The Music In My Heart

By ofcshesstraight

114K 5.3K 902

Did it reach her? Can she feel my presence the way I'm yearning for hers? I wonder what she's thinking righ... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chaoter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 12

2.3K 127 16
By ofcshesstraight

Eleanora's POV

We've been at this for hours. I'd like to go home, not to mention that my phone has gone off on more than one occasion just moments ago.

I need to check on it.

It could be my parents from Italy trying to contact me and that's a hard phone call to catch- let alone text message to come across.

The overseers have been constantly asking me and Michelle are we sure what we witnessed today was valid and for the millionth time, yes goddamnit.

My pianist has suffered enough this week...

"Excuse me, I have check on a phone call. It could be my family from Italy. Surely you won't detain me for stepping out to call them back.." I raised my brow at the small group of higher ups and the hesitantly nodded.

Not to brag, but I am the best conductor in the youth symphony. Came from overseers on a full ride scholarship to Juilliard. Trust I'm the best of the best.

I stepped to the side of the hall with the water fountain and pulled out my phone.

I had multiple missed calls from the same unknown number and the recent notification from them was a voicemail..

Not my parents but considering they left a voicemail, it must be important.

"Hey, this is Melissa. Not sure if you still have my number- don't know, but I'll just get into it.. I was just trying to reach to you and say thank you for looking out for Carter. She told me what you did. If you hadn't noticed what was going on, this could've ended disastrous all over for us again. Carter's last competition was such a heartbreaker with her injury- thank goodness she made a full recovery.. unfortunately, Carter doesn't want to continue with mentoring at the moment. I hope she changes her mind later on and that you're still interested... I'm so sorry, but thank you so much for today," Melissa ended her message and I was in all sorts of knots.

Why does Carter's injury sound so significant for me... which competition did she last participate in?..

Not only that, she doesn't want to be my mentee and we've yet to begin...

"Hey, Eleanora?" Michelle meets with me and I was attentive but still stuck on the voicemail.

"The parents are here," she informed me and I half assed snapped into reality; I'm still stuck on Carter.

"Eleanora, are you okay? I can handle it if you need a minute," Michelle tried to comfort me but I shook my thoughts away.

"No, I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind," i stride back into the rehearsal room pushing both doors making my entrance and all the parents gave me glares as their children sat in fear.

"Good evening, I'm well aware why we're all here. So let's have it; I'd like to know how you're gonna sweet talk your way into letting your kid continue in my ensemble after I've given my final thoughts on cutting them," I met them up front and they all were pissed off even more.

"My child should continue in the symphony. They were qualified based on their audition. What more validation do you need?" One parent sassed.

"Their character. My pianist almost injured herself picking up your child's slack today. What more validation do you need?" I did my best to keep my tone in check.

"We understand that having a pianist is a big deal to you guys because they're sooo hard to come by when it comes to classical music, but that kid literally sits in the back while mine is up front. If anything, she's doing what she's supposed to and that's to make my kid look good," someone's dad made my veins boil.

"That kid is Carter Cammery and you're going to apologize to her and her family before setting foot in my rehearsals," I started losing my temper.

"Carter Cammery?!" one of the parents' face became slightly pale.

"She's my pianist, as previously established," I said with confidence.

"S-sorry, I wasn't there for the orientation, my husband was but- she's the one that won state and nationals a while ago!" She exclaimed- almost as if she's praising her.

I found myself wanting know more of what she knew of Carter..

"Okay over half the kids here participate in competitions and get recognition- seriously, what's so special about a pianist other than the fact that their music is more quote on quote challenging?" The father from earlier was getting annoyed and I was getting fed up with him.

"Sir, you don't know your place. Carter Cammery was a junior competitor in NYC school of music. I don't expect you to know this because you're so caught up in making your kid look good, but by all means, we can stop talking about her and talk about accepting the fact that none of our kids deserve to continue in the youth symphony for doing what they did at her expense," she defended Carter.

"No, I want to know more," I let my thoughts get ahead of me and everyone- including the overseers.

"Well? Go on," I was totally out of it and the woman took a deep breath.

"I just looked the girl up, she's a legit semi pro- just call her a professional at this point," another parent added.

"As I was saying, the pianist you degraded for being placed in the back of the symphony is top tier. When she did state, she claimed champion for not just being the youngest competitor, but the crowd's treasured musician in classical piano. She competed nationally as she moved up in ranks and won with a heart breaking performance. With the overwhelming stress, her forearm gave out in the middle of the performance but she never stopped. She continued playing. She was crying endlessly as her muscle tissue was severely damaged from exhaustion. Everyone thought she was committed to giving an expressive performance as she claimed title of NYC's finest and out finessed four timing champion. The second her left hand held the award, she fainted. The follow up was that she could not play for quite some time until she's fully recovered or else she would've permanently damaged her nerves.. it was heart breaking and rumors made way that she developed depression because she couldn't play piano during her recovery..." The woman finished speaking leaving everyone speechless..

"I'm willing to accept my child not being eligible to play in this season's symphony orchestra. Even I'm gravely disappointed. You all should be. Are you really going to defend your kid for having them nearly make a fine musician such as that relive a traumatic experience again for slowly making headway into resurfacing the classical music industry?" The woman stared each parent up and down.

"Ms. Arturo is doing her job for taking extra precautions on this and I don't even want the refund- let's go. I have more to say to you on the way home- of all things. It's one thing to not want to practice but disrespect someone else's child?" she grabbed her bag and headed out as her daughter followed along embarrassed as ever.

I'm still in a trance after the knowledge I've received about Carter's musical history.

"Well then, I guess it's been settled that your child will not be coming back- I wouldn't even let yours come back after degrading someone else's kid like you just did- even if the name was Carter Cammery," one of the overseers out spoke leaving the man in disbelief.

"An apology is the least you could do," Michelle backed them up and the rest followed up in agreement.

"She shouldn't have bothered auditioning if it was such a risk for her well being. If she has mental problems or stage fright- or whatever, just say that," the father scoffed and I swear I've had it with him.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that. She's human just like the rest of us in this room," I snapped.

I'm losing my cool..

"So is my son, why should she get special treatment?" He continued to test me.

"Like you said, she makes your son look good even when he brings nothing to the table. That's not talent, that's considered a miracle in your case," I got toe to toe with him.

"You know what? I don't need this," he threw his hands up and laughed hysterically as he walked out and his son dragged behind him as well.

"Anything else the rest of you want to add?" I looked back and they were all in shock.

"No, thank you for your time!" They all scattered out the room and it was just Michelle and the overseers with us.

"Well then... I guess that handled itself in the process," the headmaster gathered his belongings.

"Any updates on the Cammery's?" Our President followed up.

"Don't worry, I'll be calling Melissa when we head out," I gathered my belongings.

"That won't be necessary," a voice called as they've entered the room.

I twirled to come across Melissa and Carter as the center of all our attention as the few remaining parents were shocked by their presence.

Carter doesn't look as tired and her veins were not popping out of her arms as they were before, but they were somewhat present- just barely.

"I have left you phone calls after phone calls and a voicemail. i understand that you were busy, but you shouldn't have to cut those kids. They're kids for God's sake- I'm sure we've all done something stupid like this at their age," Melissa defended them.

Am I deaf?

"I'm the conductor and cutting them was my decision. The child's play their kids took part in was unforgivable," I stood my ground.

"...well... I forgive them..." Carter spoke up and if the room isn't silent already, it sure as hell is now.

"Come again?" The headmaster was just as baffled as the rest of the overseers.

"Music should be fun.. they probably only did it because they haven't been shown how to love music.. They should be given another chance, we should all be given another chance. But if music is not what they love, it's up to the parents to help guide them towards a passion in what they do love rather than forcing them to do something that's clear as day that they don't love. Or else why would they take advantage of me? But not only that, they must've admired the way I play to have trusted me that I'd be the one to aid them in today's rehearsals," Carter paused and I was at a loss of words.

Why should she forgive them?

How could she?

They completely disrespected her..

"I'm not saying what they did should go unpunished. But they should at least be inspired to do something- whether it's to continue playing in the orchestra or explore another hobby they have in mind. They're kids, it's called child development for a reason. I'm not a parent nor am I a legitimate adult, but I don't want them to miss out on a chance to develop a passion to love music because of one mistake... I always wish people to experience music the way I have so they too can fall in love with the art. I'd say give them another chance," Carter's eyes glimmered and all the parents were in awe.

"Bless your heart," the mother that defended Carter earlier spoke.

"And yes- it was a traumatic experience. Primarily why I don't openly talk about it. That's deep in the past and I'm here now- better than ever. But if it wasn't for that experience, I wouldn't have been able to realize how much I love piano. I'd like to believe your kids love music the way I do, but I also wish your kids to pursue something that they love- even if it isn't music... putting me at a strain today should be revelation as to what your child thinks of music... yes, I feel disrespected for what they did but they're kids. A second chance in the orchestra is ideal, but life's too short to dwell on one failed attempt to pursue a passion when there are many more to undergo down the road until you find a perfect match. The choice isn't Ms. Arturo's to make- the overseers, ours or you as parents to make.. only the kids can decide what they want to do to express themselves or else this is all a waste of time," Carter shrugged with a tired smile.



last person was beyond speechless with what Carter had to say... even I was speechless.

The way she talks; that's no ordinary person.

Hearing the way she speaks freely only makes me want to hear more-

see more-

the way she thinks, the way she perceives, the way she lets herself feel every emotion..

"I-I think I want to try again.. I'll practice super super hard I promise," one of the kids spoke up.

"I only went along with playing in a symphony because I thought you'd be happy- I didn't mean for any of this..." someone's son looked up to their mother.

"Do you still want to play violin?" Their mother was reacting rather calm.

"Not really... I said I liked art- but not like this... I meant like drawing," the boy was really nervous-

probably didn't want to disappoint their mom.

"Well then that's what we'll do... thank you Carter- and thank you," the mother made precise eye contact with Melissa.

"Can we go home now? You said I could take a nap," I could hear Carter mumble across the room.

"We'll see you next week," Melissa waved with a small smile as she kisses Carter on that sweet head of hers..

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