Daisy's Daddies, Book 2

By BabyGurl5119

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This is a continuation of my first book 'Daisys Daddies'. For you to not be lost or confused, reading Daisy's... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1. Welcome Home
Chapter 2. The Lantern
Chapter 3. Bria
Chapter 4. House In The Tree
Chapter 6. Panic
Chapter 7. Punished
Chapter 8. Secrets
Chapter 9. Rides
Chapter 10. Eating Contest
Chapter 11. Abandoned
Chapter 12. Fools Hope
Chapter 13. Booster
Chapter 14. Fantasy
Chapter 15. Food For The Soul
Chapter 16. Duh
Chapter 17. Bad Listener
Chapter 18. For Dad
Chapter 19. The Fight
Chapter 20. Airport
Chapter 21. At A Loss
Chapter 22. Layover
Chapter 23. Call Back
Chapter 24. Flight Two
Chapter 25. Anticipation
Chapter 26. Fantasy
Chapter 27. Rick
Chapter 28. Watch Her
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Mermaids
Chapter 31. I'm Sorry
Chapter 32. Steak-Out
Chapter 33. Hidden Text
Chapter 34. Barbecue
Chapter 35. Unfortunate
Chapter 36. Hospital
Chapter 37. Sneaky
Chapter 38. Night Nurse
Chapter 39. Visit
Chapter 40. Picnic
Chapter 41. Tomorrow For Lunch
Chapter 42. Brownies

Chapter 5. Inklusive

13K 310 69
By BabyGurl5119

Daisy's POV

     After playing in the tree house with my daddies we all had dinner and watched a movie. It was some movie about a guy who is running away from the cops because he shot someone. I didn't really pay much attention to it.

Now that it's the next day I roll out of bed and stretch.

I wonder if I put myself through laffy taffy machine if I would get taller. Hmm.


I'm pulled out of my thoughts as my phone lights up.

Oh! It's from Lauren.

Hey, want to hangout today? I can come pick you up at 12.

I have to ask my daddies.

Skipping down the hall I finally make it to daddy Asher's room. He will probably say no. Let's go find daddy James.

Just when I turn my heel daddy Asher opens his door.

"You okay angel?" He asks rubbing his eye in his deep sleepy voice.

"Yes, daddy I'm okay. I was looking for daddy James."

He puts his hand over his heart.

"And here I thought you were here to give me a bear hug." He acts hurt.

I giggle and give him a big bear hug. He's still so warm from being in bed.

Maybe...if I get on his good side early this morning, he will let me go play with Lauren.

"Can we snuggle daddy?" I give him puppy eyes.

"I was waiting for you to ask." He chuckles and picks me up.

Daddy Asher lays me on his bed, and I secretly inhale deeply. It smells just like him. I love it, this is my room now.

He lays in bed next to me and snuggles up behind me.

Okay...now I just have to ask.

"Hey daddy?" I ask biting my lip.

Luckily, I'm turned away from him so he can't see it.

"Yes angel?" He quietly responds.

"Can I maybe go play with Lauren today?" Please say yes, please say yes.

I cross my fingers and my toes. Please say yes.

"Is that the red head we bumped into at the mall?" He asks.

I nod and squeeze my eyes shut.

"James and I have to work today angel." He states as if he's already saying no.

"But daddy, she will pick me up." I plea, turning my body towards him.

I watch him as he thinks about it.

"I don't think it's a good idea. Nobody will be able to watch you."

"I'll have my phone on me daddy. Please, please, please. Please." I beg.

"Okay, okay. Text or call if you need anything or want to be picked up, okay?"

I squeal in excitement.

"Thank you, daddy!" I give him a bunch of kisses all over his face.

I quickly hop off of him and run into my room to get dressed.

I pick out a long-sleeved striped shirt that's super-duper comfy. It almost feels like pajamas. I also threw on some skinny jeans that had holes on the knees with white sneakers.

Maybe I can get a stuffie today and some candy!!!

I look at the time and it's 11:30pm.

Okay, quick snack and then she will be here.

I pull some cookies out of the pantry and start munching.

Oreos are freaking amazing.

After eating ten Oreos my tummy is stuffed, and I'm slightly nauseous.

"You look pretty today princess." Daddy James comments.

I feel my cheeks turn a little pink. Aww I'm pretty.

"Thank you, daddy." I give him a shy hug.

His arms wrap around my body, and he kisses the top of my head.

"Here princess. Buy anything you want." Daddy James says handing me a card.

Anything? All the candy? All the kittens? All the stuffies? Best. Day. Ever.

I take the card and kiss it.

"Hey, those are my kisses." Daddy James boops my nose.


Don't boop my nose.

Wait Daisy. Be a good girl or they might not let you go.

I hold in my argument and stop my eyes from rolling to the back of my head. It's harder than it seems.

Pulling me out of my thoughts I hear a car honking from outside. It must be Lauren.

"You have your phone, right?" Daddy James asks.

I nod and head towards the door.

I smile when I see her car. I've missed her. Her bouncy red hair, counting her scattered freckles, all of her.

"Hey Lauren!" I smile jumping in the passenger seat of her car.

"Hey girly!" She leans over and gives me a quick hug.

On the way to the mall, we talk about a bunch of random things. Her high school graduation, how her car broke down when she went to go see a boy she liked, my love for candy, and we even talked a little about why I stopped going to school.

I told her I didn't want to go anymore, which isn't a lie. I hated school.

She parks in a parking spot, and we walk through the main doors.

This mall is so pretty.

"Where to first?" She asks.

I take a minute to think about it.

"What about clothes?" I ask.

A wide smile plays on her lips.

"A girl after my own heart." Her hand lays across her chest.

I giggle, she's a silly goose.

We walk into a clothing store called 'Flair'.

I follow Lauren through the store while running my fingers through the clothes.

After an hour in this store, we go to pay for our things.

I buy a sparkly necklace with a couple shirts.

I don't exactly know how to shop for clothes by myself but I'm trying and that's all that matters.

"Want a tattoo or piercing?" She asks out of nowhere.

W... what?

When I don't say anything, I hear her chuckle.

She pulls my arm towards a smaller room called 'Inklusive' and a man stands in there.

"I would like to get a tattoo of a rose on my hip." She says. The man slides a piece of paper over to her and she starts writing on it.

I peek at the paper and quickly look away. I don't know if I'm allowed to look, and I don't want to be rude.

She's signing her name on multiple lines and she lays her ID on top of it.

"I'll go draw something up for you, it should take about fifteen to twenty minutes." The man smiles while going behind a door.

"Lauren, are you sure you want to do this? What if you get in trouble?"  I ask worried.

She chuckles.

"I'm an adult, I won't get in trouble. You should do something too, it's fun." She pulls back my hair and touches my ear lobe.

"You should get your ears pierced!" She strongly suggests.

I touch my ears feeling the small space of smooth skin.

"No, it'll hurt." I stare at her wide eyed.

"No, it won't, you'll just feel pressure. They'll look so pretty." She convinces me.

I end up agreeing after she showed me all the pretty studs they could use.

I'm a big girl. I can do this. She said it won't hurt.

When the man comes back out, he shows Lauren the rose he made for her, and she smiles.

I follow them back into a small room that has a black table. It smells like a hospital in here.

He cleans her skin and rubs something on her hip then lays a paper on her hip. When he pulls away the rose is on her hip. It's a pretty purple outline.

Is that it? Is that the tattoo?

He then grabs a small machine and turns it on.

The buzzing of the machine hums into my ear.

He puts it to her hip and Lauren quickly grabs my hand.

I squeeze her hand. Is she in pain?

I sit there and watch this man dig into her skin for about an hour.

"Okay, we're done." The man smiles and lays the small machine down.

Lauren stands up and looks in the full body mirror.

"It's perfect, I love it. Thank you." She says to the man.

He gestures for her to sit back down, and he lays a clear film over the tattoo.

"She wants her ears pierced." Lauren tells him.

My stomach drops. I almost forgot.

"Virgin skin?" He asks.

I look at Lauren confused.

What's virgin skin? I'm not a virgin anymore.

"Yes." She answers for me.

But wait...no I'm not a virgin. Why is everyone thinking that I'm a virgin lately?

He cleans the spot where Lauren just was and takes out a few boxes. He unwraps needles from the boxes and lays then down cleaning them in the process.

"Have you picked out your jewelry?" He asks me.

Feeling nervous I look over to Lauren.

She giggles.

"Yeah, I'll go show you." She answers for me, and he follows her out to the front.

Am I really doing this?

They come back in, and he sits in the same chair he sat in while tattooing Lauren.

He pats the black table looking bed and I sit.

He shows me the small pink shiny studs.

Those are pretty. I'm happy Lauren picked them out for me.

He pulls out a pen and places a dot on each ear.

I look in the mirror and agree that they look even.

Moment of truth.

He brings the needle to my ear.

I feel a light layer of sweat on my forehead and my tummy is turning. My legs even feel a little shaky.

"Give me a deep breath in." He says quietly.

"Wait, wait. -" I begin to panic.

I watch as he lowers the needle.

"I don't think I can do this..." I put my head down in shame.

"You can do it Daisy, think about how pretty it'll look." Lauren grabs my hand.

"The needle won't hurt if that's what you're uneasy about. It'll feel slightly sharp then all you'll feel is pressure. It won't hurt at all." The man smiles.

I don't know why but hearing that from him made me feel a little better.

A little. I'm still panicking on the inside.

He slowly brings the needle back up to my ear and places the sharp tip against my skin.

"Give me a deep breath, okay?"

I nod and breathe in.

Air fills my lungs and as soon as I can't breathe in anymore, he quickly pushes the needle in my ear.

"Breathe out." He breathes with me, like he's coaching me through it.

My body is as stiff as a board, but I feel my blood pumping through my body.

"You're not going to pass out on me, are you?" The man laughs.

Am I? No.

I shake my head no and he moves to my other ear.

We repeat the same process with my other ear.

I sit there brave and feeling like I can conquer the world.

I can't believe I did it! I did it!

Thank you for reading! Please remember to vote, comment and follow! 🌹🌹

How do you feel about Lauren?

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?


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