๐€๐ง๐ ๐”๐ฌ

By kiikiisaidfuckyou

1M 51.6K 107K

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24.3K 1.1K 1.4K
By kiikiisaidfuckyou

𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚
𝐃𝐞𝐣𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 | 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐦 | 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞

"Come here," I said pulling Kataleya closer to me by her neck. I pushed my lips against hers and deepened the kiss as she climbed on my lap. We were sitting in the house just cooling before I had to go handle stuff for the shop.

She was getting stuff ready for what she had going on soon. She was trying to do the whole instagram thing so she was talking about her youtube video and the story time that she would be telling on there.

She pulled away and smiled a little bit. "Were you even listening to my idea?" She asked with her eyebrow up as I stared at her. She was looking really pretty. She cut her hair into bob and I was loving everything about it. I was in love with it to be real.

"Yeah I was listening." I said. "I just wanted to get a kiss before you continued with what you wanted to do but now I'm all ears forreal."

"Ok," She said. "Now like I was saying, I wanna do a video about what happened when I punched Dawuan in the face. Like everything that led up to it and everything that happened after. I mean it's not such a big story but that's what got me my following so I think I should explain it."

I nodded my head. "Ok." I said. "Seem like you got it all figured out. It sounds like a good idea."

"It is. The only thing about it is Maya plays a big part in this story and I don't like her. I still want to fight her. Yeah I wanna give my supporters what they want but if that's gonna make Maya think she means something to me than I don't wanna do it." She said shaking her head, I shrugged.

"The story about you. Not her." I said. "Youn even gotta use the bitch real name. Just make up one."

She sat there nodding her head before pushing her lips to the side. I laid and watch the changes in her facial expressions closely as she sat there looking at me. She was in her head so I didn't want to interrupt her in her thoughts. She should get those thoughts figured out before continuing the conversation.

She quick to say something that she shouldn't.

"Did you mean some of the stuff you were saying the other day?" She asked. "Are you really not happy with me or were you just saying that because I hurt you? I wanna know the truth about it."

I huffed. "I am happy with you.." I started off. "But I do feel like youn put the same amount of effort in that I do. I feel like I do more for this relationship than you do sometimes and instead of saying something about it I just thought that was how it's supposed to be."

Her eyebrows raised. "You don't think I put enough effort in?" She questioned. "I feel like you should have said something to me sooner. If I'm not enough for you and there are things you want me to change then the communication between us should be good enough that you should feel you can talk to me about it.." She expressed.

"You are good enough." I said. "It's not even about that cause that's not our issue. It's about the way you act. You not affectionate about my feelings and that shit make me feel some type of way sometimes."

"Ok." She said nodding her head.

"Ion know," I said with a shrug. "I feel like I'm always there for your feelings and I cater to you which ion gotta problem with because I like treating you right but when it come down to me youn always be understanding or try to understand."


"And yeah, that's all fahreal." I said. She keep saying ok and nodding her head. Ion wanna laugh but this shit weird as fuck to me.

"I'll do better." She said. "Thanks for telling me."

I watched as she kissed my cheek and got off me. She started walking out the room causing me to furrow my eyebrows. I was confused on what was up with her. She was just extra calm and it was catching me off guard.

Maybe she tryna kill me like her daddy did.


I walked down the hallway of my shop and looked at the progress that they were making. Me and my assistant Lila was just checking stuff out before I gave her more assignments.

"The guy you hired for the art is making really good progress. It looks really good." She said looking up at me. She was shorter than me but she wasn't shorter than Muga. She was lightskin petite girl who was pretty tall for a women.

I could tell she was athletic from her build.

I wasn't looking at her like that though. Everything was professional between us because to be real, she couldn't do nothing for me that Muga wasn't doing.

When I go into business with somebody it stay that way cause I ain't got time for none of that extra shit. I wouldn't disrespect my girl and I wouldn't want her to feel like she can't trust me because of some silly shit so I keep shit strictly professional.

I nodded my head. "And that car?" I asked.

"We got it towed away. Nobody came for it so it clearly was here from the last people who were occupying this space." She said.

"Ion want nothing from the last space. Shit can get fucked up and shit like that. We don't want that cause we don't know what type of business they used to run, y'know?" She nodded.

"I understand." She said before smiling. "Now on a lighter note, I did get that bouquet of roses sent to that address for you and those fruits but the only problem we have right now is..."

"Is?" My eyebrow raised.

"Some man came here the other with some other guys asking questions about you. They wanted me to tell you that they wanted to talk to you about something important."

I eyed her. "Something important?"

"Yeah.." She said. "They kept throwing business in my face and I'm like I'm his assistant so if you want to talk to him I need to know what it's about so I can let you know and you can tell me what to do moving forward. That's how businesses work."

"Right." I agreed. "What they say that wanted?"

"Never said. They said you'll know what they mean and something about it's time. I'm like whatever bro just leave because now you're being weird." She said, I huffed and shook my head.

"Right." I knew what they wanted. But I wasn't doing shit till I got my money in hand. Until then, they ain't getting shit from me or done by me and that's period.

My mind wondered to what Muga said the other night. "I don't know if it's easy to talk to a man who kills people." I mean everybody gotta past and as long as you leave that alone it doesn't matter what you did. Everybody have skeletons.

I just wonder when she find out about mine if she gonna stay. If she gonna still love me. Is she still gonna hold me down and wanna be with me. Is she still gonna be mine.

My skeletons ain't that bad. Her love for me pushed them innat closet so shit should be cool now, right?

"I'll be right back." Lila said.

I nodded my head and unlocked my phone.


you good?

are you?

just checking on you
what you doing?

just left class
i'm about to go home and start dinner
i want to get an internship

we can find you some tonight
i'll get lila on doing some research for good internships in the city
what do you wanna do?

i wanna be a profiler

like a mf that work for the FBI?



"What. The. Fuck." I mumbled.


I laid underneath the covers with my head on Muga's stomach. I liked sleeping right here. I don't know why but it was just comforting to feel her 24/7.

We had just finished so I was trying to fall asleep but for some reason I just couldn't tonight. Shit just felt a little bit off innis house so a nigga was on guard.

"Why you sleeping under there?" I heard before the covers were moved off of my head. "I wanna see your face." She rubbed her soft hands on my chin.

I licked over my bottom lip and looked up at her. "I like it under there." I said, she laughed.

"Whatever." She said. "Come cuddle me."

I moved up and wrapped my arms around her waist and cuddled up towards her chest. She smacked her lips and looked at me as I adored her. She was so pretty to me. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said before sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked watching the shift of sadness fall over her face. I noticed how sad she was and immediately started feeling her pain as well. I feel like I'm connected to her in a way that I can't explain. So every-time she feeling some type of way I feel it as well. "Talk to me."

"I don't know what I want to do with my life." She exposed in disbelief. "I'm a confused high school graduate with a scholarship to FAMU."

"You just graduated." I reminded, she busted out crying out of nowhere. I swear I didn't even expect her to start crying but she did and she was crying hard. "Baby, it's good. You still young. You just tryna figure out your life."

"Why is it taking so long?" She said. "How can I know I love you but not find something that I love to do for myself." She expressed with a frown.

"You can find something." I comforted. "You gotta be open to anything though. Dont just settle fa shit that's gon make you a lotta money cause money ain't no object with me."

She sniffed as I wiped her eyes. "I wanna make my own money. I wanna be able to take care of myself."

"You don't got to though." I comforted. "I'll give you anything. Y'know that. Take your time on figuring out your next steps. I don't want you to jump into anything too fast and then you unhappy and shit."

She didn't reply. She only shifted a little in the bed as I looked at her. I could tell she still felt some way but I wasn't going to push it because she was just going to start crying and shutting down.

"I missed you all day." I expressed.

"I missed you too." She said quietly. "I wish we could be together all day but I guess we need our space from each other."

"You wanna come with me to work tomorrow?"

I noticed the shift of emotion in her voice as she spoke. "I can. What do you have to do tomorrow?"

"Just got some meetings and some papers to sign. I want you with me if it's not gonna be a inconvenience for you." I expressed, she shrugged.

"I'll come." She said. "I have nothing to do tomorrow anyway so why not."

I nodded my head. I was happy to have her come with me tomorrow. That way she can see what I do and gotta go through day to day. Maybe she can help me make some decisions as well.


"I wanna try out for the volleyball team at school." Kataleya said looking at me from the other side of my desk as she scrolled on her phone. "I miss playing so much and I think it'll help me get back to my old self."

I nodded my head. "Your school got a team?" I asked, she nodded. "Then do it. What you need?"

"Uh, I just gotta get some knee pads and I guess some volleyball shoes." She said with a shrug. "I'm going to talk to the coach just to see what she says."

"Let me know how I can step up for you innat aspect of shit." I said. I knew she would make the team cause she was good for a short player. She had good technique and anybody who don't see that must be crazy. "But you got that shit."

"Hopefully." She mumbled. "I like your office." She shifted the conversation and flashed a smile at me before looking around. I could tell she was trying to get comfortable in the building.

"Yeah, it's cool forreal." I said looking at the photos of the shop. I was kind of irritated that my shop still wasn't done yet. It's been four months and shit was barely finished. Like, the process was taking too long.

A deep sigh escaped my mouth as my forehead rested on my thumb and pointer finger. A nigga was stressed the hell out.

"Are you ok?" I heard.

"Yeah," I said lowly. "I ain't ever using these contractors again tho. Like it's no reason shit should be taking this fucking long."

"You need to calm down." She said sternly. "Things will come together soon. They're probably trying to give you the best and they can't do that if you're rushing them."

I cut my eyes at her before letting out a sigh. "Niggas just want shit to open already. I feel like I'm spending allis money and I'm ready to start making some." I explained.

"Ok but you're starting a business. You're making an investment and all of this type of stuff takes patience. You should know that." She expressed.

That makes sense. I mean, I knew I should expect for things to take time but I'm not in the streets anymore. I need money. Niggas ain't broke but I got a obsession with seeing commas in my account and them commas are decreasing.

I got money. I got investments but I don't like none of my money to go to waste. Anything I put my name to gotta be some good shit cause if not it's gonna make my name look unreliable.

"You right." I muttered.

"I know I am." She said with a slight smile. "I'm your girl. I'm always gonna look out for you."

"I know." I said nodding my head. "I love you for that, real shit. I can always count on you and I really appreciate that."

I watched as she raised her hand to hide the fact that she was blushing. Still, I can make her do that. And honestly that's all that matters to me. If I can still make her do that lil squirm from butterflies then that's all I care about.

"I love you too." She said barely above a whisper.

A small knock distracted me from my thoughts as I eyed Muga closely. "Come in," I spoke licking over my bottom lip. A nigga was ready to go home now.

"Um, there is a man here interested in investing into the shop." Lila said. "He says he wants to talk to you directly about it though."

"What he look like?" I asked with my eyebrow up.

"Um, he's darkskin." She said. "And he's dressed in all Black. He has another man with him."

I sighed. I knew who it was.

"I don't got time for this shit." I muttered. "Lila take Muga somewhere with you. Y'all gotta go."

"Why do I have to leave?" Muga asked, I cut my eyes at her as she sat there with a small pout.

"Take her with you." I said before walking out of the office. I walked down the hallway and tucked my hands into my jacket pocket as I approached the two men. I didn't feel like dealing with this shit but it's something I have to get over with.

"This is nice." He spoke up. "Glad to see you're doing something nice with my money."

"Ion owe you shit." I said simply.

"Oh but you do." He said. "Gleesh is still walking around. Breathing and happy. So that mean you ain't doing your job."

"I already said I wasn't doing that." I said.

"You are." He said. "Get it done."


This all I got. Kiss my ass.
Sike nah. love y'all ❤️

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