The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 24

75 5 0
By wrenlo

Light streamed into the bedroom. Nicole had fallen asleep beside Waverly, her hand resting on her hip, careful not to get too close. Waverly's mother had warned she needed to remain cool. Her body was still fighting the process, an internal battle forging her into something new.

Alchemy personified.

Waverly stirred, the first time in three days. Nicole felt the movement through her hand. She sat up ready to tend to her lover, do whatever was needed to make her comfortable. She touched Waverly's forehead, cooler than it had been for the past few days. Sill warm. It worried Nicole. She had taken no fluids other than her mother's herbal drink, the sweating had subsided, but she looked so pale. So fragile.

Nicole could see she was trying to open her eyes. "I'm here. Lie still. Everything's alright."


"It's done. All done."

"No. I have to."

"You took the exam. Probably got top marks if I know you."

"I have to."

"Waverly, it's OK. It's done."

She fell back into a deep sleep. The exam still playing on her mind. Waverly's mother came in with a new brew of her potion. She could see Waverly's energy had changed. "She's dreaming. A good sign."

"Still thinks she's taking the exam."

"Her mind is adjusting to a new reality. It's hanging onto the last event as an anchor." The mother rested a hand on Nicole's shoulder. "She will need you to ground her. Knowing the future can be a blessing and a curse."

"I'll do everything I can."

"Her gift can be used for good or evil. It takes a strong person to follow the right path. She will need you to protect her. Keep her safe. Away from those who would seek her gift for selfish gain."

"My duty and my honour for family. Never understood that until now."

"Your paths were meant to cross."

"Yes. I honestly feel we were meant for each other."

The mother nodded. "May I offer one piece of advice. Don't let Waverly pulse you for a while. She'll want to, more than ever, but it would not be wise. Her energies need to settle."

Nicole was about to find out what this meant. Several hours later, relaxing on the bed reading, she felt a hand touching her leg. Waverly turned to face her, the first physical movement in days. She stared into Nicole's eyes, penetrating, diving into her soul. No longer dazzling green, her eyes shone deep blue. Like the ocean. Mesmerising.

"I need you," Waverly growled, pulling herself up, straddling Nicole, pinning her to the bed, forcing her hands above her head.

"Waves. We can't, not yet."


"Your mother said we must wait."

"I'm burning for you."

"OK. But, go easy."

Waverly gripped Nicole's shirt. A new intensity Nicole had never seen, Waverly's movements to get at her body unnerving. A hunger, a desperate need. Insatiable. Nicole tried to slow her movements. The more she tried the more Waverly seemed to enjoy the struggle.

A ripping sound told Nicole her top was no longer wearable. Straight up the middle, exposing her. Waverly's head dipping, finding a nipple, the sensation rippling through Nicole's body as never before. She gasped, wanting to hold off, desperate for new Waverly.

A hand slipped inside her briefs finding her. Nicole's hand grabbing Waverly's, tugging it away, knowing she wanted more than ever for it to stay where it was.

"You need to rest."

"I must have you."

"Waverly, please."

"Do you not desire me?"

"More than you'll ever know. Not like this. Your energy isn't stable."

Waverly growled. "I take what I want."

"OK. Now, you're scaring me. Please. Not like this."

"I need. I need..."

Waverly slumped onto Nicole, her body completely limp, a small sigh the only sound made. Nicole eased her off gently, rolling her onto one side, breathing her own sigh of relief. As much as she wanted to be taken, she knew this wasn't Waverly. Her Waverly.

She went to find another top, sitting in Waverly's bedroom wondering what to do next. As much as she didn't want to discuss the energetic turn in her love life, Nicole knew she had little choice. She might not be able to stop Waverly next time. Swallowing her embarrassment, she made her way downstairs. Waverly's mother was standing preparing soup, she turned as Nicole entered, smiling.

"Come, sit, have something to eat."

Nicole sat at the table. "I'm not sure how to say this, but something happened, and..."

"Waverly tried to pulse you."

Nicole nodded. "She's stronger."

"Her body is adjusting."

"I know, but..."

"It scared you."

"I don't know if I'll be able to resist."

"You need to stay out of her way until she's transitioned. Might send you mad if she pulses you."

"Won't it send her mad?"

"It will be a struggle at first. She's younger than most."

"I don't know what she needs."

"Aunt Gus will teach her how to use the gift."

"Aunt Gus?"

"Another Lysende, as you call them. Angel Eyes to Andherei. Their eyes shine."

"That explains the blue. Hypnotic."

"She'll be here tomorrow."

"How long does it take? To learn."

"A few weeks. Maybe more. Waverly's a fast learner."

"She's also an amazing pilot. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the way she flew a craft at top speed into a very narrow gap."

"She saved your life before."

"When I was shot?"

The mother nodded. "She gave you her energy. Too much blood lost."

Tears welled, trying to hold back, desperate not to cry. It was no use. Overwhelmed by everything happening to her, the dam burst. It was the first time in years she had cried this hard. She felt an arm around her shoulder. Supporting her. All the grief she had bottled up, all the pain of not having a mother to talk to, telling her everything would be OK. All the times she had had to be strong, when deep inside she was that scared little child wanting someone to protect her, be there for her.

"I didn't know. I'll never be able to repay her."

"My child, you already have, many times over. She has your love. That is more than enough."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For Waverly."

...---... ...---... ...---...

Aunt Gus sauntered into the house, depositing two large bags in the kitchen, taking up residence at the head of the table. Nicole watched as she opened a small bag in her hand, extracting several odd shaped stones, placing them in a line in front of her. Waverly's mother approached holding out both hands as a greeting.

"Thank you for coming. We are honoured."

"Where is the child?"

"Sleeping. She's been transitioning for nearly a week."

"Too long. She needs to wake, otherwise she will be lost. Bring her to me."

Waverly's father went upstairs, returning with Waverly slung in his arms, still in a deep sleep. Waverly's mother brushed the hair away from her face. Her child, sleeping peacefully, about to be awakened into a new world. Nicole stood watching, not knowing what part she would play.

Aunt Gus placed a hand on Waverly's neck. "Good. Excellent. Place her on a chair."

Waverly's father lowered Waverly onto a chair opposite, standing back.

"Could I have a cup of water?" Aunt Gus asked, waiting for the drink to be placed before her. She lifted the cup, muttering a few words, touching her forehead, without warning throwing its contents over Waverly.

The action shocked everyone. It had the desired effect. Waverly's eyes opened, a gasp leaving her mouth, her chair falling backwards as she stood, hands gripping the table, ready to pounce.

"There you are. So glad to meet you."

"Who are you?" Waverly growled.

"Your master, until you learn how to control your energy."

"I have no master."

"And sleep."

Waverly fell to the floor, her head narrowly missing the edge of the table. Nicole rushed forward, trying to help, not knowing how. She felt a hand on her arm. Waverly's mother.

"You must let this happen."

"And awake," Aunt Gus commanded.

Waverly's eyes opened, pushing herself off the floor, grabbing the edge of the upturned chair to steady herself.

"No, I won't let you."

"You have no choice. I control you until you learn how to control your own powers. And sleep."

Waverly fell once more. Nicole had seen enough. "This is wrong. What you're doing is wrong."

"Is it? And, what if Waverly becomes a puppet for another? What then?"

"She has me."

Aunt Gus nodded. "She does. But, Waverly needs to learn how to control her own power. And awake."

Waverly grabbed the edge of the table. "Stop. I don't want this. None of this."

"My child. That is no longer an option. This is your destiny. You must own it."

Waverly's eyes looked around the room, falling on Nicole.

"Nicole, please. Make her stop. Please."

"I'm sorry. You have to do this."

"I hate you. I hate you. You don't love me."

"I do. More than you'll ever know. Waverly, please, do this."

"I'll never forgive you for this."

Nicole was lost. Nothing made sense. She had lost Waverly to whatever what happening.

She fled the room, heading to the fire pit, her one place to think. Waverly's father followed, a canister in his hand. He offered it to Nicole. "What she said is a lie. She is not herself. You need to stay strong."

"What if it's true? What if she no longer loves me?"

"What does your heart say?"

"I am loved."

Nicole could hear the screams from the kitchen. The more she wanted to go to Waverly, the more she knew she had to let this happen. Without Waverly being in control of her gift, they were both lost. A painful exercise, neither wanted to go through, one they must.

Waverly's mother emerged late evening. She looked tired, anxious, a fruit pie in her hand. "She's asking for you."

Waverly was standing as she entered, shaking. Nicole could see she had been crying. She waited for Waverly to approach.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. I love you. Please, believe me."

"I do. It's OK. Everything's OK."

Waverly hugged Nicole like her life depended on it, whispering in her ear. "Get me out of here."

Nicole pulled away. "I can't. You need to go through with this."

Waverly's eyes begged for release. Painful to watch, painful to be the one refusing someone she wanted to protect.

Aunt Gus waved her hand in the air. "Waverly, take a seat, you clearly are not yet ready for your gift."

Waverly returned to a seat, no longer aware Nicole was in the room with her. "I'm not playing your game anymore."

"Is that so? Move these stones before me."

"No, this is not my power. I see the future. I don't juggle little stones at your command."

"Really? And, how does that work?"

"I...I don't know. I don't want you here. I don't want this."

"Move the stones."

Waverly pounded the table. "No, I'm not a puppet. I will not dance to your tune."

The stones floated into the air.

Aunt Gus smiled. "This is your power. You have the ability to do this. A mere trifle for your real powers. But, small steps."

Waverly watched as the stones held their positions. "I did that?"

"My child, you really don't know how powerful you are do you."

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