The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34

Chapter 33

66 4 0
By wrenlo

Nicole's aunt finished the last of the herbal tea, nodding her approval. "Whoever did this wanted to fool us into believing Gideon no longer could support life. There has been talk of someone. Bulshar."

Nicole kicked the smouldering roots with her foot. Something deeper than the roots troubled her. This had been too simple. Too easy. Her eyes lifted to her aunt. "Did the Elders do everything to save Gideon?"

"I truly believed they had until now."

How had the scientists not spotted the roots, Nicole wondered. Her mother was an eminent botanist. How had she not realised what was happening? "Did you speak with my mother before she left?"

"The briefest of conversations. She said the disease was too embedded. I assumed she meant whatever had infected the crops. I'm beginning to wonder whether she meant our elite system."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking aunt?"

"I am. That the rot goes deeper than these roots. Someone is being helped by the Gideon elite."

Bulshar was growing impatient. Word had been sent by his spies to expect an announcement imminently the planet was to be abandoned. A master manipulator, more than happy to exploit those who could be corrupted, he had slithered his way to Gideon's leaders, winning over those who had the most influence and the most to gain. Namely Elders and those in Legion ready to do the unthinkable. Join with a snake for their own enrichment.

Returning to the apartment they found Wynonna asleep on the couch, a half-empty canister of red on the small table in front, Waverly's father standing on the balcony. He smiled as they entered. "The garden is coming back to life."

"Our plants were corrupted," Nicole explained. "As I suspect Gideon's elite have been corrupted."

Gus nodded. "It would explain my visions. Elders huddled together discussing the future. I assumed it was for the good of the people."

Nicole's aunt grabbed the canister, taking a swig of red, coughing as it hit the back of her throat. "So sorry. Needed that. Traitors, the lot of them. Happy to let their people starve just to line their own pockets and stomachs. To think I trusted them."

"Some decisions by our elite have troubled me for ages," Nicole added. "I never understood why Legion let Svane get away with stealing food shipments, or why they thought it to their advantage to enter into a fight with Svane so far away, sacrificing so many of our ships. It now makes perfect sense. All were efforts to weaken Gideon for the final act in a carefully laid plan."

"You mean, this was all planned from within?" Waverly asked.

"My father once told me to be wary of those with smiling faces when going to war. There were too many smiling faces amongst the elite that day Legion announced we were going after Svane. Remember?"

Waverly blushed. "I only remember everyone embarrassing me about us being together."

"Your father was honest and true," Nicole's aunt interrupted. "Often wondered if his murder was by design. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Forgive me."

"It's OK. My mother said the same. Didn't understand at the time. I'm beginning to now."

"Someone mention food," Wynonna mumbled, opening one eye. "I could do with something to cook up. I'm starving."

Waverly's father took out enough fruit from his sack, laying it on a table. The other provisions were shared out, everyone grateful they had something to eat. Even with Nicole's efforts, her aunt was right, it would take time to bring Gideon back to life.

Nicole beckoned Wynonna to join her on the balcony. "I need to borrow your craft."

"Why? Nope. Don't need to know. Can I come with? I'm bored out of my enormous brain here. And, a lack of food isn't helping."

"I need to check out a hunch. Trouble is, I don't think Waverly will let me out of her sight again. I might have to take her with me. Or, get you to distract."

"In that case. I'm definitely coming with. I'm not staying here with angry Waverly."

"Fine. But, I fly the craft."

"You're not flying anywhere," Waverly scolded, joining them on the balcony, wondering what the pair were discussing in secret. "I'll fly. I'm the best pilot."

"Of course you are," Nicole replied, attempting a smile. "I just think it would be good if you stayed here."

"Is that so? You just think you can tell me what's good for me..."

"No. I mean...What I'm trying to say is this could get very messy."

"Stop saying that. You know what it does to me."

Nicole purred the word. "Messy."

"OK. OK. Will you two cut it out," Wynonna interrupted. "It's enough being hungry, without this level of sexual tension on an empty stomach."

Nicole's aunt was cutting up more fruit as they returned to the lounge. "Where are you three off to?"

"I need to find who is behind all this," Nicole answered.

"Nicole, sit. You have done enough. If it weren't for you I would have already given the order to abandon our home. Let Legion do its job."

"Will Legion though? You and I both know they may no longer be on our side."

Waverly's father had listened to the conversation in silence. If there was to be any fighting he wanted in. "I will go too. It will be an honour to fight alongside my daughters and with you Commander Haught."

Waverly rushed to hug him, tears in her eyes. Wynonna nodded, intensely proud of her warrior father. Nicole smiled. It was the first time in ages anyone had called her Commander Haught.

The four made their way to Wynonna's craft. Most of the planet was operating on a reduced power system, sufficient until the last person turned out the lights. It meant they could still use the small Skypop in the city's main exit shaft to reach the surface. The door to the craft was frozen solid. Nicole placed her hand along its rim, heating it, melting the ice. She winked at Waverly, who was shivering by her side, earning another eye roll, recognising she would have to temper her powers if she were to remain in Waverly's good books. Once inside, the cabin heated, instruments checked, they made preparations to leave Gideon.

Nicole's aunt had mentioned Lunar 5. A newly constructed military base on one of Gideon's moons. Near enough to the planet, with just the right conditions for rogue ships to go undetected. Waverly set a course, knowing they were headed towards those who were arrogant enough to believe they could take a whole planet.

They went in cloaked, their craft landing a short distance from the base. Monitors picked up a very large ship docked nearby. Too large to be a Legion ship, it had to be Bulshar's.

They set off on foot, swords and guns at the ready. Waverly had her mother's sword, vowing to have a new one made when all this was over. They neared the ship, Waverly's eyes scanning it, an uneasy feeling in her stomach. It looked familiar. Too familiar.

The sickening realisation.

It was the prison ship on which she had been held captive. Her legs stopped working, her heart rate through the roof. She never expected to come face to face with the prison that so nearly took her life. She couldn't go on. Nicole turned, sensing something was wrong, seeing the look on Waverly's face.

"What is it? Waverly, tell me."

"It's the ship. The one I was on. Nicole, it's the prison ship."

"Hey, it's OK. You don't have to go inside. I can take you back to the craft."

"No. We need to go forward."

"I know you want to fight. And, I want you by my side more than ever. But, you were a prisoner on that ship."

"Nicole, I need this. I need to win. I nearly lost my life on that ship. Don't take this from me."

"I won't ever. Promise. We go forward."

The group moved nearer, positioning themselves behind a rocky mound, Nicole signalled they needed to work out what to do next. "We need to find a way in. Waverly, what do you remember?"

"There's a small service tunnel. I spotted it on a plan of the ship in the Coms Room. I considered it as a possible escape route if I got the chance. That's our way in."

They edged along the side of the ship until they came to the door to the tunnel. Locked, made of thick metal, Nicole made light work of it, thankful Waverly was unable to see the smug look on her face as they crawled inside. A long, narrow passageway stretched out in front, barely high enough for them to stand. No lighting. Nicole felt her way along, coming to another door at the end. She stopped, knowing what lay ahead would not be friendly. She motioned for the others to stand back, placing her hand over the lock, heating it till the metal glowed red. A shove and the door flung open.

They expected to be met by the enemy. The area beyond was deserted. A dumping ground for the ship's waste. Putrid. Bags upon bags of unidentifiable matter, ready to be discarded from the ship when next in space. So far, so good. They worked their way through the ship. Empty. A low hum of machinery keeping the ship going. No crew, presumably no one expected to be boarded.

Waverly directed them to the Coms Room. They needed to find Bulshar. Nicole had a feeling deep in her gut he was still on the ship. Somewhere. If she could only relax she might be able to feel her way to him. Knowing Waverly needed to be involved, knowing she knew the ship better than any of them they followed her along dimly lit corridors.

Inside the Coms Room, the group gathered round the plan Waverly had seen when last on the ship. Everyone had an opinion as to where Bulshar might be. Waverly hushed the group, pulling out her bag of onyx stones, laying them on the very table where she had sent her distress message. She stood for a moment gazing at the screen, knowing the events of her life from that point on, till now.

She focused her mind, bringing up thoughts of her time as a prisoner. The stones obeyed, rising, forming the pyramid. She asked her question. "Where is my captor?"

The stones separated, each hitting the map in the same spot in turn. The communal area on the upper deck, near the kitchens. Waverly knew where to go.

They could hear voices as they approached. "I was assured this would be easy. What's taking so long?"

"We have everything in place. The final exodus from Gideon should have commenced."

"Have you double-crossed me? Are you planning to take the minerals for yourselves after all the help I've given you?"

"No. We. I. Least I hope I speak for the other Elders always knew this would not have been possible without your genius."

"That's right. My genius is about to bring you riches you can only dream of. So, tell me. Why am I waiting for the announcement?"

"Because, it will never come," Nicole replied.

Bulshar and the Gideon traitors looked in astonishment at the intruders. Nicole's right hand was raised, aimed at Bulshar's heart, if he had one, knowing all she had to do was send out a wave of energy.

A memory flashed in her mind. The young rebel killed during the rescue of Gideon crew, remembering the very moment she had looked at his lifeless body on the ground. A defining moment. How much her life had changed. Waverly had taught her how to live again. How to love. What a journey. From not wanting a relationship after Shae. Wanting to run as far as she could from life. To meeting Waverly, falling in love with her, never wanting to be apart, unless butterflies were involved.

Here she stood against an enemy who could take it all from her. How would she choose?

The energy left her hand, perfectly aimed, direct.

It hit the back wall piercing a large hole. Bulshar had vanished. He appeared moments later, behind her, his left hand gripping her neck tightly, his right hand against her back, ready to send his own wave of energy into Nicole to kill her. A more experienced Firestone, able to shift his energy, Nicole's life was now his to take.

He laughed as his hand rested on her spine. Wynonna's speed outmatched his reactions. Her sword pierced his cold heart, driving through to make sure her work was done. Nicole felt Bulshar go limp, falling away from her, turning to see his lifeless body on the ground. She allowed herself one smile as she raised her right hand sending a wave of energy out, sufficient to reduce Bulshar to ashes.

Waverly was by her father, looking at the huddled group towards the back of the communal area. One face stood out. Svane. She pointed, the look of anguish on her face enough for Nicole and Wynonna to know what they had to do.

"Together," Nicole suggested.

"Too right. Together," Wynonna replied, launching at Svane with her sword.

Two mounds of ashes lay before the group of Gideon traitors. Their choice was simple. Come quietly, or be dry roasted where they stood.

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