Shrouded Away (Book #1)

By Choco_cookie555

268 18 6

You could already see their amused smiles as they tortured and slaughtered people for selfish motives. They w... More

Warnings ⚠️
16 Years Later
Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Change: 30
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 32
Chapter: 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter: 35
Chapter: 36
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 38
Chapter: 39
Chapter: 40
Chapter: 41
Chapter: 42
Chapter: 43
Chapter: 45
Chapter: 46
Chapter: 47
Chapter: 48
Chapter: 49
Chapter: 50
Chapter: 51
Chapter: 52
Chapter: 53
Chapter: 54
Chapter: 55
Chapter: 56
Chapter: 57
Chapter: 58
Chapter: 59
Chapter: 60
Chapter: 61
Chapter: 62
Chapter: 63

Chapter: 44

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By Choco_cookie555

"Andrea, can you hear me?" She heard Callista's voice through her earpiece.


"Good, go in…... now!" 

She focused on the stained window and with a movement of her finger the window slid open.

She climbed in and glanced around. Her feet didn't make a sound as she padded  through the hall, nimbly covering herself behind the vintage furniture to hide herself from patrolling Sicariurs. 

The Sicariurs barely make a thud! as their bodies hit the ground as she snuck up behind them and put them in an unconscious state one by one.

A loud scream emitted through the hall. Her adrenaline surged as silence filled the hall again.

Her ears strained for more sounds. 

The scream came again, desperate, terrified... human. It came from the door nearby, she got closer to see that it was opened to an amount to let her peek through a crack.

A man was on the floor blood coming out from his chest as a metal shard went through which came from ….. Casper's hand.

His face was dripping with sweat and spots of blood stained his face. He looked up and smiled, not at her, but at some other girl. 

Her hands were frozen solid, an ice shard aimed at a toddler girl's throat, tears streamed down her cheeks, her screams muted by a piece of cloth.

Andrea retracted her sword kicking the door open making the three of them whip their head in her direction.

"Divinuses," she muttered and charged towards Andrea. She lifted her palm, the girl paused and hovered in the air a silent scream escaping her lips. 

The color drained from her face as blood spilled from her mouth and nose.

She dropped to the floor, she laid there not moving sprawled staring at the ceiling as her eyes fluttered shut.

At that moment she saw his eyes falter.

He knew it was her. Even with the mask covering half of her face.

She walked towards with her blade aimed at him, purposely stepping on the girl's hand that was on the floor, the wincing sound of bones cracking met their ears.

She took slow, calculated steps toward the boy. He unconsciously took steps back to put distance between them, the anxiety growing in him.

"Andrea.."his voice was low as a whisper.

 His eyes were flickering.

 Andrea couldn't tell if it was because he was happy that she was alive, or because of the worry erupting in him since she found out what he was hiding from her, what he was lying to her about, for the past years.

"Andrea I-"

"Don't. Say. Another. Word. You liar!" She ran her blade over his collarbone drawing our blood. He had his hands up in surrender, his eyes were shut either from guilt or fear.

He dropped to his knees, a pitiful sight. She placed the tip of her blade under his chin lifting it up.

"You lying piece of scum!" She spat.

Her anger radiated off such energy that the vases on the shelves began to shake. 

"It was the only-"

"Shut it! I don't want to hear anymore of your lies!"

She stared down at him, the times they spent together, the laughs and smiles they shared, the memories they lived, that one kiss they shared, only for it to end in one of them betraying.

She dropped her hand showing him mercy.

"Please.." a tear rolled down his cheek.

He was crying.

He was crying!

What was she supposed to do? Her blood ran cold. Should she pet him on the shoulder? Should she-

He wrapped his arms around her legs,

"I want you back,"

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