Shrouded Away (Book #1)

By Choco_cookie555

268 18 6

You could already see their amused smiles as they tortured and slaughtered people for selfish motives. They w... More

Warnings ⚠️
16 Years Later
Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Change: 30
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 32
Chapter: 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter: 35
Chapter: 36
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 38
Chapter: 39
Chapter: 40
Chapter: 41
Chapter: 42
Chapter: 43
Chapter: 44
Chapter: 45
Chapter: 46
Chapter: 47
Chapter: 48
Chapter: 49
Chapter: 50
Chapter: 51
Chapter: 52
Chapter: 53
Chapter: 54
Chapter: 55
Chapter: 56
Chapter: 57
Chapter: 59
Chapter: 60
Chapter: 61
Chapter: 62
Chapter: 63

Chapter: 58

1 0 0
By Choco_cookie555

Today was the day. They scheduled everything in perfect order. Morgana had taken Bradford to the Perium, Leo's mom was at the hospital, Mr Carson was dead asleep on the living room couch. Aurella was now somewhat better than before.

The six of them and Garren, Aurella, Maryline were at the top of his building. 

Maryline and Aurella went on rechecking  the six of their suits. To see if there was anything teared, loose or too tight.

When Aurella had walked up to Andrea she backed away, Garren gave an annoyed headshake.

“her shoulder strap is loose,” as Garren pointed it out Maryline went and tightened it.

An ebony  round glass like cylinder was attached to the floor. It’s diameter was about 5 feet and 12 inches thick.

“This is a Porter, this will transport you to your desired destination, for demonstration, Leo”

He stepped on the porter and a holographic screen appeared.

“All you have to do is type in your desired location, go on Leo”

Leo typed in and glanced at him waiting for his signal. As he nodded Leo tapped and a blinding light emitted from the sides of the porter. 

Andrea silently thanked her UV filtered helmet screen. One by one they took turns, leaving Andrea the last.

As she was about to step on she felt a hand grab her shoulder, thinking it was Garren, she turned to tell him it was too late to convince her to stay back.

But it wasn't Garren, it was Lauranda.

Has she been here this whole time?

Was she falling into their trap?

“good luck, try to come back alive,”

Try! Try to come back alive!

Her encouraging words did not ease the amount of anxiety and stress Andrea was feeling.

“I'll be back,” she didn't say it to Lauranda, she said it to Garren.

She stood on the porter and typed in one handedly  ‘HELKER'.

The light emitted, she began to propel in the air. From what felt like hours she landed back on her side with a soft....nothing. It was unusually quiet.

Andrea looked around, the land was like as if it was covered in cinnamon powder, and the bumps and hills seemed as they were made by toddlers. 

She spotted Leo, Nathan, Jordan, Sally and Callista, who was running to her with her arms wide open.

When she was about to hug her Andrea backed away. 

They all huddled together.

“can you hear me?” they heard Garden’s voice through the comms. 

“yes, loud and clear,”

“good, I’m not going- be- to,”

They shared worried glanced.

“I’m going to lose connection as you go further, I can only guide you for a while, if you have anything to say, say it now,”

“Yeah, When do we come back?” Nathan asked.

“In four hours, the Porter won’t work on Helker after that, your wrist bands will alert you when the time is near so be cautious and very attentive, Leonardo you'll be leading the team, got it?”


They began walking not a few minutes passed and heard a buzzing sound.

 They lost connection with Garren.

“We should split up so we can cover more ground,” Leo suggested as he picked up a stained white shard from the ground.

“What is that?” the twins asked. 

“Let me see,” reluctantly Leo handed the shard to Andrea. She examined it.

A holographic line emitted from her wrist watch scanning it.

“What is it?”


“It's not human,”

“What do you mean?” Sally asked.

“it doesn't identify the DNA,”

“I know what that means, but are saying-"

“more aliens,” the twins mused in unison.

“We just barely made peace with them this year,” Callista doodled on the ground.

“Let's  split so we'll cover more ground,” he repeated.

They all nodded in agreement and marched in their own direction.

Andrea kept glancing around. She didn't know whether she was hoping to spot a creature or not, both sounded rather terrifying to her.

A few minutes passed and she didn’t spot a thing, except more hills and cinnamon powder like sand.

“Andrea!” Calista yelled through the comms.

“What?” she responded, kicking a stone.

Calista was letting out heavy breaths, she sounded as if she was running.

“there was...there was was..”

“it was what?! It was what?!” Andrea rushed back panicking. 

A loud piercing screamed shot through her ear.

Fear continued to build in her as the silence continued.

“Callista?! Callista?!”

Andrea tried to contact anyone else but nothing worked.

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