Chapter 19

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Waverly lay sedated on the observation table. Wynonna stood back allowing Nicole see the damage to her neck. Crimson, the collar having seared her body. Neither could speak. The one they loved before them, injured. Their only consolation.

She was alive.

Nicole was unaware her hand had reached out to hold Waverly's. A connection made momentarily. A move made subconsciously. There would be no more running away, no more playing games, no more hiding her feelings. She was there, fully present, standing before the person she wanted to be with.

Wynonna sensed they needed time together without her presence, making her excuses. She would talk to Nicole. Now was not the time. Once alone, Nicole's eyes cast their gaze over her lover, the peaceful expression on her face, the beauty of her features. She never thought she could miss someone, be so grateful for their return. The touch of her skin a reminder of what she had so nearly lost, its warmth, silkiness only now appreciated to the full.

How blind, Nicole thought, not to have seen this before.

Naturally, she had savoured Waverly's physical form. Delighted in its exquisiteness. Surveying a land foreign to her at first, gradually coming to know its terrain. Its gentle undulations, its peaks, its hidden valleys. How she wished she could hold her in her arms right now, see the dance of light in her eyes, feel her breath against her own skin. She leant over, placing a soft kiss on Waverly's forehead.

"I'm not leaving you ever again, you hear me Cadet Waverly Earp."

Waverly lay motionless. Whatever was happening to her body, she was in a state of sleep.

"I will make it up to you. I promise. Whatever you want. Just you and me."

Nicole felt the smallest of movement in Waverly's hand. She couldn't be sure, almost as if trying to tell Nicole she had heard her promise. That she understood. That she agreed with everything Nicole was saying.

"I'll be back soon. I need to check on a few things. I won't leave you for long."

There was no further movement. No acknowledgement. Deeply sedated. Treatment underway.

Nicole returned to her quarters. She needed to talk to Doc about Svane, to Wynonna about Waverly, to Rosita to reassure her everything would be alright. Most of all, she needed rest. Her own body ached from the rescue, the pace of their exit fast, Waverly's body slung over her shoulder, a weight she would bare gladly. Forever.

She had watched in awe as Wynonna navigated their path out, her ability to sense the enemy a tactical advantage. Lightning reflexes and ferocious fighting skills bringing down those who got in their way. They had made it to the craft with moments to spare. Luck and timing on their side. The landing site suggested by Willa allowing their craft to make a quick escape. Her intimate knowledge of a hostile environment proving invaluable.

It would also prove instrumental in the battle with Svane. He lived. Badly wounded. Nicole's shot well-aimed, despite Waverly's intervention. Had Waverly not pushed her out of the way, she would have received a full blast to the stomach, little possibility of surviving. The second time Waverly had saved her life.

Her sleep pod a welcome sight, she climbed in fully clothed, intending only to snatch a few moments, enough to take the edge off exhaustion. Her eyes closed, her mind drifting off to sleep. The sound of Wynonna humming in her earpiece waking her several hours later. Her admiration turning to annoyance at the interruption.

"Seriously. I hate you."

"You don't. I can tell. Andherei remember."

"This better be important."

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