Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fre...

By WeasleysAndDraco

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Second book in my Fool Me Once series. This one focuses more on the events of the Half Blood Prince and Deat... More

It's Okay
February 1996
The Break In
The Aftermath
Back To St. Mungos
Back At Home
The Shop
131 Days
Saturday Morning (SW)
The Nap
What Fred Said
The Potion
The Visit
The Party
The Punishment (SW)
Trick or Treating
The Bedtime Story
The Impossible Task
Last Christmas
The Burrow
Ring of Fire
New Years 1997
Six Months
The Confession
The First Birthday
March 31st
Baby Theodore
Start Again
Okay? (SW)
The Day At The Park
Before The Night At The Hotel
The Night at The Hotel (SW)
Meanwhile A Hogwarts
Four Letters
I'll Go
Talking to Ginny
Just Confused
Dear Fred
Start Over
Two Weeks
That Night
Bad Idea
Taking Charge (SW)
Getting Harry
Freds Back
July 28th (SW)
A promise (SW)
The Tent
Bill and Fleur
Six Weeks Later
The Rule
Just Break It
An Accident (SW)
Christmas 1997
1998, Off With A Bang (SW)
Birthday Girls
The Sunrise
What in Merlins- what?
Twenty Doesnt Feel Old Enough
The Ghost of His Last Laugh
It All Comes Down to This
The End of '98
Thank You


88 5 0
By WeasleysAndDraco

Fred and I sat on the floor for ages. Just playing with the girls and explaining to them about how they are going to have a little brother who was currently in my tummy.

Fred laughed comically when Eden asked him if I had eaten the baby. I mean, to a fourteen month old, it could possibly seem like that. At about five o clock we realised that the girls haven't had dinner and that everyone would be home from work soon so Fred decided that he would order a pizza for everyone. I couldn't wait. The thought of having all my friends around me again made my heart melt.

But I was so unsure of how they would react.

"Freddie?" I asked when he got off the phone with the take away and he nodded, sitting back down at my side and turning to me so that I knew he was listening to me.

"Will everyone hate me now?" I asked and he shook his head. "Evryone has been waiting for you to come home for so long princess that I don't think one of them would be the slightest bit angry. Well maybe George. He thinks you left him in the lurch" he said and a few tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about how much I had hurt everyone around my with my idea to leave.

"I really am sorry Freddie. I don't know what I was thinking when I disappeared like that" I said and he shook his head pulling me closer to him to I could cuddle into his shoulder as we looked at our two perfect girls playing with their toys on the floor in front of us.

"Its okay princess. Everything will be okay. Me, you, Elsie, Eden and Little Theo will all be alright my love. Everything will turn out alright in the end" he said and as if on queue the front door opened.

"Oi Frederick" I heard Lee shout from the foyer and it made me giggled slightly. "I don't smell any food cooking and I'm bloody starving. Are you trying to k- Aaliyah!" He exclaimed when he saw me and ran over to me to pull me into a hug.

"Merlin, another one?" He asked and I nodded as the tears began to pour down my face. Merlin, I hadn't realised I had missed him this much.

"Ah pumpkin don't cry. I'm sorry I didnt mean to make you upset. I'm just surprised is all" he said shushing me and running his hands through my hair. I was about to reply and tell him I was fine it was just hormones when the front door opened again and I could hear the voices of Charlie and Amelia coming through the house.

"Maybe he's still at the grave. You know how he looses track of- What the hell?" Charlie shouted as he spotted myself and Lee in an embrace on the floor on the living room.

"Scout" I whispered pulling out of Lees hold and walking over to Charlie who immediately wrapped me up in a hug. "Squeak. What are you- Your home" he said as he hugged me tighter and ran his hands up and down my back.

"I've missed you Scout" I whispered as he pulled away so that i could hug Amelia. "Ami I've missed you too" I said as she held onto my tightly and whispered I miss yous and congratulations into my ear. I couldn't believe how happy I was in this moment. I was so glad that everyone was okay with me being home. Nobody was mad and that made me extremely grateful and also emotional.

I didn't hear the front door open again but I heard Alicia and Angelina arguing over a pair of boots they saw in a shop window but stopped when they saw me. Alicia's jaw dropped and Angelina started to ball her eyes out crying.

I made a bee line for the sobbing girl and pulled her into my arms and shushed her. I'm not sure what she's so upset about but I do know that she has to be consoled.

"Aaliyah I'm so so sorry" she cried into my shoulder and I looked at Fred in confusion but he mouthed 'ill tell you later' and I nodded going back to consoling Angelina.

'Its okay. Angie. Hey doll it's okay i shushed and she started to cry a little bit less. 'I love you really. You know that dont you?' She asked and I nodded placing small peck on her cheek. 'I love you too Angie' I said before turning to Alicia to pull her into a hug before collapsing on the sofa behind me. Fred laughed and picked up Elsie and Eden and sat in the chair beside me as everyone took seats and began to talk amongst themselves.

I loved this. Everyone being happy and enjoying each others company. Its more than I could have asked for. I looked to Fred and mouthed 'do they all live here with you still?' And he nodded with a big grin on his face. He must love having everyone around as much as I do.

There was still one person missing though. Where in merlins green earth is my Georgie?

About an hour after the pizza arrived we were all still sitting and chatting in the living room. I could tell that Elsie and Eden were getting tired as they began to become slower in all of the movements they made and Eden began to get a bit whingy and clingy with Fred.

"I'm going to out these two up to bed okay princess. You'll be okay down here wont you?" He asked and I nodded before giving both Eden and Elsie a kiss on their head and telling them both goodnight.

When Fred went up stairs I heard the door open once again and George walked in looking absolutely exhausted. He didn't even look around the room when he came in he just sat on the chair beside Lee and closed his eyes.

Quietly I got up off the floor and walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder and calling him quietly.

"Georgie" I whispered causing him to look at me with his face full of shock. "Merlin. Aaliyah you actually came back" he breathed with a look of disbelief on his face until his face met my stomach and he looked at me concerned.

"Your pregnant?" He asked and I nodded as everyone looked at George and I. There was clearly something off. Suddenly he got out of his seat and walked into the kitchen. I looked around the room and the rest of the group shrugged their shoulders at me so I followed George the kitchen.

When i got in there I noticed that he was sitting on yhe couch that was tucked into the corner so I went over and sat on it beside him making him look over at me again.

"Is it freds?" He asked and I looked at him in shock. This was not something that George would ever say. What has gotten into him.

"What?" I asked very taken aback by what George had just asked me.

"The baby Liyah. Is the baby freds? Or is it someone else's?" He asked again and I shook my head at him.

"Of course Theo is freds. I've never in my life been with anyone except fred. Georgie what has gotten into you. I really hoped that you would be happier to see me" I said as tears began to fall down my face as I looked at the ginger who I thought was my best friend.

"Of course jm happy to see you Aaliyah. You have no idea how gard the last nine months have been with out you. Bjt you can't be angry at me for thinking that the baby your carrying might not be Freddies. I mean. We didn't know you were pregnant before you left" he said but he sounded defeated.

"I'm sorry georgie. I really am. I know everything must have been so hard with me being gone. With Fred being the girls only parent. But at the time I thought it was what was for the best" I tried to rwason with him and he looked at me.

"Liyah. You know I love you right?" He asked and I nodded at him, carefully wiping away the tears that had gathered under my eyes.

"But you can't do that ever again. You have no idea how much it affected Fred. You have no idea how much it affected all of us. We all spent months looking for you. So long. Putting all of our time and effort and energy into finding you so that Fred could be happy again. So that he could stop again. So that he could be better. And if your just coming back now to stay for a little while and then leave I wont let you Aaliyah. You can either stay or you can go. But if your staying. Your staying for good. I can't let anyone hurt him again Aaliyah. I just can't" he said and i nodded. Really taking in everything that he had just said to me.

"I'm here now Georgie. I'm here and I'm staying and I'm not going anywhere. And I swear on everything that baby Theo is freds. K swear it to you Georgie.  I've never been with anyone except your brother" I told him and he finally pulled me into a hug letting my cry into his shoulder.

"I'm glad your back" he said and I could tell that he was crying too. "We all really missed you" he told me and I nodded into his shoulder.

"I really missed every single one of you aswell Georgie" I told him. Finally feeling a lot better now that I was on good terms with everyone.



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