Chapter 8

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They passed Nicole's bedroom, the door open enough for Waverly to catch a glimpse of the bed. It was too soon for either to enter. Nicole needed time. Time to get to know Waverly. Time to find out if this was more than a fleeting attraction. More than lust. If this was going to go anywhere, they both had to be sure, both had to want this, given how much was at stake.

Waverly was no longer sure. The one who had lusted after her Commander now having second thoughts. Reality had hit home. Nicole's life on Gideon was far beyond hers. She had seen images of such apartments. How the elite lived. She had even fantasised about living in one. Once Nicole saw how she lived on Keplar, Waverly worried she would drop her in an instant. Her status judged unfavourably. Failing to realise she was judging Nicole in the same way.

Nicole lived her whole life accommodating the judgement of others. She didn't want Waverly to feel intimidated by who she was. That would never work. On the ship, a chain of command was necessary. Off ship, they needed to be able to enjoy a more equal relationship. And yet, Waverly's comment about being unworthy was troubling.

Both were silent as they walked to the nearest market. Lost in their own thoughts. Each needing to understand the other's position, their insecurities, if this was ever going to go further. They sat at one of the open bars. A waitbot took their order, returning with two fruit drinks. Too early for blues, though both wanted one. Nicole laid out what needed to be said.

"I can't change who I am."

"I know. It's...I'm scared I'm not good enough for you."

"Not good enough? You risked your life to save mine."

Waverly lowered her head. "I mean here. On Gideon."

"Look at me. Who do you see?"


"Right. Not Commander. Not Elder."

"Who do you see when you look at me?"

"Someone who makes me feel alive."

A door was being opened for Waverly to enter. If she could only leave her insecurities at the threshold. She reached over to caress Nicole's hand. Could this work? They had a long way to go, but they were moving in the right direction. Towards each other.

The market was getting busy. Nicole suggested they grab a food box and walk to the nearest communal area. They sat watching a small child having its nose wiped by a nanibot. The child not wanting the attention, the nanibot returning to the child's nose at every opportunity.

"What's your farm like?"

"Mostly fruit. Do you swim?"

"No. What's that got to do with fruit?"

Waverly giggled. "Nothing. I'll teach you if you like. Best naked."

"Now I have fruit and your body forever linked in my head."

Waverly felt eyes on her. She turned to see Nicole gazing at her neck.

"What's that?"

"The mark of Andherei. I was four when I got the implant. Same age as that snotty kid."

"An implant?"

"A neuro booster. We use it in fighting. And other things."

"Other things?"

"Let's just say it enhances everything."

Nicole was curious. Definitely something to explore further. They took the long route back to the apartment. Drawing out their time together. Nicole invited Waverly up. She declined. Nicole walked her to the shuttle. A kiss goodbye and Waverly was gone.

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