Chapter 28

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Early morning, Waverly lay on her bed, the sadness she felt at Nicole's abrupt departure shifting to annoyance as the hours passed. Their life together on hold once more. Just like that Nicole had danced off on an adventure of her own, leaving her to finish whatever training Aunt Gus had in mind. She pulled out a loose thread on her top, its easy removal the only relief she had in the emptiness of the room.

The more she thought about Nicole's actions the more it pulled out her own anger. No discussion, no acknowledgement of her feelings, just a quick goodbye in the middle of the night and she was gone. She would have to retrieve the cruiser at some stage, another irritation. Too unsettled to make heart contact, she buried her head in her pillow. As much as she wanted to feel Nicole, her thoughts pulled her back to the final moments they shared.

A light kiss on the forehead, not even on the lips, a wave and a smile from the cruiser. If Nicole had been thinking about her, she would have suggested they both go to the docking area, that way she would not have to rely on her father. She wondered whether Nicole had even bothered to deactivate the anti-theft system before exiting. Temperamental, liable to lock her out even with her hand print scanned.

Aunt Gus knocked on her door. "We need to continue my child."

"Not now. Not in the mood."

"Mood, or no mood, you still have a lot to do to harness your powers."

"I said not now. And, I'm not going with you to Gideon. I'm staying here for Nicole, who may or may not even bother to come back."

"Why such dark thoughts?"

"Oh, just my supposed lover running off into the night on her own to follow her destiny, leaving me here without a clue as to why and taking the cruiser."

"Will this bring her back?"

"Of course not. But, I get to feel better by feeling sorry for myself."

Aunt Gus laughed. "And, how long do you intend to feel sorry for yourself?"

"Until. I don't know. Can you please leave me alone. I can't feel miserable if you're constantly asking questions."

"Have you tried to connect your hearts yet?"

"No. Yes. I'm too annoyed right now to feel her."

Retrieving the onyx stones from her pocket, Aunt Gus placed them in a line on a table by the window. "Let me show you something. These stones will allow you to see where Nicole is. Do you want that?"

Waverly sat up. As much as she didn't want to, she was curious as to what Nicole was doing. "Sure. Why not. Nothing else to do. How do I work them?"

"As before. Let your mind clear, empty it of thoughts, feel the energy of the stones."

Waverly tried to clear her mind. Every time it returned to Nicole waving from the cruiser. "It's no good. Her smile is getting in the way."

"Relax. Let the stones dance. You are more than capable of doing this."

Waverly tried again. Three of the eight stones rose in the air, crashing to the table as Nicole's face entered her thoughts once more. "I wish she hadn't waved like that."

"Let's try something else. Focus your mind on Nicole, feel every emotion you have for her right now. Let that guide the stones."

Waverly did as instructed. All eight stones lifted effortlessly into the air, each spinning in their own pattern. She had to concentrate her anger to keep them floating, her mind replaying each petty grievance, increasing the momentum of the stones. Suddenly, they came together to form the pyramid, sufficiently energised, spinning in unison, faster, and faster, and faster.

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