The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 34

110 6 3
By wrenlo

Waverly had the strangest feeling as they walked to Wynonna's craft. "I need to go back. I can feel someone needs my help."

Nicole could see something was troubling her. "It's not safe my love. Bulshar's men are too many for us. Plus, we need to take these Gideon vermin back with us."

"I understand, but my heart is being pulled to whoever it is. I need to go get them."

The group stopped, weighing up their options. Wynonna shook her head. "I have a really, really bad feeling about this. Waves, this is not the time to go in all guns blazing. We can send word to the Union to rid this base of the rebels."

"No, I can't leave. Please, you don't understand. I can't leave him here."

"Him?" Nicole questioned. "Who is him?"

"Hardy. The one person who kept me sane while I was a prisoner. He's here, I know it."

"Waves, Waves, Waves, it's impossible," Wynonna instructed. "We could all die rescuing one person."

"I will stay with the Gideon traitors," their father interrupted. "I agree, it is a suicide mission, but I understand my daughter's anguish at leaving this Hardy behind."

"Thank you, father. So, who's with me?"

Nicole looked at Wynonna. Wynonna looked at Nicole. "I blame you Haught. You've turned her into an action hero. She was into butterflies before she met you."

"Still is," Nicole replied, winking at Waverly.

"Fine," Wynonna said, kicking a stone with her boot. "But, if I get killed, I'm seriously going to be so pissed with you Waverly Earp."

The traitors were bound and left on the craft, the gang of three returning to the edge of the complex, watching, waiting for an opportunity to enter. Waverly focused her mind once more, her stones providing a clear vision of where Hardy was being kept. Four levels down, near the generators. A changeover of guards provided a small window of opportunity, Wynonna jumping the last one from behind as they marched past their hiding place. She donned the uniform, slightly too large, but would serve its purpose.

Approaching the other guards, she informed them a prisoner was on the loose, needing help bringing them back. Two guards followed her, Nicole taking both out with her energy pulse, the three now dressed to fit in. Well almost.

"You could have picked a smaller guard," Waverly moaned, the uniform far too large for her.

"Like I had a choice. I knew you were going to be trouble when you were born."

"I'm just saying, if I fall over because this suit is too long."

"I will laugh. I will hold my sides and laugh at you. Now, will you stop treating this like a fashion parade. We're about to get our butts kicked by a very large army."

Entering the complex, they made their way quickly along corridors, their heads down, not wanting to catch the eye of other guards. Descending to Level Four, Wynonna went ahead, checking the cells, whispering Hardy's name as she passed. One miserable looking figure moved towards the bars, thinner than Waverly remembered. She gasped when she saw him. He recognised her immediately, smiling, relieved to see a friendly face.

Nicole told everyone to stand back, a pulse to the cell door cracking the lock in two, allowing it to open easily. Waverly hugged her friend, glad to be in a position to save his life. As they passed back along the row, a woman's voice called out from one of the cells. "Hello, it's me. Remember."

Waverly stared, trying to place her, suddenly realising it was the pilot, captured at the same time she was taken prisoner. Another energy pulse the group retraced their steps, heading for the entrance. Wynonna took up the rear, falling behind a little to give them a chance should they be attacked. As they rounded a corner, they came face to face with a group of rebels, both equally surprised to see the other. Their badly-fitting uniforms gave them away, the look on the face of the leading rebel telling them he was going to enjoy their deaths. Nicole pushed Waverly behind her, the rebel leader laughing, knowing their group outnumbered these weak females. He lifted his gun, ready to shoot, Nicole not flinching, staring calmly into his eyes.

"I really wouldn't do that, if I was you," she said. "I'm not just a pretty face."

"I could use a woman like you to keep me warm. Too bad I'm going to splatter your brains all over these walls."

"I have a better idea," Nicole replied. "How about I do that to you."

She lifted her right hand, aiming above his shoulders, sending out a wave of energy, taking the rebel's head clean off, killing seven of his men in the process. The two remaining rebels fled, Nicole not able to kill them in time. They needed to get out fast, moving nearer the entrance, Hardy stopping, leaning against the wall, too weak to keep going. Nicole hauled him over her shoulders, the group picking up their pace once more, managing to get out just as a siren sounded alerting the complex to their presence.

Waverly manoeuvred the craft away from the surface, heading to Gideon, heading home. Wynonna took a long swig of red. "So, that was fun, but also incredibly stupid. Nice head blasting by the way Haught. Glad you're on our side."

"Why thank you. I'm beginning to enjoy these new powers."

Waverly glared at her. "You, are so not doing that at home."

Nicole felt a surge of love for her. She had called Gideon home.

They say the foolish seek happiness in the distance. The wise grow it under their feet. And, that is exactly what Gideon did. Word went out the planet was saved, not simply its food supply, but from those who had selfishly put their own needs before the needs of the whole.

Those who had betrayed their own were sentenced to spend the rest of their days on a prison ship, never again to set foot on Gideon soil. Many thought that was too good for them. Many wanted their deaths, but those Elders who remained, those who had stayed behind as the planet was evacuated, believed death would be too good for them. Waverly could attest to how dreadful life was on a prison ship. And, Hardy. And, the pilot.

Nicole and her aunt had a bigger job to do, namely re-establishing Gideon. A daunting task, but also one of opportunity. It is not often a whole planet gets a reset. There had been growing unrest in the years before Bulshar made his move, anger and suspicion that those at the bottom of society were being ignored while the elite enjoyed all the privileges that came with their position. Intolerance of others was conveniently encouraged, the fires of hate stoked by those in power who knew if they pitted one group against another it would provide enough of a distraction to allow them to plunder the planet's resources for themselves.

Nicole had seen enough hurt, enough hatred in one lifetime to never want her planet to fall into the wrong hands ever again. Together, they formed a new group of Elders, drawn from all walks of society. Slaves rescued from Lunar 5 were offered work, helping to restore the gardens of Gideon. For their hard labour they were given a choice, safe passage home, or sanctuary on the planet. Many chose to stay, recognising Gideon would offer a new life, a better life.

Gideon needed a leader. Someone who would see to it the planet did not merely survive, but thrived. A vote was taken. It was unanimous. Nicole would be The One. The day of the naming Waverly was a nervous wreck, pacing back and forth in their chambers, knowing this was an important day for her lover. The whole of Gideon would watch Nicole become an Elder and be recognised as their leader. Their chosen one. It was also the day they had chosen to join.

Nicole was adamant she did not want the day to be all about her. She wanted to send a message to all on Gideon that she and Waverly would stand together, in leadership, their combined wisdom, gained through all the trials they had had to face as a couple, would lead Gideon to a stronger, brighter future. There were tears, mostly from Waverly as Nicole read her a poem that perfectly encapsulated their journey. There were celebrations, a three-day holiday allowing everyone to join in.

As they lay together the first night, Waverly felt their circle completing. "We're here, we made it."

"We did. And, I get to wear a silly outfit from now on."

"You know, as The One you could ban silly ceremonial costumes."

"And, walk around naked. No, I quite like having to dress up. Kind of fun."

"I'm all for you walking around naked, although just in our chambers. Look how far we've come. I recall you not wanting to be an Elder. That you wanted to run away to the stars."

"That's before I met you. I never want to run away from you ever."

Nicole took Waverly to Earth to visit Loco Papilio and meet with her guardian. They spent a month, Waverly not wanting to go, crying as she said goodbye. They both were sad to leave the sanctuary of the mountain hideaway, Nicole promising she would see to it her guardian's race were protected and a new planet found for them. On parting, her guardian gave her a new box of seeds, telling her these were to be used on Gideon and across the Universe. The most potent of all plants, the seeds of which, if consumed eradicated all desire to do harm to another. Her guardian had kept these safe, knowing a time would come when the Universe would be ready to live in harmony.

The years that followed were good to them. They made their home on Gideon, making sure they visited Keplar as often as they could. Waverly elected to have children. Two arrived in quick succession, both girls. Wynonna would visit on occasions, taking advantage of Nicole's position to park her craft in an Elder's bay, much to Nicole's annoyance, which amused Wynonna no end.

Nicole was at her desk, busy dealing with a number of urgent matters, when a communication came in from one of the outer settlements. A virus was spreading rapidly through the colony, many had succumbed, their medical teams quickly becoming overwhelmed. Nicole listened as the commander explained the virus had been carried on ships away from the settlement with the risk of it spreading.

The virus had been given the name Valdez-4.

She summoned the Elders, knowing speed would be of the essence in dealing with the outbreak. All agreed, help would be sent to the outer settlement immediately, plus a full alert issued on the danger, the hidden enemy, now being faced.

They had one advantage against this deadly foe. Under Nicole's leadership, the restructuring of Gideon society had fostered a similar approach on other planets. A more peaceful existence had been created, one where community mattered, where everyone mattered, where differences were put aside. Under those conditions, the virus would face a collective army, a formidable army of those who sought to benefit all, not just one.

And, so it was. Valdez-4 was defeated, not simply by medicine and machinery. But, by love.

The love we have for each other has the power to overcome anything, even an invisible enemy, if we stand together.

In Union.

In love & light...

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