The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 17

73 5 0
By wrenlo

The rebel ship had docked some distance from the city. A land cruiser was waiting to take Waverly on the final part of her journey. A sharp tug on the wrists told her to keep moving. She held on tightly to the key, each tug making it slip. She just managed to catch it before it dropped out of her hand. The key was her lifeline. She had no idea how, or where it worked on the collar. She would figure that out. Right now, she possessed something more valuable than anything she had ever owned in her life.

The guard pulled her along at an increasing pace, keen to get through the crowds come to see her fight. Her eyes were still adjusting to the light and a surface no longer vibrating under her feet. Escape constantly on her mind, Waverly contemplated taking the guard down, pulsing him, releasing the wrist restraints, running off.

Where would she go? Not out there beyond the docking area. A vast landscape of nothing. Barren. Hostile, like The Pit. No water, no shelter from the scorching suns. She would last no more than a few hours at most. Hiding on another ship perhaps. Who knew what trouble that would bring. A wrong choice leading her to a worse fate, if that was even possible.

They reached the cruiser. The guard entered first, pulling Waverly on board behind him. He pointed to a seat at the rear, taking one in front, watching her the whole time. He had her sword.

The Pit was a terrifying place. Even for those flocking to see the fights. A crater, bowl-shaped, the sides of which were chiselled out for seating. Its shape amplifying the screams from a crowd baying for violent entertainment. A warren of underground passageways where fighters prepared, leading out to a circular arena. Blood stained from previous participants.

The last living moments of a fighter on full display. The bloodier the end the better. Those who had paid good money wanted a good fight. Good, as in dirty. Vicious. Emotions running high, fights frequently breaking out in the crowd as those watching became immersed in the action. As Hardy had warned, it was never a fair fight. The Pit was there to make money for its owners. Fighters were only useful for what they brought in.

Waverly stood at the entrance. A hefty metal door, twice her height, the last view of the outside world. On the other side lay a world she dreaded. Her breathing increased, wanting to be anywhere but here. Dimly lit tunnels the only relief from the glaring light outside. Torches positioned along walls casting an amber glow. Cooler, the air dry. Bodies moving around her. It reeked of fear.

The guard stopped at a holding cell, removing her wrist grips, shoving her inside.

"Your new home. Don't get too comfortable. You won't be here long."

"Water. Can I have water?"


The guard bent down, picking up a metal bucket left outside the cell, throwing its contents over her. She turned away as it hit her side. At least it was water, nothing worse.

"You get food and water after you fight."

"I need water. Please."

The guard studied her face, recognising her request was genuine. He took a cup from the shelf by his shoulder, dipping it in another bucket, handing it to Waverly through the bars.

She gulped the water, handing the cup back. His features had softened, he seemed to understand her plight, finally. He offered another cup of water.

"I'll get one of the guards to bring you something."

She looked around her temporary housing. If she never saw another set of bars it would be too soon. At least this cell was larger, had somewhere to lie down, somewhere to relieve herself other than down a hole. She let the bed take her weight. A luxury. Her hand massaged the key, noting its shape. She felt the collar for a corresponding shape. There, towards the back, a small flap. She lifted it with her fingers. A place for the key to fit. Her heart danced. In the midst of so much misery, this simple discovery brought her so much joy.

...---... ...---... ...---...

Wynonna's contact led the way. An insider. Dead body remover. Able to come and go without being noticed, bribing any who might be inclined to inform on his extra-curricular activities. His association with Wynonna purely business. She paid well. That was enough. The occasional missing prisoner inevitable. The Pit was not the most organised of venues. Operated by rogues for rogues, their only consideration being profit.

Everyone had a price. Everyone.

Wynonna was careful not to draw too much attention to her own extra-curricular activities. Her first visit to Alterlan had been to rescue a friend. They had trained together as cadets, solidifying their friendship. Captured during a raid. Taken prisoner. Brought to Alterlan to fight. Wynonna worked out how to extract her. Learning the routes in and out. Who to trust. Who not to trust.

Mercedes Gardner owed her life to Wynonna.

Wynonna never expected to be doing the same for her baby sister. Yet, here she was moving through this hellish place once more. Her contact led them to a secluded entrance inviting Wynonna and Nicole to follow. He moved along tunnels, knowing his way instinctively from years of visiting. Nicole had already lost her bearings, keeping close to Wynonna who appeared to know the warren of tunnels as well as her contact. They came to a room, the contact ushering them inside.

Large. Overhead lighting making the room appear even larger. Shelves displaying canisters and medical instruments. Several long metal tables in the centre. One displaying the naked body of a dead fighter. The stench unmistakable. Nicole felt her stomach lurch, raising her hand to her mouth to stop herself throwing up.

Wynonna took a swig of red from her canister. "Do you have everything?"

"Fake ID bracelet, master key to the cells and body bag, as agreed. The money?"

Wynonna took out her coms tablet, tapping it on a payment device held out by her contact. "The rest when she's out."

Nicole looked at Wynonna. "I could have paid. Why didn't you let me pay?"

"This is no time to be arguing over who pays. You can do the next one."

Nicole hoped this would be the only time she would be doing this. With Wynonna, you could never be too sure.

"What do we do now?" Nicole asked.

"This is how it works. I go in, find Waverly, put her in the body bag, bring her back here."

"Then what?"

"We get the collar off. Go out the way we came in. My contact will take us to the edge of the city."

"I'm coming with you. I need to see her."

"Plenty of time after. You stay here."

"What if you get caught? Let me come with you. I'll be your back up."

"You can't. Best I go alone. Waverly will understand."

"Don't see why I can't. She's my girlfriend."

"Are you sulking? You're sulking. OK, I'll let you unzip the body bag."


Wynonna rolled her eyes. Discussing who unzips the body bag was not the most pressing of matters in the moment. But, she recognised Nicole needed to feel connected to the rescue and to Waverly. She was beginning to understand Nicole. She could see why Waverly was drawn to her. She placed a hand on Nicole's arm.

"She'll understand. Really. She'll know soon enough you're here for her. Do you want to send her your energy?"

"Can we?"

"Of course. That will help her a lot." Wynonna paused. "You know she loves you."

Nicole nodded.

...---... ...---... ...---...

Svane's ship had arrived. Willa had not been informed of their destination. It didn't matter. She knew wherever he was taking her would not be good. Still bound, left in the holding bay, her pleas to see Svane ignored. As soon as the ship docked she knew where they were. Guards dragged her out, her screams amusing Svane as he watched her being led away. He would enjoy this fight. His men were waiting for him as he made his way to his seat. The rebel leader who had suggested the visit to Alterlan was already seated. He stood as Svane approached, motioning for drinks to be served.

He handed one to Svane. "Having two Andherei fight has attracted a bigger crowd."

"Who is your money on?" Svane asked.

"The new girl. My offer still stands to buy her for you."

"If she loses?"

"Unlikely. I've instructed the owners of your preference."

Svane's brow furrowed. "My preference?"

"I thought. I assumed you wanted your own fighter killed."

"Let the fight take its own course."

The rebel leader knew only a foolish man went against Svane's wishes. He left to relay Svane's instructions to the fight organisers.

A fair fight to the death.

Waverly could hear the noise of the crowd. It rang through her bones. Chilling her to the core. She closed her eyes, the events of the past few days catching up. She needed rest. The ability to lie flat an improvement to sleeping on a chair. Her body ached for comfort. To be held. To be protected. She felt herself drifting off, eyelids too heavy to keep open. Despite the noise of this fearful place, despite her owns fears, her body told her to sleep.

She thought she was dreaming. Wave after wave of love entered her body. From Nicole. She was near. She could feel her. The strength of that energy confirming Wynonna was with her. Over and over, Nicole's love feeding her. They must be very close, she thought, as her body responded to what was being sent. She was loved. They would rescue her. She was sure.

Wynonna made her way with the contact to the start of the holding cells. Her contact nodded, moving off down another tunnel in search of guards to distract. She counted each cell until she reached the one her contact said held Waverly. She peered in. Her baby sister was asleep on the bed.

"Hey. It's me. Waverly."

Waverly stirred, turning over. Wynonna entered, taking Waverly in her arms.

"I'm here. Nicole's with me."

For a moment Waverly didn't know what was happening. She studied Wynonna's face, her hand reaching up to touch Wynonna's hair.

"'s you."

"I know. New haircut. You like?"


"You'll see. I may need to blast your collar. Nicole doesn't want me to, but I can't see how we're going to get it off. You know, she's quite sulky for a commander."

"No blasting. I have the key. Here."

Wynonna grabbed Waverly's forehead, planting a kiss. "You clever, clever girl."

"Can we go. Now. Please." Waverly begged.

"I need to check the tunnel is clear. Back in a moment. Stay here. Don't go anywhere."

"Really not planning to. Hurry."

Wynonna closed the cell door. "Won't be long. Promise."

Waverly stood waiting for her return. No sign. Her heart beating through her chest. Hurry, Wynonna, hurry, she repeated, desperate to be on her way to freedom. To Nicole. The noise of guards approaching made her heart race even faster. Where was she? She was taking too long. Too late. The guards waited for her to exit. She looked around.

Wynonna was nowhere to be seen.

...---... ...---... ...---...

The roar of the crowd made her take a step back. She didn't want to fight. Not here. Not now. Her sword in her hand. Its weight dragging on her arm. A fighting staff in the other. It was her against an unknown opponent. Two battling for their lives. Watched by rogues come to see two Andherei destroy themselves for the sake of entertainment.

It wasn't fair.

Whatever was about to occur she had no option. No escape route. Her death, or the death of her opponent, the only possibilities.

She stood in the middle of the arena, the heat of the suns blazing down. Her eyes scanning for any sign of movement. The crowd was getting restless. It had come for a fight. It needed feeding. Svane needed his entertainment. A momentary hush as the gates opened at the opposite end of the arena. Guards leading out her opponent. A roar from the crowd as she was spotted.

Willa braced herself. Whoever this was, she would need to get the first strike in. Her opponent would be fast. She was sure of it. She had overheard the guards talking about two Andherei fighters. A special treat. She was afraid. The only Andherei she had fought were her sisters and her father. Now a distant memory. To think this was where she had ended up. Alone, on some distant planet, about to fight. Possibly to meet her death at the hands of someone she didn't know.

Her opponent drew near. Small, delicate features. A sword and fighting staff. Willa's mouth fell open. The unthinkable. How? How could this be? Waverly wasn't looking directly at her. The intense glare of the two suns causing her to squint. The guards stopped, releasing Waverly's restraints, moving back. She looked up. Her eyes met Willa's.

They both stared. Not your typical family reunion.

Neither could move. The shock of reuniting in an arena of death rendering all action pointless. There was no one to kill. At least, that is what Waverly hoped.

A man's voice counted down to the beginning of the fight. They would need to put on the performance of their lives for these bastards. Show them how Andherei warriors fought.

A siren.

Waverly realised what she had to do. Get Willa to hit her with the staff. She touched her head where Willa had inflicted the blow, moving her hand to her heart. A gesture she hoped Willa would understand. She threw her sword on the ground, an action mirrored by Willa. She had got the message.

Willa took a run at Waverly, using her staff to vault over her body. Waverly ducked, dropping to the ground, swinging her staff under Willa's feet. The crowd erupted. The speed, the energy of the fight beyond anything they'd seen in The Pit. Willa turned, near enough to yell to Waverly.

"Kill me."

"No. Knock me out."

Waverly was on her feet. Willa moving back to take a swing, deliberately missing.

"Kill me."

"No. Hit me. It's our only chance."

Waverly swung her staff, catching Willa on the side. She went down. The crowd screaming for her to stand. She was throwing the fight.

"Waverly do it."


Waverly waited, taking short breaths to recover. Willa got to her feet looking into Waverly's eyes. She launched at Waverly, swinging her staff taking Waverly's legs from under her. She lay on the ground winded, Willa standing over her. The crowd baying for blood.

"Waverly please."


Waverly rolled away, using her staff to stand. Her energy draining. She needed to keep going. Willa launched another attack, Waverly moving her staff once more to protect her body. Willa had anticipated the move, bringing her head in close enough to catch the end of Waverly's staff.

She fell. The blow sufficient to knock her unconscious. Waverly stood over the body. Willa had let her do this. To save her.

She threw her staff down.

Her fight was over.

Waverly heard the hum of the collar. The searing pain too much. She fell beside Willa. The two lay motionless. Guards entered the arena, the crowd shouting for a death. A hush fell as Svane stood. He had seen enough. He was bored of Willa. A new plaything would keep him occupied. Younger, more agile. A natural fighter. A pet to train.

The guards dragged the bodies back to the cells. Wynonna was waiting. She didn't have long. She could hear the guards approaching. The body was slung into the cell. Wynonna waited until the coast was clear, unlocking Waverly's cell. The body lay limp on the floor. Different clothing. Not Waverly. The face greeting her made her stumble backwards.


She stared, unable to fathom how this could be. Face to face with her older sister. Her younger sister somewhere else.

She stood, not knowing what to do next. Where was Waverly? Her contact nowhere to be seen. Nicole waiting for their return. There was only one thing to do. She placed Willa in the body bag, dragging her out of the cell.

Nicole helped her lift the bag onto the table. "Is she OK? Is she injured?"

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean? She's alive. Tell me she's alive."

"I'm not sure."

"Wynonna. Please. Let me see her."

"It's not Waverly."

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