My New Life

By aethcyph

120K 5.1K 330

(1st Book of the Series!) Harry sighed, looking at Fluffy. How did he get here? It all started when he was th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

4.6K 224 8
By aethcyph

Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Springtime

When Harry fell, he was really glad that the Devil's Snare was still there, so he plopped down onto its twisting leaves. He sighed, before taking out his wand. "Lumos Maxima." He said softly, as a pale green light flashed from his wand, causing the plant to recoil from him. He was dropped onto the ground, before smiling. He opened the door and sighed when he was met with the giant chess pieces. "Well, let's get this over with." Harry hummed, sitting down before eyeing all the chess pieces. "I'm taking Black side, right?" The black troops nodded, before he began the match.

As the chess pieces finally reached checkmate, Harry let out a sigh of relief. "Ok, great. Thank you." Harry said, getting up. The chess pieces recollected themselves as they bowed to Harry, before the door opened. Harry waved goodbye to the chess pieces as he walked through, cringing at the smell of the troll. He noticed a note by the side of the door, picking it up.

Lucky you, we decided that it's better if he's gone. -The Dark Lord.

Harry smiled, before immediately rushing to the other room before he could barf. He sighed as he faced the multiple flying keys, before using Petrificus to freeze the keys in place, before flying up and taking the silver key. "Sorry for this." He mumbled, before gently lodging the key into the keyhole and making it fly back up once the door unlocked. He walked into the room of Potions, humming as he read the riddle.

"Ah, still the same." He said, as he picked up the small bottle and sipped it. The flames didn't burn him and he smiles as Quirell greeted him. "Ah, Mr. Potter. Come, help me with this Mirror." Harry hummed. He didn't want the Stone, since he wants nothing more than his family, so he easily got the Stone, before handing it to Voldemort, who sighs happily. "Make sure not to take too much. I want to be immortal too." Harry joked, before Voldemort smiled. "Thank you, Harry. I will repay this kindness tenfold." Harry laughed softly.

"Just make sure you don't kill too many people. And don't make more Horcruxes, it's hard enough to find them gradually." Harry warned him, before they went up through a different passageway. "Now go, run away. Don't make him suffer too much." Harry whispered, as Voldemort laughed. "Of course. It'll be a painless death." Harry nods, before he walked away. Quirell Apparated away.

Harry sighed as he stretched a little, before he came across Callum and Adrian, who were walking to the Kitchens. "Harry! Wanna grab a quick bite at the Kitchens?" Harry smiled at Callum's offer. "Sure, I am feeling a bit peckish after a walk in the Forest with Hagrid." He lied so easily people would've thought he was a Slytherin. Callum and Adrian smiled, before they walked to the Kitchens together. "Hello! Can I have some sandwiches?" Harry asked softly, as the Elves quickly prepared his order. "Why thank you so much." Harry smiled, as he was handed a Tupperware of Chicken and Cheese sandwiches, Adrian got some candy while Callum got a Tupperware of Chicken salad.

"Right. I'll see you soon, Adri." Harry smiled as Callum kissed Adrian softly, the Slytherin smiling brightly when they parted. Callum on the other hand was still red, but he smiled. "Come on, we need to return before someone snitches on us to our beloved Prefect." Callum nods, as they walked hurriedly to the Gryffindor tower.

- - - H P - - -

Harry smiled as he sat at the End of Term feast, listening to his friends chatting excitedly about the examination scores that was released this morning, as Hermione was number one in the Year, Draco was second and Harry was third. Harry was also the highest scorer for Transfiguration, while Neville was highest for Herbology, Draco was highest for Potions (even he was shocked) and Hermione was highest for Charms. As the students' chatters lessened, Dumbledore stepped forth, smiling.

"My students! How pleased I am to tell you that this year went by splendidly! Everyone is amazing this year and I am very impressed by all of the students work! Now, onto the house points, right?" The students cheered, as Dumbledore chuckled. "Right, right. In fourth place... Hufflepuff!" The Hufflepuffs clapped softly, while Harry clapped along with them. "And in third... Ravenclaw!" Harry clapped along, as Tubbo and Blaise clapped sadly with them. "Next year, guys!" Harry said, as the two smiled. "Maybe!" The Headmaster nods, before continuing."In second place... Slytherin!" The green table whooped and cheered, apparently being second is better because of their history.

"And in first place is obvious, huh?" The red and gold table cheered, as the Hall's decoration turned into red and gold items. The headmaster hummed, before glancing at Harry. Harry already had Occulumency shields up so he laughed as the Headmaster shook his head and walked back to his seat. "Enjoy!" The buffet appeared, and everyone dug in as Harry enjoyed small bites of his food.

When the feast is over, Harry packed his stuff into the luggage as did his roommates. "Harry are you still going to stay in the inn?" Harry hummed, before shaking his head. "My parents had saved me some money, and I was planning on buying a small apartment for myself." Tommy and the rest of his friends paused. "Y-You're 11, Harry. You can't live in an apartment building alone!" Harry paused, before blinking. "Oh. I forgot. Um... I guess I'll just stay with my uncle, Sirius." Harry hummed, as he showed them a page from the Daily Prophet, which showed one shabby looking Sirius Black, smiling widely at the camera was he was released form Azkaban.

"Oh. Are you sure, though? I mean if you want you can stay with my family." Draco offered. "Or mine." Tommy hummed, as he set down his family picture into his luggage. Harry laughed softly. "I'm sure of it. If I needed to stay with someone else, I will make sure to send an owl. Now come, it's time to sleep. We"re going back home tomorrow." Harry said, smiling.

When they woke up the next day, they got dressed and went downstairs with their luggages. "Harry! Harry wait!" Hagrid's voice called, as he walked hurriedly over to the boy, who was halfway onboard the Hogwarts Express. "Here. I want to gift you this beauty." Harry blinked as Hagrid had gifted him a snowy owl, sleeping quietly under her wing. "H-Hagrid, when did you...?" Harry asked, as Hagrid handed him the cage. "I went to Diagon Alley last week, and I realised that you had told me you don't have an owl, so I got this for you." Harry nods, smiling softly.

Even in this life, he still got a present from Hagrid. It's funny. "Think of it as a very early birthday present." Harry laughed, nodding before the train let out a shrill ring. "See you soon, Harry! Send me an owl, alright?" Harry smiled, as he waved goodbye to Hagrid. "My, guess we can communicate better now." Draco said, as he went inside the compartment with Hedwig. "Yeah." Draco smiled. "You also forgot about a certain snake." Harry paled.

"Oh my god. " Draco laughed softly, before he took out a cage, with a sleeping Andri inside. "Where was he?" Harry asked, as he held the serpent softly. "He was worried about you after the accident, and when you came back he slept in your bed quietly. He was sick, but I slowly took care of him. He is a very sweet patient." Harry sighed, as Andri woke up.

Hi. I'm so sorry. Andri hissed softly. It's ok. You were busy with studies. And that boy is an excellent caretaker, even if he's clumsy. Harry smiled, before he sighed as he relaxed into his seat.

Let's make sure next year is handled with care. He thought, before he slept.

Harry's first year has ended! Now let's move to next year! In a different book :D Titiled My New Passion!

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