Checkered Royals [Ciel Phanto...

By sleepy_pandas

238K 8.2K 10.4K

•{this is a pretty slow paced story- I personally don't like quick paced ones ^^' and before we start, this i... More

Chapter 1: A Day Like Any Other
Chapter 2: Letters From Her Majesty
Chapter 3: Declarations and Discussions
Chapter 4: Burning Emblems
Chapter 5: Purple Diamonds
Chapter 6: Lady Midford and Lady L/N
Chapter 7: Sulphuric Curses
Chapter 8: To Finish an Awkward Day
Chapter 9: To The Ball
Chapter 10: Unrequited
Chapter 11: What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12: Under Bandages
Chapter 14: Lost Connections
Chapter 15: Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter 16: Devil's Summoning Spirit
Chapter 17: She Knows
Chapter 18: Too Easily Forgiven
Chapter 19: Do You?
Chapter 20: Leaving For Now
Chapter 21 Part 1:A Kept Promise
Chapter 21 Part 2: A Little Bruised
Chapter 22: All for her
Chapter 23: Confession
Chapter 24: Advice
Chapter 25: Date Number 1
Chapter 26: I'll Protect You
its the author after years of no updates :)
Chapter 27: Reflection

Chapter 13: A Demon Butler and A Demon Master

7.8K 274 542
By sleepy_pandas

3rd person

Y/N shuffled through the bustling crowds, looking for her acquaintance, Lord Phantomhive. Arthur lead the way, holding Y/N's hand to keep her close, and soon they found themselves at the front of the immense audience, where Ciel stood, Sebastian by his side. The young master held a pair of gold scissors in his hands, and positioned it so that the ruby red ribbon which stretched across the gate entrance of the garden, sat in between the blades of the scissors. 

"Ciel! Sebastian!" Y/N shouted, though just quiet enough not to draw too much attention, "we're awfully sorry that we're a few minutes late, the streets have been a little busy due to the garden opening."

"I'm just glad you could make it Y/N. Sebastian has set up something pleasant for us beyond the garden gates, I hope you do enjoy it," Ciel smiled charmingly, obviously in a state of show for the public, "I've been asked to officially open the gates as a guest- moreover, I had bought a part of this garden too."

"I see. Well you must've brought your business to even higher grounds than it was when I first met you Ciel; buying garden areas and being invited as a special guest to open the gates of a public event like this. You've definitely grown in popularity too, as well as height may I add." Y/N chuckled quietly, looking up at the taller boy who was once as short as her.

"To be honest, I haven't always seen you as one for humour Y/N," Ciel said looking down at her and meeting her gaze, "though I must say I quite prefer this semi-serious, semi-humorous side of you."

"I'm glad you think so Ciel, because I'm attempting to bring back the old me..." Y/N said, turning away from his gaze and to the crowd.

"I see."

Ciel looked at Y/N again, before holding the scissors a little higher for the public to see.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this opening event. I, Ciel Phantomhive, owner of the Funtom Company, am proud to present to you," he finally pulled his hands together, bringing the blades of the scissors to slice the ribbon neatly in half, "the London Gardens!"

The crowd cheered and clapped, happy faces filled the area, there were places in the garden for all ages, the rich, the poor. People were ecstatic.

Y/N stood beside Ciel along with a few other nobles, and watched as the gates flooded with people, hurrying into the garden and park. 

"Arthur, do you have somewhere to be?" Y/N asked as she looked up at her butler who seemed to be looking around profusely, "you look a little agitated."

"Actually I do. Alfred's having a little trouble at the store on the high street, and he's asked if I could assist him get rid of a few pests."

"Well hurry off then! I wouldn't want Alfred dealing with such nuisances alone, two demons are better than one after all!" Y/N said, shooing her butler off.

"Thank you Milady," Arthur said bowing to his mistress, before taking off, "I'll return soon!"

Y/N waved to her butler before turning around, ending up face to face with Sebastian (more or less anyway, you were considerably shorter than him). She jumped back in surprise, tripping in the process. The demonic butler swiftly caught her by the waist, stopping her fall, and looked into her eyes as if he was searching for something.

"Are you okay Lady Y/N?" He said formally, still burning his gaze into her eyes, "one moment your butler is gone and you're falling all about."

"I-I'm fine Sebastian," Y/N said, standing up straight again, her waist still wrapped by Sebastian's arm, she couldn't help but turn slightly red from the closeness, "I was just a little surprised..."

"Well be careful milady, I wouldn't want you getting hurt."

"Okay Sebastian, though I can't guarantee I will."

Sebastian moved his arm back to himself, sliding his hand around Y/N's bodice delicately, "I'll be here when you fall Y/N, do not fear."

"It's nice to know that Seb- ee!"

Y/N was stopped mid sentence by her arm being pulled and led into the garden. She took a moment to realise that her abductor was... Ciel?

"C-Ciel what are you doing?!" She shrieked, running along side the boy who still kept a firm grip on her arm, "I was speaking to Sebastian!"

"I know." He huffed still not looking at her.

Y/N frowned but kept running alongside Ciel as to not fall over and tumble head first onto the ground. She felt her skirt fly behind her as the wind blew past the fabric, and held onto her hat tightly. 

Ciel suddenly stopped as he turned a corner of a tall perfectly trimmed hedge, turning to face Y/N. 

But, unfortunately, as he did so, Y/N was still going at the speed of which he had been running at before, and flew right into him. Y/N's hat, despite her attempts to keep it on, was thrown in a random direction, and the momentum sent them both flying to the ground, Y/N's delicately clumsy body landing on top of Ciel's, her head lying on his chest. Ciel's right hand was still wrapped around her bandaged arm, and his left hand held on to her free hand tightly. 

"A-ah!! I-I'm sorry Ciel, I didn't mean t-"

But before she could finish her apology, Ciel sat up, pulling her up with him. He ended up embracing her as they stood up, Y/N's head still pressed against his chest as Ciel would not let her out of his arms.

"No, I should be apologising; I apologise for so rudely taking you away from Sebastian whilst you were talking to him, and... for this," he mumbled, placing his chin on top of her head, still holding her in his arms, "I just felt jealous I guess..."

Y/N stood frozen, her body against his, her arms awkwardly wrapped around his torso, still trying to take in the situation.

"Jealous...? Why?"

"Because of Sebastian. I've figured that he's the one you were talking about when we were conversing about l... Love..."

"Oh Ciel..." Y/N said quietly, relaxing and wrapping her arms around him properly.

Ciel closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he would make the most out of this moment for now, knowing that just being like this, with her, could ruin his reputation. The boy trembled slightly, suddenly disgusted with himself. How could he betray his fiancé like this? For feeling this way? He shouldn't be feeling jealous of his butler. He swore never to feel dependant on anyone, never to feel this kind of longing. This kind of feeling. This kind of love. 


Y/N suddenly pulled away, to Ciel's dismay, but still held his hands.

"Ciel... We can't-"

"Take a seat! There's a nice table set up h-here..." Ciel said, louder than he intended to be, "sit! I'll serve some tea!"


Y/N let go of Ciel's hands and sat herself down on one of the two seats next to a table, decorated with flowers and a tea set. She looked up at Ciel worriedly, but stayed silent. He picked up the cream-coloured teapot and poured the bitter liquid into her teacup, then his. Y/N gently took a timid sip of her tea, watching Ciel sit down opposite her. 

Earl Grey.

Ciel drank his tea too, but he didn't give out any emotion of enjoyment of it. He seemed quite blank. Like he couldn't taste it. He set his cup down with a clatter.



"...." Ciel hesitated as he looked at Y/N in the eye, "what about Sebastian do you like?"

"... Well, he's always there if I need him, even though, well, he's your special butler, and is very organised and mature- in a formal way."

"Anything else?" Ciel pressed on.

"Well, I can't deny that he's good looking, aren't all demons?"

Ciel paused and felt his chest squeeze. 

In a way...

Did Y/N just call me good looking, indirectly? he thought, feeling his face heat up, but then again, she's complimenting Sebastian at the same time...

"Ciel are you okay? Your face is getting red..."

"It's just a hot day, that's all."

"I guess....", Y/N flipped out her fan, and started to wave it in the direction of the young Phantomhive, "then let me help cool you down- it's the least I can do."

"Thank you..." Ciel said as he felt the cool air brush past his face and blow a breeze through his dark hair, "but you don't have to."

"Don't worry yourself, I guess I'm trying to repay you for this lovely little meet up here at this wonderful setting."

Ciel began to feel bad for the girl- this get together wasn't supposed to be for her to serve him- he wanted to get to know her again...

"Y/N I mean it," Ciel demanded with a little more force, grabbing the fan, and coincidentally placing his hand over hers, "you shouldn't do this, you aren't serving under me."

"I'm not serving you, I'm repaying you Ciel Phantomhive."

"But today, I wanted to treat you, Y/N."

"Well we are friends aren't we? So as friends we'll do whatever we please to help one another, correct? And you're hot, so I'll cool you down!" Y/N smiled, directing the grin at Ciel.

"F-friends?" The boy didn't like that word coming from Y/N's mouth. He mumbled, "just friends..."

Y/N, oblivious to Ciel's last two words, took a hold of the fan with her spare hand, sandwiching Ciel's hand between hers. 

"Let's take a look around the garden," Y/N suggested, standing up, "we'll do whatever you want as we walk if that makes you feel any better."

Ciel just nodded, and their hands separated at once. Y/N picked up her hat from the ground and dusted it off, placing it back onto her head, minding her perfectly placed hair.

"Oh- where's Sebastian by the way? I haven't once seen him away from you without an order, have you ordered him to do something?" Y/N asked inquisitively, tapping her chin with a slender finger.

"Sebastian?" Ciel hadn't given his butler an order at all, and why was Y/N so curious about him? Ciel still felt that little bit jealousy reside in him.

"He's probably doing some errands."

"Oh well I guess it's up to you to look after me then~" Y/N said, fluttering her eyes jokingly, holding onto Ciel's sleeve with the tips of her fingers, "will you care for me well master Ciel?"

"E-eh?! M-master?!" Ciel jumped back slightly and felt himself turn even redder at the thought of Y/N being so- NO! he told himself as he cleared his mind of... 'Stuff', "w-well yes, of course. You are my acquaintance today, and an invitee to this small get together..."

"Heh, calm down Ciel, I just see Sebastian calling you master quite a lot, like how Arthur calls me mistress," Y/N explained, letting go of Ciel but keeping her close proximity, "although I'm surprised you haven't brought Elizabeth along instead of myself to these gardens, she is your fiancé after all, correct?"

"...yeah. She is. I just felt the need to thank you for your companionship." Ciel replied, beginning to walk, with Y/N by his side.

"Lizzy is quite kind-hearted isn't she? She does everything with a good intention, even if it means hurting herself in the process... I wish I got to know her more whilst we were younger, then we'd probably be much better friends."

"But then again, I guess that would mean we wouldn't have the same relationship we have now."

"Seems so. But it wouldn't be bad would it?"

" could be bad in so many ways, you wouldn't even know it." He mumbled, looking away.

"... Ciel, may I ask you something?"


"Do you..." Y/N paused, she felt a strong need to ask this question which has been burning in her mind since she had gotten the invitation to this garden opening event from Ciel, a question that grew much more dominant than it originally began as. She stopped in the middle of the pathway between two bushes of blood red roses, the smell of flowers intoxicating the air with it's sickly sweet smell. Ciel naturally stopped and looked over to the girl.

"Do you, perhaps have feel-" Y/N was interrupted.

"Milady, milord, there's a small problem in the gardens."

It was Sebastian. He appeared from above, landing on the ground before them, gracefully like a cat.

"What kind of problem?" Y/N asked, stepping forth towards the butler.

"A wild pack of horses. Shadow demon stallions to be more exact. I've already evacuated the people in that area, and trapped the beasts in a fencing of light."

Ciel immediately gave further orders to his butler.

"Sebastian, I order you to rid of these monsters."

"Yes my lord." The butler replied bowing down "but. I can only rid of them temporarily."

"What? Why?"

"I don't have the tools to send them back to where they originate from- hell," Sebastian explained, side looking at Y/N, a small smirk creeping up on his face, "though I believe that mistress Y/N may be of some assistance."

"Y/N?" Ciel said surprised, but held an arm in front of Y/N protectively, "I have no intention of letting her join any sort of battle-"

"Ciel, I can handle this," y/N said, gently pushing his arm away, "Sebastian is right, I can help. I have the Sabre of Return, I can do this."

Ciel's disapproval and surprise clearly showed on his face.

Sebastian smirked once again, "well, milady, shall we go?"

Y/N nodded and drew her sabre out swiftly from inside of her skirt before looking behind her, at Ciel.

"I'll be back for the rest of our small talk in a moment master Ciel" she smiled, launching off into a run, Sebastian leading the way.

Ciel watched her leave with Sebastian, feeling hopeless.

"...please don't get hurt Y/N..."


Sebastian stopped at a small clearing filled with flowers- well, dying flowers. From the other side of the field was a row of black flames, silhouettes of horses flickering within them. The stallions were rowdy, and were no doubt aggressive. Their furry manes wafted as they moved, their glowing red eyes burning into Y/N's memory.

There were quite a few, perhaps 10 or 11, Y/N couldn't see for sure as they moved around at surprisingly fast speeds.

Y/N quickly devised a plan as to how she would make her move. 

"Sebastian, could you get the horses to stampede in a ring of fire? Around me if possible. I've got a plan as to how we can send them back all at once.

"Okay Y/N, I trust you know what you are doing." Sebastian nodded, "be prepared."

"Thank you Sebastian."

Sebastian accelerated into the field and towards the flames. 

Y/N thrust her sword into the air, as she felt the power awaken within her, a harmony with the underworld. 

She breathed in. 

This was the first time for her, returning so many at once. It wasn't the time to worry about why the stallions were here, not yet anyway. 

She breathed out.

She sliced the air, drawing intricate patterns into a round circle in the space in front of her. She suddenly felt her arm burn, the same pain which she had experienced hundreds of times before.
This number of beasts would need much more power to control. 

She ripped off her glove, and felt her hand being pulled toward the centre of the portal. The closer she brought it, the bigger, and more powerful it became. She wanted to scream in agony, the intensity of the excruciating sting in her arm was soaring. She shakily held her sabre high above the portal and chanted words which flowed out of her mouth naturally, yet she was subconsciously doing it without really knowing. Sebastian had rallied the flames into a perfect circle around her, as she kept open the portal. He suddenly appeared behind her and clasped his hands firmly around her sabre for added strength.

Y/N managed a small smile of appreciation to him, but her pained expression would not leave.

"Synthodiam cahnta!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, feeling the hot air from the flames blow onto her skin as the stallions began to swirl into a tighter circle around her, eventually entering the portal as a whole.

Y/N dropped to her knees, stabbing her sabre into the ground.

"Mistress Y/N are you alright?" Sebastian said tending to her side, wrapping her arm around his shoulder for support, "Lady Y/N?!"

Y/N was simply so tired, that she could not reply. She wasn't even sure whether she heard Sebastian clearly or not. Her eyes drooped as she felt her body drop further from exhaustion. 

The last thing she remember was somebody running up to her and wrapping their arms around her, calling her name, over, and over, and over...



Hmm, who could that person be?
Or maybe even Alfred?
Oh wait- what if, in a twist of events, Elizabeth?
Heck it could even be Grell haha
You never know XD

Sorry I'm terrible at writing action scenes, they're quite short heh ^^'
Hope you'll be looking forward to the next chapter~

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