The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 18

81 5 0
By wrenlo

Nicole stared at the body bag. "What do you mean, this isn't your sister?"

"It is my sister. Just not the one you're expecting."

"Nicole shook her head. "One job and you fuck it up."

"Language, there are children present."

"Is Waverly in this bag, or not? Wait, you swear all the time."

"I'm allowed. And, no she's not."

"Where is she?"

"No idea. On the plus side, I won't have to blast her."

"Really want to blast you right now."

"She has the key. Correction. Had." Wynonna held it up in her hand. "Before she vanished."

A muffled voice was heard. "She didn't vanish. She fought me."

Nicole unzipped the body bag. "Seriously, who are you?"

The contact entered in a hurry. "Can we go, it's getting rowdy outside. They wanted a kill."

"Not yet. We need to get our sister,"

The contact pointed to the bag. "You have her."

"We don't. This is Willa. Waverly is missing."

"That's why he stopped the fight. He's already left."

Their rescue of Waverly had failed. She was now in the hands of Svane. Wynonna shook her head, not what she had planned, none of it. She had gained one sister, lost another. It was dangerous enough stealing into The Pit, attempting to extract a fighter, without getting caught. They now had the new, more dangerous, task of getting Waverly away from a lunatic.

Doc was waiting by the craft. He looked at Willa, then Wynonna. Wynonna returned his gaze. "Long story."

The craft made its way to the ship. Nicole unable to express her frustration at Wynonna, her worry for Waverly. Doc broke the silence. "Where do you think Svane will take her?"

"His planet. I'm sure of it." Willa offered.

Nicole felt tears welling. She didn't want to cry in front of Wynonna. If only she had been there. If only she had seen her. If only she had rescued her. If only. Wynonna looked over seeing Nicole's sadness.

"We'll get her back. I promise." Wynonna moved closer. "I know it's a fuck up. I fucked up. I'll unfuck it. I swear."

"I'm in charge from now on."

Wynonna put her arm round Nicole. "We go get our girl."

Rosita was waiting for their return. She looked pleased to see them until the news of Waverly's further disappearance was relayed. They could hear her sobs down the corridor. The group headed to the Coms room. They needed to contact Legion. Nicole spoke first, explaining where they were, what they had done, what they had failed to do.

"You are in violation of Code 25. You will be removed from command and stationed on Gideon."

Wynonna interrupted. "Hi, remember me. Commander Earp. Small problem. We need her to rescue my sister."

"Commander Earp what are you doing on this ship?"

"Vacation. As I was saying, we have a task we need her to perform."

"You are relieved of command too."

"Really. How many times is that? Five. Make up your minds. By the way, I have someone who knows the layout of Svane's defences."


"Do you want my help?"

"If you have such a person we would need to debrief her."

"That's Haught's job."

Nicole blushed. "Other sister."

"You can debrief all you like after we've finished with her," Wynonna continued. "And, only on the condition we keep our ships."

There was a long pause. Legion had been outplayed by Wynonna yet again. She was good at this game, knowing Legion would give anything to get their hands on Willa with the level of detailed knowledge she possessed.

"You have twenty-four hours to extract your sister."

...---... ...---... ...---...

Svane returned to his private quarters. A smile on his face suggesting he was more than satisfied with his gift from the rebel leader. He had removed one frustration in his life, acquiring a new plaything in the process. He liked the look of Waverly.

She lay on the bed, still unconscious from the effects of the collar. The last jolt had been brutal. Too severe. She was lucky to be alive. He would have it removed by his men. He looked forward to introducing himself to his captive. There for his needs. And, he had needs.

Prettier than Willa. Smaller. Younger. Her features oddly familiar. He assumed he must have a type, little knowing his type happened to be related. Her face dusty from the fight, her clothing stained. She needed a wash, perhaps a set of clothing could be found to fit her. He would have his men search Willa's belongings for something suitable.

He called for his medic. He needed to make sure she was fit for purpose. The medic scanned the body.

"She's weak. Dehydrated. I suggest fluids. The collar damaged her neuro booster."

Svane's face darkened. "A pity."

"Repairable. Not by me. It would need someone with old knowledge."

"Put the word out. See if anyone is qualified."

"They would need to come from Keplar. I don't think there..."

"I didn't ask for an explanation. I gave you an order."

The medic left to get the necessary fluids. He knew without the right person working on the neuro booster it could kill her. Not a risk he was willing to take, fearful of Svane's wrath should anything go wrong. Better to have some other fool do it. He returned, carrying equipment to administer the fluids. Kneeling, he began to unfasten Waverly's flight suit, the only item of clothing she had worn, apart from boots, since her capture.

Svane stood watching, his eyes fixed on his exquisite prize. The medic lifted her body slightly to remove the top part of the suit from her arms. Laying her down once more, she stirred, mouthing a name. Barely a whisper. Her hand went to her neck, to the collar, the movement slow, to feel rather than attempt to remove. Her hand fell back, her head flopping to one side.

"The fluids will take time. It's best to let her sleep."

"Leave me."

Svane waited until the medic had left. He knelt by Waverly's body, his eyes taking time to explore this delicious, naked creature before him. He reached out to brush her hair back, her reaction so fast it caught Svane by surprise, grabbing his wrist, pushing it away.


Svane knew he would need to take his time. He moved back, their eyes locked. He could see her fierce determination. He liked that. He craved her fire. Her resistance. He craved someone other than yes people. He craved someone to consume.

She closed her eyes.

...---... ...---... ...---...

Willa was shown to her quarters. She would be using Waverly's in her absence. Nicole was unhappy with the arrangement, as was Rosita, but with Wynonna occupying the spare sleep quarter, this was the only option. She needed rest, time to acclimatise to being away from Svane. Wynonna took the opportunity to discuss with Nicole their next move.

Nicole poured a cup of red from Wynonna's canister. "I've been to the planet. I know the surface. Willa can help with what's underneath."

"I don't trust her," Wynonna replied. "I know she's my sister. Not sure whose side she's on."

"What do you suggest?"

"We go. Keep her here. She'll be recognised if she's with us."

"What if she leads us into a trap?"

"A chance we'll have to take. No guarantees."

Nicole took a swig of red. "Doc stays. He can watch her."

"If she helps us, she can stay. Doc can put her back on the planet if anything goes wrong."

Hours ticked by, time was running out. They didn't have long. Willa gave them a detailed description, sufficient for Nicole and Wynonna to find their way in and out. Willa suspected Svane would keep Waverly in his quarters. Difficult to penetrate, given the number of guards. Not impossible, if distracted.

The rescue was on, their craft landing at a location Willa suggested would provide cover, close enough to get to Svane's lair quickly. They waited until there was no one watching, moving inside, making their way along passages. They found the guard room, donning uniforms. Wynonna handed Nicole a coms earpiece.

"I follow you. I have your back."

"Stay close."

They continued deeper into the complex. A warren leading to a large, natural cavern, filled with weapons. Wynonna extracted the mini explosive from her pocket, disappearing into the dimly lit void. The explosion reverberated off the walls. It would buy them some time. They stopped outside Svane's quarters, waiting, hoping they were not being led into a trap.

Nicole motioned she was going in. Wynonna would stay outside, keep watch. Nicole slipped in, scanning for anyone who might be inside.

Waverly was asleep. Nicole approached, lifting her up in her arms, the movement causing Waverly to stir. She opened her eyes, pushing Nicole away, not knowing whether to believe what she was seeing. So many disappointments, she was too afraid to believe she was staring at Nicole.

"It's me."

"What kept you?"

No more words. Nicole gently brushed her lips against Waverly's. She could feel her body respond. She wanted to stay there in the embrace. They were together again. She heard movement. Someone was coming.

"Can you walk?"

"I think so."

Waverly stood, ripping the fluid pouch from her arm, slipping into her flight suit. Nicole moved off, Waverly behind. They were almost at the door when they heard a voice.

"I wouldn't."

Nicole turned. Svane stood with his gun poised to shoot. His eyes locked on Nicole, his finger hovering over the trigger. There was no escape.

"My guards are on their way. Too bad you won't get to see Legion destroyed at my hands."

"Fuck you."

"I don't think so. Hand her to me."

Nicole pressed Waverly into her back, keeping her safe, out of the line of fire. Her weapon ready to return fire. If anyone was going to be shot it would be her, or Svane. She could feel Waverly pulling away.

"It's OK. Let me go."

"Stay behind me."

Waverly pushed Nicole out of the way, launching herself at Svane. Wynonna heard the shots. She rushed in to find Nicole standing over Svane's body, Waverly slumped on top. The shot had grazed her side. Superficial. They needed to move fast, guards were on their way. Nicole lifted Waverly off Svane, Wynonna leading them back along their route in.

They brought Waverly to the medical bay once back on board the ship, laying her on an observation table. Wynonna removed the collar. She could see the burn mark on Waverly's neck. It was deep, wondering how Waverly had endured such torture. She turned to Nicole.

"Did you kill him?"

"Not sure."

"I want to rip his heart out."

"Later. Willa can help us."

"She won't be able to pulse."

"That doesn't matter. She's here."


Nicole didn't understand. Their connection was lost.

They would need to start again.

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