𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺

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Five things you could see: the wooden door that blocked your way out. A small section of the ceiling where the paint was peeling up. A loose brick in the stone walls of whatever room this was. The chair in which you sat in. And the rope binding you to it. Well shit.

Okay, okay. Moving on. Four things you could touch: The floor of the room, with your bare feet. Probably that door if you moved your chair over. The scratchy rope that encircled your wrists and your ankles. Your white shirt that was discolored with blood and sweat.

So that's just amazing. Next. Three things you could hear: Your own breath, it was shaky and shallow. A ringing noise, though you weren't sure if that was just you. The faint sound of footsteps outside your room, footsteps that belonged to an unknown person.

Alright, after that... Two things you could smell: The damp air of the room you were stuck in. Along with... bread? Something like that, you thought.

Last thing. One thing that you could taste: The metallic tang of blood in your mouth. You took a deep, quivering breath, coming back to the present.

"You're finally awake."

Your head jerked up and your gaze landed on a distinctive pair of sunglasses. Eret.

"Eret, you bastard," you growled, tugging at the binds holding you down.

"Took you long enough. Don't bother struggling. You'll only tire yourself out."

Your eyes narrowed, not wanting to follow what he said, but knowing he was right. The ropes only seemed to tighten against your bloodied wrists.

"What happened?" you questioned. "Where am I?"

"After the explosion, you were injured badly. Luckily, no broken bones or concussions, but you're in no state to fight as of right now. We - Dream and his crew - brought you here. It's been two days since then."

"What do they want from me?" you said.

"I wish I could tell you, but I don't know."

You hesitated slightly before asking, "Why?"

"Why..." Eret prompted.

"Why did you leave us? Why did you have to join them? Why did you have to join the wrong side? You know, I really thought you were a friend. I guess I thought wrong then."

"Look, Y/n, I didn't want this to happen. We lost from the start. It was pretty clear." Eret's voice was laced with slight guilt.

"So you just give up?" you seethed. "You leave us in the dust for Dream?"

"Y/n, it was what I had to do to survive."

"No. I don't care. I trusted you. We all did. But if you want to break that trust for some stupid fucking crown then so be it."

The room was in a terse silence for a while. Eventually, Eret sighed and exited, shutting the door behind him. You took the time to examine the rest of the room.

It didn't seem like a full-blown prison cell, actually looking like it used to be quite nice. Judging by the subtle imprints on the ground, this used to be someone's bedroom before being... repurposed. The walls were painted with faded stripes.

"How is she?" a voice echoed outside the door. You considered the people who it could be. Probably George, one of Dream's crew, basing off the British accent he had.

"Mad," Eret responded. "I guess that's reasonable."

"Hope she's better soon. I don't want to deal with all that."

Eret chuckled slightly after that. "Yeah. So, how've you..."

Your eyes narrowed. "Bitch," you muttered to yourself. He acted like nothing was wrong.

In a last-ditch attempt, you scraped the ropes binding your hands against the arm of the chair to try and fray them to the point of snapping.

"Damn," you breathed, a sigh falling from your lips. You guessed you'd have to like your surroundings for however long you'd be here.


Tommy fidgeted with the piece of string in his hands, winding it around his fingers one at a time. After everything that had happened already, L'manbergian spirits were down.

You and Eret both had been prominent in the country, and the capture of one and betrayal of the other hadn't helped much with anything. Especially considering the already low number of people available to fight.

Tommy's brain churned through ways to get you out as he knocked on the door of the hto dog van. He could faintly see a tousled head of brown hair through the window.

"Come in," the tired figure said.

Wilbur sat on the dirtied floor, his head in his hands. He hadn't slept for ages, and the bags forming under his eyes strongly contrasted with his fair complexion.

"Wilbur, come on, you need to eat," Tommy told the older in the room, trying to make himself sound assertive. "It's been two days. You haven't slept either."

"I'm not hungry," Wilbur responded with a sigh. "I'll eat later."

He turned his back towards the other, staring out the window. It was painted with streaks of caked down mud and gunpowder stains, a reminder of the past.

"Look, I know you're stressed about everything. L'manberg. Eret. Y/n." Wilbur's head turned to Tommy at the sound of your name.

"We all are," the teen added, presenting a bowl of soup and a spoon to Wilbur tentatively. "But, y'know, there's no use worrying over what's already happened."

Wilbur ran a hand through his hair. "It's my fault she got captured," he whispered softly. "I should have known there was TNT under the ground. I should have known they would try something. I should have-"

"Hey," Tommy interrupted. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have figured it out, and you definitely couldn't have gotten to her in time."


"Not everything is your fault, Wilbur."

Wilbur smiled lightly, accepting the bowl with two hands. "Thanks, Tommy. I needed that."

Tommy grinned. "Of course you did. Tubbo says he's cooking tonight, I wanna make fun of him, so c'mon."

"Not like you can do any better," Wilbur snorted.


Wilbur only laughed as Tommy's hands rose to gesture aggressively at him. The two walked out in companionable argument.

Even if it was only for a short time, maybe they could find happiness somehow.


1035 words (not including a/n) *was formerly FUNNY NUMBER

Header by @/ayegyolk on Twitter

We love the random appearances of writer's block when it's most inconvenient 🥰


I don't really like how this chapter turned out, but I really wanted to get something out for you guys. I'll try to make the next ones longer, hopefully 1200-1300 words. Ily all!

-Partially Human

Edit Jun. 28, 2021: Chapter overhaul, to make it longer and add more details (lowkey hated this chapter before, so, uh, yeah).

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