𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟻

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Your fingers tapped a rhythm on your thigh while you were seated in the audience, listening to Schlatt speak.

"Um, so, I'm here to announce a festival. We're going to throw a party!" A few whoops were heard from around you, but his words were mostly followed with silence.

"Invites extended to all those here today," Schlatt continued. "It's going to be a celebration of democracy. The democracy that put me in power and evicted the - and understand that I don't say this lightly - the dictator. The tyrant that was here before me. And now I'm here, Manberg can up to its fullest potential."

You scoffed internally. Tyrant your ass.

Schlatt smirked slightly. "I reckon it's time we celebrate. We'll bring people from multiple kingdoms - L'manberg, the Dream SMP, the Badlands, everyone. Everyone except for those two that shall not be named." Your lips turned into a scowl.

"We'll share in the festivities. And we'll enjoy Manberg's independence. Represented by our flag, just look at our flag, the gorgeous thing."

Your head just barely rotated, unwilling to fully take it in. The black and orange flag fluttered in the air, taunting you so much you wanted to take a match and set fire to it all.

"So, celebrate with me, ay?" The next few minutes consisted of Schlatt cracking open a bottle with his teeth and getting drunk. On the stage. As Quackity tried to dissuade him.

While the audience members muttered among themselves, two uninvited guests watched from a hidden seat.


Tommy turned to face Wilbur. "What?"

"Don't. It's not worth it."

Wilbur put his hand on Tommy's forearm. Slowly, unsurely, Tommy lowered the bow from its position aimed at Schlatt's head.

The two males were pressed flat against a wall, when what started out as a reconnaissance trip turned into an impromptu assassination attempt. Wilbur lightly but tightly wrapped his hand around Tommy's, pulling him back.

"C'mon. We should go," the brunette murmured.

"I don't know why you stopped me," Tommy complained. "I could have just done it, then and there, escaped with you, and nobody would have caught me. Honestly-"

"Tommy. Stop," Wilbur interrupted harshly. "Killing Schlatt wouldn't have changed anything. Not fixed a single issue. Because, then Quackity would become president, and who knows if that would be better or worse."


"Tommy, are we the bad guys?"

The teenager in question paused his walking to look at the older male speaking. "Wh- what?"

"Because, I mean, we- we just kind of made ourselves the leaders." Wilbur's voice was softer, more tenuous.

"And then we had a vote, and he- Schlatt, he won in a coalition government. It was completely legal, we said it ourselves." Wilbur's eyes darted around the room. "But now we're trying to overthrow him... This feels... this feels like we're the bad guys. This doesn't feel correct, Tommy."

Tommy looked up at Wilbur's next words. "Tommy, am I a villain in this story?"

"No," the teenager answered firmly. "No. Because, you know, we started L'manberg, and we deserved to win."

"But we shouldn't, the people decided we shouldn't. We allowed the coalition. We were too cocky. And here we are trying to overthrow them now."

Wilbur paced around the ravine, the suddenly too-cramped and too-stuffy ravine. His hands shook and he pulled at his dark brown curls.

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