The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 29

69 4 0
By wrenlo

As the effects of the brew wore off, Nicole's perception of the entity returned once more to that of a female monk. Its features remained the same, but its robe was a rainbow of colours, shimmering as the light caught it, as if its wings were clothing its body.

"To think you were there the whole time with me."

"I will miss not being with you. You were one of my favourites."

"I bet you say that to all your hosts."

"You and another are the only ones to whom I revealed myself. Our need to remain hidden means we have to be very careful who knows."

"You trusted me enough to let me see you?"

The entity nodded. "You are very special indeed. As rare as Waverly. Rarer in my opinion."

"Don't feel special. Have a tendency to run or puke when stressed."

"Your family never told you about your birth."

"You know my mother as well as I do."

"Your mother struggled to conceive. When your father suggested a way she eventually accepted his idea."

"What idea? What did my father suggest?"

"That they find someone else to bring you into this Universe."

"A surrogate?"

"They needed someone willing to carry you. Unwittingly, the woman they found was Alexandrian. A Firestone."

"Is that why my mother was the way she was with me?"

"Your parents only found out after your birth. Your red hair was a clue."

"My father said it was a lucky twist in my genes."

"More than a lucky twist. You're Alexandrian too. Your powers are exceptional."

"OK. OK. Enough. If I had powers I would have known."

"As you knew I was with you."

"Do not tell me I have had powers all along. And, for that matter. If you knew I had powers, why the fuck didn't you tell me?"

"I did, when you were a child. But, you stopped listening to me. Remember."

"Fine. So, I have powers. What can I do?"

"Enough questions. There is a lot for us to get through. I suggest you rest."

Nicole could sense the entity growing tired. No longer feeding on Nicole's energy, she too needed time to adjust. They walked slowly in silence to a hut near the edge of the settlement. A wooden bed, table, chair. No door, nothing to cover the windows, a cool breeze moving through the space. She removed her boots, placing them at the foot of the bed as her military training had instilled. Lying on the rough mattress her mind had no idea where to start in comprehending what was happening. She wondered why she had seen no other entities since arrival. She would ask. So many more questions swirled. The most burning question. What was an Alexandrian?

She closed her eyes, bringing up an image of Waverly, sitting at the kitchen table drinking soup together. Her new favourite pastime. She so desperately wanted to be with her, feel her next to her own body. Watch the easy movement of her hair. Loose. Tumbling over her shoulders. Oh, to be able to drown in those eyes again. She hoped Aunt Gus wasn't pushing her too hard in the training. So much had changed in such a short space of time. Both having to adapt to new identities. Both having to come to terms with their lives having altered forever.

She wondered if she would ever get to command again. She had hated the experience and yet, with everything that had happened she longed for the simple, structured routine that came with running a ship. She wondered how Doc was getting on. She wondered what Dolls was doing. She wondered what mischief Wynonna was getting herself into. She missed all three. And her crew.

But, most of all she missed Waverly.

She placed her hand over her heart. "I hope you can feel me. I send you my love Waverly Angel Eyes. Wait for me."

Waverly felt a surge of energy through her body. The first she had felt since Nicole's departure. Its strength catching her off-guard. She gasped, her legs giving way, tumbling to the ground. Her hand went instinctively to her heart. "I feel you. Nicole, I feel you. It's beautiful. I almost can't breathe. I'm waiting for you."

Her father stood over her. "Are you hiding?"

"No. I've just felt Nicole's heart. More powerful than before. I need to tell Gus."

"She went to the market with your mother. Needed more herbs."

"Do you mind if I go to the house? I need to try something."

"As long as you bring me a canister of home brew from the store room on your return. Bots are thirsty."

Waverly laughed. "It's not the bots that are thirsty. I will. Back soon."

She hugged her father, running as fast as she could through the orchard, careful not to attract the attention of any of the bots who might think she was an animal and fire at her. She reached the house, sitting on her bed, retrieving the onyx stones from the bedside table. "Please work for me," she repeated, over and over. "I need to see where she is."

Her mind focused on Nicole. The wave of love she had felt still pulsing through her body. The stones rose easily in the air, performing their own dance. "I love you Nicole Haught, do you hear me. I love you with all my heart. Show me where you are?"

The stones spun faster, moving towards each other to form the pyramid, its speed increasing. The vision came. A beautiful landscape filled with the most exotic vegetation she had ever seen. Everywhere she looked there was vibrant colour and beauty. It made her heart soar. Suddenly, the face of a growling animal appeared. Its teeth bared, its eyes menacing, claws digging into the ground, ready to pounce. She screamed, stones dropping, vision gone. Wherever Nicole was that beast didn't want her to see any further.

Nicole had felt Waverly's love return to her. As much as she wanted the connection, it made her feel homesick even more. Homesick, for a place that was not her home, yet felt more homely, more welcoming than anywhere she had ever been. She wanted to return as quickly as possible, a chance Waverly might still be there not on her way to Gideon. The entity appeared in the doorway. "I have someone I'd like you to meet."

Nicole got up, putting on her boots, taking a swig of water from the cup on the table, wiping her mouth. She followed the entity outside, down a narrow path flanked by tall, swaying trees. The scent of ripe oranges hung in the air. At last they came to a clearing. She could hear the sounds of children playing, women laughing, someone playing a musical instrument. The place was deserted. "I can't see anyone. Where is everybody?"

"All around you. Close your eyes. Imagine the scene you are hearing. When you have that in your mind open your eyes."

Nicole did as instructed, pinpointing sounds on which to hang the image she was creating in her mind. She opened her eyes. The area had come to life. Children calling out, chasing a small round stone with sticks. An old man playing a pipe-like instrument, another clapping along to the tune. A group of women standing round at what looked like a wash tub, scrubbing leaves.

"OK. How? Why? What the...?"

"Some things are best imagined by our own minds. Like stories, we bend them to fit our idea of reality. Easier for the mind to accept than lots of our species floating around."

"How did you find me as a baby?"

"We attach ourselves to those going in the direction we need to go. Or, move through the air."

"Of course, wings. So, you use others as a transport system."

"An interesting way of putting it."

"Amazing. I wish I could do that. Please let that be one of my powers. Please. Please. Please."

"There are many things I will teach you."

"I get to fly?"

The entity smiled. "You do not have wings. But, I will show you how to use all your other powers."

Aunt Gus had returned from the market. Waverly was excited to tell her she had managed to enter into a vision by herself using the stones. She explained the powerful feeling she had, knowing Nicole had made heart contact. Gus nodded, listening in silence, taking in everything she was being told. When Waverly finished recounting what she had seen, Gus stood, gazing out the window into the distance.

"Nicole won't be the same when she returns."

"Why? What do you know? Tell me."

"I have heard of creatures who live in such a place. It would fit with everything. There is a reason she was chosen by them. She's different."

"She's still my Nicole."

"Yes and No. She will look like her physical form, but you may no longer recognise her energy."

"I'll always know her."

"The person you fell in love with may not remain after they..."

"After they, what? Gus, I need to know. After what?"

"After they tell her who she is."

"Gus. You're scaring me. Who is she?"

"That is for Nicole to tell you."

Their individual trainings progressed. Each growing to understand who they truly were. What they could do. What the Universe expected of them. The morning of Nicole's departure from Loco Papilio she stood gazing out at the settlement she had come to know for three lunar cycles. Her hair was longer, the few clothes she had brought with her in need of replacement. She was changed. No longer the petulant child.

Older, wiser. More powerful.

The entity came with her to the foot of the mountain. "I will always be with you. If not in body, in mind. Remember the training. Be kind, Nicole Firestone Haught. Give my love to Waverly. Be gentle with her. She will need time to adjust to who you now are."

"I cannot thank you enough. I am honoured to know you. I will do you proud."

"Take this. My gift to you till we meet again. All our secrets."

"I can't. This is too much. I am not worthy."

"The knowledge contained in this box will help you in the fight to come. I will not be there to help you. But, you will have Waverly and all that I offer here now."

Nicole took the tiny chest, bowing to her entity. Not wanting to part, tears filled her eyes. "I will return. I promise. Wait for me."

"I will. But, another waits for you on Gideon. Go to her."

Waverly had waited as long as she could for word from Nicole. Her visions took her no further than the edge of the jungle. The creatures that guarded wherever Nicole was always ready to stop her from going forward. All she knew was Nicole was still alive. She could feel it in her heart. Nicole had not connected with her since that one occasion. Aunt Gus was waiting in the kitchen, along with Waverly's father.

They watched as she dumped her bags alongside theirs. "Can we wait a few more days? Just in case she comes back."

"We need to go to Gideon," Aunt Gus said. "Nicole will know to go there. The time is drawing near."

Waverly hugged her mother, tears in her eyes. "I'll keep father safe. I promise."

Bags packed into the land cruiser, Waverly's father drove them to the docking station.

Next stop Gideon.

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