Chapter 31

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Aunt Gus sat down beside Waverly letting her cry. There was no hurry. Waverly needed time to understand what was happening. She wiped her eyes with her hands, the offer of a cloth from Gus's bag welcomed.

She blew her nose. "It's not her. Gus, she's different."

Gus nodded. "The change is only to her energy. Remember you would have sensed the entity with her before. She is now free of that. But, you're right, she is different. Better."

"Better? She scares me. I've never been scared of her. Ever."

"You need time to adjust to what she has become. No matter how her energy manifests. No matter what she is capable of, she is still Nicole. As you are Waverly. Go to her. She needs you more than ever."

Waverly stood, a few tears trickling down her face. Calmer, prepared to face what had entered her life. She climbed the stairs, entering the apartment, spotting Nicole on the balcony. She approached, Nicole's head turning slightly acknowledging her presence.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me. I'm glad you're back."

"Doesn't sound like it."

"Please, don't be angry with me. I need time. This is all new. You're new."

Nicole continued to look out over her dying city. "I'm not angry. Disappointed. This is who I am. I can't change that. As you can't be anything other than a Lysende."

"I know. Nicole, look at me. Please. I need your help. I need you."

Nicole turned, her eyes flashing between hazel and red. "I need you more. I spent every moment thinking about you. Wanting to be with you. I dreamt of our reunion. And, you act like I'm a stranger."

"I know it's you. I can see it's you. But, your energy."

"Enough," Nicole roared. "Either love me, or leave me."

Waverly felt the energy leave Nicole's body, pushing her away, winding her. "Nicole, you're scaring me. This isn't the person I know. Where are you?"

Nicole gripped the balcony railing. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm finding it hard to control my energy and emotions. I wanted this to be perfect. I longed for you. Waverly, I can't do this without you."

Waverly moved closer, still unsure, still scared of what Nicole was becoming. "Come, I have an idea."

She took Nicole's hand leading her through the lounge to the bedroom, past the others, closing the door behind, standing looking at the bed. "Remember when I was lost and you found me."

Nicole nodded, tears in her eyes. "Find me. Please. Find your way back to me."

Waverly looked around the room. "Where is your scarf?"

Nicole realised what she was suggesting, going to a drawer, extracting a long piece of cloth, holding it in her hands. "Will this work?"

"I hope so. If I can't see your energy. Nicole, anything's better than what I'm feeling right now. Just be gentle. You're more powerful than you realise."

Nicole could feel the excitement rising in her body, cautioning herself to stay calm, stay focused. She needed to be with Waverly without scaring her. She moved behind her, lifting the blindfold, placing it over her eyes. "What do you want me to do?"

"Move my hand to where you want me. Guide me to you."

Nicole felt a wave of emotion, deeper than anything she had felt before, telling herself to remain present, there for Waverly, nothing scary. Her hand lifted Waverly's to her cheek, feeling its softness against her skin. Such a simple gesture. Their first intimate moment together in months. The journey home to each other had begun. She moved Waverly's hand slowly to her lips, the gentleness of her touch reminding her of all the times they had been together, alone, enjoying their own world. She kissed her fingertips, watching Waverly break into a smile. Desperately wanting to kiss her, knowing it was too soon. Moving Waverly's hand to her neck, the top of her jacket, sensing no resistance, a journey they were taking together again after all this time apart.

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