The Things We Do :: Dream SMP...

By partiallyhuman

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You were never one for change. For half your life, all you've done is keep your head down and never reach up... More

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟹 - 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟺 - 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟻 - 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟼 - 𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚕'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟽 - 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟾 - 𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚘'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟿 - 𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚘'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻𝟶 - 𝚈/𝚗'𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟶

3.9K 169 94
By partiallyhuman

The battle ceased in almost an instant, swords and axes no longer clashing. You paused after a few seconds of the fact, gasping for air.

Wilbur's breaths were similar, him also staring at the masked man with a startled expression. "What?"

Dream's lips were parted into a slight frown, his shield held up protectively as he shouted the words out to Wilbur once again.

"I surrender. Wilbur. We need to talk- and- and anyone who'd like to join."

You could see the Pogtopian generals pushing into the conversation, the other citizens just staring on.

"I don't trust this," Tommy grumbled, crossing his arms and glaring at the masked male. "Not at all."

Wilbur let out a long sigh, turning to the Pogtopians. "Weapons down," he ordered.

Dream nodded at him. "Anyone else?"

The brunette's eyes darted around.

"Could any of you- erm- join me?" he requested, tone a muttered whisper. "I don't trust this either."

"I'll go," you responded, volunteering yourself after a few beats of silence.

Wilbur shot you a grateful glance before turning back to Dream and nodding. The latter proceeded to jerk his head up to one of the buildings of Manberg. You got the memo, taking out an ender pearl and aiming for the area. You landed on a stone brick roof, taking a few steps to the side to make room for the other two's arrival.

"Hello," Wilbur offered awkwardly, both him and Dream now with you.

"Hello," you affirmed.

"Hello," Dream said, completing the greetings. "So, let's get down to business. Schlatt's an idiot."

"Wh- what-" Wilbur replied, before laughing slightly. "-how long did it take you to figure that out?"

Dream's composure broke slightly as he stuttered. "Well- I mean- uh, first tell your guys to stop pointing their weapons at me?"

You let a light huff through your lips. "Wonder why they are," you murmured, regardless grabbing your comm and speaking into it.

"Dream doesn't mean harm. You can lower your weapons."

Slowly, and unsurely you could tell, everyone's various weapons ceased to point at you. Your eyes returned to Dream.

"Yeah. Schlatt's an idiot. More of one than I thought he would be." Dream adjusted his glimmering netherite helmet.

"Well, we've been down this thought process before," you commented. "Several times."

Dream looked at the ground and back up. "I thought fighting with him would be a good idea, so I gave him full netherite. And wait- look around, he's not here. As much of a coward as to not fight with his country."

"So, what's your point?" Wilbur crossed his arms, you placing your hands on your hips in tandem.

"We - Manberg, that is - surrender. You've won the war." Dream's hand slid around the back of his neck, rubbing lightly. "Now all that's left is to find the man responsible for it."

You arched an eyebrow at Wilbur, handing an ender pearl to him and looking back at Dream.

"Gentlemen first," you said, voice lilting in a slight tease.

You followed after the men once they enderpearled back to the generals, nodding at them all. Dream welcomed them with a question, "Everyone, mind being quiet?"

"Okay!" Karl's bright voice.

"Okay." Tommy's dimmed one.

"Alright then." Eret's deep one.

"Only if my enemy insists." Techno's sarcastic one.

Dream began to repeat the words he'd said to you previously. "Everyone, we would like to surrender, because- Schlatt's an idiot. The Pogtopian generals, the Manberg elite, I need to show you something. Come with me."

An explosion of murmurs followed, both sides skeptical of Dream's proposal. Regardless, they followed him through Manberg and into the Camarvan, where there sat...

Trigger warning for alcoholism (there is another trigger within this one, so keep that in mind)


The president - former president, you supposed - was disheveled, cheeks hollow and suit ripped at some of the seams. His eyes were bloodshot and couldn't seem to focus on a single thing.

"Schlatt, what are you doing here?" Wilbur asked, running both hands through his curly hair and staring at the man.

The person in question looked up, eyes dazed and red around the edges. "What- what is this, a sup-surprise birthday party?"

"What are you doing in the Camarvan- are you drinking?"

Wilbur's voice rose in pitch at the end of his sentence, watching Schlatt down an entire bottle of beer and smash it on the floor.

"Need another one... need another one..." he muttered, opening and closing every cabinet and drawer in search of things to feed his addiction.

Trigger warning for implied transphobia (There's no explicit trans!Fundy headcanon in this story, so take it as you will)

"His armor's gone, he- he has no weapons, he's done for," Fundy murmured. His expression became one of anger as he glared at Schlatt.

"Are you fucking serious!" Fundy yelled. "Are you kidding me?"

"You- you fucked up the country, man! You fucked up everything! You had your dream and I-" the ginger stabbed a finger into his own chest- "-I followed it. You ruined it, everything we had. I thought we were something. I thought you were actually something."

Schlatt took a swig of yet another bottle, tilting his head at Fundy. "Yeah, I am something. I'm something you're not, Fundy."

The fox-eared man's eyes narrowed. "What?"

"A man."

Fundy's brown eyes widened, lunging at Schlatt with a wild growl. It took Niki, Eret, and Tubbo to hold him back.

Trigger warning over (for transphobia)

Wilbur looked at Schlatt in anger, the former pointing his sword towards the latter. "Alright, are you ready to die, Schlatt? Are you ready to fucking die?"

Schlatt let out a frenzied laugh, finishing off his - what - fourth bottle since you'd gotten in and throwing it at Wilbur. "You know, if I die, this country goes down with me."

"It doesn't, Schlatt," Tommy said, voice bordering on a whisper. "It doesn't."

"Ohoho," Schlatt grinned, "You got a lot to learn, Tommy Innit."

Trigger warning over (for alcoholism)

He turned to the wider audience, pointing to himself. "In my time of need - when I needed it most. You all left!"

Schlatt pointed to Quackity. "You did - you fucking fatass - I can't even look at your pathetic face."

Then to Fundy, amid Quackity's indignant splutters. "Damn furry, you left me, you did too-"

As Fundy's expression morphed further, to Dream. "And you, dickhead, going back on our deal-"

And to you, shoving his finger into your chest at that point. "You, know what you are? A two-faced bitch who'll turn her back when things get rough."

Your gaze hardened at him, biting back a response to the ram-horned man. Everyone rose up, angered calls for blood echoing. Wilbur quieted down the room with a clear command.

"Quiet!" he yelled. "Quiet. Schlatt, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Schlatt gave no response, instead heaving out dry coughs. His breath caught in his throat, and a hand snaked up to grab his suit jacket.

"Does anybody smell toast?"

And just like that, he collapsed onto the ground, finally falling into Death's waiting hands.


Your voice was soft, filled with denial, as you stared at Schlatt's still form. You froze as the room burst into shock.

"Did he just have- have a heart attack?" Tubbo questioned, eyes wide.

Eret's jaw dropped. "What. The. Fuck."

"That's- that's it?" Quackity said, unable to believe it. "He's gone?"

A sudden bout of laughter from Tommy. Then Wilbur's following. Then the entirety of those in the van, some in disbelief and some in joy. Dream gave his own chuckle, staring at Wilbur intently.

"There wasn't a traitor, Wilbur." Dream tilted his head at the brunette. "I was just lying to you. Just making you guys scared."

Wilbur's face contorted, confused. "But I thought- I could have sworn-"

"So we won," Tommy interrupted, voicing the thought nobody else had dared to. "We won!"

Pogtopia cheered, fists rising into the air and smiles breaking through grim expressions. You smiled along with them, looking around to your friends. Your family.

Still, you couldn't help the churning feeling in your stomach.


1358 words (without a/n)

Header by @/Keoisnothere on Twitter

a question: good news or bad news first? comment your answer :)

writing the entirety of this chapter in one (1) hour like duduDUDU- thank you lovelies for reading today! make sure to drink water and take care of yourself, and maybe vote if you're feeling extra nice :D

see you when we meet again!

-Partially Human

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