piece by piece | a. adams²

By baxteravenue

93.6K 2.3K 161

After a whirlwind summer of traveling the world with her mother. Evelyn hopes to return home to her boyfriend... More

cast list
the return
senior year
unexpected friendships
sweet gestures
drunken outbursts
date night
out of the loop
unacceptable behavior
girl's night in
a trip down the aisle
a case of bad luck
season four
back to reality
not so happy birthday
bits of inspiration
secret affairs
senior ditch day
prom night disasters
hero complex
faux influencers
heart to heart
the dropout
in memoriam
one last hurrah

teenage fever

3.4K 96 4
By baxteravenue

"A toast to...Bellas before fellas."

Olivia, Layla, and Evelyn all clinked their glasses against each others. The three had decided on a small brunch at Liv's house to catch up. Something that the three of them hadn't been able to do in a while. With Liv, distancing herself from the two, Evelyn being occupied with her ongoing volleyball season and Layla in the studio with Coop.

"Cheers to that," Evelyn said.

"I'm surprised you weren't holed up in the studio this weekend," Liv pointed out to Layla.

"Yeah, I'm taking a break from the studio," Layla admitted as she sat down. "Things got weird between Spencer and Coop last night, and now I'm worried that things are gonna get weird with me and Coop, so—"

"So, you're hiding," Liv finished for her. "You hide and Evie avoids."

"Hey!" Evelyn defended. "We do not!"

"We so do," Layla sighed. "What about you, Evelyn? Any big plans with Asher?"

The girl had visibly winced at those words. She still hadn't told her friends what went down between her and Asher. Things between the couple still weren't good even after her game.

"What's with the face?" Liv asked.

"Asher knows Vanessa," she confessed. "Like, he knew her before she came to Beverly. They apparently met on some beach in Mexico and formed some strong friendship. Me and him are still together but, I told him I needed space it's been like a week or two. Oh, and he didn't bother to tell me until weeks later."

"Oh, Evelyn," Layla's shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry. I know, that night at the cafe we had that talk and you were so sure that there was something up with them."

"Wait, you two talked about this?" Liv asked, suddenly feeling like a third wheel.

"It was that night of the failed attempt of a triple date," Evelyn told her. "I left like, right when you arrived so we didn't get to talk."

"Oh, right," Liv faked a smile. "Any plans with Spencer, Layla?"

"He went to his family's cabin," Layla said. "This morning, to clear the last of the boxes and his head, I guess. I offered to go with him but he said he wanted to be alone, so—"

"Well, this is the first time he's been back since he lost his dad there," Liv pointed out. "I mean, is it really a good idea for him to be all alone?"

"Hmm," Evelyn raised her eyebrows. "All of us at a cabin. Sounds...thrilling."


A line of three cars followed each other on the highway as they made their way up to Spencer's family's cabin. Enrique, Evelyn, and Asher had gone in her car, Simone, Jordan, and Liv crammed into Jordan's convertible, while JJ, Layla...and Vanessa went in JJ's SUV.

The thought of Vanessa being integrated into their close friend group was nauseating. But, Enrique had gossiped the whole way up and insisted that Vanessa was there for JJ. Evelyn had a feeling that was a total lie.

"Maybe, tonight we can talk tonight?" Asher suggested, helping her with her bags. "Unless you need more space? Then I respect that."

"No," she shook her head. "I think we should do that. I've had a lot of space. I think it's time we talk."

Asher sighed out in relief pointing over to the dock where there were two chairs placed in front of the lake. "Meet me there. Tonight?"

Evelyn nodded her head not giving him a second glance as she went to join the girls on a trail.

"Oh, my God!" Simone yelped, spraying herself with mosquito repellent and bumping into Layla in the process. "Where is Vanessa? I thought she was strolling with us."

"She doesn't like the wilderness," Layla informed them.

"Then why the hell did she come?" Evelyn scoffed. "Could've stayed her ass in Beverly Hills."

"I'm sorry," Simone gasped. "Am I detecting a little something with Vanessa?"

"No, she's...fine," Evelyn said, lying straight through her teeth.

Simone raised her eyebrow. "I know we haven't been friends for that long. But, I know when you're lying. So, spill."

"Vanessa met Asher over the summer in Mexico," she confessed.

"Oh!" Simone realized.

"No, no, nothing happened," she quickly defended. "Apparently, they're just besties...I don't know."

"But, Asher didn't mention anything," Layla added. "Until a couple of weeks after Vanessa became the new Beverly transfer."

"Damn," Simone sighed. "Sorry, I asked."

"No, it's fine," Evelyn shrugged. "According to Ricky, she's here to party it up with JJ."

"Well, there will be no partying for me," Simone told them. "I still got to finish these college admission essays."

"No, no, no, no," Layla said. "This is a homework-free, college app-free, stress-free weekend."

"Yeah, easy for you to say," she said. "I'm pretty sure you finished all yours already."

Layla nodded. "Guilty."

"Oh, I just had a lot of downtime this summer," Liv said.

"And I'm an athlete," Evelyn shrugged innocently, making her feel worse. "Schools ask me to attend. Not the other way around."

"Oh, my God," Simone groaned. "Guys, I'm screwed. I don't even know what to write about."

"Just write about you and all the amazing things you have planned for the future," Layla suggested.

"Yeah, sorry, but it's not that easy. Getting pregnant literally shocked me out of the parental controlled life I was living, and now I look in the mirror, and I'm just second-guessing everything," Simone said.

"Tibi ipsi esto fidelis. To thine own self, be true. You just have to be patient and listen to yourself you will find clarity," Layla quoted, making everyone hold hands over their mouths to stifle their laughter. "Why are you laughing?"

"Okay, Oprah, coming through with the wisdom," Liv giggled.

The girls had gotten back from their hike about ten minutes later and were immediately met with water guns. Asher, JJ, Enrique, and Jordan had gotten their hands on water guns and ambushed them once they came back from their walk.


Evelyn felt her back getting soaked and turned around to face both Asher and Enrique. She began to chase after the two boys but failed miserably once she tripped on a rock and fell flat on her face.

"Evelyn!" Asher panicked. Enrique stood still and laughed his head off while the other boy scrambled to his feet to help her.

"I'm fine!" she laughed, swatting his hand away. "I'm gonna change. I have dirt all over me and my clothes are soaked."

"Highlight of my day!" Enrique yelled after her.

Evelyn walked into the cabin passing by Spencer and Layla who were talking in the living room and sent the two a small smile before entering the room she was staying in. She opened her bag and took notice of her surroundings debating on what clothes to wear. She grabbed a hoodie that was most likely her brother's and threw on another pair of denim shorts seeing as those were the only bottoms she packed.

"Need help?" she asked, walking out to the patio deck and spotting Asher behind the grill.

"You can watch these and make sure they don't burn," Asher pointed at the burger patties. "I forgot some stuff."

"Sure," she agreed, giving him a soft smile.

Layla walked out to the back noticing her friend at the grill and threw her an amusing smile. "Since when do you grill?"

"I don't," she scoffed. "I asked Asher if he needed help. Pretty sure they're burning. I hope you guys like the way charcoal tastes."

Layla let out a small laugh, her eyes drifting over to Spencer and Liv who were talking by the lake a wave of insecurity flashing over as she watched them. "They seem closer. Liv and Spencer, I mean.

"I wouldn't know," Evelyn sighed. "Liv and I have barely spoken. But, I doubt it's anything you need to worry about. They're practically siblings, right?"

"Yeah, siblings," Layla mumbled, scrunching her face up. "Something's burning."

"Oh, my God, the burgers!" she shrieked. "Where the hell is Asher?"


After a pretty awkward dinner, the group gathered around the fire to play some games. The game night seemingly lightened up the mood of the group.

Evelyn, Enrique, and JJ were teamed up, Vanessa practically insisting on being teamed up with Asher making his girlfriend irritated but she brushed it off not wanting to ruin the night.

"How was that Ellen?" Enrique asked JJ.

"I was dancing and pointing at my hair!" the blonde said, running his hands through his hair.

Vanessa went next standing in front of the group. "Ooh, okay, um, he's an actor. Pretty, famous, sexy."

All the girls eagerly answered. "Michael B. Jordan!"

"He's sexy," she agreed. "But, no," she turned to Asher and pointed a finger at him. "Okay, um, you had a poster of him up in your bedroom when you were 10."

"Samuel L. Jackson!" Asher yelled.

The air around the group immensely shifted once she said that. All eyes turned towards Evelyn, her lips turned downwards into a frown. Vanessa clearly knew more about her boyfriend than she did.

"Hey, party people," Vanessa said, walking over with bottles in her hands. "It's time to turn up for real."

"Oh, we're not drinking this weekend," Spencer told her.

Liv spoke up. "Don't stay sober because of me."

"Um, I'm sorry, Liv. I completely forgot you don't drink," Vanessa apologized. "How about a different game? Never have I ever?"

"Never have I ever not gotten into trouble playing that game," Asher joked.

"Besides, doesn't really work without shots," Jordan said.

"Au contraire," JJ said, reaching beside him into a cooler on the ground. "Huh? Jalapeno-infused pickle juice. Heh, heh! A burn you'll never forget."

Everyone held their shot glasses out and waited as JJ poured the vile pickle juice into their cups.

"You know the rules. Drink if you've done it," Vanessa explained. "Here we go. Um...Never have I ever said, 'I love you' just to get someone to hook up with me."

All the boys except for Spencer took a shot.

"Sorry, Evelyn," Jordan joked.

"Watch it, Jordan," Enrique took a sip of the liquid, playfully glaring at the boy.

Simone in response gave Jordan a punch on the arm at his terrible joke.

"You think you were the only one?" Evelyn giggled, taking a sip. "Bottoms up, Baker!"

Asher sat back looking at her take the sip and observed the friendly banter between her and her ex-boyfriend. Although Jordan was in a relationship and happy with Simone, he couldn't help but feel insecure about Evelyn and Jordan, those two obviously had a bond that no one else really understood. And his girlfriend's anger and jealousy towards Vanessa suddenly made sense to him, because Asher felt the exact same way about Evelyn and Jordan.

"Never have I ever walked in on my parents doing it," Jordan went next. "Asher!"

"RV trip '08. I don't want to talk about it," Asher chuckled. "I don't."

"Not the one up to Sonoma?" Vanessa asked. "How could you not tell me that part?"

"I'll give you my allowance if you throw her in the lake," Evelyn whispered to her twin.

"Make it two months allowance and I'll throw in Asher, too," Enrique whispered back. She gave him a mischievous grin and held her fist out, her brother happily returning the gesture.

Simone spoke up. "Never have I ever bought a pair of $300 shoes in Vegas. No cheating. Drink up, Liv."

This time Layla seemed to be the one upset. Not knowing that Liv had gone to Vegas, something that had also been unknown to a majority of the group.

"Uh, I'll go," JJ said. "Never have I ever run...Naked through a football field."

All the boys except for Spencer had once again taken a sip.

"What was it?" Enrique laughed. "What, freshman year? The varsity players stole our clothes when we were in the shower, Thanks to Ash acting like he owned the place during tryouts."

"Oh, confidence, thank you very much," Asher said.

"Confidence!" Jordan yelled. "Okay. Whatever you want to call it, your dumb ass stays getting us in trouble."

"Wow," Vanessa said. "Never have I ever crapped all over folks that were supposed to be my friends."

Everyone threw each other looks clearly confused as to why she was speaking.

"It was a joke," Evelyn groaned.

"Joke or not, it wasn't funny," Vanessa scoffed. "Your brother and closest friends have been crapping on your boyfriend all day and you haven't even said anything."

"Vanessa!" Asher threw her a warning look. "Evelyn's been with Layla and Liv the whole day. So, back off."

"Ooh, I've got a great one," Enrique grinned, rubbing his hands together evilly, and causing the group to become nervous. "Never have I ever spent the summer getting to know my sister's boyfriend a little too much." He turned to his twin holding his hand up for a high five which she happily returned.

"What the hell, man?" Asher threw his hands up.

Evelyn sent Vanessa a smirk, pointing her shot glass in her direction. "If I were you, I'd probably drink."

This time Asher turned his head towards his girlfriend. "Evelyn! What the hell?"

"Yo, Ash. Leave her alone," Jordan said, attempting to calm him down. "Let's just relax and play the game."

"You wanna play?" Asher scoffed, clearly upset at how fast Jordan came to her defense. "Never have I ever cheated a concussion protocol to play a game."

Asher's comment had clearly put the game night to an end. Simone ran off and Jordan chased after her. Layla was upset that Liv didn't tell her that she went to Vegas, and Spencer had clearly known the whole time. JJ was oblivious to everything, Vanessa was pouting, and the other set of twins were over everything.

"What are you waiting for?" Enrique asked, pulling his sister towards her car. "I want to leave."

Evelyn couldn't help but glance at her boyfriend by the docks. "I told him we'd talk"

He took the keys from her hand and nodded towards Asher. "Then talk to him, stupid."

Evelyn walked across the gravel driveway making her way over to the docks and sitting in the empty chair. "Hey."

"Do you remember that night in Crenshaw?" Asher suddenly asked. "I gave you my jacket because you were shivering like crazy...I didn't tell you because I was with Layla and you were with Jordan but you looked beautiful that night. Then you were talking recklessly to that one guy who was in a gang, I was so sure you'd get us killed. You offered to pay for that Porsche that wasn't even mine and then we sat on the curb...your head against my shoulder. That's when I started crushing on you. I know that was probably wrong because I had a girlfriend but I couldn't help it."


"Then the night of homecoming you picked me up from school. We went to that viewpoint that overlooked LA and that's when I knew my crush on you was more. We sat on that bench and we talked all night...you were there for me," he sighed. "Then we fell asleep on that bench and you were all wrapped up in my arms. Which was something we both chose to ignore because we had just broken up with Layla and Jordan."

"If I remember correctly, Layla dumped you," she giggled. "But, yeah, I remember all of that. Seems like a lifetime ago."

"And I understand how you must feel about Vanessa," he admitted. "Because I still feel that way when it comes to Jordan. I know he's with Simone and he'd never make that mistake twice. But, the inside jokes, the banter, and the history that you two have. I can't help but feel insecure at times which is unfair to you and I'm extremely sorry about lying."

"Asher, you have nothing to worry about," she reassured. "Look, mine and Jordan's relationship is in the past. I would never cross that line with him, ever. And I'm so in love with you that it honestly scares me because I've never felt this way about anyone. But, honestly, I can't be stuck in a relationship with someone who has feelings for another girl."

"I don't have any feelings for Vanessa," he firmly stated. "Sure, I shared things with her, that maybe I haven't shared with you. But, that doesn't mean anything. Do you wanna know the first thing I brought up when I met her?"

She shrugged. "I guess."

"You," he said. "You were the only thing on my mind this entire summer. I am so in love with you, Evelyn, and I've never felt this way before. If you want to break up, I will respect that. But, I can't...accept it."

"Asher..." she sighed, throwing her head back. "I'm not going to break up with you over this. I've made my fair share of mistakes in this relationship...just stop lying to me."

He reached out for her hand. "No more lying."

Asher and Evelyn stood up face to face. Well, in her case, face to chest but she didn't mind and neither did he. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down and attaching his lips to hers. It was like their first kiss all over again. Sparks and butterflies had felt like they were erupting. Yes, that was cheesy but that's how Evelyn felt whenever she was around Asher, and she loved that feeling.

"I really missed you," he confessed, once they pulled away from the kiss. "It was torture being away from you. I love you."

Evelyn smiled at him before bringing her hand up and smacking the back of his head. "I love you too, idiot."

"What the hell?" he hissed, rubbing the back of his head. "That hurt."

"Better me than Ricky," Evelyn batted her eyelashes innocently.

Before Asher could even utter a response a honk blared from her car and Enrique stuck his head out of the driver's side window and angrily waved his hand around.

"Hello?!" Enrique shouted. "I'm ready to go home! You two made up and that's great. But, I've been waiting in this car for 45 minutes. Nice hit, Evie!"

Evelyn tugged on her boyfriend's hand and marched towards her car, sticking her middle finger up at her brother. Enrique always had perfect timing and knew exactly how to ruin the perfect moment.

a/n: the cabin episode will always be one of my faves from season 3🙂

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