen people live for just as long. I have seen the world change almost entirely. The only answer I can offer you is that sometimes the world turns good people into bad people. If you really want to know all of his reasons you should ask him."

Caroline thought about that for a while. Contemplating about what to say next when her thoughts were interrupted by a door crashing open.

"Who are you talking to?" Klaus came bursting into the room.

Caroline jumped a little at the sudden entrance. Klaus looked positively furious.

"Excuse you? I don't think it's any of your business who I am talking to or not." Caroline snapped. For some reason she didn't believe it to be wise to tell Klaus that she had talked to his dead brother for the last hours. Nope, he would definitely go berserk, thinking she was playing him for a fool.

"In case you haven't noticed, you are in my home, Caroline. Whatever you do is my business! Answer my question. Now!"

Looking around, Caroline saw her phone lying on the bed. Seeing an opportunity, she grabbed it and waved it around. "It's the 21th century, Klaus. I was talking on the phone." Caroline prayed that she sounded convincing.

Truth be told, she had never been a good liar. Klaus seemed to buy it, though. He marched toward her and grabbed her phone. In the blink of an eye he had crushed it between his fingers.

"Are you mad? Why did you do that?" Caroline was furious now. Klaus may be rich, or compel anything he wants, but she was neither rich, nor did she compel people to get what she wanted. She stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

"I don't remember giving you permission to use your phone, Caroline." Klaus dead panned.

"Seriously? I don't think I need your permission for anything!" Klaus was obviously not pleased with her statement as he came closer.

"What part of 'you are mine' did you not understand, Caroline? You are not a guest in this house. I expect you to do as you are told. Right now, I want you to get ready. Dinner will be served in fifteen minutes."

They were now only inches apart. Caroline could feel Klaus's warm breath in her face. Then, he leaned in. Caroline was frozen in place, her heart beating frantically.

Klaus's lips were touching her earlobe, making Caroline shiver. "Join me for dinner and I will tell you exactly what I expect from you." Klaus said in a hollow voice before he flashed out of the room, leaving a stunned Caroline behind.

"Well, that could have gone worse." Caroline had already forgotten Henrik's presence and turned to glare at him.

"How could this have possibly gone any worse? He crushed my phone and to top it all he practically told me I that I am a slave or something!" Caroline's voice got more hysterical towards the end of her outburst.

"He did not kill you, for starters. Also, he refrained from threatening you." Henrik gave a little shrug.

"It's not like he could kill me without killing himself. So no surprise there. You know what? I'll just go down now, before he comes back and realises I'm still talking to someone." Caroline told him defeated.

"You're early, love." Klaus stated as Caroline walked into the dinning room.

"It's not like I have anything better to do. You crushed my phone, remember?" Caroline snapped.

"You should be happy that it was your phone. I could have done worse, you know?" Klaus smirked, making Caroline wish she could wipe it of his face.

"Yeah, I get it. You're the invincible, super powerful alpha hybrid." Caroline said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Can we just get this over with? You want to tell me what you expect? Sure, go ahead. I'm all ears." Caroline challenged him, crossing her arms over her chest.

Klaus chuckled in response. He gestured to the chair next to him.

"Please, sit. I'd rather have this conversation in a civilised manner." Caroline threw her had back in annoyance but complied anyway.

Once she was seated next to him, Klaus filled her glass with red wine.

"Pizza will be served any minute now, love." Caroline nodded and took a huge gulp of wine.

Alcohol always helped to sooth her nerves.

Klaus's mood swings confused Caroline to no end. One second he went off like rocket only to turn into his charming self seconds later. Right now he was eyeing her through hooded eyes, no doubt having thoughts that were far from civil or well mannered.

Caroline continued to glare at him until a man walked in, brining the wonderful smell of Italian cuisine with him. Her mouth started to water and her stomach gave a low growl. Klaus chuckled at Caroline's embarrassed face.

"The chef was born in Italy. I hope you enjoy what is bound to be the best pizza you have eaten in your short life." Klaus winked at Caroline and earned yet another eye roll.

He made a mental note to have a serious talk about her unladylike manner after dinner.

A sudden moan made Klaus raise his eyebrows. The sound send his blood rushing away from his brain and straight to his stomach.

He liked his lips, observing Caroline. She didn't seem to notice his gaze throughout the entire meal. Only after she had taken the last bite she looked at him again.

As soon as she noticed the look in his eyes her cheeks flushed crimson. She had absolutely ignored his presence in favour for what turned out to be the best meal she had ever had.

Embarrassed, she cleared her throat. "So. What did you want to talk about?" Klaus grinned mischievously.

"We should talk about some basic rules. You and your friends have tried to cross me yet again. Now, you will have to suffer the consequences for your actions." Caroline gulped.

She had a feeling that she needed more wine to finish this conversation. Like, a lot more wine. She reached out for the bottle and gave herself a generous refill.

Klaus was amused by Caroline's action. He could smell her fear and he revelled in it.

"Like I told you, twice already, you belong to me now. As long as you are bonded to me I expect you to obey me. If you do, you may even enjoy your stay here, love."

By the time Klaus had stopped talking, Caroline had emptied her glass and was refilling it once again.

"I don't think we have the same opinion regarding good behaviour. So, what if I misbehave in your eyes? You can't kill me. Neither can you hurt me, since it would hurt you just as much." Caroline concluded confidently. There was no way she would let him intimidate her any further.

"That's where you're wrong, love. You'd do well to remember who I am. I'm no common vampire from the streets. While I am indeed not able to punish you physically without suffering myself, I am able to punish you in any other way I seem fit." Caroline's eyes widened and she started to panic.

Images of her human self flooded her mind. Images of being Damon's puppet.

"No. You won't compel me, will you?" Klaus could feel the change in her.

There was something odd in the way she was talking to him now. Her voice was shaking violently and the fire in her eyes was gone. Usually, even when she was afraid, Caroline would keep her composure. That was one of the many things that Klaus had liked about her right from the very beginning.

"Something the matter, love?" Klaus inquired.

"Yes. I want vervain." Caroline's eyes were boring into his. Good, he thought. She was finally gaining her confidence back.

"I'm afraid that's not up for discussion, sweetheart." It was. Klaus just wanted her to react. Surprisingly, Caroline seemed defeated.

"Look, Klaus. You're obviously not willing to let me out of sight. And I get it. I really do! I'm willing to stay here and listen to everything you say. All I want in return is your promise to never compel me. And since your word means little to me, I want a little dose of vervain every day. That's all." Klaus was speechless for a few seconds. He had expected kicking and screaming, a true fight.

Never had he expected Caroline Forbes to surrender so easily. Her offer was nothing but fair. And honestly, it was more than he had hoped for. Klaus knew that even without compulsion, he would still have the upper hand. As long as she cared for her friends and her mother, he could always threaten her into obedience.

There had to be a catch, he thought. Why would Caroline surrender herself just like that? It made absolutely no sense to the hybrid.

"Excuse me for asking, but why? Why would you give up so easily? I'm sure we both know that you were planning to put up a fight against anything I want." Curiosity or was it paranoia? Klaus didn't know. But being alive for a thousand years had taught him not to trust a deal that fast. No, he was sure that there had to be more.

"Honestly, it's none of your business. But to offer an explanation: I hate compulsion. I'd do anything to avoid it. So, I offered you a deal. Take it, or leave it." Caroline hoped he would just accept, so she could excuse herself and go to bed.

The wine was finally reaching her brain and she was drained due to today's events anyway.

Klaus thought about it for a while. Caroline's face betrayed only honesty. He was intrigued however. He knew that Caroline must have a reason for her hate for compulsion. Deciding to ask her about that in the future, he answered her smiling.

"I accept. But I have to remind you to keep up your part of the deal. If I feel you are misbehaving or intentionally disobeying me, there will be no more vervain for you. Understood?" Caroline nodded, accepting his conditions without further ado.

Klaus grinned from ear to ear. This day may have started exceptionally bad but it turned out to be a huge success for him in the end.

"Fantastic!" Caroline felt seriously uncomfortable. She had made a deal with the devil. A deal she would probably regret sooner or later. Right now, she refused to care too much.

"Would you mind if I retired for now? I feel really tired." Klaus got up immediately and offered her his hand. Caroline took it reluctantly and got up.

"Get some rest. We will continue our little discussion in the morning. Until then: sweet dreams, love." Klaus brought her had to his lips to give it a feather-light kiss.

Caroline forced a smile to hide her discomfort at the whole scenario. "Good night, Klaus"

Across town, the gang was having a heated discussion.

"No! That's absolutely not an option!" Elena said outraged.

They had all been gathered in her living room for hours now, discussing possible ways of getting Caroline out of her misery.

"Why not? Think about it, Elena. Killing Caroline will be easy! I bet she is willing to take one for the team." Damon answered, still not willing to listen to anyone.

Elena looked at Stefan, indicating that she needed his support.

"Damon, this is Caroline we're talking about. She's our friend. We can't just sacrifice her. I'm sure there is another way. There has to be!" Bonnie and Matt nodded, agreeing with Stefan and Elena.

"Is there really? Bonnie said it herself. A blood bond is nearly impossible to break! Blondie messed up our entire plan when she got bitten by the wolfs! The least she can do now is to make it up to us." Damon was pacing the room.

He was mad. Stefan always claimed to love Elena, but he had failed miserably when it came to her safety so far.

The older Salvatore had made a promise to himself. He would keep Elena safe, no sacrifice would be too much.

"I'll keep searching through my grimoires. There has to be something. Until then, we have to leave Klaus alone." Bonnie stated and earned another round of nods from everyone except Damon.

"Whatever!" Damon turned around to leave. There was no way he would wait for the witch to come up with another plan that was destined to fail. No, he would take matters in his own hand.

Once outside he was greeted by a familiar face. "My day just keeps getting better and better!" Damon stated sarcastically, passing the brunette.

"It looks like it really is your lucky day." Katherine stated as she walked beside him.

"What do you want? I am really not up for any of your stupid games right now." All Damon wanted was to drown his frustration in alcohol before he started his scheming.

"What would you say if I told you I knew a way to kill Klaus?" The doppelgänger smirked.

"I'd say you have finally lost it completely." Damon remarked.

"Nope. I'd say I'm simply always a step ahead. Have you ever heard about the original vampire hunter?" Knowing that she had captured Damon's attention now she stopped walking.

Damon turned around to face her, just like she had anticipated. Her smirk widened.

"The original vampire hunter is the only thing Klaus Mikaelson fears. Granted, he is the only one that is able to kill our least favourite hybrid." Damon gaped at Katherine.

Then, he smirked, too. Desperate times meant unlikely alliances had to be forged. In this case, he could not think of a better partner in crime than the woman in front of him.

She hated Klaus with a passion and didn't give a damn about the blonde vampire currently bonded to that monster. It was perfect.

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