Luffy's Past

By 2021Night

148K 4K 987

In the middle of the war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates, a bright light appeared bring the st... More

Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 3 - Hostage
Chapter 4 - Break
Chapter 5 - Core
Chapter 6 - The Will
Chapter 7 - Decision
Chapter 8 - Message
Chapter 9 - Abilities
Chapter 10 - Plan
Chapter 11 - Death
Chapter 12 - Darkness
Chapter 13 - Guiding Lights
Chapter 14 - Passing
Chapter 15 - Repeat
Chapter 16 - Demon History
Chapter 17 - Free
Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Chapter 2 - Family

17.3K 396 108
By 2021Night

The groups were all facing towards screen in front of them. It turned on and the groups could only stare at it. The marines and pirates had made a temporary truce, since they both wanted to get out of the space, but the truce was only that they wouldn't attack each other. Then the screen started.

There were two boys standing outside of a house, which looked like they were in their teens. Both had worried faces and they were both pacing side to side outside the building to try and keep calm. The boys both looked very similar to each other. They both had raven black hair and were about the same height. The only difference between the two was their eye colour. One had red eyes, while the other had blue.

The audience stared in silence as they watched the two figures, but Dragon's and Garp's eyes widened.

"Who is that?" Asked Usopp as he pointed towards the two boys. "I thought we were watching Luffy's past."

"How are we supposed to know Usopp?" Questioned Nami. "We're just as clueless as you."

Marco spoke up. "They look very similar to each other, just the eyes are different. Maybe their twins.-yoi?"

"Maybe, but I don't get why they're in Luffy's past." Ace stated as he tried to study the two boys, along with Robin and Sabo.

"Yuko! Yuki! You can enter the house." Said a doctor as she opened the door of the house.

The boys immediately went in and rushed to a side of a bed, where a woman laid with a blanket in her arms. The woman had raven black hair and green eyes. She smiled softly at her sons as they came to her side.

"Mum, are you ok? Are you alright? Do you feel tried? Pain? Is there anything we can do?" Asked the red eyed teenager.

The woman giggled. "I'm fine Yuko, I just need some rest and then I will be up and about."

"You need more than that mum." The blue twin had said, which was now known as Yuki. "You should stay in bed for at least a month. You just gave birth."

Sighing the mother of the two, now three just nodded her head. "Anyway, do you want to hold your baby brother?"

"Yes." They both said in unison, but then glared at each other, since they both wanted to hold their dear brother.

"Wow. You can tell their twins." Marco commented. "I wonder if they're going to be a brocon, like Ace. – yoi."

"Hey!" Ace shouted as the Whitebeard pirates and the strawhats laughed, as they all knew that Ace was a brocon. "I'm not one. Sabo is."

"Really?" Asked Izou.

Sabo gave a nervous laugh and answered. "Yeah, but I think Ace should have a stronger brocon, since he was the one who spent more time with Lu."


"What? I'm just stating the facts." Sabo replied, which he got a bonk on the head by Ace. Sabo rubbed his head and jabbed Ace's side. "Anyway, I still can't figure out what does this has to do with Lu."

"Well, you have to decide between yourselves of who gets to hold him first." The mother said. "Play rock, paper, and scissors if you have to."

The boys played and Yuki had won, getting to hold the baby first. Yuko sulked and could only stare as the face of the baby was revealed. He was sleeping between the blankets, but feeling an unfamiliar touch, he opened his eyes. He only had black eyes, unlike his brothers and mother. Once looking upon the two new faces, he smiled and giggled. He stretched his arms out and grabbed Yuko's finger.

"That's so cute!" Squealed the ladies in the space as the men blocked their ears from the squeals.

Sanji cursed at the baby for getting all the attention of women in the room, but others just smiled at the scene. The Whitebeard pirates smiled, knowing the feeling of having another brother in the family and they knew the twins on the screen were happy with the new addition to the family.

"Is it me, or does that baby look familiar?" Asked Zoro as he squinted at the child's face.

"So, it wasn't just me?" Sanji replied as he puffed some smoke from his cigarette. "He does look familiar."

Others nodded in agreement, but they all knew that they were going to get their answer soon.

"He has dad's eyes." Stated Yuki as he smiled back at the child in his arms. "What's his name mum?"

The mother, who was named Clare, gave a familiar grin that all people who have met the strawhat once knew. "His name is Monkey D. Luffy."


"That's Luffy!?"

"Mugiwara! That's him!?"

"Dragon had another two sons!?"

"Wait, Luffy has other brothers?!"

"Why didn't he tell us!?"

There were a lot of questions and screams of confusion, but there were also shocked expressions happening around the room.

"Silence!" Ordered Whitebeard with a booming voice as the chaos died down. "I'm sure that it will explain in depth, but we need to be able to hear the thing to understand. Aren't we here because we needed to understand the brat?"

Some nodded, others clicked their tongues (marines), but all their attention was back on the screen.

"We have to tell everyone else!" Cheered Yuko as he rushed out of the house and left the mother and his twin behind. He started yelling out the good news and the two who were left in the house sighs.

"I hope you don't become like him, Luffy." Yuki stated as he gave the baby back to his mother to hold. He walked to the door and looked back once more, before leaving. "I'll go back and grab him, before he starts any fights."

"Thank you, Yuki. You know if someone picks a fight with him, he would never want to back down. Go and drag your older twin back!" Clare said as the blue-eyed teen nodded and replied.

"You know that's a bad habit of his." Yuki left and closed the door behind him and the infant and mother were just smiling at each other.

"Wow Ace. The Yuko guy has the same bad habit as you. You both are hopeless." Sabo said as he was once again hit on the head. "What was that for!?"

"For being mean. It's my job to be mean." Ace said. "Anyway, the Yuki guy said the same thing you said to me when you pointed out my 'bad habit'."

"I guess that's true." Sabo shrugged. "But it's a fact! You're reckless!"

"No, it isn't!"

"Yes, it is! Ask your crewmates!" Exclaimed Sabo as he pointed towards Thatch.

Ace asked, "I'm not reckless, right?"

The whole Whitebeard crew and some other pirates that knew Ace shook their heads. "Nope, you definitely are."

"Traitors!" Ace shouted as he turned to the screen and crossed his arms while pouting.

"See, I'm right." Sabo said as he patted Ace's back.

"Shut up!"

They stared at each other for a few minutes and Clare wanted to test something. When Clare tilted her head to the right, Luffy would follow. When she tilted her head to the left, Luffy continued to follow her. When she giggled, Luffy returned the giggle, which only made her laugh.

"You're going to have a bright future, Luffy."

People awed as they watched the interaction between the mother and son. Even some marines joined, which made a certain magma man angry.

'They're marines! We shouldn't have any feelings towards pirates!' he thought.

The screen changed scenes and it showed as field of flowers. It was all across the ground and there was a young toddler, which looked about 4-5 years old. He didn't have the usual scar under his eye nor his strawhat, but they all could tell that the boy they were all looking at was none other than Monkey D. Luffy.

"Luffy! What are you up to?" A person screamed as he and another were running towards him. They were two raven haired boys. One with red eyes and another with blue.

Once reaching the toddler, small Luffy shouted, "Ni-chan!" and hugged both of his brothers.

They hugged back with loving eyes and Luffy smiled as he looked up towards them.

Sabo and Ace were looking at Luffy and smiled, but remembered that they weren't the ones who got the hug nor the smile. It was for his real brothers and it made them pout in jealousy.

People around them, looked and saw the pout.

'They're jealous.' All of them thought and some giggled at the thought. The powerful pirate and the second in command for the Revolutionary army were jealous of two people, who happened to be Luffy's real brothers, which they never met before.

"Hey, Oyaji!" Thatch called out as he had an idea, which Ace might not like. The call out caught the attention of others. "Since Ace is a part of our family, does that mean Luffy is also a part of the family?"

"GURARARARARA. Of course my son." The giant man answered.

"Yay! We got another brother!" Thatch cheered along with some other whitebeard pirates.

"OI!" Ace said. "He's my brother!"

"Yeah, but your also ours, so a brother's brother is also our brother." Haruta explained.

"You just want my spot as his brother!" Ace complained as he continued to pout, but also sulk as the whitebeards were celebrating with the knowledge of having another brother.

"Ace, calm down" Sabo started.

"Finally, someone is going to scold Fire Fist." Smoker said, but was disappointed with Sabo, when he continued.

"They didn't just want to steal your spot only, but also mine." Sabo pouted and joined Ace, which made a lot of people to sweat drop.

"Never mind." Whispered Smoker, while the rest were thinking along the lines, 'Brocons.'

"Does anyone know what Island they're on?" Asked Lucky Roo. "I don't think I have seen that Island."

Robin shook her head. "I've never seen or heard about an Island like this so far. I wonder if it still exists."

"Anyway, Yuko. Grandpa is coming to the island." Yuki stated as he picked up Luffy from the ground. "He's probably going to make us do the training and Luffy will probably start his."

"Training?" Questioned Luffy as he tilted his head to the side, only to be ignored by his brothers.

"I don't want Grandpa to train Luffy, but I can't wait for him to get here!" Yuko exclaimed with a fire in his eyes. "I've grown stronger since the last time we saw him!"

"IS HE CRAZY!?" Screamed Ace and Sabo with shark teeth. "HOW COULD HE LIKE IT?!"

"HAHAHA. This is why I like Yuko." Garp laughed. "He actually enjoyed the training I gave him, though he didn't want to be a marine."

"IT'S BECAUSE HE'S CRAZY!" Shouted the two again.

"What are you talking about – yoi?" Marco asked.

They both sigh and waved their hands. "You'll see, maybe."

"You really are crazy, huh?" Yuki said. "Did you forget that he threw us into the jungle and told us to survive for a week, when we were only 8? Did you forget he told us to fight a bunch of animals? Did you forget that he threw us in a deep pit and told us to get out of it by ourselves?"

"I get your point, but it's a good challenge and I never back away from a challenge. Though I think none of us want to be marines." Yuko answered with the famous D smile.

Yuki shook his head and they all headed towards their house. They greeted many people and Luffy was smiling the whole way. Once reaching the house, Clare was in the living room reading a book, while Yuki placed Luffy onto the ground. He ran up to his mother and jumped onto her lap, while hugging her.

"Hello. How was the field?" Clare asked, as she placed her book down and returned Luffy's hug.

"It was the same. The flowers were all pretty and colourful." Answered Luffy as he looked up and smiled. "How are you mum?"

"I'm doing fine." Clare replied as she looked at all three of her sons. "You should get ready. We're going out."

"Ok!" Luffy ran to his room and got ready, while the twins went to their own.

The family of four walked out of the house and reached the middle of the village. They were all chatting happily, but there were canon fire and shots. The people were in panic and Clare immediately started to give her orders.

"EVERYONE! GET DOWN!" She demanded and people followed her.

Luffy was scared and was hidden by his older brothers. They were both frowning and were ready to fight at any time.

A man yelled, "Do you think its buster call?"

"But we haven't done anything wrong!" Exclaimed a woman. "There aren't enough ships for it to be buster call. There's only one navy ship!"

"Then, what the hell is going on?!"

"Everyone quiet down!" Ordered Clare as she looked at her sons.

Everyone frowned at the scene. There was chaos and it seemed that the marines, which are the ones who are supposed to protect the peace, had attacked the island for no reason.

"Wow, it seems that Luffy's mother is good at controlling the situation." Pointed out Robin as she studied the scene in front of her. Then she turned to the marines and said, "Though, why was the navy after them?"

The marines looked at each other and Senguko replied with a frown, "I don't know. I don't remember sending an order that would attack that island."

"Maybe it wasn't you and someone else." Suggested Benn. "The question is, who?"

The trees were caught on fire and it was spreading. Towards the direction of the fire, were marines. They were shooting at all the people who were on the ground, killing them. Their peers could only watch as they were killed. Luffy caught a glimpse of the sight and was horrified. There were pools of blood everywhere and all Luffy could do was close his eyes.

"Luffy, don't look and don't make a sound. Got it?" Whispered Yuki without battening an eye towards his younger brother.

Luffy nodded covered his ears, not wanting to hear the gun shots and closed his eyes. Yuko and Yuki tried to hide their brother, but people could still see that he was there. The marines were walking closer to the group in the middle of the village. As they walked closer, they could see the face of the marine in charge.

"ZEN?!" Shouted the older marines.

"Who?" Asked Ace, who was currently scared for his brother's safety.

"He was a top marine, who was really powerful." Explained Smoker in disgust, "Though he wasn't a good one. He was exposed for drugs, murder and theft. There was even rape on the list. Then he was locked up."

Senkugo added, "He had gone more and more unstable as he continued to grow stronger. He would do anything for power."

"Why is that type of man in Luffy's past?" Growled Ace as he glared at the person named 'Zen'.

"We don't know, but I think we're about to find out." Zoro said in a monotone voice. 

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