The new favorites | dance mom...

By ItzLuvDay

148K 1.8K 396

When 2 more girls join the aldc what will happen Will the girls like them Will the moms not But will Abby l... More

the new favorites
Welcome back now dont get to comfy
Two can play this game
Chloe vs kendall round 2
No ones safe
Clash of the Chloe's
Big trouble in the big Apple
Wingman Down
Nothings Fair In Abbyville
No Solo For You
Blame it on the new girl
Sister showdown
Decisions decisions
Family comes first
lights! camera! dance!
Presenting my new team
Double The Moms Double The Trouble
Kiss or get off the pot
Four soloist one star
No More Crybabies
The Understudies
45 second solos
Hollywood here we come
Hollywood here we come part 2
season 5
Girl talk
99 problems but a mom ain't one
Abby got served
JoJo with a Bow Bow
Bye Bye Pittsburg
Hello Hollywood Goodbye Abby
Nia Risks It All
Wild Wild West Coast
The Great Divide
The New Maddie
Nia's Last Chance
Abbys Trash Cathy's Treasure
Mackenzie's time to shine

Abby strikes back

5.7K 86 38
By ItzLuvDay

this morning my family minus birdie were sitting eating breakfast when she skipped downstairs with a huge smile "guys! you can now say both your daughters won there first competition at a new studio!" she cheered

"congrats bird." my dad chuckled sliding her waffles in front of her "her score was higher then both kendall and chloe's." mom mentioned and our brothers high fived her

"oh mom my first lacrosse game is on thrusday can you guys come?" brody asked "yeah i'll let abby know incase they have a class." mom nodded digging through her purse

"cool, family gets in free." he told us as my phone buzzed "maddie and kenzie are outside." i said and mom nodded

birdie and i went up to our rooms and grabbed our dance bags and our shoes on and jogged back downstairs

i was wearing lavender shorts with a gray sports bra with my hair in two french braids and once we got downstairs i opened a closet and grabbed a gray hoodie with my brothers high school logo on it

today melissa would take us to the studio and to our morning privates while my mom had to film something for pretty little liars 

"hey girls." melissa smiled as we got in the car with her "hi." we said back as she started driving

on the way to the studio we stopped at starbucks then went to the studio and maddie and i went in our tap private for an hour

once i got out of my tina choen chang mode from filming i walked into the studio seeing abby at the front desk

"hi abby, i gotta tell your something." i said and she nodded "oh perfect me too."

"thursday afternoon the girls have to leave early for my sons lacrosse game but we can come back is it ok for them to miss those classes?" i asked her

"oh yeah that's fine. let's see bianca only has technique stretching and latin and birdie only had acro and hiphop so there good to go." abby said and i nodded

"now this week we have our first open call, i'll talk more about it in pyramid. but it's in orlando florida, your girls stomping ground." she mentioned and i nodded "can they come with me and the zieglers to demonstrate?" abby asked

"oh yeah of course they'd enjoy that very much." i nodded. since that was it i went into the den with everyone else and chatted until we went in for pyramid

"alright now, this week i'm excited. i have an open audition. i'm looking for the next big thing." abby said as pyramid started

"we will be traveling to orlando florida." abby said making me and birdie cheer "bianca and birdies stomping grounds." abby added

"now melissa and brianna, can i have maddie, mackenzie, bianca and birdie go early with me and help with the auditions?" she asked and both our moms agreed "you guys wanna do that?" abby asked us


i looked over to my mom thinking about brody's lacrosse game and she shook her head saying 'we'll talk about it later'

"wait- this isn't a competition can peyton, peyton can do that too." leslie spoke up "leslie they could all do it but she picked those four." jill said

"but i don't understand why the two new girls get to go." leslie said abby waved her hands around

"see peyton this is where your mother speaks out of turn, acts like a yahoo over there."

i shook my head amused as abby started talking about the last competition "i left columbus ohio with only one overall high school soloist. i expected two but did i get that? nope." abby said and turned to start the pyramid

Maddie, Bianca, Chloe, Brooke,
Mackenzie, Paige, Nia, Kendall, Payton

we all clapped as birdie was top of the pyramid and she smiled "my only overall soloist, you beat lucas and even got a higher score then the two girls older then you." abby said

"we're doing a group routine. the music is actually called losing you. so i might be losing one of you."

"now i have four solos. bianca and birdie. you win your first solos this season and now i have a challenge. the next solos are going to maddie it's called down my spine and mackenzie it's called take it to go. nolets vs zieglers. and is the nolets win you will officially be apart of the abby lee dance company." abby said which shocked us as birdie and i smiled at one another

we smiled at our mom who gave us a big smile but then jill spoke up "so they don't have to go on probation?" she asked

"no cause i think there dancing shines through. if they would've lost there first solos they would've been gone." abby shrugged

once pyramid was over the moms went upstairs and we started stretching and then kenzie started her solo

birdie and i went in the hallway with our mom to talk about brody's game "are we gonna be able to go if we're in orlando?" birdie asked

"ok you guys leave the day of the game but you'll get to watch for an hour until we get you guys to the airport ok." she told us

"cool, you know what has me nervous?" i asked

"that if we don't win this week, we're off the team." birdie said and i nodded "don't think like that, have faith in yourselves." she said and we sighed

"birdie come in for your solo and bianca you and maddie are gonna learn the open call combo." gianna said coming from studio a

we nodded parting ways and i went into studio c with maddie learning the 1 minute combo

today we started the group routine and it was a pretty lyrical but kenzie wasn't in it so she had time to focus on her solo and have some method acting

well i think cause abby wanted her as her assistant for the week

"ok go get water then everyone back in. i want you guys to see how bianca learns." abby said and we nodded

"oh yay another favorite we're gonna get compared too." kendall complained and my eyebrows knitted together

"what's that supposed to mean?" i asked her as the other girls looked confused but not that surprised about her comment "oh nothing, nothing. don't worry about it." she said with a fake smile

i brushed her off and went back into the studio with the girls following in "ok your solo is lyrical and called heart of stone. and your gonna start facing right bent over and on the first count go straight up. step forward with you left foot and bring up  your left and grab your ankle with your right hand and bring it up. drop slowly turn to the front and bring ur up again then drop and fall onto your knee and spin to face the right and roll into a chest stand."

we ended up finishing my dance and being able to run it with music three times "see ladies, that's what i want. bianca just leaned her dance in 35 minutes. maddie can't even do that." abby told the girls making me feel bad for them

"that's not right." holly shook her head as we watched abby praise bianca for learning her solo in 35 minutes "all kids learn in different ways." she added

"i agree." i nodded "melissa are you upset at all that mackenzie isn't in the group yet birdies stills  in it?" jill asked

"uh not really. it just gives kenzie more time to work on her solo. plus lyrical is birdies style and we're doing lyrical, i'm not mad at all." melissa said and i smiled at her

i'm glad melissa didn't turn this into something drama related and looked on the bright side.

during group rehearsals i started breathing pretty heavy and unevenly and my right hand started to shake and my thought immediately went to 'oh no'

birdie noticed and looked up to mom in the viewing room "bianca are you ok?" gianna asked and i nodded "can i get water?" i asked with a shaky voice and she nodded concerned

i rushed out the room and went upstairs after grabbing my water "mom-" i stuttered coming behind her as she dug in her purse pulling out my medication

"wait what's happening?" melissa asked as i noticed the girls in the studio looking up worried "b?" my mom asked and i nodded taking my medicine and facing away from them

"bianca has epilepsy." my mom told the moms who looked very worried

"abby's coming up." holly said as my mom got up meeting her halfway

"brianna what's going on?" i heard abby ask as i leaned back calming down

"bianca has epilepsy and in certain situations mainly dance based she gets dizzy, lightheaded things like that. if it gets really bad she gets seizures." my mom explained and abby understood

once bianca was all better she stayed in the den and i went to the center of the room as gianna played the beginning of my music so i could get the feel

"your number is also lyrical and it's called all by myself. stand facing the front arms to your sides and head down. music starts step with the left and reach up with left, then same with the right with another step. then as you bring your arms down bring your left leg up in a tilt. and up pretty on releve  and chaîné to the left and down onto your left knee. on both knees and into a elbow stand."

i finished my dance in about and hour and once again abby gloats about how fast my sister and i learn dances

after i got water i joined the girls sitting in front of the mirror to watch brooke paige and chloe's trio

later on after rehearsals mom took the zieglers and i home to pack for orlando so i went around my room throwing stuff in my suitcase for the competition and audition

my phone started to ring and it was a face time call from maddie "heys mads." i said setting my phone up

"hey b, how much do you have packed?" she asked moving around her room

"about half id say, just gotta put my competition stuff together." i said and she nodded

"oh i heard you and noah are salsa partners." maddie said and i nodded

"mhm we've actually become really good friends." i said

my door opened and blake walked in with his best friend miles "hey sis." he said hopping on my beanbag chair and miles sat on my gaming chair

"what do you guys want?" i asked putting my turners and sneakers in my suitecase

"we're bored and we're waiting for brody to get home to take us to laser tag." he shrugged turning my tv on

"well i'm packing and i'm on the phone." i said and maddie waved

"sup maddie." they both said and she smiled

"hey guys."

they played mario cart on my tv for another 20 minutes till brody got home and by then i finished packing and there was a knock on the door

"bianca! biride! melissa's here!" mom yelled and grabbed my phone and headphones along with my suitcase and went downstairs

"love you girls. see you at the competition." mom said kissing our heads

"tell brody we said good luck." i said and she nodded

"of course, be good for melissa." mom told us and we nodded

my mom would be filming for pretty little liars during auditions so melissa offered to take us and she would come to the competition day of


the next day the four of us were all rushing around the hotel room getting ready for the open calls and i was currently sitting on the bed i shared with maddie while doing my hair in a slicked back low ponytail

we were all wearing aldc sports bras ( maddie's and i being purple and kenzie and birdies being red ) with black shorts

"bianca you excited? your back home do you think any of your old friends will be at the auditions?" maddie asked me as she walked out the bathroom from brushing her teeth

"yeah i guess, my old studios gonna be at the competition this weekend but my old teachers aren't really happy i left." i said curling my ponytail

"true, their mad we're onto bigger and better things." birdie said as her and kenzie ate breakfast and watching tv

"that's messed up, they should be happy with how far you guys got." maddie said and i nodded standing up to do birdies hair

"it's whatever. they'll see at comp." i said doing her hair into a high ponytail with a broad at the end

"girls, we gotta leave soon so you guys can warm up and run the dance before people get there." melissa said opening the door to our room

"we'll be out in a second mom." kenzie said and she nodded going out

we all cleaned our stuff up and put our shoes on along with jackets and left the hotel room

the theatre where the open calls were was only 10 minutes away and we got there before abby being able to run the dance

when the theater started filling up i took my sneakers and jacket off as girls walked onto the stage and that's when i seen three of my old teammates

stephanie tiffany and emily or as they liked to be called : the e girls ( stupid i know )

they didn't like birdie and i when we danced with them and they sure don't like us now

after abby explained the audition progress we taught the dance then started doing small groups with maddie and i demonstrating with some groups and kenzie and birdie with another

the e girls were kinda struggling with the choreography which wasn't even hard but there not amazing so it's not surprising

"who are they?" maddie asked

"stephane tiffiany and emily, they don't like me." i said lowly as abby made the first cut

the three looked at me with cocky looks and smirks and i rolled my eyes looking away

"next group let's go, bianca up in front." abby said and i walked up and that's when i noticed i was in the same group as tiffany "ready 5, 6, 7, 8"

once we hit the last pose i stood up and abby started making cuts with tiffany being one of them making me warm inside

i ran another group with maddie and she made more cuts "you can go. you can go. you can dance between maddie and bianca." abby said leading a girl in red between maddie and i

then abby turned to emily "you can go you need to work on your turns." abby said and she rolled her eyes walking offstage and maddie gave me a smile and i felt even more warm inside

we ran a few more groups with stephane still being in and then i was officially happy when abby approached her. "345 you can go. it's not your dancing it's this." she pointed to her face "do something with your face." she sighed and walked offstage

it was the next day and we all got off the bus walking through the crowd and into the dressing room but the only one wasn't here was jill and kendall

i started my hair which was in a low bun with a red hair piece and finally my mom walked in "hey guys." she smiled and was greeted by the moms

she came over to my sister and i and kissed our heads and helped finish birdies hair which was a slicked back ponytail

soon jill and kendall arrived and were bombarded with questioned as to why they were late but i ignored them and did my makeup

"bianca and birdie here's your costume." abby called and we both stood up grabbing our costumes that were both red

after changing into my dark red costume i put my earphones in and marked my dance over and over to make sure it was perfect cause i was gonna get my team jacket

"soloist come here. now you two have a lot to lose today ok, today will decide your fate at the abby lee dance company correct. don't let me down i don't want to have you let you two go." abby told us and we nodded and she turned to the zieglers

once done we went backstage and i stood in the wings nervously cracking my knuckles as i watched maddies solo which was amazing like always

she walked offstage and i gave her high five and took a deep breath as the girls wished me good luck and i walked onstage "welcome heart of stone."

i walked offstage with a smile immediately getting squeezed in a hug by my sister and i let out a laugh walking further backstage "that was great b." she told me

"thanks bird, good luck, don't stress. be beautiful." i said kissing her head as kenzie went onstage and took few deep breaths and went in the wings as kenzie came offstage

she walked offstage and i hugged her handing her a water and she smiled "was it good?" she asked me opening her water

"it was amazing." i said and she smile with a silent cheer


after the trio we went back in the dressing room and abby looked to birdie and me with smiles "you two come here." she said and when we did she hugged up tight "beautiful, couldn't ask for anything more."

after she looked to maddie and kenzie we all changed into the group costumes which were a really pretty light blue

we were then backstage watching a ballet routine and peyton started mimicking the movements "i'm so good at ballet." she laughed

it honestly wasn't that funny but whatever "peyton stop." brooke chuckled and she sighed bumbing into a prop chair and slipped on kendall's foot

it was a whole thing and it felt like it was slow motion as she fell to the floor and started holding her ankle "G!" maddie called and she came from the hallway "what happened?" she asked frantically

"she tripped or slipped on something." paige said and her and brooke rushed back to the dressing room and minutes later leslie and abby came in as peyton was crying

"girls stop go over there and reblock the number." abby said and we went over to a bigger space and ran it with gianna filling her spots evenly

we stood backstage and got a quick speech from chloe before we went on and preformed the number actually really well

we walked offstage silently cheering that we were able to pull it off "guys we actually did it!"

the nerves finally set in as solos were being announced starting with the mini solos and i held birdies and chloe's hand

"ok and 2nd in mini solos is take it to go mackenzie!" was announced and birdie looked at me wide eyed "and first overall in our mini solos is all by myself, birdie!"

i cheered as she stood up jaw dropped as she grabbed her award and hugged kenzie from next to her

we moved onto junior solos and my leg started to bounce "and 2nd in our juniors solos is down my spine, maddie." maddie stood up with a smile and i started to get more nervous

chloe bumped my shoulder with a smile and i looked at her nervously "and 1st in our junior solos is heart of stone, bianca!"

my jaw dropped so far down as i stood up and the room got extremely loud with cheers and i stood next to maddie getting handed my award and maddie hugged me right

after taking a bow we sat down and the girls gave me high fives and i just couldn't stop smiling

the trio got 2nd in teen duos and the group got 1st in junior small group and we all stood up and chloe grabbed the plaque

once done with awards we cheered going into the dressing room and abby hugged me and my sister very tight and after we hugged our mom "i'm so proud of you girls. amazing job."

"ok bianca and birdie come over here." abby said and we smiled standing up and going over to her and she smiled "i told you two at the beginning of the week that if you win this week you'll get team jackets. bianca you beat maddie again and birdie you beat mackenzie. so bianca and birdie nolet..." she trailed off pulling out two team jackets from behind her

"welcome- officially to the aldc elite competition team." abby smiled and everyone cheered as we hugged abby

we slipped the jackets on with smiled "how does it feel?" holly asked us

"feels good!" birdie cheered making the moms laugh

once abby was done talking to the rest of the group she left and we packed up and went home very happy with how the week ended

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