Forever and Always

By SeverusSnapess394

792 4 0

I couldn't just watch him die. I decided I was going to stop it. It was going to take real power and strength... More

The Plan
Later That Night
First Day
Mr. Malfoy
Random Necessary Time Skip
Disaster in Class
Tea or Tea?
Nearly Dead
Breakfast in Bed
A Walk in the Moonlight
T'is The Season
Changing Sides
Changing Sides Pt. 2
Music to my Ears
Engaged At Last
Wedding Bells
A Dance
Yule Ball
World on Fire
Return Home
Loss and Renewal
Split Stories


102 1 0
By SeverusSnapess394

I appeared in his office, the portal closing behind me immediately. He looked busy in a far room so I knocked on a wooden shelf to get his attention. He seemed surprised but came over to greet me.

"I'm sorry but I don't believe I know you." He says politely. I smile and gesture to the chairs, as I sit in one myself. "You don't actually. I suppose you might never. I'm from a different dimension, come to change fate." He remains passive as he sits in his own chair.

"I see. And who might you be trying to save?" He says contemplating what I've said. "Severus Snape. Also, this is September 1, 1991 correct?" He nods. "Yes. Why Severus? Why not anyone else?" I smile sadly. "Because he was the least deserving of such a death. I'm not saying anyone else deserved to die. I just believe he should of been spared a death so cruel." He gets up from the chair and starts pacing.

I stand as well. "There are two options for my stay here, should you believe me. I become a teachers aide or I become a teacher. The latter doesn't sound appealing because I have little to no idea how to teach or how to use magic. But I could learn." He nods, still pacing. I suggest "Maybe we could ask the other professors you trust to join the decision. A vote perhaps?" He stops and looks at me. "Indeed. But instead of working with a single tacher, you'll assist most of them." I nod. "I agree. Let's send the owls and ask them to go to the Great Hall before the feast. Or maybe the trophy room so we're not interrupted when the children arrive?" He stares for a moment. "I haven't any idea who you are yet but I have a feeling that you know a lot more than you're willing to tell me." I nod. "Yes but for now this is all I can tell you. I ask you to trust me." He turns and writes the letters, sending out about 15 owls.

"We should get going." I turn and head out the door, Dumbledore hot on my heels. "You seem to know your way around." I snort. "Of course I do. I studied this place for years before coming through. I couldn't take the chance of being unprepared." He takes the lead down the stairs and we meet a few professors also on their way down.

We walk swiftly through the Great Hall and into the back room, the trophy room. There is a small gathering so I remain behind Dumbledore so he can speak. "I've brought you here tonight because something strange has happened. A woman has crossed over into our world to save someone from a horrible death. But she must learn the qualities to do so. She and I agreed that in exchange for them teaching her. This will last for..." He turns to me "How long?" "Five years." He turns back to them, "Five years. During that time she will learn everything there is to know. From potions to divination and care of magical creatures." Professors McGonagall speaks up "But Albus, how do you know she isn't bonkers or one of he-who-must-not-be-nameds army?"

I step out from behind him with a snear on my face. "Because that's who I'm trying to keep from killing this person. He kills them himself so I have no reason to be on his side." She still seems a bit wary. "If you don't mind Albus, I'd like to have her tomorrow morning and thursday evening." I smile and nod. "I'd love to learn from you. You have been commended as an outstanding teacher." Dumbledore turns to me. "Do you have any preference on who you might like to work with most often?" I turn and look the man in his eye. "Professor Snape. I feel he could teach me everything I need." Dumbledore stills. "Are you entirely sure?" I break my stare with Snape. "I'm sure he can teach me to make what I need or perhaps create something for the purpose." He nods. "Very well then. Severus, you will teach her everything she needs to know of potions and the dark arts. In return, she will assist you for your classes every evening but Thursday." He seems to not care but I know he's very unhappy. "You are all dismissed to the Great Hall." To me he asks, "Do you have a preference on rooms?" I think for a moment. "I like it cold." He turns. "Severus! Would you show the lady to her room before the feast begins?"

He sighs and waits for me. I struggle a bit to keep up. He has a longer gait than I expected. I smile at the way his cloak billows behind him and attempt to break the silence. "I desinged my look lightly based off of yours. The cloak is my favorite of this world so I got a few. I hope you don't mind." He gives you a strange look. "Why would you do that?" I answer honestly. "Because I admire you." He doesn't stop but does give me a once over when he thinks I can't see. "Why would you? There are many more admirable in the world." I walk a bit faster. "If you say so. But I've come to know you quite well. Your history at least." At that I frown but cover it with a smile. He has cought up to me and refuses to say anything more.

He stops at a door in front of me. "Your room is here. Mine is down the hall. My classroom is down the hall to the right." He turns to leave but I grab his arm. "Would you mind helping me put a password on my door? I'd prefer to keep my room off limits to most people." He sighs and turns back to the door. "Colloportus will do it. Try." He looks at me expectantly. "I regret to inform you but I used almost all of my strength on the portal to come here. And I have yet to get a wand. Would you accompany me to Diagon Alley tonight when the others are sleeping? I don't want to be kidnapped on day one." He looks a tad surprised but its gone as soon as it appeared. "Fine." He performs the spell. "Just tell it your password now." I think a moment and look him dead on as I say it. "In aeternum fortis." He cocks a brow before walking away. "You'll get me for the meal right?" He sighs from the end of the hall. "I suppose."
The rooms are above. Hope you enjoyed this so far. Its giving a bit of a headache to write lol.

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