𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟿

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A constant reminder of comfort lay on your shoulder, Wilbur's warm hand encompassing it. Your eyes were averted slightly down towards your calloused hands, placed loosely onto your axe.

Wilbur lightly squeezed your shoulder as you bit the inside of your cheek worriedly. Tear tracks still stained your cheeks after the-

"Don't think about it," Wilbur spoke softly. "It's not your fault."

-the incident.

 You swallowed, throat suddenly dry. Breath in, breathe out. You exhaled through your nostrils, blinking a few times.

The forest had never sounded so quiet.

But then-

"Get down!" someone yelled. Your arms flailed for the nearest people, pushing them down with you as a flurry of arrows sprayed from seemingly everywhere.

"Shields out!" you immediately ordered. "Try and find who's shooting!"

It was a swift panic, people running every direction. You found yourself in the middle of a group of twenty, twenty-five Manberg soldiers.

Well shit.

As they started slashing at you, a sudden crackle came from your communicator. "Y/n, where are you? We need - Tommygetyourassoutofthererightnow - we could use some assistance."

You attacked wildly at a soldier, chopping off half of his arm and grabbing the device to reply to Techno. "There's a bit of traffic, my guy!"

"Wasn't this supposed to be a secret thing?" Techno asked, the sound of spilling blood following. "Y'know, undercover?"

"I didn't mean to get into this situation," you said, gritting your teeth and slicing cleanly across some number of legs.

Goodbye kneecaps.

The pinkette sighed, tossing something onto the ground. "Well, hurry it up if you can."

"I was already trying to," you grumbled, before switching to the channel with all of your regiment.

"Everyone! Try to head north, northeast - the rest need our help," you yelled. "The revolution waits for nobody!"

"Roger!" "Right on!" "Got it, general!" You held your shield behind you, hearing multiple arrows thunk into it as the replies came flooding in. Quickly orienting yourself north, you started running once again.

Arrows and knives flew past your head - some into your shield - as the frantic escape began.

You grabbed some number of arrows, quickly putting them all into your bow and firing them in one shot. Questionable accuracy, but it works apparently.

Branches and leaves passed through your vision in your race against time, some scratching at your face and armor. You slashed at a bigger branch with your axe, making it fall down behind you as a makeshift roadblock.

"Damn it!" a soldier yelled behind you, several others tripping over the branch. "After her!"

A slight smirk played across your lips, replaced with grit when projectiles resumed firing.

Here and there, you slowly picked off your hunters with knives and arrows that stuck on your shield. It was when you saw one flying towards directly towards you that you couldn't move out of the way in time.

You let out a sharp cry of pain, looking down to see an arrow clean through your off-hand. "Fuck."

Don't take it out. The bleeding will make it worse. Don't- you grit your teeth - take it out.

Weighing your options in a split second, you kept running, praying you'd buy yourself time to dump a health potion over it.

The rest of the run there was slower, you having to adjust your shield several times to avoid the searing pain in your hand.

You'd found ten, twenty of your group at a pile of bushes, the main battle taking place just in front of you.

In Manberg.

You tried to keep your composure despite the scene. While corpses of both sides littered the ground, it was clear who the winning one was.

"How many of you are able to jump into the main fight?" you said in panic, communicator crackling back to life as a good amount of "yes"'s were said in answer.

"Alright, on the count of three, we go in." Your eyes narrowed to slits.


Breathe in.


Breathe out.


The cries of tortured souls erupted from every direction, thousands of hours of stress and anger releasing all at once.

You grabbed a fallen axe on the ground, streaking straight through the fight and knocking out multiple Manbergians on your trip. Techno gave you a brief nod as you came up next to him, before double taking and looking back at your hand.

"How- what- why-" he started.

"Yes, my hand is impaled by an arrow, not important, I'll walk it off. More important things to worry about like that sword that would have stabbed you in the back."

You handed the aforementioned weapon to Techno before hoisting your axe up. "I'll go help my crew. Seeya."

Techno didn't think anything could shock him before that moment, where he stood slack-jawed with that diamond sword in hand.

He shook it off, taking both swords and spinning in a circle to take out five surrounding soldiers. You leaped up and slammed both of your axes onto two soldiers, throwing their bodies into a group of fighting Manbergians and knocking them all over. The one sneaking up behind you was quickly subdued with a couple quick attacks.

"What took you so long?" Fundy yelled as you took down a soldier next to him. "We thought it was over for a second!"

He flicked a lever on the ground below him, setting off a small explosion that knocked out a handful of the surrounding people.

"Imagine not having faith in your friends," you replied cheekily, voice dropping subtly at your next words. "Could never be me. Not my attachment issues. Haha."

Fundy chuckled in response, tossing you a potion of poison designed for splashing onto enemies. You smashed it onto the ground far in front of you, watching the liquid seep into skin and clothes.

"Did'ya miss me?" he questioned, uncapping and downing a potion of speed. "Y'know, even when I was still with Schlatt?"

You gave a simple response before jumping back into battle. "Always did."

The gradual realization that an entire new wave of Pogtopians had arrived was slowly seeping in. Those on your side renewed their energy with a newfound vigor.

With every stab and slash you made, your determination only increased. It seemed like each one released the pain that you'd felt during every waking - and sleeping - moment of your day. The pure torment was being broken down into sheer, utter rage.

The agonizing battle continued for what seemed like forever, but slowly, the tides of war turned. You'd started to win, at long last.

You didn't quite realize it until you heard a yell pierce through the chaos.

"We surrender!"


1108 words (without a/n)

Header by @/judeboogaloo on Tumblr

technocancer :( if you guys or your loved ones have any illness, i give you all my love and support!

twas originally going to put the camarvan scene in this chapter but i realized it would be 2000+ words soOOO here it is! thank you for reading, and see you soon!

-Partially Human

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