The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 22

62 5 0
By wrenlo

Waverly's father drifted in and out of consciousness, his body in shock as the toxin spread through his veins, dragging him closer to death. He didn't have long. The animal that attacked had deposited enough poison to kill anyone not Andherei within minutes.

Waverly placed her hand on his forehead. "He's burning up. Do something. Please."

"He is close to death. His energy is barely visible," the hunter replied.

"He mustn't die. Not like this."

"My child, do not worry."

"I can't do this. Even if I survive, it will kill me. Please save him."

"If that is what you want. It means I cannot save you. My payment remains the same."

Waverly turned to Nicole. "I know you want to save me, but this is my choice. If I have to be parted from you let it be this way."

Nicole extracted a canister from her pack. "One drink. To us."

Waverly accepted the canister, knowing it would be the last drink they ever shared. She took a swig. Nicole motioned for her to take another. Her father's home brew hitting the back of her throat. More bitter than she remembered, an unmistakable taste of chemicals she recognised after the second mouthful.

"What have you done?"

"It was meant for your father. He wanted to be the sacrifice. Forgive me."

"How could you? How could you? This was my choice. Not yours."

Waverly could feel the sleep potion taking effect. She staggered, no longer able to focus on the room. Hands reached out to grab the stone block in front her for support, Nicole's arms around her waist for support.

Her last words. "Nicole. No."

Her body slumped into Nicole's arms, her eyes closed, head lolling back. Nicole placed her on the block. She knew she had betrayed Waverly. To save her, robbing her of the ability to decide her own fate. Unforgivable. In Nicole's eyes justifiable. Her mission was to keep Waverly alive at any cost, even if it meant whatever the hunter had in store for her.

The hunter placed a hand on the shimmering form. "There my love, be still."

Nicole could see it respond. A purple hue danced across its surface acknowledging the hunter's touch.

The hunter looked at Waverly's motionless body. "I fear your rash act will cost you dearly."

"I did it for Waverly."

"Did you? Not for you?"

In a moment of clarity Nicole realised what she had done. "I failed her. I failed her, when she needed me the most."

The Hunter nodded. "Wisdom is found if one chooses to learn the lesson."

"I'll never make it up to her. She'll never forgive me."

The Hunter smiled. "Maybe, maybe not. I'll ask you again, what do you desire most?"

"You have my answer. Take my sight. I deserve it. In fact, take my life. It's worthless now."

"I cannot take a life. Not for one touched by an Angel."

"Angel, or not, my life is over."

"I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"Your answer. What do you desire most?"

Tears ran down Nicole's cheeks. "I want her back. I just want her back."

"What does your heart want? Not your head. Tell me what your heart desires most."

"Her love."

The hunter smiled. "A wise answer."

"How will she ever love me after what I've done?"

The Hunter surveyed Nicole's face. "May I ask what you have round your neck?"

"A stupid stone."

"Can I see it?"

Nicole lifted the stone. The Hunter held it in her hand, studying it carefully. "Do you know what this is?"

"I told you, a stone. A Gideon talisman to protect me."

"Protect you from what?" the Hunter asked.

"Danger. Except, here I am and it's useless."

"I believe it's more powerful than you give it credit. You really don't know what it is, do you?"

"Does it matter? I've lost everything."

"Its name is a Wisdom stone. It has the power to return you to a moment where you made a decision you now regret. It gives you the gift of hindsight. How you would act, knowing what you know now."

"You mean I can go back to when I offered Waverly the canister?"

"If that's what you wish. Why not further?"

"To when Waverly's father was attacked?"

The hunter nodded.

Nicole gasped. "I could stop her leaving the ship. None of this would ever have to happen. Why didn't my aunt tell me?"

"I caution you to use this stone wisely. To venture back too far would mean encountering all the consequences of your changed actions."

Nicole understood. Her priority was to save Waverly, without losing her love. More than enough to cope with. "How do I make it work?"

"Hold it against your forehead. Think of the moment you wish to revisit."

Nicole did as the hunter instructed. The stone felt cold against her skin, emitting a soft hum she had not noticed before. She recalled the approach of the animal, just before Waverly's father disappeared into the undergrowth. She felt a cool breeze across her face. She was outside, back in the forest, back at that precise spot, blast gun raised in readiness. She knew what she had to do.

Chasing after Waverly's father, she spied the beast ready to pounce, ferocious teeth jutting out from its open mouth. Without thinking, she aimed her gun between its eyes, shooting. The animal let out an anguished cry, falling to the ground.

Waverly's father patted her on the shoulder. "Thank you. I fear my sword and speed would have been no match for that beast."

Nicole nodded. "We need to move. Get to the cave."

They made their way to the entrance, Waverly's father leading the way, the route now familiar to Nicole. Entering the chamber, where they had rested before, Nicole slowed.

"Give me a moment, I'm feeling dizzy."

She sat, pulling out her canister, pretending to take a swig. She offered it to Waverly's father, who gulped several mouthfuls, offering it to Waverly. She lifted it to her mouth.

"Waverly wait."

Waverly lowered the canister, looking at Nicole, wondering why she was shouting at her. She saw her father stagger, his eyes glazing over, his sword falling from his hand as the effects of the sleep potion took over.

"What have you done? Why is my father..."

"He wanted to be the sacrifice. You need to trust me. I have to be the one to do this, but, the choice has to be yours. Yours alone."

"He was willing to give his life for me?"

Nicole nodded. "This choice must be yours. Your father, or me."

"But, you'll die."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes. But..."

"We must hurry, before he wakes up."

Nicole led Waverly through the tunnels to where the hunter was waiting.

Taking Waverly's hand, the hunter moved her towards the stone block. "Do not be afraid my child. I will do everything in my power to save you. But, I must warn you. Your body may reject the new life. It is easier when young. Now, not so easy. Be brave."

The hunter made a small incision in Waverly's neck, carefully removing the dying strand. She approached the shimmering form, running her hand over its surface, gently extracting a new strand. No wider than a hair, no longer than an adult's index finger, silvery blue in colour. Alive. Wriggling between her fingers as a worm would if held by one end.

Nicole watched the procedure anxiously, hoping it would work. The hunter moved the strand towards Waverly's neck, positioning it over the incision. It found entry, disappearing into the wound.

Nicole edged forward. "Did it work?"

"Give her time, she needs to adjust. They need to mix. Her body needs to accept the new life."

Waverly lay with her eyes closed, the strand moving under her skin, positioning itself. She sat up, gasping, clutching her neck. She could feel the energy of the Other fusing with her own body. "I can feel it. I can feel the pulse."

Springing off the block she hugged Nicole. "I can see you again. I can see your energy. I'd forgotten how beautiful it is. It's..."

Nicole knew the word Waverly was searching for, choosing not to utter it out loud. She whispered it instead, followed by a soft kiss on the lips.

"Welcome back. How do you feel?" Nicole asked.

"Incredible. Renewed. The whole room is alive. I wish you could see it."

She felt Nicole's muscles go tense as she remembered the price she was about to pay for saving Waverly's life.

The hunter could wait no longer. "Now I must ask for my payment."

Nicole looked at Waverly, taking in her beauty, her fine features one last time. She would cherish that memory forever.

Nicole moved forward, ready to take her position on the block.

"What's happening?" Waverly asked.

"It's OK. Really. Just make sure you get us out of here."

Nicole was about to lie down when the hunter stopped her. "I have another offer if you are willing to accept. The stone for your eyes."

"What use is it to you?"

"I have my needs."

Nicole turned to Waverly. "Which would you prefer me to have? The gift of sight, or the gift of hindsight?"

Without hesitation Waverly answered. "Sight."

Nicole removed the necklace, handing it to the hunter. "I am a wiser person because of you."

They made their way back through the cave. Waverly's father was awake, shaking his head in an effort to remove the groggy feeling. Nicole stood nervously behind Waverly waiting for him to attack. His eyes finally focused on them, realising both were alive, the radiance of Waverly's energy telling him she was cured. His face softened, nodding at Nicole, recognising she had saved his precious daughter.

Waverly's mother was in floods of tears as she greeted them on their return. They told their story over and over that evening, Nicole remaining silent about the Wisdom stone.

She knew she was ready to be an Elder.

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