Dragon Ball: Tenkai (HIATUS...

By EnvyAzazel

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Following the events after the Tournament of Power, Kuzuku and his friends spent their days resting. However... More

A Sudden Visit From Another Universe?! Kuzuku's Sudden Illness!
The Training Day That Was Harder Than Yesterday! Another Saiyan Has Ascended!
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Threats Gathering In Times Of Peace! Enter The Son of Frieza?!
21's Little Secret? A Dangerous Combination Assembles?!
Frieza Returns! A Fiery Battle In The Ice Continent Begins!
The Tables Have Turned! A Dire Predicament!
A Little Sneak Peak ^_^
Raging Flare! The Fierce Saiyans Of U7!
Sorrowful Rage Explodes! The Legendary Berserker Awakens!
A Risky Plan Against Time! Heroic Spirit Erupt!
The Mightiest Vs The Mightiest! Finale To The Battle On The Ice Continent!
The Blissful Night Towards The Dawn Of A New Era!
Rival Or Follower? Kale's Divided Paths!
Unraveled Truths! The True Essence Of Ki!
Secrets Kept In A Book! A Remnant From The Turtle Hermit's Past!?
The First Step To Learning The Basics!
Gentle Snow And Raging Blizzard. . .
Preparations Towards The Unknown Begins!
Preparations For The Unknown, PT2
Mission That Prelude Disaster!
The Final Straw Is Pulled. . .Counterattack!
Outbreak On Planet Sadala! The King Who Can Shoot Down The Heavens
G.O.D vs G.O.D! Showdown On Sadala!
At The End Of The Light Comes Tragedy
Explosive Rage! Caulifla Strikes With Fury!
Caulifla's Way! Never Lose One's Self!
Torch Passed! Renew, Victories Martial King!
Dwindling Time! God Of Destruction vs Awakened King!
Golden Emperor Soars! The Final United Front!
Planet Sadala Invasion Arc: Epilogue #1
Planet Sadala Invasion Arc: Epilogue #2
Antebellum Decisions Made! Let Recruitment Begin!
Lurking Shadows! Secrets To Supremacy!
Tenkai Arcs/Saga

The Home Of The Universe 6 Saiyans! A Divine Danger Descends!

93 1 2
By EnvyAzazel

(Forwarding To Two Days Later, On Planet Sadala That Resides In Universe 6 . . .)

Planet Sadala, the home of the Saiyans that hail from Universe 6. Throughout the entire cosmos, the Saiyans residing in this universe have evolved and become more of an influence compared to the ones that resided on Planet Vegeta. This is primarily because they acted as a force of instilling peace and appeasing conflicts on warring planets for the greater good. In return, they profit off being revered as heroes and even gain influence enough through one of their finest soldiers to catch the eye of the God of Destruction of their universe. However, since that Saiyan departure to their rival universe along with several others for training, Sadala has been rather quiet as of late. The streets and businesses were still brewing quite well with civilians of the middle class chatting and going about their days as the clouds slowly hovered below the yellow sky. While soldiers who seem to have quite a lot of time on their hands since the Tournament of Power were gambling in bars and sharing laughs and stories from when they were on missions with occasional veterans joining the mix. However, one particular veteran seemed a bit. . .anxious.

He was currently walking down the street, passing by the bar without noticing the greeting calls of his former patallions that used to work under him. Not that he didn't care but his mind was too focused on another thing. His crutches dug into the ground with each step he made for support with haste as his thoughts pondered on the sudden summon from someone he would have never expected to see until the end of the year. God, contradicting as he sounded, he both hated and liked that person but he was still a close friend. I mean, if it weren't for him, he may have never become captain of the Sadala Defense Force.

But his thoughts paused as he reached the gate to the large palace that stood in the center of the large industrial city. Sighing, he walked past the guards of the gate and made his way into the palace. It was so easy for him to do that due to his connections and former status. The perks of having merit he suppose. Though, with that in mind, the veteran Saiyan continued on with his venture through the corridors, his eyes occasionally locking onto numerous luxurious furniture, decorations, and portraits that were all tempting to steal through the eyes of any typical thief from the poor areas of Sadala. Not like he would anyways since he was content with what he had. Nonetheless, it took him quite a bit to reach the room he was said to enter. Sighing, motioned it's way to the knob until a sudden voice being the only thing that interrupted his action.

"What brings you here, Renzo?" He heard his name rolling off the tongue of a familiar serious tone of a student he used to teach. One that he considered to be a prime candidate to be the rightful successor.

Out of respect, the retired captain turned to face the owner of the voice who appeared to be a young man who had the look of someone who's seen their fair share of battles as they remained depanned and stern. Coming up from the right side of his jaw and cheek was a jagged scar though it didn't seem to hinder how handsome he was. His eyes were sharp and brown along with his spiky black hair that seemed parted straight down the middle with only a few strands hanging in the open spot. As for his attire, Renzo wasn't surprised that the young Saiyan was wearing his Saiyan armor whose brown latex shirt was covering his entire body while the chestplate itself was black with an orange triangle in the center. His black and gold boots were freshly clean as light refracted off it while hanging around his waist was a similar black pelt that his brother wore though his was more torn in some areas due to the battles it's been through.

Respectfully, Renzo did a quick bow as he greeted, "Your father summoned me, Prince Okara. Do you have business here too?"

"No, I was just passing by," the Saiyan prince answered, his eyes darting left and right occasionally, "I was looking for my idiot little brother. I also haven't run into his scrawny looking pal Cabba either. Do you know where they have gone?"

"Well. . .," Renzo trailed off, contemplating whether he should be the one to really answer that question or not. However, he was given little time to reply to his comment as the door opened next to him, the sound nearly causing him to jump out of his skin for a moment as his head darted towards the person behind the door. There he was: the old friend that he's been with since childhood slightly grinning at him with hidden pride. His hair, like any other Saiyan, was spiky as well though he had much more of a spiral towards the left as several thin bangs hung in front of his forehead. His attire was one of a true warrior king, his shoulder vest armor glistening white as the abdomen area resonated a bronze and blue lining. Under the armor however was a similar black latex suit that his son wore while attached to the armor itself by the shoulder straps was the dark blue cape that covered his back. If Renzo wasn't so distracted, then he'd probably have heard the sound of those loud bronze boots he seemed to favor so much.

But, despite his reluctance to give a proper greeting, the former captain paid his respectful greetings regardless even though he was quite close with him, "Sorry for not entering soon, King Sadala. I was just in the middle of a conversation with your son."

"No need for the formalities, Renzo. Come on in, we have something important to discuss. . ." King Sadala noted as his yellow eyes darted over to his son who seemed impassive from his sudden appearance, "I'm sorry to pull him away from you, if you don't mind--"

Okara didn't give him time to finish that sentence and scoffed, "Whatever. . .I'll be training as per usual. Don't bother me." Without another wasted second, the eldest prince had already turned his back on them and began walking towards the training grounds within the palace. Shaking his head, the Saiyan king let out a deep sigh of slight frustration.

"That boy. . .he'll be in for it when he succeeds me if he doesn't know when to take it easy," Sadala groaned.

Renzo shrugs, though he couldn't help but note, "Well, he does take after his you back when you were his age. If it wasn't for the Queen, you'd be on your way to an early retirement from the stress."

"Tch. . .! Always bringing up the past. You've never changed, Renzo," His highness grumbled, his feet already motioning his way back into the room fully as he expected his old friend to follow.

As he watched, the King of the planet himself made his way towards his desk that could be clearly seen at the end of the room of white, marble flooring and numerous furniture sporting blue and bronze, Renzo sighed, "Of course. . .How else would I keep you from doing all those dumb stunts in the past during your early years of ruling this planet?" In response to his question, he could hear a grunt from his old friend, the sound providing a bit of satisfaction as he walked through the door after him before closing it. It was reassuring that despite all the work that had been piled on him, the man hasn't changed one bit to say the least.

Though, that was probably too soon to be said as King Sadala immediately took a seat at the gray desk where all of his documents and papers were. No matter what planet one may be from, being an important figure in society will always come with some form of paperwork that comes in endless waves. However, as of right now, his highness seemed a bit worried as he sat in a posture that Renzo was all too familiar with. Elbows resting on the desk as his hands folded on top of one another in front of his face while his back arched his body forward away from the back of the seat. Yup, something must have come up, Renzo could just feel it. But still, he had to ask. . .

"So, what's got you in the dump so much that you've called me after all this time?" Renzo quired, stopping in front of the two luxurious couches with a rounded marble table in the center. He was tempted to sit but he wasn't sure this was going to be a long chat or a short one. Most of the time, it'd be short.

"Well. . . I wish I could complain about them Narlites again for being unreasonable with their demands but. . .something more glaring came up," King Sadala noted, earning a questionable look from his former captain.

With that look, Renzo seemed a bit curious with the new bit of dialogue, "Okay, so what is it? Another planet has decided to act up again and attempt a crusade in our galaxy again? It wouldn't be the first time."

"No, nothing like that. The Queen has been very diligent in her job at stopping that from happening again. Which is why we've returned so quickly," He chuckled in response to the small humor in his assumption before returning to his serious expression, "Thanks to one of your students, Planet Sadala has gained and became recognised by the God of Destruction of our universe which boost our image and power to the point no one hardly dares to try and provoke us. But thanks to that, I've been notified of some. . .well very unsettling news from his attendant. . ."

"How unsettling?" the former captain asked, the seriousness of the king's tone giving him a bit of militaristic nerves. It was normal for a Saiyan to feel these types of demeanors considering they are a race of warriors at heart no matter how much their society has become peaceful here in Universe 6. But when the king talks military, any soldier could feel just how dire the situation may be before he could explain it. This was no different. Mostly because King Sadala was a man who was born during the great times of disorder and war. It's why he's been on the frontlines and mastermind of forming military tactics against aggressive warring planets while the Queen held a great convincing charisma that allowed alliances between Sadala and other planets to be formed. The pair were practically a dynamic duo. But back-tracking a bit, the King stood from his spot and walked over to the window to glance over his glorious and thriving kingdom.

The towns-folks along with the soldiers were in perfect harmony, each one holding smiling faces that made his stone expression waver at the thought of what's to come. The worst part was. . .he doesn't even have the slightest clue when. . ., "You remember Planet Hanmonu that floats in the South Quadrant of the universe?"

"Why of course, that planet is one of the most hostile and dangerous planets out there. It has no law or discrimination, only chaos. Many of our platoons who tried to integrate them into a more civilized system at the request of the God of Destruction himself due to its resources but have never made it back. Hell, there is said to be a very powerful ruler there who may be on par with you," Renzo answered, proving more than enough of his knowledge on the planet's nature and inhabitants.

There was a silence, though the Sadala king faced the window as he took in a breath before unraveling the information he received, "I'm glad that you are still well informed on the recent military actions. . .however, what I'm about to say may shock you. . ." He paused, his body turning back to face his old friend who stared at him quizzly. Though he seemed unfazed, the king's palms were sweating with dread.

"Planet Hanmonu. . .has been destroyed," He informed.

There, the long awaited reveal was blurted out for Renzo to hear. His eyes widened as his mouth opened only to fail to respond quickly to that new form of information while his thoughts ran rampant, "Hanmonu. . .destroyed? The planet practically to be considered a larger version of a 'No-mans' land was eradicated! This has to be some joke and if not. . .then it was most likely by natural causes!" That thought in mind, the former captain had to ask. . .

". . .How did it happen?" He muttered.

"That's what's so alarming. . .from what I've been told, it wasn't by natural causes of any sorts which means, it had to be someone. As to why I don't know," King Sadala answered.

"Bullcrap!" Renzo spat, his hands almost throwing his crutches at the window until he realized that he was still injured so he thought, "We've been trying for years to establish relationships with that planet for trade! Heck, we've even used brute force and failed numerous times! There's no way---"

"Well, it happened. . ." King Sadala abruted his rant before continuing, "And whatever destroyed it is said to be making its way towards the direction of Planet Sadala and it seems quite skilled at concealing its presence as even the gods of our universe can't detect it. Which means. . ."

Renzo frowned at where he was going with this, "The element of surprise is in its hands while we're sitting ducks to a potential attack. . .But, aren't we reading too much into this? Maybe it's just passing by. . ." The King thought for a moment but shook his head. It wasn't like they specifically said their planet was getting targeted but he couldn't shake this feeling. A sixth sense of danger from all the times Planet Sadala has been invaded before.

"That's a fair point but even so, there is an equal opportunity that we may be getting attacked. If that's the case, then I don't want to take any chances," The king affirmed.

"Cautious as per usual I guess. . .so, what does this have to do with me? Shouldn't you focus more on prepping for the attack?" Renzo asked.

King Sadala smirked out how slow he was to put things together, "Isn't it easy to figure out. Considering you trained Cabba to become such a fine soldier, I would like you to be the instructor for the possible threat in the future." Renzo pondered for a moment, his facial expression blank as he was in thought. Part of what he said was true but he had no part in teaching the boy to turn blonde and gain a power boost from it. . .but he knew that part wouldn't bail him out regardless.

"Basically. . ." He started, "You're telling me to come out of retirement? Even when I am injured?"

"No, consider it as volunteer work. . .that you don't have a choice in," King Sadala corrected.

"You mean more like a form of civil work that criminals are forced to do as a form of small punishment?" Renzo immediately amended his words.

However, the king merely shrugged, "If you want to put it that way, then yes."

". . ." Renzo couldn't even make-up a counter argument to that. At least he was being honest this time and not allowing his pride as a king to step in the way. That and considering this rather ominous threat looming and potentially threatening their home was nothing to laugh at. He most likely didn't have a choice either way, which was why a low chuckle of slight irritation escaped his lips, "Heh, you know, I hate you sometimes. . ."

The king let out a mused huff from his comment, "I know, but that's just how things have to be. You'll start tomorrow morning by the way so no sleeping in. That's all for now."

"Crystal. . .," Renzo affirmed, his body now turning his way towards the door. He gripped his crutches tight as he began to limp his way to the exit while recapping the new information in his head. However, before he could even reach the exit to leave, the king added one more thing.

"Also. . ." King Sadala murmured, his voice barely reaching his ears. Renzo turned to see what he wanted as the man was back to facing the window that overlooked the entire city; most likely to remind him what they were fighting for, "I haven't been greeted by Cabba nor my other son today. . .do you have a clue as to why?"

Great, this question again. He couldn't lie to the king of all people as he could tell rather easily. Knowing this, he swallowed down his reluctance and firmly answered without the slightest hesitation compared to before, "Well, Cabba and Prince Lottus have gone off to train along with my sister in Universe 7. From what I've been told, there are Saiyans in Universe 7 though unlike us, they are very few in numbers and near extinction. However, their power far surpasses our entire army combined with the allies we've acquired. Cabba even claims that they are compared to even the gods. . ."

"I see. . ." the king muttered before reminding his former captain, "You are free to go. Remember, in the morning."

Wasting no more time, Renzo bowed in gratitude for the king's time before leaving and closing the door behind him. Now that the room is in silence, King Sadala let out a sigh of slight relief. He wasn't sure that they would be able to make it out of this one without large casualties. Even if they hadn't met the enemy in person, from his battle experiences alone, he always had a great sense of imminent dangers that may take a great deal of effort. But, this time, his senses were telling him that this threat was beyond comprehension. That in mind, if Sadala were to perish at its hands then at least there will be remnants of his people still around along with his son to continue the royal bloodline. But, that was reading too far into the future to say the least. All he could do now. . .was wait.

(Meanwhile, Towards The Outskirts Of The Sadala's Main City. . .)

From afar, the city looked to be rather less advanced compared to Earth even though numerous ships seemed to be going in and out subsequently. The outskirts of the city however were mostly purplish colored woods that were only covered by the yellow sky above that was partially cloudy during this time of day. Towering over the forest however was a clear cliff filled with moderate vegetation and little amounts of small wild life. But, even though the scenery was mostly peaceful, something or rather. . .someone appeared on the edge of the cliff faster than anyone on the planet can track him. His cloak flowed with the wind due to being so high up as his feet picked up dust from where he stood. As he stood at the edge, he glanced out to take a good look at the city, blatantly ignoring the threatening winds unveiling his hoodie that covered his face.

"So. . .this is Planet Sadala. . .from what I can tell so far, they definitely are more advanced than the other places I've visited. But so far, I don't sense anyone worth noting here. Man, what a let down!" He complained, grunting at the lack of progress in his mission. Frowning, he was contemplating on really going through the trouble of wasting that on the highest power level he could find and hope it works. Though, in most scenarios that he's tried that, it always resulted in the soul getting destroyed with the best case scenario is them dying painlessly rather than getting erased.

Knowing that goes against his master's wishes, he would have to do things the boring way. A tactic they like to call; divine selection. Sighing, he reached into his pocket and took out what appeared to be a tiny black ball that had a glowing white energy surrounding it, "Well, guess all I have to do is sit back and watch the spectacle unfold. But really, summoning these things really gets old and disposing of them afterwards is even more of a chore. Oh well~" With his mind made up, the man lifted the ball into the air with his palm outstretched above him. It only took a short moment for the ball to suddenly begin to float into the air and ascend to the sky above little by little.

"It won't be long now. . .let's see how they'll fare differently against the Mara unlike those other planets. Will they be able to put up a decent fight or will they all helplessly be devoured?" He queried to himself in a low chuckle.

Shortly after he murmured that, the black ball surrounded by a white glow had already passed the clouds and out of sight. Smirking to himself, he knew he had time to kill before they would arrive and set the plan in motion. Knowing that, he leapt off the cliff and descended upon the ground with the wind picking up speed as he drew closer until he decided to propel himself forward towards the city from afar. His cloak rustled with the wind with a casual demeanor on what is about to transpire remaining in tack, grinning "Let's have a look around to see if I get lucky."

(Song Ends)

(Returning Back To The Palace Of King Sadala, Training Ground Courtyard. . .)

"Nraaaaaaaaaaagh!" A soldier cried from the feeling of his bones compressing under the weight of the kick that was planted firmly in his chest. His body tumbled across the dirt until he came to a stop in front of his fellow worn out colleagues. They were all huffing and puffing, their bodies battered as well as clearly tired. If anything, this was supposed to be their off day from training but after being requested. . .no more like being ordered to come to the courtyard by the very person that caused all this, some of them really wished they didn't hang around the castle hall at times. Otherwise, they wouldn't be in such a state in courtesy of this strong prodigy before them.

Exhaling, the prime suspect of this training session scoffed at how easy it was, "Is that all you men got? Pathetic, one moment of leisure and you all aren't even worth getting my shoes dirty." In response to their royal prince's provocation, one of the soldiers stumbled to his feet though he knew better to push his luck.

"Sorry, Prince Okara. We'll provide you with a better fight after we've recuperated. . ." The soldier panted.

Okara, from hearing this line a thousand times, scoffed at that claim and turned his back on the batch of sparring partners, "Fine. . .go wash the filth off your bodies and be back here in 30 minutes for several more rounds." Complying to his commands, the group of soldiers nodded and bowed before scurrying off in a hurry to the changing room on the other side of the courtyard. Now left alone, Okara sighed and went over to the bench to grab his towel to wipe the sweat off his body. However, as soon as he picked it up, he could feel the stare he was getting from his left which caused him to focus on his peripherals. Almost immediately, he was met with rather stern eyes of the one that he held nothing but respect for though he could tell he was a bit disapproving.

"What do you want, Renzo? I would have thought father would keep you busy a little longer," Okara murmured.

With arms folded and his crutches resting against the pillar that supported his body, the former captain let out a tired sigh, "Don't worry, I didn't come here to check on you intentionally. I was just checking out the good old training grounds since I've been ordered to instruct the soldiers for the time being." Hearing this, Okara perked up with a mixture of confusion and slight. . .irritation?

"What for. . .? Why would father---" He growled

"Because something big came up," Renzo interrupted flatly, "To sum it up, Planet Hanmounu was destroyed recently by someone and it's been predicted to come here. Since you know your father well as being a cautious man then you can understand that something so unknown to us performing such an act would call for this sort of action. Especially since this was information given to us by the God of Destruction himself."

Sucking his teeth in, Okara had to ball his fist to prevent himself from letting his damnation out, "So? Why does father need you? Ever since you stepped down, I've proven perfectly capable of training and leading the platoon you left behind. Does he really belittle me so much?" With a gesture reflecting reluctance to point out his flaws, Renzo sighed deeply.

"I doubt he's belittling you, Prince Okara. You are exceptionally powerful amongst your peers and have been for a long time. We've all known that since your birth. . .," Renzo rubbed his nose before continuing, "However, judging from how those soldiers looked, your leadership should be questioned at times. Did you really think beating them into the dirt will make them better?"

Okara could feel his eyebrow twitch, "What's it to you? If they were given time off from their mission then they shouldn't be slacking should they? Besides, as you said, we may have a threat upon our hands soon so--"

"Yes, we do. . ." The former captain interrupted with a confirmation to his question however, "But, if our soldiers are too worn out then what good are they when the real battle comes and we need them to be at 100%? Did you take that into consideration when you forced them into a one-sided spar that I could clearly tell that you just wanted to let out some aggression?"

Silence took over the two men as the younger of the two was left dead in silence. He couldn't muster up a counter argument to that claim since he knew that the old captain was the one person that can see past him the most. Nothing he did would be able to hide from his sharp eyes that have been helping the kingdom for years since his father ruled. Sighing, Renzo placed a hand on his shoulder in hopes to reassure him, "Listen, I know that from the outside everyone looks at you to be the unanimous next in line for the throne. Mostly because of your mental toughness, renown strength, and natural talent in both being a tactician and warrior. Hell, you even got the looks that every Saiyan girl would drool over on sight." Laughing, Renzo took his hand off his shoulder and sighed as he needed to say the stern truth.

"But, what you lack is something you have to acknowledge on your own. The very thing that your father is still conflicted on when thinking of you as king," Renzo finally added.

Clenching his teeth briefly, he looked over to the side as he stubbornly dismissed his words no matter how true they may be, spatting, "Whatever. . ." Gosh, the former captain really was having his hands tied on this one. He would just say what it is but he knew it would only bounce off that prideful, thick skull of his. Inhaling and exhaling, Renzo couldn't help but mutter under his breath.

"If only you didn't inherit so much of that stubbornness from your father and more traits from your mother then King Sadala wouldn't even consider Prince Lottus over you. . ." Renzo mumbled.

Hearing his younger brother's name was pretty much a trigger word that sparked something inside Okara. He clenched his fist and very quickly shot him a glare with a low growl escaping his lips, "Tch, don't be ridiculous. . .compared to him and his lack of real battle experience, I'm better than him in every way." Frowning at his ignorance and arrogance, Renzo leaned back over onto the pillar that was supporting him.

"I wouldn't put any money on that way of thinking. Maybe before but currently speaking. . ." Renzo paused as he quickly remembered that he shouldn't let emotions deter him from letting him know about the younger prince's month-long trip. . .

However, even alluding to that was a mistake as Okara was now suspicious. Especially as the expression on his face was one of the many scary looks that he gives to someone that he wants information from, "What do you mean by 'currently speaking'?"

"Oh. . .umm you see. . ." Renzo fumbled with his words as he mentally cursed on letting his emotions outweigh his judgement. Now he was in a pickle trying to explain the fact that his little brother went off to some other universe and is most likely stronger than him by now. Telling him now would be the equivalent of adding a bucket of oil to a bonfire. Things may get a bit explosive even though the two aren't even in vicinity of each other. Recalling back, he couldn't help but remember all the times they've fought, sparring and brotherly feuds alike. It was a common thing for Saiyan siblings, that was a given but with Lottus and Okara specifically. . .Lord Champa has mercy. Nonetheless, from mos---well all of the fights so far, Okara had always bested his younger sibling like a big brother should be doing whether it was verbal or physical. But that was beside the point as Renzo pushed those thoughts into the back of his mind and tried to formulate a way to beat around this rather large bush. But moments before he would give in and prepare to take cover from the inevitable explosion, luck was on his side once more.

From only a few feet away, the two men heard a familiar female voice, one that was resembling a certain feel to how her youngest son would act at times, "Now, what are you boys bickering about this time? Is my grumpy Okara being a problem again?"

Responding to that notation, Okara scoffed and grunted towards the dirt as he silently cursed the woman's sudden appearance in their conversation. On the other hand, Renzo couldn't help but feel that he could let up on his lecturing a bit as he now had a valid ally to back him up.

She was beautiful and rather curvaceous due to her being a well-toned warrior among female fighters. Her dark blue and bronze latex armor was wrapped around the majority of her caucasian body up to just below her shoulders in order to allow room for some cleavage with a noticeable scar poking out. Around the waist was a skirt made of similar materials and colorways that hovered over her long spandex covered legs that were well-defined with heel boots to match. Her exposed arms showed some muscle though not too overbearing as she placed her hands that were covered by wrist length gauntlets that complimented her attire on her hips. Her crooked frown and onyx eyes were one of a typical Saiyan along with her slightly spiky hair that went down as far as her upper back with several bangs curving around her eyes with a small parting in the center to allow for some visible forehead to be seen. Upon seeing her, Renzo bowed with a formal smile as she was the second voice of reason as to why this Planet hadn't entered a state of disorder.

"Nothing much, just your typical lecture of wisdom, Queen Chaya," Renzo assured.

The Queen took a glance at the obvious frown upon her oldest son's face. Soon enough, her lips began to formulate a smirk, "I see. . .sorry if he was being difficult again. His pride and tenseness definitely comes from his father during his younger days."

"Oh I know that very well so don't worry, I can handle it. . .," Renzo chuckled a bit as he could feel the younger man's glare on his back. Though that was nothing new so he continued to ask, "Anyways, what brings you to the training grounds Queen Chaya? As you know, all the soldiers have a day off and knowing you, you'd spend your time enjoying a peaceful stroll somewhere or going to that one tea shop you love."

Indifferent to this question, Chaya gestured her left side into a shrug as she nonchalantly spoke, "Well, ever since our King has gotten the news, I figured that I'd prepare myself as well just in case as Queen. That and I may or may not have. . .broken something by accident again and I am. . .well, hiding ahead of time." There was a seemingly a long period of silence between them until the former captain just suddenly decided to not even dwell on it as she nervously smirk at them with the youngest among them quietly rejoiced at her misfortunate falter.

". . .I'm not even going to ask," Renzo said with a blank expression.

"Good! The more secretive people are, the better!" She chirped, laughing away the soon-to-be problem in the future before settling it down into a simmer. Once that was done and over with, she cleared her throat as she noticed something rather peculiar since she returned back to the palace itself, "That aside, Renzo. Do you have any idea where my Lottus went? He usually would be the first one to greet me when I come back home."

In that moment, Renzo really wanted to slam his head into the wall and damn the gods for showcasing him such a glimmer of hope only to strip it from him in short moments. It was as if they wanted the younger man next to him to get his way due to him being such a perfectionist admired by his colleagues and soon-to-be subjects. This is evident by the small smirk appearing on Okara's face at the former captain's expression with the only oblivious to this that was present was the Queen herself who tilted her head in confusion. Sighing, Renzo decided to come clean once more, "No, I heard that Prince Lottus along with Cabba have left on a 'training' trip to Universe 7." As expected, the two royal members froze and stared at him in confusion.

"Universe 7? The one Cabba has been speaking so highly about? Something about. . .umm. . ." The Queen said though struggled to remember the information she's been told about their sister universe.

"The remaining Saiyans that live there," Renzo reminded, "The very same ones that taught Cabba about that, Super Saiyan thing."

"Oh yes, how could I forget. So you're saying he tagged along with him? That's not something I would have expected of Lottus. He'd usually try his best to skip out on his training schedule and slack off," Queen Chaya noted though she sounded pleased at the development since as long as she remembered, her youngest was more of a carefree type of child rather than the serious and stoicness of his elder brother.

On the other hand, as she chatted a bit more and showered Lottus with praises for actually doing something on his own, Okara couldn't help but let his mind ponder. He stood amongst them in the middle of their conversation yet their voices seemed to be distant, as if they were mumbles caught in the heavy winds, "Lottus left to train on his own volition? And to the very same one that taught Cabba that blasted gold form? Tch, don't tell me he's trying to surpass me in hopes of. . . damn it!"

He let out a low hiss that was barely heard by his mother and former teacher. From what he's now learned so far, it wouldn't be. . .no, it probably already happened. That his younger brother that he's looked down upon so much, the very same one that he's claimed numerous of times to be a useless thorn in his thigh, the younger brother that practically had no chance in being a candidate for the throne. . .his throne. By now, he could already see Lottus being more powerful than him by a large margin, considering how powerful Cabba had gotten through his transformation. The mere thought made him want to punch the nearest wall and shatter it into nothing but tiny pieces. He didn't even have to search or take a glance at a mirror to see that his face showed clear irritation and anger at the mere thought of being one-upped by someone he's considered to be superior to. Though, as his fist tightened in order to be a last line of defense from stopping him from bashing the pillar near him, his train of thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a notice change in the air.

His eyes widened, the winds around them beginning the pick up as they had no clue as to what was going on. The Queen even stopped talking in order to try and grasp the sudden storm that seemed to be brewing as the three Saiyans of Universe 6 looked up at the sky above from the courtyard. How. . .? How could they not have realized the skies becoming this. . .cloudy. Though, it wasn't just that. Strangely enough, the clouds seemed to be spinning, so much that it looked like a hurricane except you can actually see it. They quickly knew that this wasn't normal.

"What the. . .? The heck is going on? I'm pretty sure the skies were supposed to be clear today?" Queen Chaya noted, clearly confused at the sudden change in weather.

Faring not much better, Renzo stared at the cloud in a mix of shock and confusion, "You're right, judging from the look of things, the clouds are behaving quite strangely. Plus, this strange feeling. . .I can't even comprehend what it is. . .". Just as he noted that, a soft glow began to emit from the clouds and illuminated the ground below with a bright, white light. If one were to compare it, it was as if some divine ascension was about to occur before their very eyes. They were sure that the citizens and even the King himself had noticed by now. The incomprehensible feeling that washed over them became more apparent as time went on.

Then, just as when they thought their nerves couldn't be spiked more so than ever, the clouds opened up from the center almost instantly, thus allowing for the rays of light that seemed to be emitting from a small object to shine upon the kingdom. This sudden occurrence caused their eyes to widen in shock and interest. What in the hell was going on? This isn't a normal type of weather pattern on Sadala . . .in fact, this is the first time something like this happened. The only thing coming close to this was Lord Champa's grand appearance a few years ago but even that wasn't as grand as this. That was for certain, especially soon enough, the Saiyan Prince could have sworn that he spotted a dark shadow drawing closer and closer to a visible form with it's appearance only obscured due to the light. But as it got closer into his field of view, he couldn't help but mutter his disbeliefs, "What. . .in the hell. . .is that thing!?"

What he saw and could barely describe was something that he had never seen before in his entire life, his surprise mirrored by his mother and former teacher. The figure was large in size, around the same height as a standard building as it's white wings and round halo behind it helped slow it's descent. It had pure white skin with not even a lick of hair on it's head though it's eyes shone a bright yellow that stood out from the white light that shines above behind it. Around it's waist was a semi-clear cloth that had strands loosely floating around it all the way down to it's bare feet. It's hands clenched tighter around it's sharp, gold scepter once it seemingly spotted the people staring up at it from below, it's slender athletic build and bare chest indicating it took the form of a humanoid male. Nevertheless, the figure was still of unknown origins and definitely a species that has yet to be known to the most knowledgeable beings in the universe.

The three Saiyans of Universe 6 were left speechless, unsure as to what they could say about the creature. However, as they saw it raise its scepter, a golden flow of energy around it's weapon and in that moment and to their mixed horrors. . .more copies of itself began to follow suit behind it. They couldn't feel it's power but just from the single one of them was enough to send shivers down their spine. Then, before they could utter a single word, the creature leading what could be clearly seen as an invasion threw his scepter so fast that it became a blinding flash of light. A light so fast that when it impacted with the first area of the central city of Sadala, it shook the terrain to it's very core as the energy unleashed blinded the residence and enveloped those who were unfortunate within its radius. That was when they realized the enemy that they had recently been dreading to prepare for had arrived before they realized it. A move that had completely caught them off guard as the Sadala soldiers who were stationed and returned home were once more thrown into a battle. . .one that their battle hardened minds weren't ready for.

(Song Ends)

(Dragon Ball Tenkai ED 1: Last Letter [FreeTEMPO] By Thelma Aoyama)

A/N: Alrighty, I think 7k words is enough for a cliff-hanger chapter. This will be the last chapter for about 2 or 3 months as my focus will soon switch over to Yugioh Re:Seize. I say about 2 or 3 months which means Tenkai should resume in around December which is a good time since that's when my fall semester ends. I have to say, I was more on board with the chapters this time around compared to Re:Seize though I think Re:Seize may suffer as I started up my second year again yesterday so I'll be busy.

That aside, about this chapter. I wanted to introduce some of the characters that were pretty much foreshadowed by Lottus earlier and the beginnings of the conflicts on Sadala with the new villain who I still decided to keep his true identity and motives a secret until the end of the Sadala Invasion Arc. Yes, that's the official name. Other than that, there is nothing else to really discuss until December so I hope you enjoy not only this chapter but also these sets of chapters as well. That said, until we meet again and stay tuned for some more chapters on Yugioh Re:Seize!

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