An Alien In Alola

By cookiemuncher4

212K 3.8K 1.7K

The story is about a young person who was once a hero and a human in his dimension, but was stabbed to death... More

Alien Voice
The story begins
Alien VS Alien
Melemele Island
Pokemon VS Alien
A new day
Another day
Under the sea
A new alien
New friends
Pokemon School
Pikachu VS Scorpiblow
Meeting the parents
Tapu Guardians
A haunted Pokemon school
First Z-Crystal
Water Crystal
A day at the city
Alola, Alola!
Heart of Fire, Heart of Stone
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 1
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 2
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 3
A Wild Yungoos Chase part 4 finale
Memories in the Mist!
Secrets out
Tapu Fini VS Alien
A grand debut
Floors on lava
A game of golf
Show me the metal!
Got Meltan?
UB-02 Beauty
The dealer of destruction!
Fist punch part 1
Fist punch part 2
Fist punch part 3 final
Drawn with the wind!
Aiming for the top floor!
The nightmare challenge
Run while you still can
Survive the night
In a nightmare
Tapu Bulu VS Alien
🎄A Christmas Special🎄
The one that didn't get away!
Alien VS Pokemon friends
Living on the cutting edge!
Pokemon Battle Royale
Finding out the truth
Save me
Underground city
Drill battle
Night at the club
Cuban Pete
In control
Dragon battle
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
Sled race battle
Bug fight
Fly racing
Hard as steel
Fashion competition part 1
Fashion competition part 2
Fashion competition part 3 final
Important News
Tapu Lele VS Alien
Beach fun
🦇💀Tales of the Pokecrypt💀🦇
Freaky Thursday
Freaky fight
Who was I?
The truth
I wanna party
Mating Season part 1
Mating Season part 2
🍋Mating Season part 3 final🍋
Christmas video and pictures
❄🎄Christmas Tales🎄❄
Ice, ice, baby's
10,000 In Alola part 1
10,00 In Alola part 2
10,000 In Alola part 3 (short)
10,000 In Alola part 4 final
Electric cat and Electric mouse
The ice pack
Pancake time
The mall
Kids day out
Under the rag
In the shadows
Running with the Lycanroc's
🍋Hot night~🍋
Evil Shiny arrived at Alola
Brother vs Brother
Friends with benefits
More friends with benefits [WARNING]
Final stand
A heart
Shiny (short)
Full alien house

Surfs up

260 8 1
By cookiemuncher4

Here I am in Akala Island on the afternoon which is beautiful like always. I was walking on the beach, looking for Boss's uncle as he said his uncle lives on the beach. Then, the machine beeps as I was getting closer and straight ahead. I turned it off and walked forward, only to be stopped by large crowds of Pokemon looking at the ocean.

ChamAlien: hey, what's going on here?

Rockruff: take a look.

The little rock puppy Pokemon thing pointed at the ocean to see what are they looking at. They are looking at an Alolan Raichu using it's tail as a surfboard and riding in the waves, like it's part of the ocean. It started doing some neat tricks like doing a 360, an alley oop, and tube ride. Everyone in the crowd is cheering repeatedly saying it's name.

All: Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!

Wait... that's Boss's uncle, Thunder. He's the one I'm looking for. After when he's done surfing, he surfed back to shore and he was instantly picked up by a Primarina and a Tsareena and got kiss by both of them on the cheek. Man, they sure love him, but can't blame him because of that neat surgical tricks.

Thunder: ok my dude's and dudettes, shows over. Go home and...

He stopped his sentence when he spotted me. Also, his voice sounds like you'll hear from a surfer, like the ones that kinda sounds like a hippie.

Thunder: like, what do we have here dude's and ?

He fly towards me and immediately recognized who I am.

Thunder: like no way! It's you, The One Who Is Many!

Pyukumuku: no way. It's actually him!?

Clauncher: The One Who Is Many!

Buneary: I think he's here to challenge Thunder.

ChamAlien: that I am. I'm here to challenge you Thunder, for the Special-specific Z-Crystal you got.

Thunder: heh, what makes you think that?

ChamAlien: I've already beaten you're nephew and won.

Everyone has a shocking look on their face.

Thunder: whoa, really? Heh, ok then, grab a surfboard and let's get this started.

ChamAlien: surfboard?

Thunder: yeah. You and me are gonna battle while surgical in the waves. And everyone is gonna watch. Isn't that right folks?

All: yeah!

ChamAlien: ok then, where's the surfboard?

Thunder: let me just do get it.

He flys passed the crowds and later returns dragging and surfboard and gave it to me.

Thunder: now, let's hit the waves so we can start this battle.

We both went in the ocean and I started paddling on the surfboard till we stopped and wait for the wave to come.

Thunder: before we start I want you to know you could turn into any kind of aliens. Except for Dark, Ground, Bug and Ghost type.

ChamAlien: ok, I got it.

Then, I heard a splashing and loud noise. I looked straight and their it was, a wave.

Thunder: let's go! Oh, and we'll also try to knock each other out and fall in the ocean. One of us will win if we do that.

We then went straight towards the wave and were getting closer and closer till were here. After that, I was now standing on the surfboard, keeping my balance so I wont fall.

ChamAlien: whoa! Wh-whoa!

Thunder: having some trouble there dude?

ChamAlien: n-no! It's just I-I haven't been surfing for a while.

Thunder: ok then, whatever you say.

Right after that we are now surfing in the wave and it's a little scary but fun.

Thunder: let's battle!

His first attack move was Thunderbolt and I immediately moved my surfboard and dodge that attack move. I then focus and moved closer to him while keep dodging the Thunderbolt attack. Once I got closer I got the stinger out of my tail and about to sting him but not putting him to sleep, only really tired that he doesn't want to get up.

ChamAlien: have a nice rest!

I moved my tail to try to sting him but he keeps dodging by doing some cool surfing moves.

ChamAlien: quit moving!

Thunder: I would, but I won't.

After many tries I gave up to sting him and went for a different approach. A bright green light went off on the Omnitrix as I'm turning into Upgrade.

Once that's done your probably thinking why Upgrade. That's because I could turn my hands into weapons and he's the first alien I thought is light enough to be on the surfboard. I then made my right hand into a gun.

And the other a mace.

Thunder: whoa. Neet trick.

Upgrade: thanks, learn it myself.

I then fired the gun and an green energy is coming at him, but he dodged and I missed. I then swung my mace at him and he didn't try to dodge it. Instead he used Light Screen to protect himself from the hit, and pnce it made contact the Light Screen didn't break, not even a crack.

Upgrade: wow, that's one tuff shield.

Thunder then used Thunderwave and Immediately did a 360 to dodge it and it worked. I then fired again, but this time on the ocean near him. Once I shoot again bur in the ocean, water was splashing and water was getting on his face, almost loosing his balance. I then swung the mace hand and almost hit him when he dodge. But he grabbed my hand and used Thunder Shock, causing my body to be moving around everywhere as I forgot Upgrade is weak against electricity.

Upgrade: *cough* should've seen that coming.

Thunder: that's because you don't see anything coming.

I recovered from that shock and fired a lazer out of my eye and almost hit Bolt. I kept firing and can't land a hit on him, I then decided to turn into a different alien. The alien I decided to be next is Mole-Stache.

I then made my mustache large and ready to fight.

Mole-Stache: let's go old chap.

Thunder: I'm not old, dude.

I moved my left mustache side and finally got a hit on him, but he's still standing. Thunder then created an Electro Ball and throw it at me, but I made my mustache like a fan and blow ot back at him. He quickly moves out of the way but got hit a little when the Electro Ball landed near him.

Mole-Stache: I say, you sure are good at dodging you're own attack moves.

Thunder: and I'm also good at using Quick Attack while surfing.

Mole-Stache: what?

True to his word he used Quick Attack while surfing and he's coming at me. I quickly steer and balance the surfboard and dodge him, but the water splash my mustache.

Mole-Stache: not the mustache!

Thunder: sorry bro. But thus is a battle, and in battle you loose a couple of things you like.

Mole-Stache: can't argue with that I say.

He then Thunder Wave and I quickly dodge and when he's not looking, I was now behind him. I then punched behind his head but no effect, he turned around and used Thunderbolt. I decided to go for a different alien, and this alien name is Lamput.

Thunder: ha! What are you going to do? Effect me with your cuteness?

Lamput: no, this!

I molded my hand into a flyswatter, leaned a little closer to him and try to hit him. But he keeps dodging and doing some sweet surf moves, he then did Quick Attack but I molded into a large slingshot and he was pushed back.

Thunder: dude, that's one heck of a shape molding alien you got.

Lamput: thanks.

I then molded into a fishing rod, pull back and caught Thunder. I then was trying to reel him him back or get him off of his tail, but he used Spark and my whole body feels all melty Jell-O.

Lamput: *in pain* oowww.

Thunder: ouch, that looks like it hurts.

Lamput: you think!

He then used Thunderbolt and I quickly dodged it and turn into the small battery-like alien name Buzzshock.

And shoot lighting/electricity out of my hands and got a hit on him. He recovered from and fired an Electro Ball and I got hit, but my absorbed it.

Buzzshock: whoa! What a rush.

Thunder: you like that? Then how about this!

He used Thunder Punch but I dodge it and kept firing at him, still trying to get him to fall but no effect, only a little damage on him. I then noticed I was almost off balance and was about to fall, I quickly steady myself and balance. Thunder then moved closer to me and once he got close, he used Nuzzle, but luckily it has no effect, it just makes me stronger.

Buzzshock: ha! That won't work, it just makes me stronger then before!

I then headbutt him on the noggin and it's super effective against a living battery. He looks dizzy and was about to fall of his tail which means now's my chance to finish this and win this. I decided to go for a different alien, one that fits to this surfing challenge fight thing. And that perfect alien for this is Ripjaws.

Now, Ripjaws is vulnerable to electricity, but as long as Thunder doesn't do any electric move, I'm good. I then did the one move to get him off his tail, I squirted water out of my mouth and landed on his eyes, blinding him for a bit till he looses his balance and fall of his tail and into the ocean wave. Oh, and also that means I won.

Ripjaws: yes, I won! And all it took was one hit of water on the eye and some dizziness.

I then saw the Pokemon's who are standing on the beach and just witness the whole thing started cheering. I couldn't hear them, but I can see that their probably cheering and saying my name. I then decided to do some tricks, but before I could do that I saw Thunder just flouted out of the wave and I quickly grabbed him and carried him on my shoulder. I also checked his pulse and he's still alive, and of course he's still alive, after all we live in a world where these creatures can survive fire, lighting and other nasty stuff.

Ripjaws: now, let's show them how a real surfer do this.

I then started doing some surfing tricks. First was 360, then cutback, tube ride, alley oop, bottom turn and more. After that the wave started getting smaller and I made our way back to land and once I got there, everyone cheered and shouted my nickname. Oh, and it jist turned night time.

All: The One Who Is Many! The One Who Is Many! The One Who Is Many!

I was about to be hugged and kissed by a Tsareena and Primarina, but backed the the f*ck away from me.

Ripjaws: sorry girls, but I'm already taken by another Primarina. She's special to me.

Just then, Thunder woke up and coughed out some water.

Thunder: oh man, what just happened?

Ripjaws: I just made you fall off of your tail and I won.

Thunder: awe, man. That's a bummer.

Ripjaws: totally. So, where's my Special-specific Z-Crystal?

Thunder: let me just go get it.

He hopped back on his tail and flew his way towards a rock and got something out of ut from underneath it. He then tossed it to me and I got it, in my hand was orange Z-Crystal with an Alolan Raichu's tail on it.

Thunder: that there is an Aloraichium Z. Only works on Alolan Raichu, dude.

Ripjaws: thanks man.

I put it in my bag and we said our goodbyes, all of the Pokemon went back home as they just got entertained by me in a surfing battle. I decided to swim my way back home and luckily the machine is water proof. Once I made it back home I turn into ChamAlien.

Went to the door and opened it and before I could get inside, I was immediately been pinned down and getting multiple kisses by Pop.

Pop: Frank! I miss you! I miss you! I miss you! I miss you!

ChamAlien: heh, I miss you two Pop. But please get off of me, I've been throw so much.

After she got off of me I went inside and the others told me what I happened all day. I told them everything and showed the the four Special-specific Z-Crystal I got. After that, we all went to our rooms and went to bed, I immediately drifted to sleep as this was quite a day a day this has been.

To Be Continued...

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