save your tears - bakugou

By smashbox_girl26

1.6K 103 7

getting back with an ex is always tempting in ways it shouldn't be ── katsuki/fem. reader... More

───── 💞💥
00 / yeah
01 / i saw you dancing in a crowded room
02 / you look so happy when i'm not with you
03 / but then you saw me, caught you by surprise
04 / a single teardrop falling from your eye
05 / you could've asked me why i broke your heart
07 / but you walked past me like i wasn't there
08 / and just pretended like you didn't care

06 / you could've told me that you fell apart

153 10 0
By smashbox_girl26

The door closed behind you silently, and you stepped back into your room with a quiet look.

Sure Bakugou was probably trying to help when he came to your room, but Bakugou's "help" only seemed to make you feel more aware about all the fuckery that had gone down in that single day. It was was way too much to handle, and now that you were at the end of your rope, you wanted to just get rid of every single fucking memory of the day and pretend that it'd just never happened.

Was there anyone you knew that had a brainwashing quirk?

Yeah, but he was another one of your problems.

You let out a groan of frustration, and knocked your fist against your forehead as you leaned back against the closed door. Tears were threatening to spill out again, but it hurt. Your eyes felt numb and raw and red; you weren't sure if they could handle anything else, because if they did they would burst.

Your head felt heavy and your mind was swimming.

Great, now you were getting a headache on top of everything else.

You looked up, leaning your head against the back of the door with a blank look - your mind finally becoming empty - as you tried to push it all to the back and away from the forefront. If you thought about it any longer, you were sure you were going to go crazy.

But why did Bakugou, of all people, come to see if I was okay?

I thought we were going back to normal after all the shit that just happened, but if we were, he would've ignored the fight and just went on his way.

What made him decide to come and see me?

The most plausible answer was guilt. He knew that the fight had probably stemmed from the fact that he'd pulled you into the closet without letting you give an answer, so he felt bad.

But Bakugou was never the person to feel bad about his actions, at least not as openly as he just did.

Why did he come then?

You couldn't even begin to ponder the thought and let your mind run rampant because three distinct knocks had just come from the door behind your head. Your eyes immediately widened, and you stood up straight in alarm before turning around quickly.

The knocks came once again, and they were followed by a quiet, almost whispering voice.


It was Shinsou.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I messed up," his voice spoke again.

You held your breath as he spoke, and bit your lip in frustration as you looked down. You were barely able to sort out your own thoughts anymore, everything just seemed like it was going on forever and not stopping.

"Can you please open the door? I know you're in there."

But you listened, letting yourself exhale before tentatively reaching out towards the handle and twisting it slowly. The door opened slowly with a squeak, and you opened it to reveal Shinsou standing with his hands running through his purple hair and a downcast look on his face.

He looked up slowly from the floor, and you noticed the small tinge of relief that appeared in his eyes as his hands lowered from his hair to the back of his neck awkwardly. You leaned against the door slightly, but it still wasn't opened the entire way - just the small amount so he could see your face and most of your upper body peeking out.

He opened his mouth but paused, noticing that you weren't opening the door any wider to let him in. You were giving him the same treatment that you'd given Bakugou - someone who you hadn't talked to for pretty much three months up until now.

How could you give him the same treatment?

"I'm sorry," he said once again. He didn't want to address the fact that you weren't letting him in your room because he didn't want to make you more upset than you already were. "I was letting it all get to my head."

You only nodded and looked down to the ground. You didn't really know what to say to him after what'd happened. "You overreacted."

"Yeah," he sighed. "But in a way, you forced me to act like that," he continued, now meeting your curious gaze.

"How did I force you to act like that?" you asked with an eyebrow now raised.

"You know how upset you were after you and.. Him broke up," he replied as if it was the most obvious fact in the world. "It took you so long to get over him and finally start acting like yourself again. And then today, when you started acting like there was something going on between the two of you again- I just, I couldn't stand by and let you get hurt."

You watched his facial expressions carefully, and looked at the sloping look in his eyes and the worry stuck in his tone. His body language was more closed off than normal as he fiddled with his fingers and leaned down slightly.

"I'm your best friend," he continued with a sorry look written in his expression. "I just didn't want you to become upset like you were before. And then, when he dragged you into the closet, and you didn't protest? I thought you were hiding it from me. I couldn't let you get yourself hurt again for no reason. I'm sorry."

It made sense. Of course it did.

He was your best friend.

He wouldn't have done anything to hurt you on purpose. He was only looking out for your well being.

"Then it came out badly when I tried to ask you about it," he chuckled lightly, now letting his arms rest against the door.

It was pushed open slightly more now, but you let it happen - no longer restricting it with one your arms.

"Yeah, you did," you replied with a small smile.

"Sorry," he laughed.

And just like that, it felt like old times once again. There was no fight between the two of you, no underlying emotions - just two friends laughing and joking together.

"I forgive you," you smiled. "But if you pull shit like that again I will kill you!"

"Obviously not," he laughed as he rolled his eyes. "I won't be as emotionally constipated next time - I promise."


"But now that that's all out of the way, did something happen between you and Bakugou?"

The question took you by surprise, and it felt like your breath was stolen for a second leaving you gaping in the process. How were you supposed to tell him, after all of that, that you had gotten involved with Bakugou again? But even if you'd just fought, he deserved to know. He'd dealt with you for so long, you owed him at least that much.


"Oh, uh yeah," you started, mustering up the courage to spill out the words that were sitting helplessly in your brain, watching as Shinsou's eyes immediately rose in alarm.

"We, uh.."

"You don't have to tell him anything, you know?"


"You don't have to tell him anything, you know?"

"We just ended up talking last night.. because of how drunk we both were. And, uh, we're on better terms now I guess," you stumbled out.

Why am I lying to him?

I should tell him the truth.

I SHOULD BE telling him the truth.


"Yeah," you played it off. "I didn't tell you because I thought it wasn't that big of a deal. So um, yeah, sorry."

You watched as his expression calmed down once again, and he nodded his head in understanding.

"It's fine," he stated simply. "I forgive you."

The lump in your throat was still sitting there, even as you tried to push it down with more gulps of air. It wasn't working.

"It's getting late," he said seemingly out of nowhere. "Everyone's wrapping up a movie in the common room, so they'll all be going to bed soon too."

"Oh, okay. Goodnight, Shinsou," you gave him a weak smile.

"Goodnight," he beamed back before turning back to go down the hallway. But he still turned around and gave you one last look and a small wave before he finally left, leaving you hanging out in the doorway of your room.

But what you didn't see was the way his head hung after making sure he was out of your sight. Shinsou wasn't sure that he believed what you'd said. It made sense, but he knew you.

And for some reason, the way you'd been acting all day didn't really correlate with your story.

But maybe he was just overthinking it. It had to have been all in his head.



The next day felt groggy and heavy, and your head was aching as if you'd been drinking all night. But that's what happens when you cry so much it hurts, right?

Sun was streaming in through the window, and it was enveloping you in its warmth as you stayed lazily in place. The previous day had been so emotionally draining that you were still exhausted after sleeping in.

Thank god it was finally Saturday.

You didn't know if you'd been able to survive all the drama if you had to wake up early and go to school today. But even though the weight of the fight was lifted from your mind, another one had taken its place.

You'd lied to Shinsou.

And you weren't sure why, but it felt like it was the right choice - which was making you feel even worse. You did owe Shinsou the truth after everything you'd been through together, but you couldn't muster yourself to utter the words.

A knock took you away from your thoughts, and speak of the devil, in walked Shinsou - still dressed in his pajamas and rocking his bedhead - with a lazy smile adorned on his face.

"I see someone's still in bed," he chuckled.

"Shut up," you rolled your eyes. "I was so tired after yesterday, you can't blame me for anything."

"I wasn't," he raised his hands in defense. "I was merely stating a fact."

"Yeah right."

"It's true!"

"Whatever you say~" you giggled at his expression.

"It's time for breakfast," he pouted. "I was just trying to be a good friend and tell you," he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"This late?" you asked in surprise. It was almost ten-thirty in the morning. Breakfast was usually at nine or nine-thirty, even if it was the weeked.

"Yeah," Shinsou shrugged. "I guess the movie ran late last night and everyone woke up later. I went to sleep though so I have no idea."

"Must've been a good one," you pondered. "Iida never lets himself go to bed late."

"It prolly was. Now hurry up! I'm hungry," he whined.

"Yeah, yeah," you rolled your eyes as you shifted yourself out of bed. "I'm coming."

The two of you made your way down the hallways in an almost sluggish manner, talking and joking as you passed by the few other students who had just dragged themselves out of bed. The chatter between all of you was light in the air, and you were thankful that no one had mentioned or asked you about the whole situation.

The only look you'd gotten was from Midoriya, who'd just given you an intense stare while nodding his head towards Shinsou and putting one of his thumbs up to ask if everything was good between the two of you. You'd nodded, and he'd given a smile in return. But that was expected of him at this point.

But what you hadn't expected was Bakugou giving you the same look once you and Shinsou'd stepped into the kitchen, or at least what seemed like his version of Midoriya's questioning look. It was more angry looking, that's for sure.

You answered the same way, but instead of a relieved look, his lips grimaced into a thin straight line and he turned away to go talk to Denki instead, leaving you blinking at the spot now holding his absence.

And for some reason, that image instantly brought something back from the night you'd both hooked up. Something you never thought you'd see.


The bass was pumping and the crowd was loud in its response to the lyrics of the song. You were hot and sweaty now, in the crowded atmosphere of the common room.

So you pushed your way outwards, stumbling as you swayed your way across the room towards the kitchen. The first thing you noticed once entering was that Bakugou was tucked in the corner talking to Denki, and what looked like a girl from another school who was trying to flirt with him.

It was so obvious: the way she was standing - shifting her weight consistently between one leg or the other, the pout in her lips, the tinkling, girly laugh that could be heard across the room, the finger that seemed like it'd permanently embedded itself into curling around one strand of hair.

It shouldn't have bothered you, but it did. It bothered you so much more than it should have. Not even that, it hurt.

And what better way to get rid of it than drinking more? So instead of trying to get a glass of water like you were originally supposed to, you made your way to the spiked punch and made sure to fill it to the brim of your solo cup, even as some of it spilled on the counter as you tried to drink it.

You were convinced you needed ALL of it.

The next thing you knew, you and Bakugou were sitting in his dorm room with his arms wrapped around your waist as you straddled him against the bed.Your fingers were running through his hair while his rested down the small of your back and rubbed themselves up and down the skin lightly.

With your lips stuck onto his after what seemed like forever, you had never expected him to pull back and start attacking your neck with breathless kisses and bites. But it felt like you were home again, and the sigh that spilled from your lips was one of contentment and peace.

"I love you," he murmured against your skin before nipping it playfully.

"I love you too," you replied.

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