Izuku Yagi - All For You

By Prttygoodnoob

478K 9K 4.2K

Izuku Yagi was once a bright and happy kid. Until he was diagnosed quirkless. There his life fell into darkne... More

Quirkless Loser
What is this Power
What Now
Did I miss Something
The Gang
The Shadow Kid
Blood Sucking Teen
Himiko Toga
Vigilante Duo
Old Friends
I Understand Now
Crazy Blondes
Birthday Brawl
Facing The Past For The Future
Just Before UA
First Class 1-a
Class 1-b
Class 1-a Quirk Assessment
Problematic Class 1-b
Himiko has fun with 1-a
What Was That
Sports Festival
Undeserved Chance
Nomu Attack
Public Appearance
Still a Child
Fight For Your Life
New Term
Improving Heroes
Quirk Limits
Final Exam - A
Defeating Shigaraki
Thrive to Survive
Burned Ashes
The Rescue Mission
All For One
Dorm Rooms
Answers To Why
What The Past Has Become
The Pressure is on
One For All
Invitation For War
Head In The Game
Children In War
Burning Defeat
All For One Is Gone
The End?

You Don't Deserve Quirks

18.9K 330 138
By Prttygoodnoob

Izuku was terrified. He had just gotten away from the pro-hero Amplifier by using his new Bolt quirk. But because of his state of delirium and panic, he slammed head first into a brick wall. Izuku's head was bleeding and even with his new iron bones, Izuku is pretty confident that his nose is broken.

But that wasn't Izuku's problem right now. Right now, Izuku was currently being held by someone who seemed quite happy with his arrival. They were a man, pure white hair and deep crimson eyes. They had picked up Izuku, one arm around his neck and the other covering his mouth.

"For a pipsqueak your size you are surprisingly heavy," the man said as he picked Izuku up. Izuku was in full panic mode. This guy most certainly wasn't friendly. He's probably like Kotsumi whose smugly happy all of the time except when someone doesn't do what they want. 

Think Izuku think! You have to get out of this, something is telling him that this man will hurt him more than what his tormentors did to him daily. His quirks! Izuku technically has two quirks. One that can turn himself into an electric bolt, but he can't do that if he is covered by something. In this case, that man so he can only emit weak electricity. Izuku also has metal bones which has made him heavier but the man was strong enough to carry him anyway. His punches are harder except Izuku doesn't exactly know how to throw a punch. He's never had to fight back before, as doing it previously would probably have gotten him killed. But his nails and teeth are sharp though, they can do some serious damage.

Izuku then started to electrocute the man. Instead of maybe annoying the man and making him let go or loosen his grip, they started to laugh.

"Hahaha what! Is that all you have, a light tickle?" the man laughed. Izuku paled at that? Was his electricity really that weak? It had hurt him a lot when that thug used it on him. Well he did have the quirk a lot longer then Izuku did. Izuku did also have iron bones at the time which probably made it feel a lot stronger than what it was.

But Izuku still has more up his sleeve. He reaches his hands up and start clawing at the man's arms. The man yelled in shock at the sudden pain. Izuku felt something cold and wet start to drip down his hands. Looking down, Izuku could see he was right. However, something else started to happen.

Something started to grow out of the man's arms. They were white, but looked dirty. Izuku was still scratching them but it wasn't doing much. He was only carving small lines in them like carving your name into a tree. Izuku tried to process what his quirk was. It was obviously a transformation quirk and it didn't seem like it had hurt the man despite it piercing his skin. So it's something already inside his body. The man's quirk was bones.

"Ah you little shit, cut your nails one in a while," the man cursed but he didn't let Izuku go. If anything his grip tightened as bones now covered his hands and gripped Izuku tightly. Izuku desperately struggled. He was struggling to breathe. He started wailing on the mans arms but it wasn't doing much.

"Hey guys look what I found!" the man suddenly said, his voice only slightly strained from pain but otherwise amused. Izuku opened his eyes and tried to see who the man was talking to, despite the fact he was starting to get black spots in his vision. 

Izuku's eyes widened at what he saw. Izuku saw four more people. One of them was a girl on the ground and bleeding but despite that, she didn't seem to be in any distress. There was a second man there as well and he had his foot on that woman's back.  The man also has the weird attribute of having purple skin in some areas. 

There were two more women in this spot. One had pure white hair that hung to her waist and crimson red eyes like the man that was currently holding him, making Izuku think that those two are related. The second woman however didn't have any discernable features because her hair covered her entire face. The only thing that Izuku could really focus on was that she was incredibly skinny.

"Hah you found a pipsqueak, he'll be fun to mess around with," the woman laughed. Izuku was losing his consciousness. Izuku couldn't breath and every time he tried to loosen the man's grip it only tightened. Izuku had to do something to, anything to try and prevent incredibly pain and potential death.

Their QUIRKS! It hit Izuku like a freight train. He can take the man's quirk. It was the reason the man had yet to let go. But how did he do it again? He grabbed them but Izuku was doing that now and he had yet to steal the man's quirk. He could try somewhere else, not like he has an option.

Izuku pulled himself up as much as he could and used his other hand to try and reach up. He put his hand on his attackers face and gripped it tight. He felt a rush of adrenaline fill him as something entered him. It was something natural but different, flexible yet stiff at the same time as that feeling dropped into Izuku.

Izuku gasped for breath as the man who was holding him slumped to the ground. Izuku held his neck and felt a few more cuts than there were before. Izuku was coughing and wheezing as he desperately tried to bring the air back into his lungs that was deprived from him for too long. Izuku shakily pushed himself up. He was low on energy but still able to move. 

Out of curiosity, Izuku tried activating his new quirk. But immediately upon doing so he felt an immense amount of pain. His iron bones didn't want to comply with what Izuku wanted to do with them. The quirks must be clashing together, making Izuku unable to activate the bone manipulation quirk.

Izuku looked up and all four others were staring at him. The girl who was probably his sister looked furiously. She grabbed something out of her pocket and Izuku's eyes widened when he realised it was a knife.

"What the hell did you do to him brat!" the woman yelled. Izuku wondered if being stabbed in the arm would hurt him with his iron bones, but he wasn't exactly keen on testing the idea. But instead of the woman charging, she cut her own hand. This confused Izuku until fire appeared in her hand. The woman threw the fire at Izuku.

Izuku's eyes widened but he reacted fast enough. Izuku turned into a lightning bolt and zoomed backwards. Izuku hit the wall and reverted back. Izuku stared at the girl who looked even angrier that he had avoided the attack. The woman raised her hand that was covered in blood. Izuku watched as blood watched as her blood quickly formed into a gun.

She must have a creation type quirk where she can make multiple things from her blood. Including that gun. She pointed it at Izuku. 

Izuku should really run away, turn into a lightning bolt and escape from this whole situation. But the girl on the ground Izuku couldn't ignore. Despite the fact she didn't have any emotion, she was obviously being attacked until Izuku got there. So Izuku starred down the barrel of the gun and turned into electricity again.

She shot the bullet but it obviously missed Izuku. Izuku then appeared again but this time, he was in the air. Izuku kneed the girl directly in the face. She gasped in shock before quickly falling to the floor unconscious. Izuku quickly went up to her and grabbed her face. He felt a weird goop type feeling go into his body. But there wasn't exact feeling, like it was constantly changing.

Izuku stood up and looked at the two thugs. The man with purple patches of skin then came up to Izuku. His hands that had purple skin turned into purple tentacles and stretched out to attack Izuku. The tentacles grabbed Izuku's hands and grabbed his neck. Izuku started to choke again, except this time was a lot stronger.

Izuku felt like his head was about to pop off. Izuku couldn't try and loosen it as the tentacles also held his hands. Izuku tried to think of more ways to save himself as his weak shocking power wasn't doing anything. 

He had just received a new quirk, one that has the ability to change what their blood is. Izuku knows he has a lot of blood all over him. He has some on his hands and face. The woman had turned her blood into fire, Izuku believes that would be a good idea in this situation.

Without wasting any more time, Izuku lit his hands ablaze. The tentacles immediately recoiled and Izuku grabbed the one around his neck. That tentacle let go as well giving Izuku air once more. Izuku ducked down and jumped back. The man didn't look fazed despite his tentacles being badly burned. Izuku quickly turned into electricity and rushed at the man.

The man's eyes widened and he turned his tentacles back into his hands. He brought them up and in front of his face to protect himself. Izuku slammed into him with full force, making the guy stumble back. Thanks to Izuku's electricity, the shock made the guy pull his arms away. Izuku saw his opening and reached forward. He grabbed the man's face and activated his quirk.

Izuku watched as the purple skin of the man slowly disappeared and watched as his hand turned from a pale peach to a deep purple. The feeling Izuku had gotten from taking the quirk was slimy and wet but also brought a numb sensation along with it. Izuku then faced the last thug.

Izuku immediately jumped back from fright. He could finally see the girls face. Her eyes were purple but that was the least interesting part about her. Piercings and tattoo's covered her face. She was currently gnarring her teeth and sprinting at Izuku. Her hair was flying everywhere and it was moving unnaturally, telling Izuku that she was manipulating it. 

Izuku rubbed two fingers on his face, wiping the blood that was on it to his fingers before flinging it at the girl. The blood then flared into fire and the girl screamed. Parts of her hair caught on fire and she quickly tried to put it out. Izuku rushed towards her and put his hand on her face.

The girl screamed before passing out from the pain. The feeling Izuku got from the quirk was tangled and brittle, making Izuku believe the girl did have a hair manipulation quirk. 

Izuku then heard someone getting up from the ground. Izuku turned around and watched the last girl backing away. She wasn't shaking or looking at Izuku scared but her actions reflect that she was scared. Izuku was confused but decided to try and talk to her.

"Hey are you okay?" Izuku asks her. The girl stops and tilts her head.

"Are you going to hurt me?" she asks with a monotone voice. Izuku quickly realises why she was uncomfortable. Izuku had just beaten up four thugs that did have strong quirks. They were all just attacking her before he showed up and did incapacitate them all by just touching their head. Izuku quickly shook his head and straightened himself up.

"No, no, no! I-I was j-just attacked and th-then I saw you getting attacked s-so I thought I'd help," Izuku stuttered slightly as he shook his hands in front of his face, trying to show the girl that he wasn't a threat. The girl nodded, she then started to look around. She was looking at all of the people Izuku had just knocked unconscious. Izuku started to shift to side uncomfortable. The fact that she had zero emotion on her face concerned and frightened Izuku a bit. She then pointed at the second man, the one that had purple skin but now Izuku has it and looked back up at Izuku.

"How do you have his quirk now?" she asks. Izuku freezes slightly and looks away. Is he going to admit he stole someone's quirk to a stranger? She wasn't giving any signs of emotions at all. Izuku wasn't really comfortable with sharing the fact that he can steal quirks? People didn't exactly react nicely when he didn't have a quirk, they definitely wouldn't react better if he had the ability to take quirks from others.

So he shouldn't be taking quirks from others? Izuku knows the hardships of being quirkless in this day and age. But these people would do the exact thing to others. They use their quirks to cause others pain simply because they are stronger. People like that don't deserve quirks. Izuku will be a better hero than his parents and give people like him a safe place to grow up in.

"I stole it," Izuku answered in a small voice. He wasn't looking at the girl, to afraid of her reaction. 

"For how long?" the girl asked. Izuku chuckled softly and kicked the ground. 

"Until I decide to give it back," Izuku answered. 

"So it's permanent?" the girl asked. Izuku nodded his head.

"Yeah I guess. My quirk allows me to steal and gift quirks how I please, although I'm still new to the process. I have only recently found out I have this quirk," Izuku stated, rubbing the back of his head.

"Wait, you could give me a quirk?" the girl asked. Izuku stopped and blinked. 

"Wait are you quirkless?" Izuku asked now facing her. Izuku has never met a quirkless person near his age before, the only other quirkless people he's met are people who are in their fifties. Maybe this person knows what it's like? Unfortunately the girl shook her head.

"No, I mean kinda? My quirk is emotive deprive. Which means I can't feel anything. It's such an awful quirk and the only good it does is make me immune to pain," the girl said. Izuku's eyes widened. That does sound like an awful quirk, one that Izuku probably would have preferred to be quirkless for instead of possessing it. This girl lost likely has the same. Perhaps he could gift her a quirk?

"Um, I could give you one of their quirks? Do you want a pick?" Izuku asks. The girl nods and points to the girl who had a hair manipulation quirk.

"I've always wanted a quirk like that, it seems so nice," she said. Izuku nodded his head and walked over to her before stopping.

"Um, I've actually never given a quirk to anyone before but I do know taking a quirk hurts. I'm also not sure how quirks work if someone has multiple. I know I'm ok because of my quirks natural buffer," the girl shook her head.

"Take your time, if it takes me passing out to get a quirk that doesn't make me emotionless, I'll take it," the girl said. She then sat down on the ground and crossed her legs. Izuku nodded and then, tried to focus. His quirk allows him to figure out the abilities of other quirks he's taken, so can he figure out his quirk?  

Izuku paused and opened out his palm. The girl eyes widened as lights appeared in Izuku's hand. A dark grey light with swirls of black going around it. Six lights appeared in the dark light Izuku was forming in his hand.

Izuku could feel all of the quirks. Metal Bones, Bolt, Bone Mutate, Hemomorphy, Tentacles, Hair Grow. Izuku can feel the connections between two of his quirks but he'll get back to that later. Izuku dives into his quirk. 

Izuku sees code, unwritten code. A lot of it. But Izuku has a limit, and it looks like he is already at it. But Izuku looks deeper into it. Deeper into his quirk. Izuku then finds something. Consent. If the other person consents, they can take and give a quirk with no pain and Izuku doesn't need to grab their face. No harm will be done. 

Actually, Izuku could take the girls quirk with no consequences. Currently his bone mutate quirk is out as he has hit his limit with how many quirks he can have at once. So if he took the girls quirk, it wouldn't have any effect on Izuku.

With that question sorted, Izuku then goes to the hair grow quirk and takes a look. It's a simple hair manipulation quirk that doesn't do much more than other hair manipulation quirks. But then Izuku notices a quick detail. Izuku can rapidly increase the change of his hair colour, making it turn grey faster than it normally would.

Well these guys will probably go to the police so Izuku will need to alter his hair. The girl on the ground becomes shocked when Izuku's hair turns white and becomes slightly longer. The light in Izuku's hands then disappears and he opens his eyes again.

"You can change your hair colour?" the girl asks. Izuku shrugs.

"Kind of, only white as I made it essentially older faster," Izuku answered. The girl nodded. Izuku took a step towards her and held out his hand.

"Give me your hand, I can give you a new quirk and take your old one away," Izuku said. 

"Wait, you want me quirk?" the girl asked, seemingly confused. Izuku shook his head and smiled.

"I've hit my limit on my quirk so it won't be activated for a while," Izuku said. The girl nodded and raised her hand. Izuku grabbed her hand and shot out the hair grow quirk into her body. Before Izuku let go however, he felt her quirks start to attack each other, not liking the idea of having two completely different quirks in her system. Izuku quickly took her emotive deprive quirk and immediately felt it lock. 

Izuku let go of her hand and looked at her. She had her eyes wide open. She had a bit of her hair in her hand and made it grow. Izuku watched for the first time her face showing emotion. Her eyes had widen in excitement and tears were bringing on her eyes. She looked up to Izuku and quickly stood up.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" the girl said and squeezed Izuku in a hug. The girl was a lot taller than Izuku and his head went immediately into her breast, not that the girl noticed Izuku's embarrassment.

After that Izuku and the girl talked. He found the girls name was Himaki Gotsu and she was 18 and had suffered bullying her entire life because of her quirk. These were the main bullies with the two boys being the older brother of both the other girls. Himaki worked at a cafe nearby and since Izuku didn't have a phone to contact her, he could go there whenever he wanted to talk.

After they tied the four up, Himaki called the police and Izuku quickly left as you know. Izuku Yagi, wanted. Izuku was making his way home with a new jacket he scabbed from the girl who had hair grow. She was the same height as Izuku so her jacket fit.

While Izuku was walking, he started looking deeper into his quirks trying to learn more about his new quirks. Like tentacles. The purple patches on his skin can make Izuku create tentacles. He can only make two tentacles at a time without causing strain on his body. Izuku can also make tentacles form on flat surfaces except Izuku will only be able to keep them active for a very short period of time. 

Hemomorphy grants Izuku to change their blood to whatever he wants. Fire, metal, acid, light and plenty more. However Izuku needs to be injured to utilise their quirk so it won't be something Izuku will use to often with a support item to help. 

Lastly was bone mutate. Very simple, Izuku can manipulate their bones however they wish and drinking milk keeps them healthy and strong. However the quirk seems to have problems with his already established metal bones quirk. The two different quirks clash making Izuku unable use that quirk. However Izuku had felt a connection two those two quirks.

The reason why as Izuku found out he can fuse his quirks. Izuku had opened his palms and two lights glowed in his palm. Izuku pushed them together and a new quirk was formed. Heavy Skeleton. Izuku can manipulate his bones however he wants and they are still metal.

Izuku makes it home with a bright smile on his face. Although he did have a concussion and he'll have to fix that but right now. Izuku is going to test out his new quirks.

Aizawa and Naomasa sat in Naomasa's office. The Yagi's had both recently left and Aizawa had left to get a coffee. Naomasa can tell that the man is furious and if it wasn't for Izuku being an innocent child, he would have ignored the case.

"So just because those two a top ten heroes, they get off with no prison sentence?" Aizawa asks with seething anger. Naomasa asked and nods his head.

"It will cause a lot of uproar and chaos of All-Might was arrested," Naomasa said making Aizawa scoffed.

"So we have no clue on how to find this kid because his parents have forgotten him for nine years," Aizawa said angrily. Naomasa shakes his head. 

"Not quite. Izuku has future hero analyses booklets so we can look at those to look at the boys thought process. And this," Naomasa said. Aizawa raised an eyebrow as Naomasa bends down underneath his desk. He then comes back and puts something on the table.

"These are pain killers. Powerful ones, you can only be administered these at hospitals. So perhaps we can find out who gave him these," Naomasa said. Aizawa didn't say anything. He leaned forward and grabbed the pain killers. He read over the label before pocketing it.

"I know someone who can gives these out, I suggest we pay them a visit" Aizawa answered. Naomasa nods and writes that down. As he was doing that however, he receives a phone call. Naomasa raises an eyebrow and picks the phone up and puts it to his ear. 

"Hello, Tsukauchi speaking," Naomasa says.

"Hello Tsukauchi it's Tsuragamae. Four more people have been found without quirks," he answers. Naomasa groans and bangs his head on the table.

Izuku's Quirks.

Underline = Combine. 

Metal Bones, Bolt, Heavy Skeleton, Hemomorphy, Tentacles

Not active

Emotive Deprive.

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