Two Albinos in academy orario...

By mariohiginio

9.5K 251 124

Bell cranel and Accelerator cranel or just Accelerator the two of them are brother's and are espers and the m... More

Going to school
two Albinos in a dungeon
the apartments
The bar
A familiar face and the past
A familiar face and the past part 2 and final
¿I got a question?
New students, again.
cooking. gone wrong...
albinos vs monkey
Bugs they suck
Making up but no kissing. Right?
Making plans

Bell vs red minotaur

160 6 2
By mariohiginio

Got nothing to say just to have a good day and enjoy the chapter

Bell POV

It's been a few days since me and misaka kissed and i still don't know what to think about it are we dating are we not? Or was it all just a coincidence?

I placed my head on my desk

I wonder what misaka thinks....

Misaka POV

I had my head buried my arms as i lay my head on my desk

I only had one thing in mind right now and that was when me and bell kissed it was a few weeks since that day but i was wondering what he thinks

Are we a thing are not, i really don't know


Why am i thinking so much about it.....?

I wonder.... what does bell think about us?

Bell POV


Uh oh it's the edd of school already?

Hestia: alright don't forget to do page nine!

Accelerator/bell: done.

Me and accelerator put the finished SA on hestia desk

Index: you guys are already done?

Touma: am not even halfway....

Magnus: am done too.

Magnus put the finish paper on hestia's desk

Hestia: kanzaki are you done as well?

Kanzaki: almost.

Hestia: alright don't forget to finish your SA i want them done by monday.

Index: and!....... done!

Touma: what?!

Accelerator burst out laughing

Index: here you go hestia!

Hestia: thank you index.

Hestia says as she takes the papers and leaves

Touma: i got this, i can get this done...

Accelerator: hahahaha! Nah i bet you're gonna for get about the SA!

Touma: no am not shut up!

Bell shooked his head and chuckled and walked out of the room

Bell: his gonna forget.

Bell laugh out loud at the thought and left the school and soon was followed by accelerator both of them going home

(Time Skip)

Bell was laying on the couch of him and accelerator apartment as he turns and tosses just then accelerator walks in

Accelerator: ok what's wrong?

Accelerator said as he sees bell turning and sits next to him

Bell: am booooooooored!

Accelerator: then go do something.

Bell: easier said then done.

Accelerator: well want to talk about something?

Bell then remembers something and looks at accelerator

Bell: are you okay?

Accelerator: huh?

Bell: accelerator...

Bell sits up silghtly and looks at his older brother

Bell: you're reflection. When i went out with misaka a few weeks ago she touched my wrist the reflection didn't go off.

Accelerator becomes silent as he looks at bell

Accelerator: tch. I see that also happened to me a few weeks ago I went out with a acquaintance of mine and she touched my wrist too and my reflection didn't go off.

(A she?)

Bell: is there a miscalculation?

Accelerator: no. I never miss a single calculation in my vector manipulation.

Bell: maybe the reflection contended them as none threats so it didn't go off.

Accelerator: maybe.

Bell sighs and gets up

Bell: you've changed, you know?

Accelerator: how so?

Bell: you're not as violent as before nor as rude, actually ever since our lost to touma and after we left that hellish science experiment your alot nicer.

Accelerator kept silent and listened to his little brother

Bell: you've been nicer not only that but you started to care about other's to some extent but even so you never changed your attitude and help others in your own way.

Accelerator looked somewhat shock but only for a moment and looked away

Bell smiled and walked towards the door

Bell: going to the dungeon haven't been there in a bit. You?

Accelerator: am staying here don't feel like going out.

Bell: alright, bye accelerator!

Accelerator: don't get in trouble or do something stupid!

The door closed and accelerator laid on the couch

Accelerator: being a big brother is easy and not easy at the same time.......... sigh I need a coffee.

Accelerator tossed over to another side of the couch

Accelerator: maybe i can talk to rindo.

Bell POV

I walked to the dungeon and as i approached it i saw magnus there

I was honestly a little surprised i usually see him with kanzaki, then what is he doing here?

Bell: yo, magnus!

He turned around and faced me and had the same expression of shook

Magnus: oh sup bell what are you doing here? I thought you'd be with accelerator.

Bell: i could ask you the same thing i thought you'd be with kanzaki.

Magnus: well yeah but i decided to visit the dungeon i haven't seen it in a bit. You?

Bell: same and the fact that i was bored and i needed to clear my thoughts.

Magnus: and what better way then to killing, right?

We both laughed at the joke and walked in together while making some small talk.

Magnus: so what have you been doing? I don't see you much.

Bell: well for the past week I meet some of my fellow espers. Third rank fourth ranked and fifth rankn or known as aka railgun aka meltdowner and aka mental out.

Magnus: so the top eighth espers?

Bell: yup.

Before we could continue our conversation we ran into another classroom, Loki classroom..

Bete: huh? What the hell are you doing here?

Bete said directly at bell

Aiz: bell.

Bell: yeah hey, and the dungeon is free for anyone to go in, dog.

Bete: yo-

The other blonde cuts him off, think his name was finn.

Finn: well it's nice to meet you bell but were in a bit of a hurry.

Magnus: huh? What going on?

Riveria: this two bearliy survived a minotaur encounter.

I turn my attention on two men that where wrapped in bandages.

Bell: really? A minotaur? Those bullheads are weak.

Bete: for once i agree with you.

Me and the wolf unintentionally high five...............ew-!

Tiona: but look at him his seriously banged up!

Tione: yeah you can definitely say that again.

Just then one of the guys started talking

Guy: b-but that minotaur w-wasn't n-normal it was red!

Guy2: y-yeah!

Bell: red you say? Hey what level are the both of you?

Guy/Guy2: t-three.

The others seemed shocked while I only smiled.

Bell: thanks buddy as a reward you get to live and not die here.

I walked up to the two and touched their shoulders and in a flash of green light they where all healed.

Again the others seemed shocked.

I step away and look at them on last time before asking.

Bell: what floor is this red minotaur on?

Guy: floor nine and thanks-

I walked away and started making my way to the ninth floor.

Bell: yeah yeah your welcome.

Just then finn caught up to me walking next to me.

Finn: what are you gana do? You can't possibly fight that thing alone and how did you heal those two?

Bell: your underestimation me and it's on of my many abilities i used to heal those two.

He was gonna say something else but i lightly patted his head.

Bell: I would love to talk but a gatta go kill a minotaur. Bye!

I dashed off at fast speeds leaving the pallum in the dust

Magnus rans past finn and chase's after bell

Riveria: finn what do we do?

Finn POV

I watched as bell dashed off at speeds i didn't even know excited and his friend with the red hair went after him.

Riveria: finn what do we do?

Riveria said coming up next to me

Finn: let's-

Aiz runs past me

Bete: aiz!

Tione: where are you going?!

Tiona: looks like where on a mission!

Tiona tione and bete run after aiz

Finn: well now we go after them we don't want those four to get hurt.

Riveria: agreed.

Finn: and i wanna see what this bell fellow can do he sounded overly confident for a minotaur who beat two level threes.

Riveria agreed with me again and we went after are class members.

Bell POV

I past floor six, seven and am right now in floor eight but am almost to floor nine but along the way i see a muscular man with two swords blocking my way.

Ottar: who are you-

Bell: get out of the way you big bicth!

I smack him into a wall as he crashes into it hard. Shit...
I hope his not dead.....

All well.

I finally made it to the ninth floor and walked around for a bit looking around for this minotaur.

Bell: if i was a big red bull head were would I be-


Bell: yeah never mind.

I turn around slowly and see the red minotaur

Bell: well look at that. You really are red!

The red minotaur rushed at me as i throw a rock at it manipulation the matter as it goes to a normal throw to a seeding bullet.

I guess this bull had some brines as it blocks the rock but it also broke its sword. I active my white wind as it swirls around me i then run at it as i send sharp wind razers at it cutting its elbows and legs.

It falls to the ground injured and roared as it threw its broken sword at me but my wind didn't allow it as it bounced off creating a little spark.

I smirked at this as i make those little sparks in to flames as they wrapped around my left arm i then stomped on the ground as different sides rock come up into the air and as i combined the fire and rocks making them into a little combination of fire and earth.

And with a little swipe of my hand they go shooting at the minotaur and hitting it as it roars in pain. There was a little dust cloud when the minotaur came at me and tried to grab me but i grabbed its wrist before it could touch me and i destroyed his sense of sound sight and smell as it backs up now blind.

Bell: what's wrong you can't possibly be given up now could you? I barely even started yet.

The minotaur roared again ran in random directions as i only laughed at this

Bell: it was fun playing with you but unfortunately it's time to end this you may have taken out two level threes, but your nowhere near my caliber.

I then appear behind it as i kick it's left leg in making it knee before my wind swirls around my hand as i place it on its head and

Ripped it's head off

I hold the red minotaur head and hold it for a second and throw it as it turns into a white ash.

I directive my wind and look around and see magnus and Loki classroom

Loki classroom:......


Bell:......... uh hi...?

And that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it

There will be only a few more chapters like one or two until we move on to season 2 there will be more action and fights;)

With nothing more to say I will see you guys next time bye Byee!:)

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