Girl's Can Race To

By Street_OutlawsFan

3.7K 76 33

Daryn is Chiefs little sister. One day on race night something happens, she falls for one of her teammates. More

Meet Daryn
Race night Part 1
Race night Part 2
Wtf Azn
Test hits
Movie night Part 1
Movie night Part 2
Not a chapter
First Race
Climbing up the list
Shop visit
The crash
Out in Memphis
How the hell
What do you say?
Go carts and cookouts
Bad news
I'm what?!?
Here's the thing...
Caytlin and Azn
What made you think that?
You're kidding me
It's time
Im sorry
Birthday party
Announcement (please read)


66 1 0
By Street_OutlawsFan

(Daryn's outfit)
~The next day~
Daryn POV:

"Baby, Princess wake up it's your birthday." I hear Ryan say trying to wake me up and believe me I'm awake but since the day I met him I've had fun fucking with him and just cause we're married doesn't mean that's changed. So I keep my eyes closed and try my hardest not to laugh.

"Fine you asked for it." He says and I start wondering what he's talking about.

Ryan POV:

Of course Daryn's being Daryn, which means she's messing with me for fun. I know she's awake, I saw her trying not to laugh.

"Hey Chief?" I ask as I walk downstairs. Everyone else is outside but I have Justin and his two boys in here so she thinks it's just us, because if she finds out that we're making a big deal of her birthday the moment she comes down she will go hide for the day.


"Can I borrow your kids for second?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"That came out wrong, Daryn's messing with me again and won't get up if she sees her nephews then she'll get up."

"Boys do you want to wake up aunt Daryn?" He asks the boys and they instantly push pass me and run up the stairs.

"I'll take that as a yes." I say as I run up the stairs after them. I open the bedroom door and they run and jump up on the bed and start jumping on it. Because why not, I start jumping too.

"Ryan you are way to big to be jumping on the bed, you are going to physically squish me." I hear Daryn say and I start laughing. I stop jumping and the boys sit on her.

"You two are getting big." She laughs.

"Let's let aunt Daryn get ready for the day." I tell the boys and they get off of her. They run back downstairs and she sits up.

"Why did you do that?" She asks giving me a death stare.

"Sorry princess but I knew you were fucking with me as usual and I needed you to get up, it was either I had the boys come jump on you or Justin."

"Ok I'm glad you chose the boys because my brother would've either squished me or I would be on the floor right now." She says and I laugh.

"Get ready then come downstairs." I tell her as I toss her an outfit and head downstairs.

Daryn POV:

So that plan backfired on me. He knew I was faking. I get ready for the day and  head downstairs to see my brother and Ryan talking to each other.

"Hey dumb and dumber what are the plans for today?" I ask them and they turn to look at me.

"I was thinking we could just go in the backyard for a bit." Justin says and I'm suspicious, they always try to do something for my birthday.

"Um ok." I say and we head out back. We get outside and everyone else is there and for once, I don't care that they are making a big deal of my birthday.

"Omg guys this is amazing, thank you." I say as I hug the two of them. As I walk a little farther out I realize that there's a bounce house and most of the guys are in it.

"Aren't there weight restrictions on those things?" I ask and they both shrug.

"Let's go." My brother says as he pulls me to it and jumps on.

"Justin shoes." I tell him and his black adidas come flying out the door thing.

"I meant take your shoes off not near take my head off with them." I tell him.

"Get the fuck in here." Kamikaze says as he pulls me into the bounce house. When I get in I see seven of the guys in there and they are acting like 5 year olds. I kinda just bounce a little in the corner until Azn pulls me into the middle and starts bouncing really high. The other six do the same and suddenly I'm sitting on the floor thing trying not to be bounced out the door. When you are only at most 150 pounds and there are seven grown men bouncing around you, you tend to be thrown around a lot.

"Guy's I don't want to die on my birthday, please stop bouncing me." I say and literally none of them listen to me. When they aren't looking I roll away from them and get out of the bounce house. I get my Vans on and I can hear the guy's confusion.

"What the?"

"Where'd she go?"

"Daryn was in here right?"

"Did we bounce her to high?"

"Please tell me that I wasn't hallucinating her being here?"

I walk over to Ryan laughing and he looks at me confused.

"What's so funny?"

"The guys in the bounce house didn't realize that I got out and they're all trying to figure out where  I went." I tell him and someone taps my back. I turn around and Dominator is standing there.

"Happy birthday hun." He says as he gives me a side hug.

"Thanks Joe." I say and he passes me a small box. I open it and see a pair of earrings I've been looking at for a while.

"Oh my god these are the checkered flag earrings I've been looking at." I say and he nods.

"I had to get Justin's help." He whispers and I laugh.

"Well either way I love them, thank you. " I tell him.

"You'll love my gift too." Azn says as he gets out of the bounce house and walks over to the gate and comes back over.

"This is for you, happy birthday." He says as he passes me a box. Yes I'm uncomfortable with attention but it's my birthday so I'll have to suffer through it. I open the box and there's a Starbucks gift card in it.

"I love it, thank you!" I say as I hug him.

"You know if it wasn't for the fact that you're best friends I would be really jealous right now." Ryan says from behind us and I laugh.

"Hey Azn can I talk to you over there for a second?" Caytlin asks coming over and he nods. They head off and I look at Ryan.

"Damn I didn't even know she was here." I say and Javier comes over.

"I got ya something for your birthday." He says.

"Even the people who know I hate attention are making sure I get it." I say and both boys laugh.

"I wasn't trying to be funny, I was stating the truth." I tell them.

"Um anyways, here." He says passing me a box, what is with these boys and boxes? I open it and it's an identical hoodie to the one that got destroyed about a week ago during the cookout.

"I felt bad for playing a part in ruining the original so I shopped around for a while until I found the exact same one." He says and I hug him.

"Thank you so much Javi." I say. A few more guys give me different things and then Justin walks over to me and I hug him.

"I loved today, thank you so much!" I say.

"Hey I helped him plan it, and I had to go all night without telling you about it I actually contemplated super gluing my mouth shut because I almost told you a few times." Ryan says from behind us and I laugh.

"I never said I didn't appreciate you're part in this." I say going over and hugging him.

"I know." He says looking down at me. Why do I have to be short?

"Hey Daryn I hope you know I didn't forget to get you something." My brother says and I lightly punch his shoulder.

"Cause it would have been such a tragedy if you forgot." I say sarcastically.

"It's once a year I think you'll survive." Justin says then passes me a smallish box. Seriously what in the fuck is with these guys and small boxes, I'm a little concerned.

"You gonna open it or stand there staring at it?" Justin asks me. I open it and it's a new phone.

"I know you're still using the one you smashed-"

"Dropped when I ran into a giant."

"Ok I know you're still using the one you dropped a couple years ago so I got you a new one."

"Wait did she just call me a giant?"

"What in the hell, that was an extremely late reaction." I tell him.

"I wasn't really paying attention." Ryan says shrugging.

"I'm just gonna ignore that, and thank you Justin." I say once again hugging my brother.

"I hope you don't think I forgot to get you something." Ryan tells me.

"I did, I was happy."

"You are one messed up girl."

"But ya love me."

"That I do."

"What in the fuck?" Justin asks and we both start laughing.

"Here" He says passing me a blindfold.

"You got me a blindfold?" I ask looking at him.

"No, but you do have to put it on." He says and I put it on.

"If you walk me into a wall I'm gonna be pissed." I tell whoever is guiding me wherever we're going.

"Ok take it off." I hear Ryan say. I take off the blindfold and infront of me is a motorcycle.

"Holy shit this is the Harley I was gonna get that time but couldn't!" I say in complete awe.

"Yep, I know that you were really upset when you found out it was out of your price range and I had no clue what to get you for your birthday cause I wanted to get you something you were really gonna love then I remembered it so I got it for you." He tells me.

"Babe you could have gotten me a rock and I would've been happy." I tell him.

"Yeah but I wanted it to be special cause this is your first birthday we're together." He says and I hug him.

"Thank you, it means the world to me." I tell him and he kisses me.

"Anything for you princess." He tells me and I realize that I have hit the jackpot when it comes to guys.


Caytlin POV:

"Hey Azn can I talk to you over there for a second?" I ask nervously interrupting his and Daryn's conversation, oops. He nods and we head over by the fence at the other side of the backyard, no one is there because I think at least half of the people here are in the bounce house.

"Hey stranger." He says leaning against the fence and I laugh.

"So I was uh thinking." I start.

"About me?" He asks with a smile.

"W-what nononono." I say quickly, and I know my face is turning red. Honestly, yes I have been thinking about him but just because I'm weak around him doesn't mean I'm that weak. I'm not gonna tell him that I've been thinking about him.

"I was joking, you can continue." He says laughing and I pout.

"Anyways I was thinking that tomorrow maybe we could hang out, if you're not busy of course." I say and he smiles.

"I'd love to hang out tomorrow." He tells me.

"Well I've got to go, see you tomorrow." He says heading to his car.

"See you." I say waving. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Hehehe the next chapter is gonna be the one where Azn and Caytlin hang out that I promised a few chapters ago. I also made this chapter longer to make up for the last couple chapters being short. If you want follow me on Instagram @ zombies2_and_streetoutlaws_fan (I'm a multi fandom but a majority of my posts are about Street Outlaws) let me know what yall think about this chapter.

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