
By Treacletoes

2M 85.8K 19.4K

Sang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Ma... More

Sang's Discovery
To the shock of Mr Blackbourne
The Second Immaculate Conception...
Carry on as normal...
Completely innocent
Family Meeting
First lesson..
Pulling back
Nine guys?
Google would have been easier...
What's Oral Sex?
Making plans...
Tree Surfing
Shot to the heart...
We're human, not robots!
A North and Silas Sandwich...
Ye, of little faith.
Toe in tap.. but we do love you.
Murder in the dark...
Oh, believe me, it was us who won...
Trick or Treat
Perfect but not infallible
Pancakes with no sugar
Mr Blackbourne's House
Fire alarms and fights
Figuring it out...
Getting away with it
We never leave one of our own alone...
Meeting with Mr Hendricks
Dresses and dance lessons
"Well, how did you kiss him, Mr Griffin?"
Synchronized kissing
Graffiti and Pizza
More dance lessons and detention
We can be Yak Herders
Welcome home
You scrub up good
At the lodge
A short walk
Spiders and Showers
Mr Blackbourne
Dr Green
How did you know?
Caves, Condoms and Echoes
Bus trip
Ivory towers and showers
Kathy and Alice
Gabriel's Birthday
Shopping with Mr Blackbourne
The Olive Tree
Unknown Caller
Ghost Bird
Sword of Damocles
Korean Messages
Coffee and cake
We've lost her
Roller Skating
Food Prep
Bathing Mr Blackbourne style.
Group texting
Family Meeting
Decorating and Devastating
Kissing with hands - Gabriel
Clean up
Mr Hendricks
More Conversations
Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green
Mr Biggles
Emergency Family Meeting
Gift Giving
Spoils of war
Packing up
Mr Griffin
Too far away
Damage Control
"You are my fresh air"
Treadmill of Doom
Magazines and Eye Tests
"Nothing comes between us, ever."
Please read.
I'm not gay
Tony Taylor
Professor Dakota Jameson Lee
Called in
I can't.....
A Double, Secret Agent
Thomas Drew
Swimming pools and baths
Talking to Tom
The Sang Schedule
Mission accomplished
"You just made my year,"
Son of a Preacher
Show of Sass
No Regrets
Not a prank.
Not Guilty
Double Standards
You're not listening!
Stockholm Syndrome
Over at Nathan's...
Texting Blake
All it takes is seconds...
Neither required nor wanted...
Sunday Evening
"I really do love you, Owen Blackbourne"
An Idea
A different kind of blackmail....
Not going to plan
The calm before
The Storm
Three Ring Circus
Efharisto' poli', North.
Ghost of a smile
Thrown under the bus
She's a minor!
United We Stand
Dr Roberts
Not for him
Blood on fire
A bruise is a bruise
Karate Kid
Actions speak louder than words
Family Meeting
Rush of Sweet Fire
A brother's sins
Ties are useful items.
This isn't a test
Family First, Family Always.

Talking it out

11.5K 475 118
By Treacletoes

Sang's POV

I couldn't concentrate. I was tired and there was no way I could make head or tail of Geometry this late at night. Not to mention the fact that instead of problems I was seeing North's face.

I was sitting cross legged on the bed, my books spread in front of me. A scraping at the window made me look up, Luke and Nathan must be coming over. I bit my lip, I wanted to see them, but at the same time I was certain that they would pick up on something being wrong.

I watched as a black boot and then a black jean clad leg came over the window sill and I knew it was North.

I bit my lip, my finger pushing at it as I watched the rest of him appear. He slid the window shut and then just stood there, his head down, turned slightly away from me.

I stood up from the bed, balancing on my foot as I scratched the back of my leg with my other foot.

"Sang Baby," he stopped and my heart broke.

"North, I am so sorry. Please, tell me what I did wrong, what I should have done..."

He was in front of me in two strides, his hands gripping my head.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong, Sang, you were amazing. You were perfect..." he stopped and closed his eyes, a muscle worked at the side of his jaw.

"But you wouldn't talk to me.. you didn't want to look at me. I rang you and you..." His fingers were moving, wiping away tears I hadn't even realised I was crying.

"Don't cry baby, it wasn't you. It was never you," he ground out.


"No, listen," he demanded and took a deep breath. "I want so much for you, I want to give you so much. I love you, Sang."

"North, I don't understand," I whispered. A pain lodged itself in my chest and my stomach twisted on itself.

"I should never have done that to you," he said, ripping his hands from my face and turning away from me.

I clenched my hand, my nails biting into my palms as I struggled to fight the rising flood of hysteria.

"Was.... was... did I not do it right for you?" My voice broke. I know he had already told me but I just didn't understand. What else could be wrong if it wasn't the fact that I didn't know what I was doing.

"Fuck, Sang! You were more than right, you were fucking perfect..."

I felt a sliver of anger creep through me. It made no sense. If he said it was ok, and I was ok, what was his problem?

"I don't get it, North. I don't get why you treated me as if I'd done something wrong. I wanted you to come home with me and you couldn't even look at me!" I was forcing back the tears.

He whirled around, his hands going out to the sides.

"Don't you see? I couldn't come home with you. I wanted to, fucking hell, I wanted to. But I couldn't!"

"Why?" I demanded,

"Because I'd fucking come like a twelve year old with his first Victoria Secrets catalogue! I had the fucking control of a wild animal!" he shot out. "We were in the front seat of my Jeep! I just wanted to kiss you, to hold you for a bit, it's been so fucking long since I could just be with you that I couldn't control myself!" He was angry now, his voice rising as he spoke.

"North..." I was blushing madly at his words but I was beginning to understand.

"We were in the front seat of my Jeep, Sang!" he roared and I looked at my door in panic. Marie would hear if he wasn't careful, and I didn't want her knowing about this.

"North, Ssssh!" I hissed at him. He blew out his breath and sank onto the end of the bed, but I was frozen to the spot. I didn't know how to fix this.

"I don't regret doing that with you," he said quietly. "I just regret where we were and how I went about it. I was like a fucking caveman." He shook his head and fisted his hands on the bed beside him.

I went to him and sank onto my knees in front of him and gripped his hands on his knees.

"North, listen to me, please. I don't regret anything. I don't regret what we did or where we did it. I was with you, North and that's all I need to make it perfect. I was in heaven, North. You made me feel things that I can't even describe and I was so worried that it had done nothing for you."

"Couldn't you tell?" he whispered. "I haven't come that hard for ages and I was embarrassed and then I realised what we'd done. Fucking hell, Sang, Uncle could have come back, anyone could have seen us. I didn't treat you with respect, Sang, I acted as if you were a...." he stopped as I rose up slightly and gripped his face.

"You did treat me with respect, North. You gave me something that I will never forget."

"But it was in a fucking truck, Sang!" he choked out and I saw the guilt in his eyes clearly.

"North! It could have been in a closet at school, it could have been in the attic in my house, or at the beach, or on the moon! I love you, North. I love you so much that no matter where we were I will never regret it, never, because it was with you, it was perfect. It was special."

"How the fuck did I end up with you?" he whispered and dragged me forwards to kiss me. It was desperate and sloppy, but it wasn't sexual. He pulled me up onto his lap and buried his head in my chest. I wrapped my arms around him as best as I could and held on.

"Are you sure you don't regret where we were?" His voice was muffled and I could still hear the guilt.

"North, you touch me and I forget where we are. You kiss me and I can't even think straight. But I will never regret where we were. I was worried because I knew how it had made me feel and I wanted you to feel the same."

"Oh, I did," he grunted. "See, thing is, Sang, you get off and it's beautiful. I get off and it's messy as all hell."

I blushed at his words but couldn't help the giggle that left my mouth.

He lifted his head and his eyes were clear again. The guilt fading, although I realised he may always regret where it happened. I couldn't regret anything and I would take however long it took to make him see that I would always cherish it in my heart.

"You're not ready yet, but when I take you all the way, I promise it will not be in the front or back seat of my truck. It will be somewhere special, somewhere beautiful and I will take my time loving you," he whispered.

"I have to admit that I don't want our first time to be in a truck," I said quietly. "But I will never regret what we did tonight. I just wish you wouldn't either." I linked my arms around his neck and kissed him quickly on his lips. He drew me back again and kissed me more deeply.

"I was so worried that you'd hate me," he admitted. "You're so special that every moment like that should be special too."

"It was!" I said hotly, getting impatient with him now. "Stop beating yourself up over it."

He closed his eyes and blew his breath out on a sigh and then he was looking at me again and I could see that maybe I was getting through to him.

"Closet eh?" he teased me. "I might be able to manage most of those places with you, but the moon is going to be a tricky one."

"Doesn't matter," I said snuggling into him. "You made me see stars at one point and that's better than the moon."

"So, I haven't scared you for life," he said and although his voice was light, I heard the undercurrent of fear in his voice.

"No, quite the contrary, North Star," I whispered and kissed his ear. "You've introduced me to something that I would very much like to try again with you soon." I could feel the heat in my cheeks at the forwardness of my words.

He sucked in his breath and drew me away so he could see my eyes.

"Sang Baby, there is so much I want to do to you, with you.... but I promise that I will stop if you tell me to."

I nodded, his words lit a tiny flicker of excitement in me. He drew me in tight and looked at the bed.

"Have you finished all this?" he asked and I shook my head.

"I couldn't concentrate," I admitted.

"I am so sorry, Sang," he sighed heavily and I hugged him tighter. A yawn overtook me and he laughed.

"Come on. Bed." He moved me off his lap and gathered all my books together and set them on the floor. "Get in."

I slid under the covers and laid my head down. I wanted to stay awake and just hold him, but I was feeling so sleepy now.

I watched as he stripped off his t-shirt, kicked off his boots and jeans. He wore black boxer shorts. His back was too me, but I admired every inch I could see. He slid in beside me, switched off the light and pulled me into him, his hand tangled in my hair

"Go to sleep, baby," he said softly. I shut my eyes and slid into sleep.


I could hear someone moving around and whispering but it was still dark. The glow of a phone made me sit up and then Nathan was beside me

"Sssshhhh, it's alright, Peanut, it's just me and Luke. Go back to sleep," I heard the words whispered in my ear as I felt him climb in behind me.


"Is still here, can't you hear him snoring?" Nathan murmured in my ear and then his hands were pulling me back into him and I was falling asleep again.

The next time I woke up, Luke was tapping me on my shoulder, holding a finger to his lips. I slid from the bed careful not to wake North or Nathan who were still fast asleep.

"We've got a bit of time before we have to wake them up, let's make pancakes," he whispered and I grinned, my stomach rumbling at the thought of pancakes.

He grabbed my hand and lead me down stairs into the kitchen.

Kota was already standing by the cupboards looking for ingredients and I smiled happily when I saw him.

He grinned at me and came over to give me a squeeze, his lips descending on my head.

"Chocolate chip pancakes, syrup waffles and bacon, sound good?" Kota said.

My stomach rumbled loudly and they laughed.

"I think that was a yes," Luke laughed.

"I need to finish my homework, I couldn't do it last night," I told them. Kota went across to where my book bag was sitting by the bedroom door. I frowned, that was odd, I'd left it upstairs. He brought it over and went through it.

"What was it?"

"Geometry," I said and he drew the book out and flicked to the last page.

I leant over and gave a gasp, my homework was completed and I realised that North must have done it sometime while I was asleep. My heart swelled with love and I grinned happily at the book in Kota's hand.

"North?" Kota asked and I nodded stupidly.

He frowned slightly and then shrugged.

"It's all correct," he said and put it back into my bag.

"He must have done it when I was asleep," I said quietly and got up. "I can help you now."

"Better cut up a couple of oranges then North can't moan," Luke said and I nodded, moving up to get them. I couldn't keep the grin off my face. I was feeling more relaxed than I had in a long time. Things were ok with North again and I was content.


North's POV

I slid my hand onto her hip and sighed. I was still sleepy. I had stayed up half the night finishing her Geometry. I had already done mine, but I had to make sure that my work looked as much like hers as I could get it, and that had taken me longer.

I felt her move under my hand and I slid my hand lower onto the small of her back, my other hand on the pillow. I kept my eyes closed, not ready to face the day yet. I wanted to snuggle with her first. I slid my hand into her hair and my eyes flew open in horror, that was not Sang's hair, nor her back come to think of it.

"What the fuck, North?" Nathan's face reflected the horror I felt. I drew back from him so fast I fell out of bed with a loud bang.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I shouted at him.

"Getting groped by you!" he cried out in disgust.

"I thought you were, Sang," I snorted and ran a hand down my face.

The door opened and Kota, Luke and Sang came in. Luke had a packet of chocolate chips in his hands, but he looked worried.

"What happened? We heard an almighty bang," Kota demanded.

"North was getting fresh with me, so I threw him out of bed," Nathan said and I growled at him.

"I thought you were Sang!" I yelled at him. "And you didn't throw me out, I fell out, in horror!"

"I don't want to know," Kota said and ducked back out of the door.

"I do!" Luke piped up and his face was alight with laughter now, the little bastard, but I'd get him.

"What's that in your hand, Lucian?" I lowered my voice menacingly.

"Nothing!" he denied, his hand going behind his back quickly. "Nothing at all. Come on, Sang, let's leave them to their make out session."

I growled and launched myself forward, coming to a halt when Sang stepped neatly in front of him and planted a kiss on my mouth.

"Good morning," she laughed and I sighed. It was now.

"What about me, Peanut?" Nathan whined. "I was the one he was molesting. Help me forget."

"I'll fucking molest you with my fucking boot if you don't shut up!" I joked.

"Oh, painful," he winced and then smiled smugly at me when Sang bent down and kissed him quickly.

"Come on, boys, play nicely now," she singsonged and I felt myself harden at the thought of playing nicely with her. I grabbed my jeans and t-shirt to cover the evidence and quickly dressed, shoving my feet into my boots.

"What about your uniform?" Luke suddenly asked and I realised it was back at my trailer.

"I'll have to go and get it," I said. "I'll meet you at school."

I leant forwards towards Sang and she lifted her face and met my lips in a kiss. I grinned at her and walked past her; as I reached Luke I caught his upper arm and spun him around, shoving him into the wall. I plucked the bag of chocolate chips from his hand and then leaning against him with my full weight so he was crushed against the wall I kissed his cheek noisily.

"Better luck next time, Lucian," I teased him and then winked at Sang before stepping back from him and running down the stairs with the chocolate chips in my hand.

"I'll get you for that!" he called after me, but I just laughed. I still had the edges of guilt in my mind, but seeing her and hearing her tell me she was ok with it had gone along way to make it easier for me. She had also given me the go ahead to go that far with her again; the possibilities that opened up for me was....

"Will you keep it down!" came a snarl from the living room. I turned and saw her sister come out, a letter in her hand and still in her sleep clothes.

"Sorry," I said, not meaning it at all and she knew that.

She sneered at me and went back up the stairs. I shook my head, they were so different and yet they had the same father. I couldn't understand how she could be so against Sang. Sang was wonderful, even without being her sister, but the pull of blood should have been enough for her to side with Sang. Luke wasn't even my blood relation, but he was, and always would be, my brother. I shook my head and left the house shouting out to Kota what I was doing.


Silas' POV

I knew it the moment I laid eyes on him. He was always staring at her anyway, but this was different somehow... it was softer somehow. I waited till the others were all gathered around the bench. Gabriel had sent us all pictures of what they'd bought last night and they were going through them. I caught his eye and indicated with my head for him to move closer to me.

"What gives?" I asked him when he came to stand beside me. I saw a wash of guilt go over his face and then it softened and I blinked.

"I got her off last night," he said quietly and the grin that tugged at his lips told me it had been good.

I folded my arms and looked over at her. Lucky bastard.

"You touched her?" I asked and frowned when he shook his head and I saw that guilt again.

"North, you alright?" I asked him and he shoved a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, no, sort of," he said and I knew there was lot more that wasn't being said.

"Kota, North and me are going to check the schedule for the games when we come back," I called out to him. Kota looked up, frowning as he nudged his glasses up his nose. He knew that I didn't give a fuck about the schedules but I didn't want my nosey brothers listening in on this conversation, especially not Luke.

"Ok, be back before bell goes," he ordered and I nodded.

"Come on, North," I said and he fell into step with me, his hands in his pockets.

"Greek, bro," he said and I nodded. In a school like this we had to watch what we said.

If we started spouting off in Greek around the others, Gabriel would start demanding an explanation. He knew we didn't talk about him, deep down he knew it, but his insecurities showed up in odd ways and not knowing what was being said around him was one of them. I respected that. Sometimes. When I remembered to.

"So spill it," I told him in Greek and I listened as he gave me a blow by blow account of what happened.

"Oh, fuck me, Silas, I could just about see her, and she was like this fucking goddess, she responded and I was too fucking far gone..."

"Lucky bastard," I told him and meant it. I held no animosity, a tinge of jealousy, but I knew he loved her. "So why do you look so guilty?"

"Have you heard anything I've just told you?" he snapped and we came to a halt outside our lockers.

"Yeah, what part am I missing?"

"I blew my load, getting her off in the front of my fucking truck," he said and I pulled a face at him.

"Well, yeah, that happens, North. Come on, man, I know you're no fucking virgin, you know what happens, why are you so surprised?"

He blinked at me and I was beginning to see his problem.

"You've got two issues here, North; way I see it, anyway. One, it was your truck and two, you lost it, which one really bothers you?"

"First girl I ever fucked was in my truck, Silas," he said quietly. "Her name was Alice."

"Oh fuck yeah, Alice," I couldn't help but snort. Alice was mental, well, she wasn't really mental, she was an Academy girl but she was hard as nails. She was team leader of her own group of girls and when they got together, they scared the fuck out of me. I shuddered and he saw it.

"Yeah, Alice," he said. "She was one scary bitch, but fuck she was hot..."

He shook his head and I indicated for him to get on with it.

"Alice was nothing, she meant nothing. Yeah, we went out a couple of times, but we both knew it was just to scratch an itch. It didn't mean anything past the fucking. I liked her, sort of, but I didn't love her..." He was struggling with his words but I think I was one step ahead of him anyway.

"But you love Sang, and you think by getting her off in your truck, it made it as meaningless as what you had with Alice, yeah?"

He nodded and I felt sorry for him, but he was being an ass and he needed to know that.

"North, you're fucked up in the head, bro, you really are. There's a huge difference with getting her off and fucking her. Come on, you're being a dickhead about this. I get that you want to make it good for her, but if she got off then we can safely say it was good for her! And if she didn't complain then you're worrying about nothing. She'll pick up on it and think she's done something wrong."

"She already did," he said and I stared at him. "I felt so fucking bad I just took her home. I couldn't go in, could I? She got all upset and rang Mr B, of all fucking people."

I winced and he shrugged.

"Yeah, he called me a moron," he said and I laughed.

"Yeah, he's about right," I said and nudged his shoulder so he knew I wasn't being mean.

"But you've sorted it with her? I mean did she complain to him?"

"No, more the fact I cut and ran. I went and saw her after he chewed me out about just dumping her, him and Dr Green. Turns out she doesn't care where we were."

I threw my hands in the air.

"Well, what are worrying about then?"

"I just don't want to make it cheap with her," he said and I sighed.

"I don't think it could ever be cheap as long as you love her, and you do, don't you," I said.

"Of course, with everything I am," he said.

"Well, there you go. Get your head out of your ass and forget it. She was happy with it, she didn't tell you to never touch her again, did she?"

"Fuck no!" He shot me a smug look. "She wants to do it again."

I swore long and loud enough to give Gabriel a run for his money. Now I was jealous.

"Shithead," I shoved him. He laughed and shoved me back. But then he was serious again and he leant in close to me.

"She was fucking amazing, Silas, the noises she made... and when she came.... fuck, just hearing her was enough to send me off."

"Shut up!" I grunted in English and turned away from him slightly.

He leant in close to me.

"She belongs to all of us, Si; she's ours, not just mine. And we're her's," he said speaking in Greek still and it sank in what he was telling me. This was Sang, my Sang. I sighed and nodded. I was jealous, but I didn't need to be. She was my Aggele mou.

He laid a hand on my shoulder and I laughed, rubbing my hand down my face.

"I was supposed to be helping you, not the other way round," I slipped back into Greek.

"Thanks for kicking my ass, bro."

"Anytime," I sniggered. "I live to kick your ass into line."

"Fucking dickhead," he said and thumped me.

"Hello, boys." I rolled my eyes and didn't bother to turn to where Jade was behind us. I swear, if she wasn't Jay's sister, I'd have destroyed her by now. She never knew when to give up.

"What was that you were speaking?" she asked and I reluctantly turned to face her. We had to go back that way anyway.

"Come on, North, let's get back before Kota gives us an hour for being late," I said, semi-joking, and in Greek again.

North ignored her just like I had, but she fell into step with us.

"Is it Russian?" she asked and I snorted, stupid bitch.

"Greek," North snapped.

"Oh, I would love to hear you speaking Greek into my ear, North," she purred and slid her hand onto his arm. He shrugged her off.

"I told you, Jade, I'm not interested, ok?"

"But why?" she asked and she really didn't understand why he wasn't jumping her.

"I never did like riding bikes," he said and I snorted with laughter and fist bumped him.

Her eyes narrowed and she turned on her heel.

"Silas, you should watch him, he's got his eye on your girl friend. And she looks at him too, it wouldn't surprise me if she hasn't already cheated on you with him."

"Shut up, Jade, I trust both of them," I snapped now.

"More fool you," she said coldly and walked away.

I shook my head at him and he rolled his eyes.

"I'll be glad when we're out of this fucking place and we can take Sang with us," he whispered in rapid Greek and I nodded.

We walked back up to the benches and saw them still sat there going through the pictures.

"How can one person find so many reasons to shop? I'm dreading what he's got for next week," North chuckled. "I swear I going to cut off his hair in his sleep if he fucking tries to bring bedding next week."

"Ha! I might pack the bedding and blame him just to see you do it," I laughed.

"Fuck, he'd be heartbroken," he said and shook his head. "Not even I'm that cruel."

"What? Cruel?" Luke looked up as I sat down, he'd heard the tail end.

"Yeah, I was telling Silas, that if Gabe tries to take any bedding next week, I'm going to cut off his goldilocks in his sleep."

"Oy! You come anywhere near my hair and you'll be a eunuch for the rest of your life, North," he snorted at him.

North roared with laughter and getting him into a headlock, ruffled his hair.

"I'd like to see you try!" North was messing with him, but I was looking at Sang. She was watching them with a grin on her face. I loved her so much. She was my Aggele, but I wanted to see my Aggele lose it in my arms. I wanted to see her fall part and know it had been because of me.

She turned her head and caught my eye. Her smile softened and I winked at her. If she could see inside my head now she'd self combust.

The bell went signalling end of lunch. She had Biology with me next and so I walked over to her and took her bag. She was my girlfriend here. I reached out and gripped her hand in mine.

"Aggele, come on," I said and she got up, grinning at me.

I swooped down and kissed her because I could.

Watch out, Aggele, I'm coming for you.

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