An Adventure of a Lifetime

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Follow Ash and his Pokémon as he and Serena begin a new adventure together after his victory in the Alola Lea... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

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The grass felt amazingly soft as Ash, Serena and MewTwo sat on a hillside overlooking Prism Tower. They had left the stadium and gone out of Lumios City to have the privacy that they needed.

Serena was doing better now. Her tears had dried up as they walked but Ash had refused to put her down, much like in Vaniville when he carried her home after the first run in with Calem.

At the present time, Serena was watching a proper reunion between Ash and the legendary Pokémon MewTwo. She was remembering what MewTwo had said to Ash during the battle. She had been awestruck at how much respect and love had been in the words of the Pokémon. It just occurred to her that she had been able to hear what MewTwo had said to Ash, when everyone else around them hadn't heard a thing.

Serena looked up and noticed that both Ash and MewTwo were looking at her. "Umm...why are you both looking at me?"

MewTwo looked over to Ash before trying back to Serena. "Has Ash ever told you how we met?"

" he hasn't. He mentioned something about an invite only event but he didn't elaborate to much on it." She said.

MewTwo remembered all to well, as the incident left him feeling sad after all these years. "It was during a time in my life where I was very angry with humans. I had found out that I had been created by humans to be used as a tool. I held a contest while controlling a Nurse Joy to have her act as my voice. During the contest I cloned all the Pokémon and had them battle their original selves even though they didn't didn't want to."

Serena was staring at the Pokémon with amazement, she had never known any of this.

"Ash put himself between the Pokémon, taking their attacks himself to prevent the others from being hurt." MewTwo looked down as he continued. He had tears slowly tricking down his cheeks. "In the process of saving others, Ash was turned to stone. He had been willing to sacrifice himself to save all Pokémon."

Serena was now resting her head against Ash's shoulder, hugging his arm as tears fell unhindered from her eyes at the thought of Ash being killed. "W..what..happened then?" She managed to ask, sniffling a little.

"Pikachu started to cry and his tears started to flow towards Ash's petrified body. As he cried, the rest of Ash's Pokémon started to cry, followed by the Pokémon I had cloned. Their tears were the key to reviving Ash as well as healing the damage done to myself." MewTwo was looking at Ash with something akin to pride as he finished the tale of how he and Ash met.

Ash slowly got up and gave MewTwo a hug, a hug that was returned by the Pokémon.

"You have been a big reason as to why I haven't changed." Ash said.

The Pokémon smiled slightly. "You have been a great source of pride for me and others in the Pokémon world Ash."

Sitting back down on the grass, Ash held Serena closely, her head resting on his shoulder again. It was a feeling that he was wanting to last forever, having Serena close and in his arms. They looked into each other's eyes, forgetting that MewTwo was there with them.

"I am so proud of how far you have come Ash" MewTwo said. He was looking at the young couple with hope and joy but also with a little bit of sorrow. "It does my heart good to see the joy each of you brings the other and how joyous this moment is for you both. However, Ash, we must have an honest talk. You are most likely wondering why I appeared in public and how I found you."

Ash looked up at the Pokémon and nodded. "I will admit that I am curious as to what has propelled you to come out of hiding again. Also, why is it Serena could hear you when you were talking to me in the arena?"

Serena looked at Ash in surprise. She hadn't told him that she had been able to hear what was said during the battle.

"Um...Ash, how did you know that I was able to hear what MewTwo said to you?"

"I could read your feelings..." Ash stated as he looked confused. "I don't...know how to explain it but it was as though I could sense how your feelings changed as mine did. It was as though...I could read your feelings or...I guess the word to use is aura?"

"Aura?" Serena asked. "Like, what Lucario uses for his attacks?"

Ash thought hard for a few moments. "I don't think it's the same but...maybe it's along the same wavelengths? I wish I knew more."

MewTwo sat down against a tree, relaxing and getting comfortable. "I think I can help you figure that out Ash."

Ash and Serena looked at the Pokémon. "You can?!" They both asked at the same time.

"I do believe so. However I do have one question for you before we continue. Have you noticed anything different about yourself or your Pokémon lately?"

Ash looked at Serena. Both knew what was being asked and both knew how to answer the question. They looked back at MewTwo and nodded together.

"Both Serena and I have noticed something different. My Pokémon and I have been doing some special training and they are able to use Aura to increase their power. It''s allot like the Battle Bond that Greninja and I share but I'm not sure if it's the same thing though."

"That is interesting revelation for sure. I can tell you without hesitation that it is the same thing as what Lucario can manipulate." Mewtwo stated. "Ash, Serena, what I am about to tell you is to be kept between ourselves and the Pokémon of your teams. The reason I have come out of hiding is because of the power you have inside you."

"What power?" Serena asked.

"Ash, do you remember learning about Sir Aaron?"

"Mmhm, I do. He was one of my ancestors and was an Aura Guardian. He was a member of the Knights of Rota." Ash said.

"That is accurate. One other thing you should know is that Sir Aaron was also known as the Chosen One, the one who would save the Pokémon world from disaster. There has not been an Aura Guardian to rival his power since, until now." The Pokémon looked at Ash. "You see Ash, you are an Aura Guardian. You have powers that are being unlocked and those powers are what caused me to come looking for you, or more specifically, come looking for the one who was wielding so much power. I could sense the power as I was resting deep in Terminus Cave."

"You have the ability to manipulate the strength of your Pokémon as well as others. You have the power to calm or anger them at will, but most importantly, you will come to be able to understand them better just by reading their Aura." Mewtwo looked at Serena now. "The reason you could hear me is because of your close ties with Ash."

This revelation surprised them both. Serena was taken aback as she didn't know that Ash had such strong feelings for her. She knew he liked her as his actions the last few weeks had shown that, but how strong were they really?

"Your ties to each other are much stronger than you realize, or have acknowledged to yourselves and each other." MewTwo looked at both the young adults and saw the confusion and questioning on their faces. It closed its eyes and nodded as it continued. "Ash, Serena, I will take my leave for the time being, however I will be back as there is more that we must discuss. I will also assist you with learning more about your gifts and Aura if you would allow me to."

Ash looked up at MewTwo with wide eyes for a few moments before smiling and nodding. "I would be honoured my friend. When will you be back?"

"I shall return in time for your next battle tomorrow and if you are ok with it, would like to join you and Pikachu in the trainers box."

"We wouldn't have it any other way. See you tomorrow MewTwo!" Ash said as the Pokémon floated away towards the woods on the outskirts of the city.

Ash looked at Serena who was looking at her feet with her legs drawn up to her chest, hugging them. She was looking concerned about something.

"S...Serena? Are you ok?" Ash asked quietly.

"Huh? Oh...yeah...I guess. I'm just trying to wrap my mind around what MewTwo said before he left, about us." Serena stated quietly. She sounded unsure of some things but Ash wasn't to sure what they could be.

"I know what you mean." He said.

Ash knew what he had to do, he had to finally tell Serena how he felt about her, why he really came to Kalos again. He took some deep breaths and tried to calm his nerves. He knew he could do this.

Ash turned to Serena and reached out to gently take her left hand in his right hand, causing her to raider her head and look at him. Taking another deep breath, Ash closed his eyes and steeled himself for what he was about to do next.

"Serena, there is another reason why I came back to Kalos, another reason other than wanting you to come on a journey with me." He said, looking deeply into her beautiful light blue eyes.

"There is?" She asked as she became lost in his eyes.

"Serena, I came back here to see you. While I was in Alola, I grew allot. Not just physically but emotionally and mentally. While there, I saw what the best example of love is. Living with Kukui and Burnet opened my eyes to what was in front of me the whole time but I was to blind to see it." Ash swallowed as he pondered for a few moments what the best words to use next were.

"When...when we were together on our journey here in Kalos, I didn't see the beautiful and amazing woman you were. I saw the great friend who always had my back. I didn't see that you liked me more than just a friend, all I saw was a friend. It took you kissing me in the airport to start making me realize how blind I had been."

Ash once more paused, seeing how Serena's eyes were starting to well up with tears. He was hoping they were good tears, he didn't want to see her cry because he upset her.

"When I saw you on TV after your win, I felt something like a hand grab my heart and squeeze it, like it skipped a few beats. I felt my breath catch in my chest. If I had known then what I know now, I never would have left you."

Ash took her other hand in his other hand and turned to face her. A lone tear streaked down her right cheek and Ash wiped it away using a finger.

"Serena, what I'm trying to say is that..." here it goes... "Serena, I have found myself looking for the right words to describe my feelings for you and the best and only word I can find is love."

Serena's eyes widened as Ash said the word she never thought to hear from him.

"Serena, I love you. I know that now. I missed your smile and laugh, your positive outlook and how you made me feel like I mattered. You have been my light during some dark times, you have been my rock and my shelter. You have been my everything. I can't think of how I would feel without you in my life. The idea of having not seen you again makes my heart heavy, and idea of losing you is unfathomable. Having you beside me makes me see that life with you is better than without you."

Serena was silent through it all. She was taking in all that Ash was saying, listening not only with her ears, but also with her heart. She had been starting into Ash's eyes the whole time, seeing the passion and truth as he spoke.

"Serena, I know this must be allot to handle and wrap your mind around. I will understand if I missed my chance with you and if you don't feel the same way. I'm sorry if I have upse..."

Ash was interrupted by the feeling of soft lips on his as Serena leaned in and kissed him gently. Her hands squeezed his as they kissed, using his muscles to keep her from falling over as she was on her knees in front of him leaning forward.

Their kiss was gentle but full of meaning, and as they broke it both felt disappointment that it was over but Serena knew that now it was her time to talk.

"Ash..." she said a little breathlessly. "Ash, how could you think I wouldn't be interested in you anymore? Every hug you give me sends my stomach into flight like a hundred Butterfree are in it. Every moment you have carried me, sat close to me...the only thing that has changed is my feelings for you are stronger than before. Seeing the man you have polite and respectful, mature and intelligent...seeing you protect's all made my feelings for you stronger."

Ash stared at her with wide eyes. "They are? I feel like such a fool...Serena I'm..."

"Don't you dare say I'm sorry! There is nothing to be sorry for Ash. Maybe we weren't supposed to figure out our feelings until because neither of us were ready, or because Arcus knew we needed to grow up a bit more. What I do know though Ash, is that like you, the only word I can think properly conveys my feelings is love. Ash, I love you. Always have since you first helped me when I hurt my knee at Professor Oak's summer camp. You were always there for me when we travelled together as well, always cheering me up and supporting me in the showcases. You were my biggest supporter. The only time I can think that I thought that I had lost you was after your first gym battle in Snowbell when you ran off into the woods."

Serena leaned into Ash now, holding him close as she sat again on the grass, her head pressed against his chest.

"I thought I had lost the amazing boy who was always so cheerful and full of love of life. Then you snapped out of it and came back stronger, so did my feelings for you. I watched every battle of yours in the Alola League, wishing I could be there to hug you after every victory, but now I can. Now we are once again together and I never want to let you go."

Ash held Serena gently, his arms wrapped around her in a protective but loving way. He didn't want to let go but knew they would have to head back to the city some time. He also knew he wanted to make them official.

"Hey Serena."

"Yeah Ash?"

"Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow night? Just us, on our first official date. I want it to be special."

Serena looked up at him and smiled. "I would love that."

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