Better together 🖤An MLB Fanf...

By asparkle75

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I suck at descriptions but ~ Cat Noir can't help but feel heartbroken every single time he's rejected by his... More

One: A Brief Encounter
Two: Thoughts
Three: It's all my fault
Four: A Little Present
Five: I promise
Six: A lucky guy
Seven: Museum
Eight: But what if you weren't?
Nine: Grateful
Ten: Anger from a certain brunette
Eleven: Photoshoot
Twelve: Scared kitty
Thirteen: It's all coming at me...
Fourteen: Thinking of her
Fifteen: You liked him?
Sixteen: Thank you Note
Seventeen: Nightmares
Eighteen: I've moved on
Nineteen: I kissed her
Twenty: Confessions
Twenty One: Admiring you...
Twenty Three: Nervous
Twenty Four: I love you
Twenty Five: Are you friends or something?
Twenty-Six: Missing you
Twenty-Seven: French Plaits and Fluffy Hair
Twenty-Eight: Halloween Shopping
Twenty-Nine: Here for you
Thirty: Sleepover
Thirty-One: Sleepover Pt. 2
Thirty-Two: In your arms

Twenty Two: Only for you

62 1 20
By asparkle75

Ladybug's bluebell eyes scanned the area as she watched a newly akumatized villain causing havoc in the city. It was currently 6:30 am, a time where Marinette would've enjoyed being asleep before she had to get up for school, but unfortunately, Hawkmoth had other plans. 

"Morning bugaboo," Chat said, landing next to her with a yawn, she gave him a tired smile as she waved at him.

"At least you didn't say 'good,' because between you and me, this morning is anything but," Ladybug muttered, causing her feline partner to chuckle.

"You're right about that one, I was having the most amazing dream really, until a high-pitched shriek caused me to bolt upright in bed," Chat said, with a slight shudder.

Ladybug giggled, despite it being this early in the morning, Chat was still pretty hilarious.

"Any news on this newly akumatized villain Ladybug?" Chat questioned, tilting his head at her.

"Well from what I've managed to see so far is that she's upset over the prized flowers in her garden being ruined by someone," Ladybug replied.

"That doesn't sound very rosy," Chat said as Ladybug face palmed herself, "Let's get this over with so we can get back to sleep," he stretched.

"You don't have to tell me twice kitty," Ladybug said, latching her yo-yo onto a building structure and swinging towards the akuma as Chat followed behind her.


"Miraculous Ladybug," Ladybug said, throwing the flower pot into the air, her voice lacking enthusiasm.

"Pound it," the two heroes said in unison before they yawned.

"Well Ma'am, if you're absolutely sure you're okay, my partner and I will take our leave," Chat said, with a charming smile, nearly causing Ladybug to melt.

Get a grip Mari, it's like 7 in the morning! She internally scolded herself.

"Thank you both, I think I'll be fine now," the Lady said as she squeezed one of Chat's cheeks, Ladybug nearly bursting into laughter.

Chat let out a nervous laugh, "Well alright, we're super busy though so we unfurrrtunately have to leave," he said grabbing Ladybug's hand.

She blushed at the contact but quickly shook her head, latching her yo-yo onto a building structure, she waved to the elderly lady before swinging them both up and away.

Once they were far enough from ear shot, Ladybug looked at Chat with an amused smile, "I'm not sure how I controlled my laughter while she pinched your cheeks," Ladybug said, putting her hands on her knees.

"Hey! It wasn't funny, actually, it was pretty painful," Chat whined, rubbing his left cheek.

"Well that was one good thing that came out of this morning, anyways, I'll see you later kitty, I've got things to do," she said, sighing as she looked at the rising sun.

"Me too Ladybug, until next time," Chat said with a smile before leaping away.

Ladybug watched his retreating figure with a soft smile before shaking her head, she latched her yo-yo onto a building structure and made her way back home.


Marinette walked into her first period class tired that morning, much like everyone else who was woken up by the early akuma, that is, except Nino, who looked chirpy.

As she sat down in her desk, she turned to question him, "Nino, why do you look so cheerful? Everybody's over here complaining about not being able to sleep," Marinette said, setting her bag down.

"Well that's because my boyfriend here slept through the whole thing!" Alya said, incredulously.

"I sure did, couldn't hear a thing," Nino said, grinning. 

Marinette blinked, "Wow, you're lucky you're a heavy sleeper," she groaned, placing her head onto her desk. "And you're lucky you have that much determination for the Ladyblog to even film that!" She gestured to Alya.

"Well that's the perks of being a reporter," Alya winked as Marinette sighed.

She repeatedly lightly slammed her head on her desk until she heard someone clear their throat, she looked up to be met with her friendly blond-haired friend who was smiling at her in amusement.

"Well everyone seems to be perceiving this morning's events differently," Adrien said, looking around, his eyes finally landed on his three friends; Nino who was jamming to music, Alya typing away on her phone tired yet motivated, and Marinette repeatedly slamming her head on her desk.

It was a quite a sight, but that was how teenagers tended to act with the lack of sleep or too much sleep.

"Marinette, you'll hurt your head if you keep doing that, be careful," Adrien said, patting her head from his seat.

The action didn't go unnoticed by Nino, who sent a smirk in his direction that Adrien ignored. 

Marinette, a little surprised by the action gave him a nervous smile, "Nah I'll be okay, this is pretty normal to me," she said with a little yawn. Who could blame her? She was Ladybug after all.

Adrien just sighed and shook his head, a small smile still present on his features, he loved the girl in front of him too much so he couldn't control himself from being worried at times. Regardless, he didn't say anything and turned around in his seat, absentmindedly doodling on his notebook while he waited for class to start.

Ms. Bustier walked in five minutes later, with a tired expression resting on her face, "Good morning class, I hope you all had a good sleep last night, because I sure didn't," she muttered the last part.

The class groaned and snickered in agreement, not wanting to say anything being too tired and scared of getting in trouble.

"That akuma ruined my sleep! Just look at the bags under my eyes!" Chloe shrieked as Sabrina attempted to comfort her, and the others groaned.

"It sure did Chloe," Ms. Bustier replied. "Now, could you all please turn to page 363 in your textbook so we can finish our final chapter on world history," Ms. Bustier said, writing on her chalkboard.

The class groaned as they shuffled around to pull out their textbooks, too tired to be learning about something such as history this early.

Once everyone had pulled out their textbooks and turned to the correct page, Ms. Bustier began reading the chapter out loud to the class. Nobody had commented on the reading at all, and tried their best to listen to their teacher teaching them.

Marinette's eyes fluttered shut and she felt herself doze off, someone nudged her side and her eyes abruptly shot open and she looked to her left to see Alya smirking at her. Marinette rolled her eyes, cursing under her breath while trying to listen to what Ms. Bustier was talking about.

"What was that Marinette?" Ms. Bustier asked her as her cheeks abruptly turned red in embarrassment. Her teacher didn't look upset though, only curious and slightly amused at the dark-haired girl.

"OH nothing! I was just talking about how important world history is and how surprising it is that we're already on the last chapter! Time sure flies by when you're learning something educational," Marinette said with a nervous laugh.

Ms. Bustier smiled at that, "I'm so glad you enjoy our lessons Marinette! Just for that you can do an extra credit report on this final chapter for me," Ms. Bustier replied as Marinette's jaw dropped and eyes widened, her classmates were all looking at her.

"W-What?! B-But I-I mean I love history but Ms. Bustier I really can't-" Marinette started as her teacher cut her off.

"I'm just kidding Marinette," Ms. Bustier said with a laugh, "Now let's get back to the lesson shall we?" Her teacher turned the textbook page.

Marinette blinked as her friends looked at her amusingly, "And this is why we don't curse in class Marinette," she muttered to herself.

Adrien however, had heard her and let out a small chuckle, Marinette noticed and her eyes widened.

Well so much for being subtle Mari, she thought, internally groaning.

The rest of the day continued on normally, nothing too eventful, and nothing embarrassing happening to anyone. Lunch went by normally and so did Marinette's other classes, she nearly fell asleep in her art class only to be shaken out of her almost sleeping trance by Luka.

When the end of the day rolled around, Marinette nearly kissed the ground, but decided against it when her lips nearly touched the floor. 

"Well you look relieved," Alya noted, as both girls walked outside the school.

"That's because I am, I can finally go home and sleep," Marinette said with a happy sigh.

Alya chuckled, "I don't exactly blame you, you were up fighting that akuma this morning," Alya said.

"Yup," Marinette said with a sigh.

"And with Cat Noir too," Alya noted, a smirk resting on her features.

Marinette blushed at that and shook her head, "Alya stop it," she whined.

"But it's so funny to tease you! Especially when you get so flustered about it," Alya commented with a laugh.

Marinette groaned, "You are the meanest bff ever," she replied.

Alya fake gasped, "You take that back!" She stated dramatically and Marinette giggled.

"Nope," Marinette said.

Alya sighed, "Anyways, there's been something on my mind recently that I wanted to ask you ever since you told me about you and your supposed boyfriend," Alya said.

Marinette blushed once again but shook her head, "What is it?" She asked slightly nervous.

"Don't be scared it's nothing bad I promise," Alya said as Marinette gave her a serious look, "Really Mari! I promise!" 

Marinette sighed, "Alright, what is it?" She asked, prepared for the worst, yep, being Ladybug definitely had its perks.

"Well, now because you like Cat Noir, how's it like during akuma fights? Or patrols? You know, with you being in love with him instead of him being in love with Ladybug?" Alya asked, clearly interested.

Marinette sighed, "It's like the Adrien situation in a way, but I can keep myself more composed you could say. I don't stutter around him as Marinette or Ladybug, and as Ladybug I have to restrain myself from flirting with him and be careful with my words so I don't give myself away," she replied.

"So in other words....?" Alya asked.

"Is it hard? Well slightly, but once you're so used to being around someone so much, it gets a bit easier, and he's pretty normal around me still. He still makes jokes and his stupid puns, but he doesn't flirt with me like he used to," Marinette said with a chuckle.

"If I didn't know any better Mari, I'd think your Ladybug persona was jealous," Alya said, with an amused smile.

Marinette burst out laughing, "Me?! Jealous of myself? Oh you're funny Al, really funny," Marinette said, playfully slapping her friend's shoulder.

Alya blinked before her smirk returned onto her face, Marinette looked at her and stopped laughing, instead sighing, "Alright maybe you're right, I might be a teeny, weeny bit jealous of myself only because I can't act the same as Mari when I'm Ladybug," she said, crossing her arms.

Alya laughed at that, patting her friend's shoulder, "It's alright girl, I believe you, I would feel the same if Nino and I didn't know each other's identities when we were superheroes," Alya replied.

Marinette smiled at that, "Yeah it's pretty hard, but don't worry, our akuma fights and patrols are pretty short, so sometimes I can't really tell," she shrugged.

Alya smiled at her in response and turned her head to see her boyfriend, quickly running up to him to hug him, as he smiled at her affectionately.

"Ah young love," Adrien stated dramatically, standing next to Marinette.

"It sure is a complicated thing," Marinette stated back dramatically as the two chuckled.

Nino and Alya looked at them in confusion, "You two are weird dudes," Nino replied, an arm slinging around Alya who just chuckled.

"Hey! We're weird and-" Adrien started but Marinette cut him off.

"The best of friends!" She finished, linking her arm with his, he sheepishly smiled in response, his cheeks a crimson color because of what he might've almost said in front of his friends, in front of Marinette.

"Yup," Adrien stated nervously as Nino looked at him in amusement.

My poor dude, Nino thought internally, feeling bad for his blond-haired friend who got friend-zoned by his crush. Even though Adrien technically was the one who started it first, denying any feelings he had for the sweet, dark-haired girl.

Marinette giggled at that as she looked at her two friends, who seemed to be telepathically communicating with one another. She watched them in curiosity, was this what the love language looked like?

"Well guys, Nino and I have to get going now," Alya said, with an apologetic smile.

"Yeah! We're really busy, sorry dudes," Nino said, with a sheepish smile.

Adrien nodded at them with a smile but Marinette smirked, "Oh don't worry Nino, I know exactly why you two are so busy, so by all means, go off and carry on," Marinette said, urging them forward.

Nino gulped as Alya shot Marinette a playful glare, she shrugged innocently, "What? Did I say something wrong?" Marinette asked.

"Babe you told her?" Nino asked, turning towards Alya who shrugged.

"What? It's just a date Nino, there's nothing to be ashamed of," Alya replied as Nino blushed.

"You guys are adorable," Adrien said with a genuine smile.

"Hey! We know okay," Nino muttered, "But that's not the problem! Now I'm gonna have to endure Marinette's teasing for the rest of the week," the boy groaned.

"The rest of the month!" Marinette chirped up excitedly as Adrien watched her in amusement and adoration.

Nino groaned once again, face palming himself as Alya chuckled and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"Hey Nino, if you really don't want to here my teasing, yet, I suggest hurrying up and moving forward," Marinette said in a happy voice.

Nino muttered something under his breath before turning around and walking away with Alya, Adrien and Marinette burst into laughter.

"I don't know how you do it, but whenever Nino makes that face, it always crack me up," Adrien said, smiling at her.

"Well, when you've known him for a while, it's easy, and because he's dating my best friend, it's way easier," Marinette replied smiling at him.

They stared at each other for a few seconds smiling before Adrien cleared his throat and looked to the side, "Aw that's my driver, I've got to go," he said pouting, and then his stomach growled.

"Do you want to come by the bakery before you leave? It's a 2-minute walk from here and my parents are making some more croissants today," Marinette offered, a gentle smile resting on her face.

Adrien's face lit up at that and his stomach growled once more, causing Marinette to laugh, "I'll ask Nathalie quickly and let you know," he said as Marinette nodded.

Adrien pulled out his phone and pressed Nathalie's contact to send her a quick text message.

Adrien: Hello Nathalie, is it alright if I stop by a friend's house on my way home? They live 2 minutes away from school and I'll take my bodyguard, it won't be long.

Nathalie replied instantly.

Nathalie: Is the reason you're stopping by your friend's house important?

Adrien bit his lip in thought, if he told Nathalie he was getting croissants, she wouldn't allow him because of his diet, so he decided to lie while he replied back.

Adrien: Yes it is, it's a school related matter and it won't be long, I promise.

Nathalie: Which friend is it?

Adrien: Marinette, you know her, father does as well, she's a good friend of mine.

Nathalie: Well your father is busy at the moment, so if you're quick he won't notice your absence. Marinette's a nice girl, be back in 30 minutes.

Adrien: I will, thank you so much Nathalie.

He saw her read his message and slipped his phone back into his pocket before turning to Marinette with a smile, "Thankfully I'm allowed to, I can stay for the next half hour if that's okay with you?" He asked, slightly shyly.

Marinette nodded, "Of course, you barely go out Adrien, we can hang out for a bit while eating," she said with a friendly smile.

Adrien beamed at her and held back what he wanted to say, If only you knew how often I come over to your place Mari, he internally thought.

"Alright, let's walk then shall we? Nathalie has already informed my driver, so we should be fine," he said.

Marinette nodded and the two began the walk to her house, making small talk along the way. A couple minutes later, they stood in front of her parent's bakery and Marinette pushed the door open, hearing the little bell ring indicating a customer had arrived.

Her parents looked up with friendly smiles and slightly shocked expressions, "Hello sweetie! Oh and hi Adrien, it's so nice to see you!" Sabine greeted warmly, walking up to them.

Marinette and Adrien smiled in response, "Hello Mrs. Cheng, it's lovely to see you as well," he said.

"Oh call me Sabine, you're practically like a son to me," Sabine said, pulling him into a hug.

Adrien was shocked for a moment but returned it regardless, he felt a warm motherly feeling from Sabine, much like he felt when his mother used to hug him.

I really miss you mom, Adrien thought internally.

When Sabine pulled away she stared at the blond boy for a few seconds before shaking her head, "So what can I get you two? You must be starving," Sabine noted.

As if on cue, Adrien's stomach rumbled causing Marinette and Sabine to chuckle, "I think we'll be fine with some croissants maman," Marinette replied.

"I'll get some for you guys right away, one second sweetie," Sabine said, hurrying into the kitchen.

The bakery was empty right now so there was no one else other than Marinette's parents, Marinette, and Adrien. The two waited quietly at the side until Marinette's dad walked in from the kitchen.

"Oh hello sweetie! I hope you had a great day at school, and hi Adrien it's been a while! How are you son?" Tom asked, walking up to him and pulling him into a hug.

The poor boy again, was shocked by the gesture, he returned the hug regardless, loving how friendly Marinette's parents were to him.

"Papa, put him down, you're not letting him breathe," Marinette whined, her cheeks flushed pink.

"Whoops sorry there Adrien!" Tom said, setting him down with a chuckle.

"It's no problem Mr. Dupain, it's wonderful to see you again as well," Adrien said, with a warm smile as Tom returned it.

"Please call me Tom," he noted, as Adrien nodded.

Sabine returned from the kitchen just then holding two plates filled with treats and croissants and handed it to them.

"Thank you so much, Tom and Sabine," Adrien said, with a child like smile as he took the plate from Sabine's hands.

"It's no problem honey, if you need more don't be afraid to ask for some," Sabine replied cheerfully.

Adrien nodded and smiled to her before following Marinette up the stairs and into her room. Once they made it to her room, which Adrien had gotten very familiar with, they sat down on her chaise and began to eat.

"Your parents are very nice," Adrien said with a chuckle.

"Yeah they can be very welcoming with my friends," Marinette said with a smile.

Adrien nodded and took a bite of his croissant, which immediately melted into his mouth, it was just so good.

Marinette watched him and giggled as the poor boy's cheeks flushed red, "Sorry, with my model diet and all, I'm not really allowed to eat junk food and stuff," he said with a sheepish smile.

"You don't need to apologize Adrien," Marinette said, with a wave of her hand, "It's just adorable watching you eat."

"Oh really?" Adrien asked, raising a brow with a smug smile.

Marinette couldn't help but be reminded of Chat when he did that as she rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, keep that attitude Agreste, and I will never compliment you again," Marinette said, crossing her arms with a playful smile.

Adrien pouted as Marinette chuckled, she went and sat down on her desk chair to open something up.

"Since you'll be here for a bit, I was wondering if you wanted to play Ultimate Mega Strike III?" Marinette asked, holding out a controller.

Adrien's face lit up as he nodded, "I'd love too!" He said and got up. He sat down on the second chair Marinette provided for him and placed his nearly finished plate on her desk.

"I've actually gotten better at this game, so be prepared to lose," Adrien said, with a sly smirk.

"In your dreams Agreste, and you said that last time," Marinette pointed out with a giggle.

He gave her a smirk in reply and the game finally finished loading, they both got ready as the countdown timer went down. 

Adrien shifted in his seat quite a bit to get a better angle and try to win while Marinette sat calmly on her chair pressing the buttons on the controller. She had a smug smile on her face as she noticed Adrien's nervous expression, she pressed the final button on her controller defeating her opponent.

Adrien whined, "Not again, I swear you just keep getting better and better Mari," he said, leaning his head back with a lazy smile.

"Well I did learn from my dad, and you're not so bad yourself, just need a little practice that's all," Marinette replied with an encouraging smile.

"Well I have gotten better thanks to your lucky charm," Adrien said, pulling it out of his pocket.

"You still have that?" Marinette asked, slightly shocked yet amused.

"Of course, with my bad luck, your lucky charm always brings me some good luck," he said with a wink as Marinette chuckled.

"Well I'm glad it does, and I still have the one you gave me for my birthday as well," she said pulling it out of her pocket.

Adrien grinned when he saw the present he gave her, happy that she had still kept it, he felt at that moment, that those two were really meant to be together.

"I'm glad you do Mari," he said with a smile as Marinette returned it, they stared at each other for a bit with smiling faces before Marinette shook her head. They both placed their lucky charms in their pockets before returning back to the game.

"Alright round two, here we go," Marinette said in a sing song voice as he smiled beside her. The two continued playing a couple of rounds, Adrien actually happening to win once and being congratulated by Mari.

Unfortunately, their time together had to come to an end, as the half hour was about to be up soon. It would be alright though, because he'd eventually see Marinette later tonight.

"It's time for me to start heading back," he said with a sad smile as Marinette returned it.

"That's alright, you can come play next time," she said, a warm smile on her features.

"Will do," he said, getting up and grabbing his bag.

Before he left, he turned to her, "Thank you for today, really, I never really get to have fun and hanging out with you always is," Adrien said with a smile.

"Of course Adrien, you're welcome anytime," Marinette said, and hugged him. He hugged her back, loving the feeling of her in his arms before pulling away.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, bye Mari," he said with a wave before heading downstairs. Marinette returned it and shut her trapdoor behind her after he left, she sat down on her chair and sighed, knowing that she had to start on her homework soon.


After a painful two hours of school work and dinner towards the end, Marinette found herself sprawled on her chaise tiredly. With the lack of sleep and ongoing homework and assignments, it was hard to keep up with things.

"Are you alright Marinette?" Tikki asked, zooming in front of Marinette's face.

"Yeah, just a little beat," she chuckled.

"Well I hope you're not too tired, because from my knowledge, you have to meet Cat Noir for patrol in a bit," Tikki said, in a sing song voice.

Marinette jolted up from her bed to check the time, she'd have to leave in 10 minutes, she sighed as she laid back down in exhaustion.

"I'll live," she said deadpanned as Tikki gave her a sympathetic look. Tikki knew Marinette tended to overwork herself a lot.

Just then Sass zoomed over to them, "You shouldn't overwork yourself Marinette, try to take some time to yourself and relaxxxx leaving behind your worries," the kwami advised.

"Thank you Sass, I'll consider it," Marinette said with a smile, she liked the fact he reminded her of Luka, it would make sense why the two made a perfect match, holder and kwami.

Around 5 minutes later, the dark-haired girl forced herself off her bed and into the bathroom to freshen up, just so she didn't look dead and completely done with everything during her patrol with Chat.

She hummed a soft tune to herself while walking out of the bathroom and crawling up to her bed, "You ready to go Tikki?" Marinette asked as the little kwami nodded. "Tikki, spots on!" With that she leaped through her trapdoor, shutting it behind her, and launching herself through the air with her yo-yo.

Five minutes later, she landed on the spot where her and Chat always met up, doing a somersault in the process before standing up. Chat landed next to her a few seconds later with a friendly smile, "Hello Ladybug," he replied.

"Hey Chat," she said with a warm smile, she had to admit, she missed his little nicknames that he would call her often, but she knew he was being loyal to Marinette and had moved on from her. "Do you mind if we shorten patrol today? It's been a tiresome day."

"Of course Ladybug, it's not a problem!" Chat said with an assuring smile, "I also have somewhere to be myself," a faint blush appeared on his cheeks as Ladybug smiled.

"Let me guess, that place you have to be at is Marinette's place huh?" She teased with a knowing smile.

Chat's blush deepened, "Maybe," he said with a small smirk.

"About that, how are things going between you two?" She asked, even though she already knew.

"They're been going really amazing," he said with a happy sigh, "she's amazing."

"I'm glad you found her kitty, she sure seems like an amazing girl," Ladybug replied.

Chat nodded at her statement, "What about you bugaboo? Anyone else caught your eye?" He asked, teasingly.

Ladybug blushed, "Possibly," she said, as Chat's eyes widened in surprise, he wasn't upset though.

"Oh and who is this lucky person?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

She playfully slapped his shoulder, "I can't tell you that, especially because it's in my civilian form kitty," Ladybug replied.

Chat nodded his head in understanding, "Well I can't go against that, but I'm glad you found someone purrrfectly special for you Ladybug," he said with a wink as her blush deepened.

"Yeah, yeah, now, unless you want me teasing you about Marinette, shall we start patrol?" She asked, with a small smirk.

Chat gulped, "Yeah! I think that's a great idea! I'll take the left you take the right!" He said, quickly jumping away.

Ladybug giggled, Oh that cat, she thought internally before jumping towards the right.

Both superheroes continued their regular patrols throughout Paris's beautiful city, everything seemed quite normal that evening, with no trouble really in sight. They both took two quick rounds on their sides of the city before meeting back at their spot.

"Well everything's clear on the left side of town," Chat commented, perched on the side of the building.

"Same with the right, thankfully Paris is quiet for the night," Ladybug said with a small smile.

Chat nodded, "I'm going to hang over here for a bit, so don't worry about me, you can leave if you want to," he offered.

"Are you sure?" She asked, furrowing her brows.

"Yeah don't worry, just for a few minutes then I'll be off," Chat assured her with a smile.

"Alright if you say so, we can patrol a little longer next time," Ladybug offered.

"Sounds good to me, have a great rest of the evening and night Ladybug," Chat said with a smile.

"You too kitty, see you later," she said with a wave before jumping off and swinging in the direction of her house.

Ladybug arrived a few minutes later and quickly looked around before sliding into her trapdoor, shutting the door behind her, "Spots off," she said quietly as Tikki flew out and landed into her hands.

Marinette handed Tikki a small cookie as the kwami happily took it and flew away, she laid down on her bed hoping to take a nap before Chat arrived at her house.

She dozed off into a deep slumber with pretty dreams surrounding her vision as she smiled happily. Her dream came to an end twenty minutes later when she heard knocking on her trapdoor. Marinette got up and stretched before opening the latch to be met face to face with Chat, who was wearing a small smile. He hopped down onto her bed and hovered on top of her, both his hands on her sides.

"Hi princess," Chat said with a small smirk as he saw her blush.

Marinette rolled her eyes, "Hi Chat," she said looking up at him.

"How's my favorite purrrson in the whole wide world doing?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Tired," she groaned, covering her face with a pillow as he chuckled. He got off her and rolled to the side, laying down beside her. "For your information, I was having a very pleasant dream until it was rudely interrupted."

Chat pouted, "Meouch," he said, placing a hand to his heart, "I thought you'd be happy to see me."

"Not when you're interrupting my dreams Chat," she deadpanned as he continued to pout. 

She removed the pillow from her face and turned to the side, only to be met with his adorably, pouty face causing her to almost melt right then and there.

"I'm just kidding," she said, placing a hand onto his cheek, "I'm always happy to see you, my precious little kitten."

He grinned and leaned into her, placing a quick kiss onto her pink lips, "I knew you'd say that, you love me too much," he said.

Marinette let out a loud cough and Chat's cheeks burned, "Mari I-" He started but she cut him off.

"I get it don't worry," she assured him with a smile. She didn't mind if he loved her, even if it seemed a bit too soon, because she herself, had already fallen in love with him way before.

"Alright," Chat said, letting out a breath of relief, he opened his arms to her and she snuggled up to him.

He gently stroked her dark hair as she lay on his chest, his steady heartbeat causing all of her worries to disappear. She loved being in his arms, she always felt so protected around him, no matter the situation.

Chat placed a kiss onto her hair, mumbling out a 'I love you Mari' quietly so she couldn't hear. She had nearly fallen asleep once again when Chat's voice awoke her, "Hey Mari?" He asked, softly.

She tilted her head up a bit, "Yes Chat?" She asked, her eyes half way closed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere tomorrow?" He asked.

"Go somewhere? Where exactly?" She asked.

"Well I wanted to take you out somewhere tomorrow, because you deserve it," he said, smiling.

"Oh Chat you don't have to take me anywhere, being with you and spending time with you is more than enough for me," she said, pecking his lips.

He smiled at that, "It is for me too," he said softly, "But I was really hoping I could, it would make me feel really happy if you agreed to go."

Marinette thought for a moment before smiling, "Well I'm not busy tomorrow, so I think I'll be able to go," she said.

Chat smiled brightly at that, "Ah thank you Mari," he said, kissing her forehead.

"No problem kitty," she giggled, "but don't spend anything on me," she warned.

"I can't make any promises there love," Chat said, with a small smirk.

"Chat," she whined.

"Mari," he whined back.

She playfully punched his chest as he feigned hurt, "Meouch, there you go, hurting me twice," he pouted.

"You are so dramatic," she rolled her eyes.

"Only for you purrrincess," he said with a wink.

"And flirty," she deadpanned.

"Again, only for you," he said, booping her nose with his finger.

"OH really? What about the time you flirted with Ladybug and all the other female superheroes?" She asked playfully.

Chat gulped, how had she known he had flirted with other superheroes? Even if he had, it was merely playful because he had eyes only for Ladybug, and now only for her.

"That was just me being polite," he shrugged, "I only had eyes for Ladybug at that time, and now only for you. So I promise princess, I won't 'flirt' with anymore superheroes, especially because I have you," he said smiling.

"Mhm," she said, "Like I'll believe that," she playfully scoffed.

"Well then I'll prove it to you if you're so unsure," he said with a small smirk.

Marinette raised her eyebrow at him in question but before she could ask him what he meant, he had crashed his lips onto hers, causing her to instantly melt. Marinette kissed him back and he deepened the kiss, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to him. After a few minutes he pulled away and looked at her blushing and flustered face.

"You're," he said, pressing a kiss onto her forehead, "the only," he pressed a kiss onto her cheek, "one I," he pressed another kiss onto her other cheek, "have," he kissed her nose, "eyes," he kissed her lips before pulling away, "for," he said lovingly, staring into her eyes.

Marinette blushed at that and smiled, "You're the only one I have eyes for too kitty," she said, pressing another long kiss onto his lips.

"Me too," he mumbled into the kiss before pulling away. "Now do you believe me princess?" He asked.

"I do," she said with a chuckle, "I promise."

He smiled brightly at that as Marinette sat up, she climbed down her bed and grabbed her laptop before climbing back up.

"What's that for?" He asked, curiously.

"I don't think we finished that movie from that night did we?" She asked.

He thought for a minute, "No we didn't," he said, tapping his chin, "but I do think it's the purrrfect time too," she rolled her eyes.

"Enough with the puns," she groaned but Chat just chuckled and patted her head.

Marinette signed into Netflix on her laptop and quickly found the movie her and Chat were watching a while ago, she clicked on it and it began to play.

"Wait!" Chat said suddenly, alarming Marinette.

"Yes?" She asked, slightly confused.

"WE need pillows and blankets first," he said excitedly getting up.

"Well we have pillows because we're on my bed, I'll go grab the blankets," Marinette replied and quickly got up.

She climbed down her bed once again and walked over to her closest, she pulled out a large, fluffy, white blanket from her closet and walked towards the edge of her bed, throwing it at Chat.

"Hey!" He yelled out as Marinette giggled, "You could've given me a warning before yeeting this at me!"

"Whoops sorry," she said innocently and climbed back up to her bed. She sat down and Chat pulled her into him causing her to yelp, before throwing the blanket onto both of them. Marinette positioned the laptop on her lap and in the right angle before turning to look at him.

"Better?" She asked, with a small smile.

"Purrrfect," he replied with a small smirk, before kissing her cheek.

Marinette blushed at that once again, it was crazy to see the kind of affect he had on her, and she didn't know how she was able to keep herself together around him.

She clicked play on the movie and the two snuggled within each other's embrace watching it intently. There was about an hour left of it from the last time they had left off, and by looking at the time, she knew they'd be able to finish.

The next hour was spent normally, with them laughing, making small remarks and jokes on certain scenes, Chat growing to love the cats in the movie now who seemed less scary than before.

As the credits began to roll Marinette found herself nearly dozing off once again and Chat glanced down at her with a loving smile.

"Hey, if you're tired I'll head back okay?" He asked softly, stroking her hair.

Marinette forced her eyes open to look at him with a small smile, "I don't want you to leave just yet if that's okay, can you stay until I fall asleep?" She asked, a little shyly.

Chat grinned at her, "Of course princess, anything for you," he said. 

She smiled at him appreciatively before he got up to place her laptop onto her desk. When he climbed back up onto her bed, she had already snuggled into her blanket. Thinking that she had fallen asleep, Chat decided not to bother her and head out right now, but Marinette's hand stopped him.

He looked down at her now open eyes and laid down beside her, she turned to him and he opened his arms for her to snuggle into which she gladly did. Marinette laid her head on his warm chest as Chat held her protectively yet gently, lightly stroking her hair to help her sleep.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until she had dozed off, Chat placed a kiss onto her forehead before quietly murmuring an 'I love you.'

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Be prepared for the next one, it's nothing bad don't worry, just something cute, pawssibly a date ;) The movie they were watching, in case any of you forgot was "The Secret Life of Pets 2." Anyways, hope you're all doing okay, much love! <33

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