More Than Fine. (Complete)

By Designschool

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Sometimes we hold ourselves back. We tell ourselves we're fine, when the reality is we're just barely gettin... More

Copyright & Inspiration
1- MTF Excuse Me
2- MTF Fate
3- MTF Shocked
4- MTF Misunderstanding
5- MTF Feng Shui
6- MTF Confirmed Bachelor
7- MTF Itty Bitty String Bikini
8- MTF The List
9- MTF Taking My Own Advice
10- MTF Clean heart
11- MTF Shhhhipp has Sssailed
12- MTF Ladies Room
13- MTF Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
14- MTF Ember
15- One of a Kind
16- MTF Fab Hair
17- MTF Chrome Fender
18- MTF Rain on the Parade
19- MTF Rescue the Fair Maiden
20- She Wasn't Norman Rockwell
21-MTF The Way to a Man's Heart
22- MTF Shame
23- MTF More than Enough
24- MTF An Extra in the Movie Grease
25- MTF Kind of like Pharisees
26- MTF The Inquisition
27- MTF Reason for the Season
28- MTF Joy to the World
29- MTF Pink Tulle
30- MTF Maybe Fine is Good Enough
32- MTF Lovesong
33- MTF Doubting
34- MTF Bribery will get you Everywhere
35- MTF Snow Covered Mountains
36- MTF I'm your Man
37- MTF Conversation Hearts
38- MTF Proof
39- MTF Take the Bait
40- MTF The Acting Bug
41- MTF FBI Decision
42- MTF Everything with You
43- MTF A Dream
44- MTF Aztec Spice
45- MTF Revelation
46- MTF Distraught
47- MTF Space
48- MTF Expiación
49- MTF Bare Your Soul
50- MTF Renewed Hope
51- MTF Christmas Memories
52- MTF Released
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54- MTF Champion
55- MTF Beauty from Ashes
Get a free ebook copy of my next book

31- MTF Riding a Bike

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By Designschool

Copyright © designschool 2021

All Rights Reserved

     The line for ice skating moved quickly. Nick was right, the Central Park ice rink was quicker to get into than the one at Rockefeller Center. It had a unique view too with the trees in the foreground and the skyscrapers beyond. Gia shivered and leaned in closer to Nick as they made their way to pick up skates. This felt right and good. It was nice, after so many years of fear, to be with a man that she felt comfortable with when they physically touched. It was better than nice. It was wonderful. She tried to remember what it was that initially made her feel so comfortable around him. Smiling to herself, she remembered it wasn't his personality. At first he had been so prickly. Was it the fact that he was so good looking? No, she recalled there had been something about the way he looked at her, like he really understood her. Logically it didn't make sense, but deep down she had felt from the very beginning that she could trust him. And here they were six months later, dating, and the truth was, for the first time ever, she actually wanted her date to kiss her. Was it because she wanted to prove she could, or was it only because it was him. She chuckled to herself.

     Nick turned and squeezed her hand. "What's so funny?"

     "Nothing." Gia smiled and shook her head. How embarrassing would her thoughts be to explain?

     Before Nick could press her on it, they were at the front of the line for their skates.

     "You've skated before, right?" Nick reached for Gia's hand once she was laced up.

     She tilted her head. "I have, but it's been since high school. You think it's like riding a bike and just comes back to you?"

     "Absolutely! In fact, I'm counting on it. It's been a few years for me too."

     "Have you ever skated here?"

     "I have."

     As they worked their way to the entrance, Gia felt jealousy rise up. She knew he'd been with women, even though he said he'd not had a serious long term relationship since college. She wondered who he came with before. Was this normal to feel jealous of past women when on a first date? She'd never cared before.

     Nick looked down at her as they approached the entrance to the rink. "I can see your mind working, and no I did not plan our first official date at a location where I brought a date in the past. It was my sister."

     "I don't know that this counts as a first date anymore, since you took me to dinner on the way home from work last night."

     "That does not count," Nick insisted. That wasn't something we planned to do ahead of time, where you had time to get ready, then I picked you up-"

     "And brought me flowers." Gia grinned and tugged at his hand. Thanks for making today special.

     He leaned down like he was going to kiss her forehead, but froze and pulled back.

     "I wouldn't have minded." Gia's words came out softly, and Nick raised a brow. She shrugged. "Things are different with you. I feel safe, it doesn't scare me when you touch me."

     A small smiled pulled up on Nick's face, before he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. "I'm glad." His voice was strained. Breathing deeply, he held her gaze and looked like he wanted to say more, but stopped himself. "Ready?" He tilted his head towards the ice. When Gia nodded, he reached down and pulled her hat over her ears, then fluffed her scarf up around her neck. "Gotta keep my girl warm."

     His girl. Despite the cold, Gia felt warm all over. She never dreamed she would ever be able to have this with a guy. She'd hoped, but deep, down always feared it would never be a reality for her. This new feeling was the most wonderful thing she'd felt since before her parents died, and she hoped it would never go away.

     "I've got you." Nick reached for her hand as she held onto the rail and got her footing.

     She shook her head. "We can hold hands once we're steady on our feet. If we do right now we might pull each other down."

     Reluctantly pulling back, Nick followed her onto the ice. They started slow, but within seconds Gia found her footing and smiled. Nick, however, seemed to struggle, so she slowed her pace to remain along side him. Once he steadied she increased speed and he worked to keep up. Just as they finished their first loop around, Gia decided it was time to test her skills. After checking the area ahead for others, she rotated so she was skating backwards and facing Nick.

     His brow shot up and he looked both shocked and impressed. "Like riding a bike, huh? I think your bike was different than mine."

     Gia broke out in laughter, and she placed a gloved hand on her cheek. "I might have forgotten to mention I took ice skating lessons with Evie for a couple of summers in middle school, and we may have done some competitive skating around that time."

     The corner of Nick's mouth pulled up. "You're just full of surprises."

     She grinned, and spun back around to face forward again, then took his hand in hers. After several more laps, she urged him to the center. "I want to try something. Stand back."

     As Nick watched, she began to skate in a wide circle around him, then lifted one leg, and suddenly she was spinning. Slowly at first, then her speed increased. He couldn't hold back his smile and began to clap. When she finally stopped her spinning and skated back to him, he commented. "The surprises just keep coming! That seems awfully advanced for someone who skated in middle school."

     "I kept working at it through high school, and even though I couldn't afford the advanced lessons, I watched when others were training and taught myself."

     Pain flickered in Nick's eyes, then he reached for her hand. "You're amazing."


     "Mmm. This is just what I needed, to warm up." Gia took a sip of hot tea, then clasped both hands around the cup to warm them. She glanced around the cozy Italian restaurant where Nick had made reservations.

     "So, ice skating lessons in middle school?"

     "Mmm-hmm." Gia lifted her tea up to her mouth for a drink. "Evie befriended me when I started school midway through seventh grade." Pausing, she bit her lip, and shook her head. "I was this quiet girl, practically afraid of my shadow when I changed schools. Evie sought me out, included me in conversations, invited me to sit with her friends at lunch. I still remember the first time she invited me to her home. Her mom picked us up from school, and treated me like her own daughter from that day on. Anyway, that summer Barb found out about some free ice skating lessons and convinced my grandfather to let me attend with Evie."

     "You said something about quitting because lessons were too expensive."

     "Yeah, the next summer there was a charge, but they gave me a scholarship so it wasn't too bad. Once I'd finished ninth grade, though, the price for the advanced classes was significantly more. My grandfather offered to pay, but I knew how tight things were financially and told him I didn't want the lessons." Gia shrugged and pushed the olives on her plate around with her fork.

     Nick frowned.

     "It was fine really. If I'd continued lessons, they would have taken so much time, along with travel for competitions, and it would have interfered with school. I might not have done so well. I might not be here now." Her face lit up. "And I'm pretty happy with where I am now."

     Nick's face relaxed and he reached across the table for Gia's hand. "I'm pretty happy with where you are too. I still can't believe we're together. I don't feel like I deserve you."

     Warmth bloomed in Gia's chest. "We've been through this. Whatever is in your past is forgiven. I've seen you in action. You're a good man, and you deserve to live a full and happy life. The only thing that can hold you back is yourself."

     He titled his head and his eyes lit up. "You're healing me already."

     "Not me. God."

     He held her gaze. "Yeah. He gave me you."

     A rush of emotion overcame her. The things he said were a balm to her soul. He was healing her too. For the first time he seemed truly happy and content, and there was light in his eyes that hadn't been there before, not even when he became a Christian. She wondered if that should bother her, but before she could think to much about it he started talking about their plans for the evening New Years Eve festivities at the office.

     "So you three ladies will take the subway and meet me at the Morgan Stanley building in my office at about six."

     "Yes." Gia nodded.

     "I hate leaving you to get there on your own, but it's going to be a madhouse on the streets and would take forever for me to drive it. If there weren't three of you I would work something else out."

     "We'll be fine." She chuckled. I use the subway all the time by myself without incident."

     "I know, and I don't like that either. At least now I can pray about it."

     "Right." She grinned.


     The Morgan Stanley building looked like a refuge in the chaos as Gia, Evie, and Jill worked their way through the crowd surrounding Times Square. They'd spent an hour and a half on their makeup and hair once Jill arrived at their apartment, and though Gia felt beautiful with the outcome, she was nervous about the evening. This would be the first time Nick and she were at an office event as a couple.

     They were stopped at the door to check in, and Gia presented her work i.d. and Evie as her plus one, then just as she turned to identify Jill, the woman herself spoke up.

     "Jill Sterling. I should be on the list as the date of Nick Bellanti, or it might be listed as Nicholas."

     Gia's eyes flew to Evie who bit her lip and shrugged. A tightness in Gia's throat left her short of breath. Once they moved past the entrance she wanted to set the record straight. Instead they were swept up in the crowd of people going to the elevators which wasn't the place for that conversation. And what should she say that didn't sound hateful? Jill was a sweet girl and didn't know that Gia had started dating Nick, but it had been obvious from the first day Gia took him to church that Jill was interested in him. There was no choice but to tell Jill before she embarrassed herself.

     Upon arriving at Nick's office, they found him standing in front of the window with his back to the door, looking down at Times Square. Several platters of food were set out on his desk in preparation for their arrival.

     Gia cleared her throat.

     "Oh, hey ladies. You made it through all the madness." Nick's grin widened.

     "Oh, Nick, this view is spectacular! This is actually your office?" Jill moved towards Nick by the windows and Gia was reminded that she'd not yet informed her that she and Nick were dating. After taking in the view, Jill turned around towards the interior of the office. "I love the decor! Oh, and you brought in food for us. How thoughtful!" She laid a hand on his bicep. "Thank you so much for inviting me, Nick."

     He raised an eyebrow and looked at Gia. The tension in the air was palpable.

     "Um, actually he did that for me. You're kind of my date." Evie's face twisted. "Sorry if that wasn't clear. I thought since I was the one who called, you would realize that."

     "Oh." Jill's eyes shifted from Evie to Nick, and her face dropped.

     "Nick and Gia just started dating this week," Evie added.

     "Of course. I get it," Jill replied, voice wavering. "You guys are perfect for each other." She forced a chuckle. "So what food did you bring us?" She began plucking at the canapés.

     Nick shifted uneasily, then moved closer to his desk. "I chose some things I thought you ladies would like. There's more down in the lobby, but I figured this would hold us over for a while. Care for a drink?" He held up a bottle of champagne in one hand and a bottle of sparkling grape juice in the other.

     When no one responded, Gia spoke up, "I'll take a glass of champagne to celebrate, though I doubt I'll drink much."

     Evie took one too, but Jill opted for the sparkling juice. Gia noticed Nick pour himself juice as well which surprised her. She stared at him hoping he'd catch her eyes and she'd be able to see an explanation. She'd have to ask him about it later.

     "The company has lined up a comedian at seven thirty," Nick explained, " and then we've got a band, so there will be dancing. It's all down in the lobby."

     Jill nodded and filled a plate. The group seemed to relax with everyone eating and making small talk.

     "Can you point me in the direction of the bathroom?" Jill spoke.

     "I'll go with you." Evie stood up. "I know where the closest one is."

     "I'm so sorry about earlier," Gia rushed out once the girls were gone. "I guess Evie forgot to make things clear with Jill, since the invite was so last minute."

     Nick joined Gia on the sofa. "I think it will be fine. She seems like a pretty level headed woman. Don't you think?"

     "That's the impression I have too." She didn't mention that Jill was clearly attracted to him, which can throw even the most level headed person off.

     "So." Nick slid closer to Gia and wrapped an arm around her.

     She giggled and looked up at him. "So."

     "Our first New Year's together." He leaned his forehead down against hers.

     "I like the sound of that." It implied more years to come. She could hear the rhythm of his breathing; she closed her eyes, and let the contentment roll over her. To be held like this by a man she cared for was a feeling she never wanted to forget. It was a feeling she'd always hoped she would have one day, but feared would never be her reality.

     Pulling back, Nick looked at Gia and grinned. "Did I mention how beautiful you look?" She shook her head. "Actually beautiful doesn't begin to describe you. Maybe gorgeous, or exquisite." He ran a hand through her hair and stared into her eyes.

     She wanted to capture the moment. It seemed like she felt that way about every moment with him since he made it clear he wanted to date her. Her revery was interrupted by a knock on the doorframe.

     "Allison! You look beautiful!" Gia stood up at the sight of her friend, wondering how much she'd seen. .

     "You're one to talk. Sorry to interrupt though." Allison's eyes moved to Nick. She was one of the first people Gia informed about their new dating status, of course Allison had to give her a little "I told you so."

     "It's no problem. Come in and join us. Gia's roommate and friend from church are with us too, but they stepped out for a minute." Nick seemed unaffected as he motioned to Allison and Stephen who was beside her.

     Gia dropped back to the sofa, while Nick and Stephen gravitated to the window and watched the action in the square while chatting. Nervously tapping her foot, Gia watched the door for Evie and Jill.

     Allison sat down beside Gia and whispered, "What's going on? You seem worried, or nervous about something."

     "Jill, the girl from church, has had a crush on Nick, I think, and when Evie invited her she mentioned that Jill was coming as Nick's plus one, since I already had Evie as mine."

     Allison raised her eyebrows. "Oh no."

     "Exactly. She's a sweet person, but I do think her feelings were hurt when Evie explained the situation in front of us." She motioned between herself and Nick.

     "Ooh. Uncomfortable. Do you think-"

     "Sorry we took so long," Evie apologized as she and Jill returned. "Allison, right?" Her attention shifted to Gia's coworker.

     "Yes. Good to see you again, Evie." Allison stood up and held out a hand towards Jill. "And you must me Jill, their friend from church. I'm Allison Lee."

     Jill awkwardly shook hands, but Allison kept chatting her up until she relaxed. Gia silently watched the interaction, and was thankful for Allison's thoughtfulness. Other coworkers and executives came in and out to say "hi" and wish them a happy new year. Jill's initial shock seemed to have been forgotten. The tension she had seen on Nick's face at the earlier revelation with Jill had dissolved into a warm smile. It pleased Gia to see him show so much concern for others. Why he ever thought he was undeserving of a relationship she couldn't understand.

     Evie and Jill gravitated to the chairs next to the sofa, and the girls got embroiled in conversation until a comment from Stephen caught Gia's attention. He mentioned he was looking forward to giving Allison her first kiss of the new year. Gia's eyes moved to Nick, but she couldn't make out his response. He was steady and his face was blank. Her body tightened as she considered the idea. Would he want to kiss her? Would he try? Was she ready for that? She would have loved for him to kiss her on the forehead like he'd almost done earlier, but on the lips... that's another matter. She would never want to embarrass him by running off in front of so many people they know. Wiping her sweaty hands on her dress, she began to pray for strength and wisdom to do the right thing. No, not just the right thing, but the best thing. Several things might be "right," but only one was her best.


Authors note:  What do you think about Nick and Gia's first date?

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