Heroes of War- Izuku X Reader

By _Alice_Love_

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(Y/n) with the superhero name, Roach. Dealing with the traumatic life experiences of two ex-pro hero parents... More

33. Yay hospitals and bad guys
A/N *will be taken down*


18 0 0
By _Alice_Love_


Movie night went off without a hitch. When it was that morning I made sure to wake up early, somehow not waking Izuku. He was absolutely adorable sleeping. He had sprawled out on his back asleep, partially laying on his side as he slept. I couldn't help but grin at how he managed to take up the most amount of space without touching me for the most part.

When I woke up Izuku did have his hand holding onto the sleeve of my T-shirt. It was cute as his eyebrows furrowed when I gently removed his grip and he reached to grab the hem of my shirt. I had to contain myself since it was so cute. I considered taking the chance of crawling back into my bed and sleeping a bit longer but I decided against it.

I left the section of the apartment that I normally live in and went to the extremely large kitchen. I hesitated on what to make for breakfast. I then shrugged it off and figured if they don't like it they can just eat something else. I went about in my pajamas collecting the ingredients for some steamed rice and pulled out my extra-large rice cooker. I started making cutting up some of the fruit for a side and making eggs to put over the rice when people started to wake up.

Hanta and Denki were the first to rise. I watched Hanta walk to the rice cooker in a daze while Denki was wide awake. He looked at me with his face kind of scrunched up. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him, "Denki do you have a question?"

He nodded his head and then pursed his lips trying to figure out what he wanted to ask. Hanta piped up as he was fixing to stuff his face with rice and eggs, "Denki doesn't understand why I have a toothbrush here."

I nodded my head understanding it now, "Denki, I have had Hanta spend the night more times than I can count. Heck, he has his own key to my apartment." Denki tilted his head with his mouth in a line, "Do... hmm. Are you guys a- ya know-" Hanta about had a heart attack on the spot as I began laughing. He was pounding his chest trying to not choke on his breakfast.

I shook my head, "Never in a million years!" Hanta seemed to dislodge what food got stuck as he hyperventilated with his hands on his knees. "With (Y/n)," he visibly shuddered, "ew." I gasped, "What do you mean ew? Do we need to have a rematch?" When I pointed at Hanta he shook his head, last time he got his butt handed to him.

Denki sighed in relief, "Oh. Then why do you just have all that stuff in the bathroom? Like the hairbrushes." I realized what he meant pretty quickly, "Well I just keep some emergency supplies in all the bathrooms, like some shampoo and conditioner, I also just keep packs of toothbrushes for everyone who stays. I just think its easier."

Eijiro walked into the kitchen quite his normal enthusiastic self. He must have caught the tail end of the conversation, "Woah, that really nice of you to do." His hair was brushed out neatly, "I thought Katsuki actually used that brain of his to pack!"

I chuckled at that, "Well Eijiro help yourself. I have them there for a reason."

Eventually, Deku woke up. Well, I think he did. There was a thud from my room. I winced, had I sounded like that when Izuku took care of me after busting open my stitches that time?

"Help yourself to the kitchen, I am going to check to see if Midoryia is okay." Hanta paused with his face in a scowl. I knew exactly why he was giving me that look, I averted looking at him.

Eijiro gave me a big smile, "Awesome thanks for the breakfast!"

Hanta did know that all the guest bedrooms were in this part of the house. He also knew by that logic, I shared a bed with Izuku when there were extra beds to sleep on. I quickly shuffled away from the kitchen as I felt Hanta's eyes burning holes in the back of my head. Once I made it to the in-law suite I slumped against the door.

Oh no, this wasn't a good thing. He knows that Izuku shared a bed with me. If he finds out that Izuku has been hanging out with me pretty frequently and has been in my house no less... Hanta knows and he does not seem happy about it. I ran my fingers through my hair. Why didn't Hanta seem too happy about the Izuku thing? He had wanted me to get some new people in my life like Tsu.

I pushed off the door and towards the bedroom. I knocked on the door, "Hey Midoryia? Are you okay, that sounded like a nasty fall." I didn't get a response. Had he hit his head on the floor? I pushed open the door and Izuku was still asleep but currently, he was on the floor. I noticed that his shirt had slid up on his torso and I was bright red.

He was well built. I shook my head. No, I shouldn't be thinking like that, we are strictly friends. I knelt down beside him. "Midoryia? Buddy want to get off the floor?" I waited to see if he would respond back.

"...use extends... train... mugs..." he was mumbling in his sleep. I covered my mouth to try and hide the smile forming as though it would wake him up. He must be exhausted, why did he come to watch movies knowing he would be scared and tired? I gently scooped him up in my arms, he was a bit difficult to actually hold because of how much bigger he was than me but it was only to get him to the bed. Once I put him back in the bed I collected myself leaving the room.

I stood in the inlaw suite with my face in my hands. What am I going to do with myself? I can not allow myself to develop a crush... allow a crush to progress. I took a deep breath. I pulled my hands away and regretted it.

Hanta was standing in front of me with an annoyed look. His arms were folded at his chest, tapping his foot impatiently, with his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. "Care to explain?"

I bit my bottom lip, "No." I looked away and fiddled with my hands. Hanta was very angry. He had a death grip on his forearms trying to stay calm.

I don't get it. It is not like anything happened. I had shared a bed with Hanta before, I had shared a bed with Tsu before, and Mina, and the rest of the girls. Why now did he all of the sudden care?

He struggled to unclench his jaw and let out a deep breath, "You know what, I am just gonna keep you here until you are willing to listen." I rolled my eyes as I shifted my weight to one side. After three minutes I shifted to the other foot. Hanta hadn't budged other than the fact he had grown less tense in his position. I groaned and tossed my head to the side, "Hanta I don't want a lecture. I know, bad on me. Big no-no. I got it and I am not gonna do anything. You know I would never-"

He sighed as his brow scrunched up tilting his head up to look at me. "(Y/n), you don't know do you?" I sighed as I looked away, "Let me guess, already-" "Yep." I nodded my head, "Yep, I figured. The only reason it happened was because he was too scared to sleep alone and nobody else would share a room with him." Hanta glared past me at the closed door. I turned to look, there was nothing different behind me. Hanta turned angrier before shaking his head, "Nope. Not going to deal with it now. Later. Yeah later."

I went wide-eyed, "Hanta stay out of it." I grabbed his shoulders, "Please, I do not want to look like some idiot. It is a misunderstanding Hanta. I promise, never again." He finally looked back at me, rolling his eyes. "Okay. But you promise to not act on those feelings. I just don't want to see basically my sister, ending up hurt."

Hanta sighed and relaxed his stance. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Alright time to relax and have breakfast." We walked out of the hallway and into the living space of the apartment.

It seemed almost everyone was awake now and chatting enjoying breakfast. It looked like everyone was one big family. When they took notice that Hanta and I had returned the group all were giving a warm invite. "Took you guys long enough!" Mina quickly shoveled some rice into her face. "(Y/n) senpai, please can you make more eggs? Katsuki ate all mine!" Denki whined slightly as he leaned on the counter. "OI, It's not my fault! They weren't on your plate!" Katsuki quipped back and Eijiro snickered then in a mocking tone, "It is not my fault, I didn't see him fixing to get food." Jiro and Momo were laughing while Katsuki now pouted as people teased him.

I patted Hanta's back, "Thanks. I am glad you helped me invite everyone." I left his side and quickly skipped over to the kitchen making more breakfast.

So this is what it is like to have a big family.



1647 words

Sooo what yall thinking? Is it good? IS IT BAD?



i just wrote another chapter and figure hey, publishing something early might be fine.

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