𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼

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"Get a copy of The Manberg Inquirer for only one coin! Today's headline: 'Pogtopian Rioters Burn Down Eiffel Tower After Rising Tensions'. Is controversial Manberg citizen Niki Nihachu close to joining Pogtopia? Will fighting virtuoso Technoblade finally reveal his stance in the battle? Find out today!" 

You curiously walked over to the newspaper stand, the man advertising it noticing you and putting on a wide grin.

"Ms. L/n, what a pleasure!" he exclaimed. "Interested in today's? Just a gold coin for all the latest news!"

"Yes, yes," you mused, "I haven't caught up in a while."

You handed a coin to the man, who thanked you and gave you the paper in exchange.

"The Manberg Inquirer, ladies, gentlemen, and honored citizens! What's the news for today?"

A slight smile arose on your face while you walked away.

"I was hoping this wouldn't get out." You sighed as Schlatt continued to grumble, opening up the paper and looking it over.

"Yesterday, former Manberg citizen Tommy Innit burnt down the symbolic Eiffel Tower in a surprising act," you read out loud while walking. "This was one of several appearances he, along with fellow exile Wilbur Soot, have made in an effort to stir up tension."

From the rest of the article, you gathered that this was Pogtopia's first big win. Though, since none of the Pogtopia members were able to give statements, you couldn't be sure.

"Now, the festival is of even more importance," Schlatt spoke, polished shoes clacking against the cobbled ground. "We must show the country we possess no worries. Isn't that right, mademoiselle?"

You . "Sure."

Schlatt scoffed, but nevertheless continued his journey with you.

"Foreign ambassadors Tyler 'Ninja' Blevins and Andrea Botez visit for first time... Dream SMP official Alyssa Munchy announces her retirement due to personal reasons... Shit, I take one day off, and I miss all of this?" you muttered offhandedly.

"I was wondering when Munchy'd back out," Schlatt commented. "She's been absent from the government for a while."

"True. What about the ambassadors?"

"Some other country. I talked to them briefly - Botez seemed more interested in finding a certain co-vice president of mine, though."

"Huh. Interesting." The two of you walked into the cabinet room together, Fundy, Tubbo, and Quackity waiting there for you.

George wasn't present. He seemed to have abandoned the position since the election. Probably off sucking Dream's-

"Alright, alright, so everyone's here! Now we can start preparations," Schlatt announced.

You blinked as the ram-horned man continued to talk. "Fundy, Y/n, you'll prepare the venue. Fundy, you've got the eye for redstone, so you'll be making minigames and such. Y/n, you're good with aesthetic and the like, so you'll be building up the decorations."

You and Fundy nodded, looking at each other briefly and then back to Schlatt.

"Quackity, you're security. You're making sure everybody is fine during the festival, making sure nobody who shouldn't get in gets in, and making sure I'm fine. Fundy, I assume redstone doesn't take too long, so you'll be on that too."

"Yessir," Quackity responded, lazily twirling a quill between his fingers.

"And Tubbo! Tubbo, my main man. You'll organize. Set up the date, send out the invites, and grab your paper and quill - because you'll have your own speech!"

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