Unrequited Love [Jason Todd x...

By Yam_0403

46.4K 1.5K 333

Love may seem like a really complicated term depending on the person who seeks it. It can be pretty like a sc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
》Check Outγ€Š
》Sequel is outγ€Š


1.6K 50 18
By Yam_0403

*Spoilers to Batman (1940) #657*

1 year later...

"Hey pretty lady!~" A man with a gold tooth called out to a woman who wore her crimson hair in a bun as she cleaned the wine bottles.

She rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what these men were here for. To ask for women. Some men would come to this bar thinking they could 'rent' women who work here. It was stupid.

She turned to meet him and his other guys, "What? What do you want?" She asked in annoyance.

"Your eyes... they have a pretty color. They suit you" the guy started to flirt as he pointed to her green irises.

"I know. That's why you don't have them. Now answer my question"

He held back his frown and one of his other friends responded, "We'd like to speak with your boss"

She furrowed her brows for a few seconds before faking a smile, "Okay. Just wait here" As she left inside the staff room, the men eyed her down with her black and white bartender suit.

They exchanged whispers about her, beginning to tick off the stranger beside them.

Seconds later, she came back with another lady in a dishwasher outfit. The men bursted out in laughter,

"That's a good joke, my lady, but my boys and I are being serious here"

The two girls exchanged deadpanned glances. The female dishwasher took off her black apron, revealing the professional white suit she had on, "I'm only saying this once. I am the owner of this bar" she placed her hands on the counter.

The guy started to get upset and shifted his gaze to the bartender, "Where is your boss?"

She sighed and whispered to her best friend, "Sorry (Y/N) for wasting your time"

"Don't worry about it, Lina. He's here anyways" she whispered back.

"You're ignoring me now?! I'm asking a simple reque-"

"Gosh... can't you keep it down?" Another voice chimed in, coming from the man next to them who took another sip and finished their beer. He wore combat armor with a red bat-symbol ingraved in his chest.

The man grabbed him by the collar of his leather brown jacket, "Wanna say that again, you cheap punk?"

"Want more?" Lina asked Jason who was being held in mid-air.

"Yeah, get me another glass"

(Y/N) watched as her boyfriend was being carried outside. She already knew what the results would be and tried to hide her proud smile. They've been dating for a while now. He promised her he'd earn her love again, and she's slowly been opening up. 

After a few minutes, Lina decided to check up on the guys as (Y/N) began to put on her coat. Lina saw the douchebags on the floor with bruises on their faces, while Jason calmly brushed off his jacket.

She grabbed the guy who wore a gold tooth by the hair, "Disrespect my boss again and this guy and I are after your nape. This includes your Thing 1 and Thing 2"

Through their grunts of pain, they looked at her with fear. As soon as she let go of his hair, they moved hastily to get out of the alley.

"Nice" Jason commented.

Lina smirked. A few seconds later (Y/N) came out the door with a glass on her hand.

"There's your drink, by the way" Lina stated. "I'll leave you two alone, byee" she closed the door after walking inside.

As the co-owner of the bar, she had to watch over the place when (Y/N) wasn't there. The workers there respected her like the owner as well. Both of them decided to open a bar, and whne Jason was asked, he wasn't interested so he didn't join them. And he also needed to focus on 'helping' Black Mask which in reality, he was just playing him.

"Take your drink and let's go" (Y/N) handed him the drink in a relaxed way. He nodded and gulped the whole thing, leaving an empty glass.

In a swift move, he pinned her against the wall. She felt his body suddenly pressed against hers, wondering what was happening. She was incapable of getting a word out, like she was in a trance watching him lean closer and closer, his lips touching hers.

She hated the fact that he was a good kisser. He's never failed to pleasure her, but the taste of alcohol or even the smell, was always disrupting. (Y/N) spoke when they managed to break apart for air,

"Are you okay? We're in public you crazy idiot!" she whisper-yelled.

"I'm your idiot"

"Jay, we can do this at home, and besides... you know I hate the smell and worst the taste of alcohol"

"But you own a bar" he placed his forehead against hers. His cold hair strands touching her head. She knew he was drunk, and there was nothing she could do except bear with it.

"Did you forget that I work undercover as a dishwasher? That way, I don't smell it"

He cupped her face, "Right, sorry..."


Both of them turned to see Lina opening the door with a deadpanned expression.

"You guys do remember there's cameras here, right?"

• ° • • ° •

After spending time with Jason at home- to take a cold shower and sober up with food, he had to return to Black Mask. (Y/N) remembers the time Jason told her that Black Mask was infuriated because he couldn't find the person known as (Y/A/N). She lost contact with him after there was no need to continue working for him. Luckily for her, he stopped searching after he found Red Hood as his potential successor.

Now that Jason had to go, she decided to spend time with Tim. She promised him she'd see him back after he returned from the mountains.

With her car, she drove to the manor and when she arrived, no one opened the gates. Confused– as it has never happened before, she got out to speak to the com where Alfred was supposed to answer, "Alfred?"

... but he didn't reply.

She even tried calling his phone yet still receiving no response from him. From the pocket of her jeans, she took out the new improved 'The Hindrance' device.

Marco Thorne— a guy Val recruited a year ago— was able to design a new model of Val's invention, keeping the same look of a smoke bomb. This time, you're able to turn it on and turn it off with just one word: "Hindrance," using it's voice recognition feature.

She used it to block off the few traps Bruce created to protect the manor. She said the word to turn the device on, climp over the gates, and said it again to turn it off and take it back.

There were spare keys hidden under the dirt where the bushes were planted which she used to open the entrance doors.

"You can use this spare in case you ever need it. Just look for them here, though I don't think it'll ever be a problem for you to go inside" Alfred told her.

But now, he was nowhere to be seen.



"Bruce??! Tim!!"

She kept calling and calling, upstairs and downstairs. Bruce nor Tim were found to be home. It was silent and empty. After walking around the manor, it occurred to her that they might've been in the Batcave the entire time.

'I'm stupid' she almost wanted to facepalm.

She pressed the specific piano keys to move the grandfather clock and show the entrance to the Batcave. The cave was cold as usual. She walked down the stairs, but there was something weird about the quietness of the place.

In an instant, her eyes caught a glimpse of Tim in his Robin costume on the ground with glass all over the floor under him.

"Shit!" She yelled as she ran over there, trying to figure out if he was okay or not. Guessing by how he landed, she knew he fell from above.

"And who are you?" A small voice said. When she looked up, she saw a boy standing on the head of one of Batman's trophies.

She moved Tim away from the glass carefully, trying not to put pressure into his cuts. She spoke to the kid on the T-Rex, "I think that should be my question"

"I asked who are you?" The green-eyed boy asked again, shooting daggers at her with his scowl. He began to fix his dark gauntlets as he waited for a response.

"Don't... don't fight... him" Tim grabbed her wrist with the strength he had left. "He... did something... to Alfred..."

She furrowed her brows, completely ignoring Tim's instructions. With a glare she switched her eyes back to the boy who wore a white and black suit as he stood with his back straight as if trying to intimidate her.

"I'll answer your question. I'm someone who doesn't speak to strangers, especially kids"

He face scrunched up, "Don't call me that.... Let me guess, are you another kid my father pittied on and adopted?"

(Y/N) chuckled, though she was focused on the fact that he said 'my father. '

"No. Are you?" She questioned him, going to the second level of the Batcave where she could see him much clearer.

"I'm his son. His blood son"

From her perspective, she could see the resemblance, but she didn't completely buy it. "Yeah, and I'm his sister." With the batarangs she took from Tim's body, she threw them at the boy, but he dodged the strikes everytime.

He was skilled. He jumped over to where she was and quickly took his chance to attack her. If he didn't have those brass knuckles with spikes on, it wouldn't have been a problem. She tried her best to grab a hold of his arm, somersault over him, and bring him backwards and down to the floor.

That was the plan, however, he was fast enough to regain his stance and bring her down by her legs. He kicked her in the face, which made her regret not bringing her suit.

"You're not funny" he said as he straddled her from behind with his hand holding her face tightly.

"Wasn't trying to be" she elbowed his leg, loosening his grip on her and allowing herself to flip to the side, getting him off of her.

"Is that hand gear the only weapon you're good at using?" She questioned, annoyed by the fact that he equipped those.

"No. I was taught how to use many weapons. I'm the weapon you should be concerned about"

'Talk about self-pride' she thought.

He charged at her again, but this time he landed a punch on her face, leaving 3 deep scratch marks on her cheek, as she fell to the floor.

The fight wasn't over though. He kicked her stomach not once but three times with no sense of guilt. It was to make sure she doesn't get up. She tried to bear with the pain in her body, from her face to her waist. At this rate, she accepted the fact that she wouldn't even be able to stand up to run away.

"(Y/N) (L/N)" he mentioned her name as he stared at the ID card in her wallet. "That's all you had to say"

"Whatever..." she dryly remarked. "Now who are you?"

"Damian Wayne Al Ghul. Heir of the League of Assassins"

She was in complete disbelief. It was unbelievable that Bruce was the father of this kid.

"I see... by the way..." she turned around to face the ceiling of the cave, "I'm no one special... to him... sorry to waste your time... heir"

She wasn't going to tell him about Jason and her when she still hasn't confirmed whether what the boy was saying was true or not. Plus, she didn't have any strenght left to talk any longer, her eyes could no longer stay open.

• ° • • ° •

When her eyes started opening again, she found herself still in the Batcave, on a bed, with Alfred and Tim next to her. Alfred was wearing scrubs and aiding Tim with his injuries.

As she tried opening her mouth, her cheek was numb yet stung. She recalled what happened while touching the white adhesive pad on her face.

"Slept well, Miss (Y/N)?" Alfred noticed she was awake.

"Yeah, never slept better with a bleeding cheek. How are you so calm about this? What did he do to you?"

"Your injury should be good in a few days, and well, I was locked up. It was nothing"

(Y/N) clenched her hand, "It was nothing, you say" she softly scoffed. "Where's Bruce? And that brat"

"They've gone outside. Patrol probably" he replied, keeping his attention on Tim.

'Even after what happened? Really Bruce?' She internally sighed.



"... is that kid really his blood son?"

For a moment he was quiet, deciding whether or not to open his mouth. He was told not to say anything, but she made that hard to follow.

"Miss (Y/N), I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't answer that question"

She pursed her lips, knowing that it was not worth making things hard for Alfred who was only being loyal to Bruce. "Fine. But if that kid really is his son, I don't see myself coming back here"

"The young boy needs guidance, which is the reason why Master Bruce accepted to bring him here"

"Tch, did you forget that this 'young boy' locked you up, hit me in the face, and almost murdered Tim?!"

"He's a kid with no childhood. We have to endure with it for a while"

"You're too kind Alfred"

"That's only because it's not up to me to decided whether he stays or not"

• ° • • ° •

(Y/N) closed the door behind her, entering the house she and Jason recently began sharing. Lina found it easier for the couple to live seperately from her because evry now and then, Jason would come in as if it was his own.

"Princess-" the voice paused and Jason frowned as soon as he noticed her face, "Mind telling me who the hell did that to you?" He placed his hand on the cheek she was injured in.

(Y/N) rose her eyebrows, with no sounds coming out of her mouth. She tried to think of something to say– anything, but nothing really came to mind.

"Tell me" He looked into her eyes.

She took a deep breath in and out, "I sort of... encountered a... demon?"

His stern expression did not change, "A demon, really?"

"Okay well not exactly, you see... Bruce has another kid. His blood son apparently"

Stunned to hear the news, and without thinking anymore, he stomped towards the door, "This is the only time I'm going to the manor on my own will"

(Y/N) grabbed his forearm, "Apparently, I said" she emphasized. "Jay, let me talk to Bruce first"

"And what is there to talk about? It's pretty self-explanatory. I'm just going to beat the one who hit you"

"It's finee, I just didn't have any weapon to use against him"

He crossed his arms, "So Bruce wasn't there when the demon fought you?"

"No... Tim and Alfred were, but Tim was badly injured while Alfred was locked up very well. The boy is an assassin. He said he's 'Damian Wayne Al Ghul,' so my guess is that he's Talia Al Ghul's son"

"Talia?" His eyes widened, recognizing the name of the person who restored his memories using the Lazarus Pit. The time his second life began.

He closed his eyes and sighed in defeat, "Fine" He turned his back to her once again, lost in his thoughts about the situation. (Y/N) was aware that he knew Talia. He's told her the full story of how he crawled out of his grave. Truth be told, she was thankful to have him back. It was the second chance she always wanted. She wanted to forget about him and move on, but how can she now that he's returned? 

"I'll go to the manor tomorrow. This time more prepared, okay?" She glanced at his back, only receiving a quiet hum as an answer. She softly smiled, "I know I've said this before, but I'm glad you're back"

"Babe, I don't think that's a good thing"

She laughed, "It is for me, Jay"

A smirk formed on his lips, wrapping his arms around her, "You know what, you're right. I get to finally respond to your feelings" He nuzzled his face on the crook of her neck, "Sorry I didn't realize it sooner"

In life, if you don't say anything, you suffer never knowing whether the person you love, loves you back; or when you do say something, you suffer knowing they don't love you back. Rarely, both persons reciprocate their love for each other, but at the wrong time. In the end, they can never be together.

Unrequited love is a risk. It's bad luck when the timing is wrong.

The question here is:

Are you willing to go through thick and thin for the one you love?

[End of Epilogue]


Word Count: 2,945

Will there be a sequel?


The answer is YES! There will be a sequel :)

I will keep you updated on when I'll upload it, which would probably be around March or April 2022.

Update‼️ The sequel is out already! You can find it on my profile :)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much I did writing it!


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