The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

66 4 0
By wrenlo

Nicole arrived back in New Tibet. It felt different to when she first arrived, more alive, the energies of those around her fizzing as she passed. Unlike Waverly who could see energy, Nicole could feel it, manipulate it, bend it to her will. She moved silently through the crowd, unnoticed, her head down, no longer needing to look where she was going. She knew. Flowing with the movement of energies around her body.

The shuttle station was busy. She waited to enter, passing through the gate leading to the platform. A man behind shoved her roughly as the shuttle approached. She turned, smiled, lifted her right hand, sending a small wave of energy towards him. It hit him with full force in the stomach sending him reeling back into the people behind, earning him a shove from an angry woman who had dropped her package in the scuffle. Their eyes met, fear replacing anger as the man saw the colour of Nicole's change from hazel to red. He disappeared into the crowd not wanting to be anywhere near such magic.

No seats. She stood, hanging onto the rail, balancing her movements to the motion under her feet. The shuttle slowed, arriving at the stop for the satellite stations. She wondered whether she should purchase a fresh set of clothes before catching a flight to Gideon, deciding she could live in what she was wearing for a few more days until she reached her planet. Her planet, it no longer felt like her planet. Keplar, Waverly's home, Earth, Loco Papilio all felt more like home.

She waited in line for a place on any ship heading her way. "One-way to Gideon."

The man behind the window looked up. "Difficult. Only a few flights going in."

"I need to get to Gideon. Is there any way?"

"You might be able to get a ride on a military ship from Mars."

Her place purchased on a ship heading to Mars, she sat waiting for the space hopper. A couple were arguing loudly nearby, a baby screaming at the top of his lungs looking for milk, a drunk managing to throw up close to her feet. The stench of alcohol made her retch. Guards arrived, tugging at the arms of the drunk who appeared unwilling, unable to make his legs move in the direction they wanted them to move. A small crowd gathered to watch the spectacle, her seat now in the middle of something she really did not want to be involved. The guards shouting at her to move, one waving a baton, threatening to hit her if she stayed seated.

She could feel anger rising through her body, her hands shaking. She needed to go somewhere out of sight in case her powers took over. Still learning how to use them, she could sense when they were becoming too powerful for her to control. More discipline, she counselled herself. Stay focused, don't let it build.

Too late. She could feel the energy wanting to escape. She scanned the area. A door leading to storage, it would have to do. Her heart beating through her chest, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, she pushed her way through the crowd, moving quickly to open the door, closing it, holding onto the handle in case anyone came in after her.

Heat in her body radiated out from the centre. She would have to let what was happening run its course. The force of the fire energy she sent out punched a hole clean through the wall opposite. It would have killed anyone in its path. Her breathing remained fast, her hand shaking, still holding the handle. She remembered the words of the entity, telling her to calm her mind, let the heat pass, focus on bringing the energy under control.

The first time she used her power she had been terrified. To have this ability was one thing, to experience, to control it a completely different matter. She was glad to have not known about it until now, recognising there would have been so many occasions she might have used it to exact revenge over some minor grievance, as she had done at the station. The entity had warned her not to mix energy with emotion. Too dangerous. Too volatile. The results too unpredictable. Cool reasoning was needed to harness and use such a gift.

Would she ever have known this was within her grasp she asked the entity one evening. It had nodded, explaining such powers are revealed only if the person was ready to take on their responsibility, their burden. For, they were a burden. Or, not if not required. Lying dormant. Unused. Unknown.

The entity also explained why instruction was needed to fully realise her potential. Like Waverly, without proper guidance their powers would be limited, undisciplined, liable to cause more harm than good. A danger to themselves as much as to others.

Waverly, she needed to get to her. Her hand moving to her chest, sending love once more. "I'm coming for you. Be safe. I send you my love."

Waverly gasped as the Nicole's energy arrived sending her crashing to the floor. Her father lifted her limp body, Aunt Gus brushing her hair from her face, checking her pulse. "She's out cold. Lie her on the bed. I'll get my herbs."

She was awake by the time Aunt Gus returned from her room, a dazed look in her eyes. "How are you, my child?"

"Nicole's energy is too strong for me."

Gus offered her the herbal drink. "She may not realise how powerful she is. Are you able to send her heart energy?"

Waverly closed her eyes, her hand going to her heart. "I'm here, waiting for you. Be gentle with me."

Gus was reluctant to approach the Elders without Nicole. She needed Nicole's connections to smooth the way for what she had to tell them. The planet was dying. A disease had infected crops, many harvests failing, those of lesser means feeling the effects of a reduced food supply first. Strict rationing was put in place in an effort to keep as many alive as possible. Many suspected sabotage. A name whispered of the one who sought to destroy worlds for his own benefit.

Bulshar. The bringer of death. Like Svane, Bulshar wanted his enemies to starve, his methods far more sophisticated by comparison. He took a more cunning, more subtle approach, sending his agents to put crops to sleep using genetically altered seeds. Mutant plants capable of making it appear whole farms had been infected in a matter of days once they had taken root. Unseen, their devious work occurring beneath the surface.

Bulshar's desire was simple. Inhabited planets with valuable minerals were his primary targets. Gideon being a jewel he had wanted to possess for a very long time. His strategy was simple. Starve out the inhabitants, wait for the planet to be abandoned, send in slaves to harvest the bounty under the surface. No need of an army. No need to fight anyone. Too clever for such tedious exhibitions of power grabbing. Why expend all that energy attacking those he wanted to rid from a planet, when he could simply sit back and enjoy the chaos he created in the easiest of manoeuvres. Harnessing the energy of the seed to do his dirty work.

Waverly had been on Gideon for little over a week. Lodging in Nicole's city, close to her apartment. The city was in lock down. Few were permitted to enter. Food supplies almost depleted. Aunt Gus had managed to convince a guard they needed to pass, her powers of persuasion more advanced. Waverly's father had brought two large sacks of fruit with them, going out each morning to sell what he had returning with a few provisions to keep them going. They would wait for Nicole, hoping she was on her way. Hoping she would get to them before it was too late.

Nicole stepped off the ship, looking around. Mars, the place where her life changed. That drunken night. Her stupidity causing a chain of events that would send Waverly away. She had discussed this at length with the entity over evenings around the fire. The entity told her to not feel guilty. That these events, or similar would have brought her to this point no matter what. Destiny was destiny. Waverly was meant to transition into a Lysende, earlier than most, she was meant to come into her powers just about now.

She headed to the bar where most of the military were known to hang out, hoping to befriend a fellow commander into giving her a ride. She never expected to run into Dolls. Her heart leapt when she saw him sitting at the bar, several blues in, attempting to chat up a female on the next stool. She approached, tapping him on the shoulder, waiting for him to turn round.

Dolls beamed when he recognised her. "Fuck. Look at you. You're a sight for sore eyes."

"Never expected you to be here."

"Down time. My ship leaves in T-12 hours. What happened to you? I'm guessing you've been roughing it by your clothes."

"Long story. I need a ride to Gideon. Waverly's there."

"I can ask around. It's bad. Many are leaving. Food is in short supply. Haven't you spoken with your family?"

"I've been out of contact for a while."

"From what I hear, the planet is near the end. What is Waverly doing there?"

"She went for me. I have to get to her."

"Let me make a few enquiries. I can't guarantee, but I'll do my best."

Dolls made contact with as many as he could. No one was prepared to take the risk of going to Gideon. An idea struck him. "Have you thought of Wynonna? If she knows Waverly is in trouble she'd be the first to break the rules to save her."

"I hadn't. I don't know where she is. She may be too far away."

"Last I heard she was stationed out by Luyten. Let me send her a message."

He received a response within minutes. Her use of colourful language still evident. Her desire to rip Nicole's head off topmost on her agenda. Nicole smiled to herself knowing who she now was, assuming if Wynonna did attempt to separate her head from her body she would be able to defend herself.

She was on her way. With Willa.

Nicole waited at the docking area for her arrival. Dolls was with her. Wynonna's craft landed, they watched as she emerged ready to punch Nicole in the gut once more. "I told you to look after my fucking sister."

"I did. She's with your father I think. And, Aunt Gus."

"Nicole, you are supposed to be with her. I mean, one simple fucking task and you manage to fuck that up. Stay with Waverly. That's all you had to do. Stay with Waverly. And, you're here and she's on Gideon probably starving."

Nicole saw Wynonna pull back her arm in readiness to punch her as she approached. It was instinctive, her energy moving to her hand, a wave sent out before she had time to stop herself. Wynonna was catapulted backwards, landing on her back, winded.

"Fuck. What are you? Where did you learn to do that?"

"Firestone. Long story."

"I thought there was something different about you. The colour of your energy is new. Deep red. Fuck. OK, truce. I no hit you. You no do whatever you just did on me."

"I'll try. It's a little hard to control right now. If I get too emotional."

"Great. From Miss Sulky herself. We need to get going. If the rumours are correct, Gideon only has a matter of days before it reaches crisis point."

Wynonna's ship went in cloaked, its communication system disabled to allow them to approach without being seen or heard. They took a small craft to the surface, not prepared for what they were about to see. Thousands were attempting to leave the planet. Forced to go anywhere that would take them in, give them food. A desperate situation.

Nicole guessed Waverly would have headed to the city. They flew overland, stopping at one of the entry tunnels, making their way below the surface. A pitiful sight. Nicole had to do everything to keep her emotions in check fearing her energies would explode from her body at the sights before her. Wynonna had sent a message to Waverly hoping she would receive it. No reply. All they could do was hope they got to her in time.

The guards were not prepared to let them enter the city. Nicole realised the only way in would be by force. Both guards knocked unconscious, they moved through the streets, alert to any signs of trouble. They reached Nicole's flat. Opening the door, the musty smell of an unlived apartment hitting them as they entered. She opened the door to the balcony, looking down at what was once a thriving garden below. No longer alive. A few city dwellers who had remained digging in the earth looking for anything to sustain them.

Wynonna had found the drinks cabinet. "Can you connect with her? It's our only chance of finding where she is."

"I'll try. I know she's close. I can feel her."

Nicole placed her hand on her heart. "I'm here. Come to me."

Waverly felt another powerful surge, taking her breath away. "She's here. I have to go to her."

She rushed out of their accommodation, running along the now deserted streets to Nicole's flat. She pressed the intercom. Nicole's face appeared. That smile. That hair. Longer. A rush of excitement coursing through her body. She needed to see her. Touch her. The entry door opened letting her in. Aunt Gus followed.

She waited outside the door to Nicole's apartment, hearing footsteps approach. It opened. Nicole's eyes buried themselves in her soul. She was home.

Her arms went out before she could stop herself, embracing Nicole, holding on for dear life. The smell of her clothes was different. Her body felt different. She stepped back. Her face had changed. Her hair. Her energy. More dense. More powerful. Moving around her body in a way Waverly had never seen in anyone before. She was confused. It was Nicole, but not.

She took another step back. Then another. Fearful of the person standing where Nicole was standing.

"What's wrong? Waverly, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. Nicole, who are you?"

Aunt Gus put a hand on Waverly's shoulder. "Do not be afraid. This is meant to be."

"I waited so long for you," Waverly said. "You never came back."

"I'm here. And, Wynonna. We're here now."

"No. It's not you. This isn't you. I don't know who you are anymore."

She turned, her heart breaking, knowing what Aunt Gus had said was true. That Nicole would not be the same when she saw her. She fled down the stairs, out onto the street, not knowing which way to run, her emotions taking over, sinking to the ground sobbing.

Nicole remained motionless. The reunion she longed for all those months apart ended in a matter of minutes. Aunt Gus could see the anguish on her face. "I will talk to her. Remember what it was like for you when she transitioned. Give her time. Be gentle with her."

Wynonna had positioned herself on the couch, a new bottle of blue opened. "I'd thump you for making Waverly upset, but you kind of have the advantage power wise. She'll be back. I know her."

"But, she no longer knows me."

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