𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶

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So, today was the day. Election day.

You had to admit, you were quite nervous. As you dressed in the L'manberg uniform, your mind was filled with what ifs and worries. You weren't even sure who you wanted to win.

On one hand, Wilbur had led the revolution from the beginning, and you were positive he would do the right thing. Quackity, on the other, could give a fresh take on the problems in L'manberg, and would be sure to bring change and growth to the country. Fundy and Niki were good at listening to the citizens and responding to their needs, something unique to the running parties. And on top of all that, you've got Schlatt, a street-smart stranger already experienced in politics and management.

Prime, you didn't even know who you were voting until you stood at the voting booth. You could only hope you made the right decision. You shook off the nerves once you arrived at the election podium, h/c hair [tied/slicked] back and e/c eyes displaying uneasiness and anticipation.

Seats were naturally hard to get, but as a member of the current L'manberg government, you were guaranteed a spot. You sat down in the front row, glancing at the person to the left of you.

The odd mask he used to cover his face was a mixture of reds, yellows, and blacks. He gave you a smile - judging by his eyes, at least - and spoke.

"Ponk. I don't think we've met before."

"Y/n," you greeted, nodding at him. "Here for the election, I assume?"

"That's right."

The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, and you turned your gaze up to the election podium. Stood there were all the parties, indecipherable murmuring between them.

Tubbo claimed the seat behind you, and the two of you exchanged a quick word and smile. The audience filled up until eventually most of the seats (minus six in the front) were filled. You could pick out a few faces you recognized, but most were strangers.

At that time, Wilbur came up to the front and tapped the microphone gently. After adjusting his outfit slightly, he cleared his throat.

"Okay, thank you everyone for coming, I know this has been a very anticipated moment among the people of this country," he stated, combing his curly brown hair back with one hand.

"Once the election results have been announced, the winner will come up to the microphone here. The other running parties will take their seats in the audience, and we'll listen to the president's first speech and decree."

You took in the faces of each of the people on stage. Wilbur seemed anxious, Tommy as well, though the latter tried to cover it up with confidence. Quackity and George looked relaxed, which couldn't be easy. Fundy and Niki appeared nervous but excited - but to be fair, who wouldn't be? Schlatt was calm, expressionless for the most part.

"And, I must mention, thank you to our audience members for showing up today to watch this historic moment. I have, with me, the election results of the four parties: POG2020, SWAG2020, Coconut2020, and Schlatt2020."

This was it. This was, truly and simply, it.

You subconsciously shifted to the edge of your seat as Wilbur continued. "In my possession are the winners, and by what percentage. The turnout of this election was immense, over three-quarters of the L'manberg populace. So, without further ado, the election results will now be read out."

Wilbur pulled out an envelope from his pocket, opening it and taking out the paper. He cleared his throat, looking into the crowd.

"With nine percent of the votes, in fourth place, is Coconut2020."

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