Little Mix One-Shots

By Jerriespetals

56.5K 1.5K 985

Just a bunch of one-shots, if you have any requests feel free to leave a comment! More

Why? (Jerrie)
See You Soon (Jerrie)
Good Enough
Good Enough 2.0
Sickly (Jerrie)
By the Cedar Tree - Project 17 (Jerrie)
It Should Be Me (Jerrie)
Day By Day (Lesy)
Out to Sea (Jerrie)
Pranked (Jerrie)
This Town (Lesy)
Weeping Willows (Jerrie)
Notice (Jerrie)
Lonesome (Jerrie)
Hero (Jade + Lauren)
Last Christmas (Jerrie)
Soft (Jerrie)
Ideas? Requests?
Exposed (Leighade)
Ouch (Jadesy)
New Year's Day (Jerrie)
Deep Down (Jerrie)
Aunt Flow
Dark (Jerrie)
Over (Jerrie)
Cologne (Jerrie)
Here for You (Jerrie)
Quarantined (Jerrie)
Unspoken (Jerrie)
Mundane (Jerrie)
Ghost Girl (Jerrie)
Out to Sea 2.0

Goodbye From Lonely (Jerrie)

532 26 3
By Jerriespetals

Hey guys! In true me fashion, I was listening to a song on the way home from a family gathering and inspiration struck. So, I wrote this in the notes app on my phone on the way home, listening to this song on a loop. 

This one shot is based off the song Goodbye From Lonely by Superfruit. This song is super sad and angsty, so apologies but get ready for a one shot full of angst. 

It started off with little things. Things that by themselves, on a single occasion, wouldn't have meant much.

Calling Jade by her name - the first time she hadn't used a nickname since they met.

Failing to wish her goodnight when they settled into their bed.

The first time they happened, Jade brushed them off. When she was bid goodnight the next night, with a gentle kiss to her temple, she assumed everything was okay.

Everything was far from okay.

The next day, when she woke up, the other side of their bed was cold, the covers thrown back. When she padded into the kitchen, she didn't find her lover, only a yellow post it note on the counter.

Had to leave early for work. Be home for dinner.


Jade stared at the note, feeling the coldness radiating off it, the carelessness with which it had been written. There wasn't even an I love you at the end.

She felt tears begin to prick the corners of her eyes and she blinked them away, quickly picking up the note and throwing it away.

She busied herself with mindless tasks during the day, cleaning the counters and tables, making their bed. She browsed over the help wanted section in the newspaper, hoping for a good opportunity for work, but as usual, nothing piqued her interest.

With a sigh, she threw the newspaper onto the coffee table. Maybe Perrie was growing tired of being the only one with a steady job in the relationship. It was understandable, Jade herself was frustrated with the lack of job opportunities available. She missed her old job, but the offices where she'd worked had shut down during the pandemic.

She wished she could do more to support Perrie, other than odd jobs she could pick up every not and again. Maybe she wasn't doing enough. 

As the sun began to set, she glanced at the clock and realized that Perrie would be home soon. She started making dinner, hoping that a nice warm meal would melt any ice between them.

About half an hour later, she heard Perrie's car pull into the driveway. She heard the car door slam shut, and her love's heels click on the back porch.

"I'm home," she said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hi babe, how was work?" Jade asked, turning from the stove, anticipating a greeting kiss. The kiss she got was short and missing the softness it usually held. That was enough to dampen her already fragile good mood.

"Good. Whatcha making?" She asked, taking her heels off and dropping them at the end of the counter.

"Pot roast," Jade replied. "Thought you could use a nice meal to come home to."

"How thoughtful of you." She felt a distracted kiss dropped onto her temple, and heard Perrie walk into the other room. "Let me know when it's ready, yeah?"

"Yeah," she said, her voice trailing off as she realized Perrie wouldn't be able to hear her. She turned back to the stove, brushing away a stray tear that started to roll down her cheek.

"What's happened to us?" She whispered, staring out over the manicured lawn. Nothing felt the way it used to. The distance stretched between them, as if nothing about the old them existed anymore.

"Why can't I fix this?" She wondered aloud, not stopping the tears from falling this time. She missed the way they used to be. The love and warmth they shared. She still felt the same pull toward Perrie, but she could feel the tie severing, and it scared her. 

She dropped her head, and allowed herself to cry silently for a few seconds before wiping the tears away and straightening up. The timer beeped, and the pulled the roast from the oven. She took a deep breath, and fastened a smile onto her face. "Dinner, my love!"

Perrie wandered into the kitchen as Jade began slicing the roast up. "Mmm, smells delicious," she remarked. "Need any help?"

"Grab the plates?"

Perrie obeyed, grabbing them from the top cupboard. "Table or counter?" She questioned.

"Table is fine. I've set everything else. Grab the drink you want." Jade hated how stiff their conversation felt, as if they weren't lovers and rather two people forced to have dinner together. As if they didn't do this every night, as they'd done for the past three years. As if they didn't love each other.

Dinner passed, full of tense silence and metal clanking against china. Every time one tried to start conversation, it fell apart after a couple minutes and the quiet returned.

After dinner, Jade retired to the living room while Perrie put the dishes in the dishwasher. She wanted things to improve between them, but she didn't have high hopes.

Instead of sitting beside her, Perrie mumbled something about a shower and kissed the top of Jade's head before heading upstairs, her heels in one hand.

Jade bit onto her knuckles, holding back a sob. Willing herself to stay strong, she turned on the tv and clicked around until she found something interesting.

Sometime later, Perrie came back downstairs and sat on the couch, an awkward distance between her and Jade.

After a nearly unbearable half hour, Jade turned off the television and announced she was going to bed. She turned and went upstairs, not bothering to wait for a response. She heard Perrie almost immediately follow her.

They changed for bed in silence. They slid between their covers, and Perrie leaned over and kissed Jade's cheek. "Night," she mumbled, laying back on her pillow.

"Goodnight," Jade replied softly. "I love you."

Perrie said a muffled "love you" back to her, then turned onto her side with her back to Jade.

Jade laid down on her back, staring up at the dark ceiling as she thought about how wrong things felt between them. The more she thought, she realized that things hadn't felt right between them for a while.

She shut her eyes, dreading waking up to the feeling of complete loneliness the next morning.

So, like I said, super angsty one shot. This one was a bit shorter too, but I bet you don't mind that since it's a sad one. 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it regardless. Love you all <3

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