Bridge To Delphilia

By willFindLove

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An expedition to search for the unknown suddenly turned into pools of blood and festive night for the scienti... More

❥ Chapter One: The Full Moon
❥ Chapter Two: The Silver Amulet
❥ Chapter Three: Corpus Achilles
❥ Chapter Four: Mana One
❥ Chapter Five: Second Phase
❥ Chapter Six: The Female Alpha
❥ Chapter Seven: One out of Seven
❥ Chapter Eight: Matched
❥ Chapter Nine: John Matthews
❥ Chapter Ten: Lauren Mae Breiner
❥ Chapter Eleven: Red
❥ Chapter Twelve: The Truth Untold
❥ Chapter Thirteen: Luna, the Female Alpha
❥ Chapter Fourteen: Moon Feast
❥ Chapter Fifteen: Hybrid
❥ Chapter Sixteen: Escape Plan
❥ Chapter Seventeen: Veronica Jane Heartfillia
❥ Chapter Eighteen: Bearing an Heir
❥ Chapter Nineteen: Out Alive
❥ Chapter Twenty-One: Found Her
❥ Chapter Twenty-Two: Squad
❥ Chapter Twenty-Three: Goodbye
❥ Chapter Twenty-Four: Memories
❥ Chapter Twenty-Five: Present
❥ Chapter Twenty-Six: To go or not to go?
❥ Chapter Twenty-Seven: Back Again
❥ Chapter Twenty-Eight: The danger lurking behind
❥ Chapter Twenty-Nine: Art and the truth
E X C E R P T...
❥ Chapter Thirty: Roni
❥ Chapter Thirty-One: The Rendezvous
❥ Chapter Thirty-Two: Trauma
❥ Chapter Thirty-Three: Girl
❥ Chapter Thirty-Four: Infiltration
❥ Chapter Thirty-Five: Reunion
❥ Chapter Thirty-Six: The real female Alpha
❥ Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Hybrid's true form
❥ Chapter Thirty-Eight: Scarlet
Author's Note

❥ Chapter Twenty: Seven

46 7 4
By willFindLove


"Why are you here, Male Alpha?" Luna turned to us and the crowd fell silent.

Seven glanced at her before he bowed his head and turned his heel to leave. I want to stop him from leaving but Luna seems cautious. She didn't let me meet Seven in this state, I didn't see him even when I was imprisoned.

"You thought he would help you?" Luna pulled my hair and slapped me hard. "You fool. Why would he help the person who gave him misery?" She slapped me again until my lips cut and bleed.

"Hold her so she won't struggle, we must prepare for the feast and offering. The male alpha wants her." Luna whispered to her werewolf guards and they both nodded. The two creatures held my arms and pinned me down to the stable.

Luna ripped my filthy clothes one by one with her claws. I shook my head and cried in pain. She dug her nails on my stomach and I screamed so loud that my vocal chords were strained. I watched in horror when I saw a small fetus in Luna's hand. She laughed evilly and showed my unborn child whom I thought I lost.

"You thought you lost her didn't you?" She answered my unspoken question. I paled when she slapped the tiny fetus. "The serum makes us heal instantly as long as we're not starving. The child lived when I injected you the serum since your fellow doctors wasn't able to get it out."

I am in shock, I don't want to process what she just said. My brain couldn't receive the information she just said. Luna laughed even more. I can't feel my wound on my stomach anymore, I'm in the state of shock and trauma.

The fetus let out a quiet cry. I was scared, horrified that it is alive even if it was pulled out directly from me. Luna transformed back and she carried the fetus, smiling from ear to ear.

"The first hybrid is striving so hard to live, can you see your child Roni?" Luna moved closer and she showed me the fetus. It is now sucking its tiny hand. Luna nodded at the rest of the pack and slowly they disperse. When the arena is deserted, Luna moved away from me and I watch in horror when she starts humming. That's when reality struck me.

"Give me back my baby!" I muttered with conviction. Luna just smirks. "Your baby, you should have seen your face when I pulled this thing out of you. You're scared of it." That hits the bull's eye.

"I-I am n-not scared." I stuttered. Luna's smirk grew wider, I just proved her right. She wrapped the fetus with a clean satin cloth. "She's mine now and there's nothing you can do." Luna whispered before walking away. I shouted and struggled but the werewolves are too strong.

"Luna, give her back to me! Luna!"

But she continued walking until she vanished around the corner of the arena. My eyes were washed with new tears again and I feel my energy leave my body. The werewolves let me go but they didn't untie the rope, they both left me too inside the arena, helpless and bleeding. I don't understand why this is all happening, why Luna pulled out my child and what will she do with the fetus? This is all making me puke in fear. I felt my blood on my legs now, I am still open and not healing. I haven't eaten anything to suffice my state that's why the wound is still not close.

I stare up again on the moonlight and tried to focus. I am going to be devoured later tonight and with that, they'll grow stronger than what they are capable of. I need to escape here, I have to. I closed my eyes and thought of something. Seven's glowing eyes came to mind and I opened my eyes.

He was reluctant when he came close to me, he wasn't even joining the others when Luna proclaimed about the feast. Luna was cautious and she immediately let Seven leave. There's something going on and I have to know what and why. The Male Alpha is my once chance and hope of survival. He's kind to me even when I'm running the tests way back at Antigen. Seven wasn't even at the night when Luna and the others attacked me when they escape.


We left Lauren and Matt, we can't waste any more time. I badly want to save her, I want to rescue Roni whatever it takes. I'm glad Art and Prim are willing to help me in this suicidal mission, though it would be better if we have Lauren's strength but you can't force someone. She made her decision, I just hope they both make it out alive.

It is already pass midnight, the three of us knew the threat of the moonlight but we also thought that they'll be somewhere else other than that fortress where Roni is. We have her laptop, I'm sure we can slowly approach the area without getting hurt.

Art got a few knives from the camp and he tied it to the wooden stick he found lying on the ground to make some kind of a weapon. Prim gathered what's left of her medicine kit so when we see Roni, she'll treat her wounds. I found a pistol on one of the briefcase left on the makeshift tent on one of Roni's team members. It got a few amount of ammo so I just have to make sure I don't waste any of that.

"Do you think we can penetrate the wolves' skin with that?" Prim asked, hopeful. Art shook his head as an answer. "Werewolves can regenerate and I doubt that will do anything." He pointed at the gun I'm holding.

I grabbed the silver amulet from Roni's bag and stared at it closely. Werewolves can be killed with silver ammos. I have to make one. I grabbed a huge stone and started pounding at the necklace.

"What are you doing?" Prim asked. She was so shock to see her gift being destroyed to pieces. "This is silver, we can use this to shot those damn things." I muttered angrily.

"Come on Prim let's search the other bags and see if there are real silver jewelries around here." Art pulled her away so I concentrated on pulverizing the silver and even though it took a lot of time, I made enough silver dust on one of the ammo.

I searched for my things too but only found a scalpel and my apparatus. I also looked at the other baggage inside the cave and created a weapon too. Thankfully, I found very expensive weapons and explosives on the armory hidden behind our things on the makeshift tent.

There's a crossbow with enough arrows on it, I strapped it behind my back and grabbed some bottles of acid. This might help in slowing them down but based on the large fortress, I'm guessing there are hundreds of them or more. They'll surely win but we won't give up. She did so many things for us, not it's time for the three of us to repay her.

A few minutes later, Prim and Art returned with each bag on their hands. They also managed to find some valuables that might help us. We all prepared the weapons we will all use and packed the evidences that might help us once we get out of this mountain.

"Do you think we'll survive?" Prim broke the silence. She muttered and stared at nothingness. Art looked at me before he turned to her. "This is suicide but I'd rather die than leave Roni." He answered.

"You're right." Prim lightened up and showed us an assuring smile before she zipped her bag pack. "I found out something." She muttered as she opened the laptop and the screen came to life. Art and I moved closer until we can see what's on the screen.

"Luna's profile." Art muttered. Prim nodded at him before typing the keys, the codes to open that certain hidden folder. Luna's photo appeared and also her personal information. Attached is the information of the Male Alpha, Seven Torres.

"He looks familiar." I whispered. I'm sure I've seen him somewhere.

"He really does look familiar." Art agreed. Prim scrolled down and we've seen other important things related to Seven and Luna.

"Severus Torres is his real name. Like us, he also attended Stanford University and just a block away from Jack's dorm room." Prim read the info on the screen. I was surprised. He stayed at House of Goblins which is a dorm adjacent to ours. Art clapped his hands suddenly which made Prim jumped a little. The laptop almost fell, glad I caught it before it reaches the ground or else we're done for.

"Art you idiot. Can't you just say calmly? My heart almost stopped beating." Prim hit him on his arm but he didn't budged even a little.

"I know him." Art muttered again. I shot him the look. He is overly excited about this regarding our situation. "He's Roni's senior. The one she invited on her birthday?"

"That's him?" Prim asked.

I recalled Roni's birthday party held on her dorm room. She invited her classmates and some of her seniors. He came later than the time we started and he was so shy that Roni had to drag him to us. He was Roni's study partner and I remember how jealous I am that they are spending time together almost every day.

"He was Antigen's famous zoologist." Art said. "Aside from Roni." I muttered quickly. They both looked at me with meaningful stares. I am not jealous. I shook my head.

"Any valuable information we can use against them?" I cleared my throat upon changing the subject. Prim read the info again and searched for weaknesses or allergies that we could use.

"He likes Roni right? He would help us rescue her."

Art's plan is absurd. I cannot trust Seven, who knows what's going on his mind. Seven is a creep. Prim also disagreed. "If he really wanted to help her, he would have already done that." She muttered. I nodded.

"Speaking of Seven, I haven't seen him. Even when Luna held us captive, I didn't seem to notice he was there." Prim made an excellent point. "I wonder where he is." Art muttered nonchalant. I thought of the possibilities where he could have been. Though I can't recognize Seven if he transforms but I'm sure I'll notice him even amongst an ocean of werewolves. Luna looked different from the rest of the pack so I'm pretty sure Seven too.

"Anyways, let's rest for awhile and conserve our energy. We'll move once it is 3am already so we'll have an advantage once the dawn breaks." Prim suggested. We all lied down on the ground and made the bag packs as our pillows. I can't sleep though, with every minute passing by, my fear of Roni's safety deepened. I cannot bat my eyes or close them even. I feel so agitated. I want to rescue her so badly now.

An hour later, I heard Art snoring and Prim not moving anymore and from the torch we lightened up on each side of the cave, I can see they are now sleeping soundly. Tired from all that happened. I took a deep breath and slowly stood up. I picked up the bag that I prepared and slid the serum on the pocket of my jeans. I also slid the pistol on my waistband and put the crossbow across my back and the arrows I prepared. The acids are inside my bag. I carefully unzipped Prim's bag, careful not to wake her up and grabbed the first aid kit. I transferred it on my bag and slowly walked away. I turned to my sleeping friends before closing the entrance of the cave.

I don't want them to get hurt, I don't want them to get involved in this. This is a very dangerous mission and I am willing to sacrifice my own life to save Roni including Art and Prim. I know I deceived them but I'm sure they'll eventually forgive me for carrying this plan alone.

I walked outside barefooted so I won't make any noise. I didn't turned the flashlight on yet, the moonlight gave away much light for me to be able to see the surroundings. I carefully took the path we take and headed to the cave. I hope this turns out well. All for Roni.

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