Izuku Yagi - All For You

By Prttygoodnoob

478K 9K 4.2K

Izuku Yagi was once a bright and happy kid. Until he was diagnosed quirkless. There his life fell into darkne... More

Quirkless Loser
What is this Power
What Now
Did I miss Something
You Don't Deserve Quirks
The Shadow Kid
Blood Sucking Teen
Himiko Toga
Vigilante Duo
Old Friends
I Understand Now
Crazy Blondes
Birthday Brawl
Facing The Past For The Future
Just Before UA
First Class 1-a
Class 1-b
Class 1-a Quirk Assessment
Problematic Class 1-b
Himiko has fun with 1-a
What Was That
Sports Festival
Undeserved Chance
Nomu Attack
Public Appearance
Still a Child
Fight For Your Life
New Term
Improving Heroes
Quirk Limits
Final Exam - A
Defeating Shigaraki
Thrive to Survive
Burned Ashes
The Rescue Mission
All For One
Dorm Rooms
Answers To Why
What The Past Has Become
The Pressure is on
One For All
Invitation For War
Head In The Game
Children In War
Burning Defeat
All For One Is Gone
The End?

The Gang

15.6K 348 95
By Prttygoodnoob

Izumi, Shoto, Kotsumi and Zyato had all decided to a café to hang out. They had also asked Katsuki to come but he declined. None of them had really been the same after Izuku ran away and their parents figuring out what they had done.

Their punishments from Nezu was that all of their recommendations were removed, not that Katsuki and Kotsumi had one in the first place. But they had to attend villain rehabilitation program as a volunteer. They each had to go to a different one or one at a different time so they weren't in the same area while helping others. 

Despite them thinking it would suck, they quickly found out that almost all of the villains there suffered quirk discrimination. Not only that but despite their records of crime, they seem to be genuinely nice people who had nowhere to go but with the wrong crowd. They were a lot worse than these villains and they had been told that they were destined to be heroes all of their life. It made them feel even worse.

The group also had to attend therapy which was weird and difficult. They know what they did was wrong but that doesn't change the fact that they have seriously inflated egos. Kotsumi especially. The group of four all sat down.

"Hey guys, how are you all going?" Izumi asks with a smile. Kotsumi gives her a dead look.

"Alright I guess despite our circumstances," Shoto answers. Zyato nods her head. Kotsumi groans and shoves herself back on the chair, causing it to scrape across the ground. This caused the others heads all to turn towards her.

"How do you think it's been? You can live a normal life at home as your parents also acted horribly towards Izuku. You two still have your siblings that don't have a bad bone in their body. Do you know what I have? A push over father. My mother loved Izuku more than she'll ever love either me or Katsuki, and learning what we did to him to try and keep him safe made her furious. She refuses to even be in the same room as us! Our father doesn't help as he's to scared with disagreeing with mum. We have to cook dinner ourselves now and if we try to talk to her, she just doesn't respond!" Kotsumi says, slamming her hands down on the table for emphasis.

Izumi sighs at her friends reactions. She guess it would be like this. Both her and Katsuki have always acted like king and queen, even having loyal followers at school. She's always cocky and on top. Only her mother and auntie Inko does she respect. So when Izuku ran away, she lost it. 

However Katsuki wasn't acting the way Izumi had though he would. He had become oddly silent and avoids his group. Izumi finds this strange as Katsuki had always liked to be in the spotlight, which was why he was Izuku's main tormentor. He had to be the best. But now he's faded into the background, refusing hangouts and no longer responding to text messages. 

"Yeah I do understand. My mother has become a lot more stricter with us. However dad is a different story. He seems distressed and upset with himself. I think it might be with the whole. Toya thing," Shoto says, lowering his head near the end. 

Izumi and Kotsumi notice Zyato cover her mouth and look further down. Toya is obviously a touchy subject. They don't remember much about him as he committed suicide when they were still young. But the main memories they have of him is Toya protecting Izuku from being beaten by them. They don't know to the full story and they probably won't ask.

"D-did you ask why Kaachan d-didn't come Kochan?" Zyato asks. Kotsumi scoffs and leans back in her chair.

"Hell if I know? The asshole is being silent. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him, he always enjoyed hurting Izuku the most and has never liked the old hag yelling at him so I'm not sure what the hell has gotten into him," Kotsumi said shaking her head. Izumi sighed and lowered her head. Things have become a lot more complicated since Izuku disappeared.

"I wish they find Izuku. Even though he probably won't forgive us as he got to the point of running away, but at least it'll solve some of the problems," Izumi said with a forced smile. Zyato doesn't seem to be fond of the idea of not being forgiven while Shoto nodded with his usual stoic expression. Kotsumi however looked in different.

"What is it Kochan?" Izumi asks. Kotsumi huffs and shakes her head.

"It's stupid but Katsuki thinks that Izuku is to smart to be found," Kotsumi says. This does intrigue the other three.

"Really? I know Izuku was a lot more intelligent than I gave him credit for but I don't believe he would be smart enough to live off of the street for too long," Shoto said. Kotsumi snorts and shakes his head.

"Yeah but that's more. A bit more of what the moron said was that Izuku had either planned a run away so he knew what to do or if he didn't he'd find away to get out of almost all situations. I'm not sure where he got that idea, but it's fucking stupid," Kotsumi said. Then she stood up.

"I'll buy us drinks and food, I'm starving," she groans as she walks to the counter.

Katsuki was in his room. For the past couple of days he had barely left his room. He had spent it thinking. He had always been king, told by everyone he'd be the number hero no matter what. But after taking the time to think. He's no hero, not even close.

In his head it was a good idea teaching the nerd a lesson. His dream was unobtainable and he was too nice for his good.  So getting all in his face and tell him that he's a worthless nobody sounded like a good idea at the time. Katsuki had always been the top, so he'd be Izuku's top bully, however that wasn't his reason for doing that to Izuku. 

He did care for the nerd despite his villainous actions. If he hurt Izuku the most, the others would lay off of him. It was what he did while they were still young and kind of kept that habit up all the way now. No one had ever stopped him, in fact he was encouraged. So naturally he thought it was a good idea. Oh how he couldn't be more wrong.

His other idiot friends think that him coming home will be the best for both them and Izuku. But Katsuki knows the truth. He knows Izuku will do everything in his power to get away or lock himself in his room and refuse to come out. Izuku may not realise this himself but he is quite good at planning and thinking under pressure. Good at both talking to people or getting away. It just didn't work on Katsuki.

Out of all of his friends, he knew Izuku the best. Not well by any means but the best. He knew Izuku was intelligent and could think of complicated solutions off of anything in seconds and pick up small details like it was blood covering a room. Katsuki had read a few of Izuku's books out of curiousity and he knew he was a genius. Katsuki was just to proud to admit it. He'd also hung out with Izuku the most out of any of his friends> His mother loved him and have him come over a lot despite the fact he refused on several occasions for being a burden. During this time, Katsuki had never yelled or hit him once. It was a safe place that Katsuki didn't think that hurting him here would do any good, not including his mother in the equation.

Katsuki knew the police or heroes wouldn't find Izuku. Especially if they found out he was quirkless, they'd give up the search immediately. Katsuki had the best bet of finding the nerd out of anyone and he knew it.

Which is why he had several images over a board. Izuku had been found in a certain area but managed to escape. He had cut his hair that obviously hadn't been from a barber which mean he had access to supplies. And he knows the dam nerd wouldn't steal a dam penny. So he was probably near a dump or had found someone willing to give him some stuff.

Katsuki doesn't know which one but he swears he'll find Izuku. Not to bring the dam nerd home but to apologise. He's already hurt Izuku enough, he doesn't need to do any more damage.

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