Chapter 5

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"I'm so proud of you honeyyy," my mom squeezed the life of my cheeks.

"Mom? Mom. Mom. MOM," I yelled in pain.

"Okay okay okay," she kissed my cheek and my dad ruffled my curls.

"I forgot how good you really are..." He was happy as ever.

I stood there stiff necked in between my mom and dad as Mrs. Arturo came back into the rehearsal room after practice today.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cammery. I hope you two are aware of this conference's objective," she takes off her glasses and whips her hair out of a bun.

God it was so hot. Her honey gold hair really brought out the maple brown in her eyes.

"Yes ma'am we're fully aware of the mentor ship here." My dad said.

"Me and your daughter will meet with each other at least once a week to a minimum or however much you want us to. You know what they say; the more the merrier. But I'd like to stick to your comfort zone because I may be no parent, but if I were to have a child, I'd never let him/her out of my sight- especially one with a gift like hers..." She furrowed her brows making sure they understood where she was coming from.

Knowing my parents, it's practically music to their ears.

"Yes, yes yes. All the way. You completely get it," my mom agreed.


What did I just say?

"We can do Friday's if you don't mind Mrs. Arturo. It's our first time doing something like this and we don't want Carter to feel like she's being forced into something. Music has always been something sacred to her and we don't want to interfere with that relation in any way. We can ease into to the motion of it if Carter doesn't mind. This requires her input too if she's going to be successful. She shouldn't mind either way because there's literally nothing restraining her from meeting with you nearly everyday. She's an early graduate just waiting to be old enough to attend college campus. So if anything, she should be more than eager to get out the house." My mom stated with flair.

"I- I could've gotten a job," i mumbled and Ms. Arturo's eyes averted to me.

"No, baby. I don't want you thinking that you're obligated to cover your own expenses just yet. Later on down the road, I promise," my mom added her two cents.

Mrs. Arturo raised her brows in curiosity and looked at me. "How old were you when you graduated?" Mrs. Arturo took a genuine interest in me.

"Sixteen... I'll start my first semester starting next spring," I spoke lowly.

Considering she's a conductor I'd assume she wouldn't remember anything about me.

"Carter, it'd be more formal if you actually make eye contact rather than holding a staring contest with the floor," my dad reasoned.

Easier said than done, I have crush on the woman sir...

"yes I'm an early graduate from public schooling. I also graduated from my private music school the same year. I've been student representative for my music school and took part in competitions last year... I have a concert displaying my repertoire and achievements with music right before I start spring term at community college here... I've just been composing arrangements to help time fly by. I wouldn't mind a part time job though..."

"Carter," my mother warned in a gentle manner.

"I can start on Friday's and increase the number of times we get together once I get more acquainted. I've had piano teachers but never a mentor..." I tried to say with confidence as I fiddled my thumbs around.

I looked back up and noticed my parents were smiling at me and my dad nodded as my mom rubbed my back. I look at Mrs. Arturo and she was looking into my eyes deeply, I blushed and looked back down.

"Well then... i find myself fascinated each time I learn something new about you.... if we're all on the same page, I wouldn't mind meeting in the mornings sometimes, if that's okay. who knows, we might be able to discuss the musical time periods while we eat breakfast.." She clicked her pen and made notes and looked in my direction with a slight smirk.

She knew what she had said..

But only I heard it.. damn these ears.

"Well if it's okay, I'd like Carter to meet up at your place on Friday. I just got back from service and I'm not sure how long it'll be before I go, but by Saturday I'd be caught up with the time gap I've had with my wife and surely my kid." My dad said.

He's always been a family type of man, not like an ordinary black man from the streets. I mean he has all types of crazy stories from his childhood but he's pretty much well rounded and stands by his morals.

Mrs. Arturo finishes adding notes and looks up at my mom then my dad. "My schedule is fixed with yours. Whatever you'd like is what I support. I want to help shape and mold your daughter just as much as you, but rest assured I don't have much to contribute to because she's already achieved that with the help of such lovely parents." She said with a smileys she stuck out her hand to shake my parents'.

I swear to you that just sealed the deal because they never let me go anywhere with anyone- and I really don't have an issue with that because I don't have friends and I'd rather practice at my piano. Nor am I interested in making any friends, they tend to be high maintenance.

I thought it was cool to get out the house and be with someone without parental guidance... Didn't expect it'd be with her though- NOT IN A BAD WAY...

I was overall excited but for all the wrong reasons, it was wrong with the way I'm attracted to my conductor. She just wants to make me successful. I've never felt so guilty, but I felt so mischievous at the same time.

I get to have her all to myself with no distractions, but I need to find a way to break out of this bubble of mine. I'm not really talkative but I choke up horrendously around her.

It sucks.

"Honey! Are you alright! Your face it flustering sweetie!" My mom exclaimed making me even more red.

"I'm fine!" I panicked and shoved my head and hid behind my curl as I adjusted my glasses.

"Can wait in the car? There's nothing wrong I promise, I'm just uhhhh- excited and flattered at the offer being presented to us.... Bye now," I stared down at my feet. I really bulldozed that response.

I could hear Ms. Arturo's voice hitch back slightly as if she's holding back a giggle and thinking about me making her laugh just makes my cheeks feel hot all over again-

I heard keys jingle and I popped my head up, my cheeks were still hot, but I still picked them from my mom's hands and muttered a, "thanks mom," from under my breath.

She kisses me on my head and I gather my belongings on my way out.

Can not wait for Friday.

The Music In My HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora