Once a Dare leads to Love (BO...

By Chocolatey__Queen

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It all started with a dare. A stupid, damn dare! Challenged to slap a stranger, Skylee Kingston wasn't the on... More

|01 |Begining|
|02|Unknown Mysterious Beauty|
|03|Another Sleepless Night|
|04|New School|
|05|School or Trouble?|
|06|First Detention|
|07|Salty Chocolate|
|08|Sick Prank Of Cactus|
|09|I'm innocent|
|10|Isn't it Suspicious? (I)|
|11|Isnt It Suspicious (II)|
|12|A True Brother|
|13|A Devil's Deal Of Mine|
|14|Night Adventure|
|15|Strange Night|
|16|Last Warning (I)|
|17|Last Warning (II)|
|18|My First Friend|
|19|My screwed Friends|
|20|Still Love The Betrayer|
|22|Unwanted Vacation|
|23|Code Red|
|24|Stange Feelings|
|26|Why Always Her?|
|27|Pissed Off|
|28|Stupid Cactus|
|29|Saving Zack|
|30|Addicting Smile|
|31|Do I Really Love Her?|
|32|A Crush Of Mine|
|33|A Terrible Fight|
|34|Uninvited Feelings|
|35|A Talk Of Heart|
|36|Helen Outburst|
|37|NGO Tour|
|38|Smiles And Apologies (I)|
|39|Smiles and Apologies (II)|
|40|Masquerade Party|
|41|Perfect Yet Imperfect|
|42|Not So Drunk|
|43|So Stubborn|
|44|Way Too Straightforward|
|45|Bad Day|
|46|Çay Ve Menemen|
|47|Change Of Events|
|48|Sweet Moments|
|50|The Ferris Wheel and Promises|
|51|Neglecting Everything For Him|
|52|Officially Official|
|54|A Advice|
|55|A Mess (I)|
|56|A Mess (II)|
|57|Past Dreading Pictures|
|58|Days Like Years|
|60|Way Back|
|61|Frustrated And Compelled|
|62|Days Like Synx|
|63|I Love You|
|64|Truth And Dare|
|67|Almost Lost|
|68|A Flying Moment (I)|
|69|A Flying Moment (II)|
|70|Please Don't Leave Me|
|71|No Hope (I)|
|72|No Hope (II)|


52 6 0
By Chocolatey__Queen

Skylee P.O.V

I almost facepalmed. Out of all the people in this forest, he had to come out of that damn bus first. As I said, my luck always ran away whenever I play this game.

I'm not playing this game ever again!

"He seems familiar." Helen almost whispered.

"Oh! He's Burak Kingston!" Zack exclaimed, looking between me and him.

"The infamous Kingston boy is here." Owen mocked, narrowing his eyes at Burak.

It was official now. Owen Garnett had strong issues with Kingston.

"It's a hell of an opportunity girl, go on. He's a guy who doesn't have any flings." Helen ushered me in his direction.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She had been stalking my brother?

"Goodie two shoes." Owen rolled his eyes.

However, where Eric was throwing daggers at him, Zack was barely controlling his laugh. He was my cousin for God's sake, more like a brother. It would be so awkward if I proposed to him.

"Go..." Rosalyn literally pushed me forward.

I stumbled but caught my balance but it also caught Burak's attention. Right then, Clara came out of the bus followed by four more people.


She looked confused and surprised. And I thought to add more to it. I confidently walked forward to them and held the flower towards Burak. Clara's presence just gave me a confidence boost as to why I should do this dare. I smirked evilly at her while she narrowed her eyes at me confusedly. Then I looked at Burak who was looking at the flower.

Let's have some fun!

"Burak Kingston, I love you. Will you marry me?" I flashed him a big smile.

Whereas I heard Eric grunt, Zack burst out in laughter, Helen gasped and my dear cousin Clara had her jaw kissing the ground. On the contrary, Burak raised his brows and took off his mirrors. He looked at me then behind me and grinned, showing off his white teeth.

"It'll be my honor, milady!" He took the flower and bowed dramatically, taking one hand behind and the flower one near his heart. Then he came near and bent his face to my ear level.

"You really want to have a ghost party in hell, right sister?" He whispered.

"Aptal." I laughed at this as he stepped away.

"Salak!" I heard Clara hissed. "What are you doing here, Barbie doll? Stalking me?"

"It seems like you have been missing me, Baby girl," I smirked at her.

"What are you doing here, Skylee?" She glared at me. She looked deadly serious. I hit a nerve after all.

"Proposing him. You have a problem with that?" I tilted my head.

"You wish." She flickered her dyed caramel blonde hair. Her blue eyes were hidden behind hazel lenses. She had worn black pants with a black crop top under a pink open-front cardigan. I never understand why she liked to use lenses and color her hair in different colors. But it suited her though.

"That's enough, Skylee. Your dare is done." Eric gritted out. If looks could kill my dear brother would have been six feet under this tropical land.

"Aww, my poor heart. It was a dare." And my brother seriously had a death wish. That idiot knew everything about Eric and all of them. I told him during my stay at the farmhouse.

Clara laughed as she said, "You seem obsessed with this game."

"You think so." I stepped towards her.

"I believe so." She stepped forward.

We ended up standing face-to-face. I looked at her with a blank look and she showed her blank face. Who would believe these two girls that were sounding like rivals used to be the best friends once?

But the feeling that someone was watching again came. I ran my eyes in all directions but... There was nothing odd or suspicious. This was nerve-wracking. I didn't like feeling this way. It was scary. I looked back at Clara.

"Saldırıya uğradığını duydum. Şimdi nasılsın?" She whispered in Turkish. Her face didn't have any concern but I knew better. 

(I heard you were attacked. How are you now?)

"Benim için endişelenmene gerek yok. Kendin için endişelen, sweetheart." I knew no one would understand a word besides Burak. Still, I said at a speed only Turkish people could catch.

(You don't have to worry about me. Worry for yourself, sweetheart.)

"Sadece söylüyorum, burası kurtlarla dolu olabilir. kim bilir ne zaman saldırır. Farkında ve dikkatli olun." That was the closest thing Clara could say as a worrying warning.

(I'm just saying, this place could be full of wolves. Who knows when they attack. Be aware and careful.)

"Aynı gemideyiz. Kurtlar da peşinden gelebilir, baby girl. Dikkatli olun." I smirked.

(We are on the same boat, baby girl. The wolves can also come after you. Be aware and careful.)

She stepped backward. I could feel the curious gazes of our teams on us. Whispers were echoing too. Since I and Clara continued to stare at each other. We created a scene for nothing. 

"Ted konuşman bitti mi?" Burak shook his head. "Two words: Grown-up now!" Then he looked behind me and tilted his head a little. Something shone in his emerald eyes. He walked past me towards Helen.

(Are you done with your ted talk?)

"What's your name, beautiful?" He asked with his charismatic grin.

"Helen." Her face gave away nothing but blankness as she said.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl." And he tucked the flower over her right ear. I raised my brows at his behavior. This guy literally never tried to flirt with anyone before.

Helen seemed to stop breathing as she looked at him confused and flushed, light crimson color tinted her cheeks. While Burak looked at her with a look I had never seen in his eyes before.

I just watched the scene unfold with an amused smile.

"Let's go, honey. We need to discuss few things with the faculty staff." Clara said to Burak, clearly irritated with her eyes narrowed at Helen who didn't seem to notice that. I glared at her and she glared back.

"Coming right away, Ma'am," Burak said, walking back towards Clara. Not before giving one last glance at Helen.

"By the way, it's a team competition. You don't make friends. No friends. No bonding and no winning. Why are you here?" Clara raised her brows with an amused smirk. I rolled my eyes but before I could reply, Rosalyn speak up,

"She's our friend, honey. Be careful next time when you address her. I might not know that foreign language but my English is very fluent."

Clara snicked at her words, "I'll keep that in mind, Miss Fluent English." And she freaking used her British accent. Rosalyn just narrowed her eyes and glared, hard. All in all, it wouldn't be a lie to say I was enjoying it.

I silently gasped when Eric wrapped his arm over my shoulder and stood next to me. I looked at him confused as he narrowed his eyes at them.

"What happened earlier was part of a game. Don't misunderstand anything." His voice had a warning in it. I couldn't help but smile. My heart did a thud-thud at his warmth.

When I looked back, Burak had a grin plastered over his face while Clara looked amused.

"It's all set buddy. Chill." He winked at me before they walked away. As soon as their team was ear-distance away, I was bombarded with questions by Eric.

"You know them?" He narrowed his eyes at me, "He seemed quite comfortable with you, no? Even you seem to like his joke way too much. You laughed wholeheartedly at whatever he whispered in your ear. Tell me am I wrong?" He practically emphasized each and every word.

Should I get angry or feel giddy? He was so damn angry and jealous right now!

"That girl freaking use an accent! Gosh, I want to strangle her! But her accent is so good." Rosalyn huffed, running a hand through her locks.

"What just happened?" Helen whispered, totally confusedly.

"He flirted with you," Rosalyn answered her.

While Eric again turned me towards him. "What you talk about in Turkish? It was Turkish, right?" It seemed like he was the only one who had questions to ask.

"Answer me. It's frustrating!" He gritted. He looked beyond irritated when he glared at me. I felt like he was barely holding himself from killing someone or yelling at me. I felt guilty for all of this. But I just didn't know how to explain this. I was at a point in my life where I was literally not sure what to do or what to not. It was like go with the wind but even the wind seemed like a storm forming a tornado.

I was still having an internal battle when I again felt someone gaze on me.

I looked behind me but nothing. That just got me so alarmed. Something just didn't feel right. Then it hit me, of course, the letter...

"He looks familiar. His physics..." Owen said, catching everyone's attention. He was silent until now. God save me, it wasn't a good sign that now he was speaking in that thoughtful tune. "He was the one who dropped you home and kissed you!" He exclaimed loudly. A few people turned to stare at us.

'Right. Go with the tornado!' I internally said to myself. He had to mention that kiss.

I looked at Eric whose eyes widened as he looked towards him then back at me. "He was the one." It was a statement. His face had a look... It was like I betrayed him. Like he caught me cheating on him.

"Eric..." I tried to say something when he took a step away from me.

"You spent the week with him? How do you know a Kingston?" It was Helen this time.

The only silent person was Zack and I looked at him, silently asking for help. He narrowed his eyes and nodded.

"The bus." He said.

"The bus?" Rosalyn asked.

"Yes, they are from STG High, the Los Angelos branch. Skylee's old school. Of course, she knows them." Zack said, taking their attention towards the bus school logo.

"She doesn't have friends back then. Neither doesn't it explain why he dropped her at our house back then? You want to say something?" It was Eric again.

My heart did a flip at the look in his eyes. He was doubting me. I should be clearing them. But it felt right to leave them unexplained. We had gone quite close in few hours. And with the feeling of someone watching me along with the recent letter from Baba... If it really was the warning then I need to maintain my distance.

"I have nothing to say." My tone was clipped.

"You have nothing to say?" Hurt and remorse flash through his eyes. "How do you know him?"

"That's none of your concern." With this, I walked away. I heard the gasps and could feel the disappointment in the air. My heart became heavy with each step but it had more to handle.

I walked towards Burak.

"Beni takip et Burak." I said as I walked past him to aside.

(Follow me, Burak!)

He came right behind me. "What happened?"

"This place is not safe." I whispered in a low voice, "I'm having this weird feeling like someone is watching me."

"There must be Kingston guards in disguised. They won't leave the future of the clan unguarded." Burak said, looking around.

"No, I have a theory."

He looked back at me. "Okay, then it might be serious. Your theories somehow always prove right."

I rose my eyebrow. "Thank you?"

He cleared his throat. "Okay, sorry. I was trying to lighten the mood. You look scary in this 'void of emotion' face." He air quoted 'void of emotion'.

"Does Clara know about Adolfo?" I asked, ignoring his statement. "She mentioned the attack."

"She only knows about the attack. Nothing about Adolfo being the reason for her father's death and this revenge plan." He gave a quick glance in Clara's direction. She was busy with the rest of her group.

"You read the letter given by Baba along with the locket?" I asked. He shook his head.

"It had birthday greeting and apology for not being able to celebrate my birthday but there was that last sentence. 'I believe you and I want you both to believe us. We will catch Patrizio Adolfo soon. We want and hope you will cooperate. Don't act on impulse and just believe us'." I looked at him for a response.

"You think so?"

I knew he got that too. With puzzled and shocked eyes, he did an eye check on the whole area.

"I can't believe this. Did they really?" He ran a hand over his face exasperatedly.

"Apparently, we are sheep, waiting for the wolf, and then there are hunters waiting for the wolf, and I believe the wolf is already here, waiting for his chance. Fun fact, we all know what we are waiting for."

"This is insane." His wide emerald eyes landed on me.

"Indeed." My cynical emerald one locked with his.


Aptal: Stupid

Salak: Idiot

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