Chapter 29

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As the effects of the brew wore off, Nicole's perception of the entity returned once more to that of a female monk. Its features remained the same, but its robe was a rainbow of colours, shimmering as the light caught it, as if its wings were clothing its body.

"To think you were there the whole time with me."

"I will miss not being with you. You were one of my favourites."

"I bet you say that to all your hosts."

"You and another are the only ones to whom I revealed myself. Our need to remain hidden means we have to be very careful who knows."

"You trusted me enough to let me see you?"

The entity nodded. "You are very special indeed. As rare as Waverly. Rarer in my opinion."

"Don't feel special. Have a tendency to run or puke when stressed."

"Your family never told you about your birth."

"You know my mother as well as I do."

"Your mother struggled to conceive. When your father suggested a way she eventually accepted his idea."

"What idea? What did my father suggest?"

"That they find someone else to bring you into this Universe."

"A surrogate?"

"They needed someone willing to carry you. Unwittingly, the woman they found was Alexandrian. A Firestone."

"Is that why my mother was the way she was with me?"

"Your parents only found out after your birth. Your red hair was a clue."

"My father said it was a lucky twist in my genes."

"More than a lucky twist. You're Alexandrian too. Your powers are exceptional."

"OK. OK. Enough. If I had powers I would have known."

"As you knew I was with you."

"Do not tell me I have had powers all along. And, for that matter. If you knew I had powers, why the fuck didn't you tell me?"

"I did, when you were a child. But, you stopped listening to me. Remember."

"Fine. So, I have powers. What can I do?"

"Enough questions. There is a lot for us to get through. I suggest you rest."

Nicole could sense the entity growing tired. No longer feeding on Nicole's energy, she too needed time to adjust. They walked slowly in silence to a hut near the edge of the settlement. A wooden bed, table, chair. No door, nothing to cover the windows, a cool breeze moving through the space. She removed her boots, placing them at the foot of the bed as her military training had instilled. Lying on the rough mattress her mind had no idea where to start in comprehending what was happening. She wondered why she had seen no other entities since arrival. She would ask. So many more questions swirled. The most burning question. What was an Alexandrian?

She closed her eyes, bringing up an image of Waverly, sitting at the kitchen table drinking soup together. Her new favourite pastime. She so desperately wanted to be with her, feel her next to her own body. Watch the easy movement of her hair. Loose. Tumbling over her shoulders. Oh, to be able to drown in those eyes again. She hoped Aunt Gus wasn't pushing her too hard in the training. So much had changed in such a short space of time. Both having to adapt to new identities. Both having to come to terms with their lives having altered forever.

She wondered if she would ever get to command again. She had hated the experience and yet, with everything that had happened she longed for the simple, structured routine that came with running a ship. She wondered how Doc was getting on. She wondered what Dolls was doing. She wondered what mischief Wynonna was getting herself into. She missed all three. And her crew.

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